RID CLOUD, NJBKASKA, 0 H I E a I AS TOLD TO US x::"::;-:'? JOIN the RED CROSS nowlj Save the Waste and Win the Wait Alva Sherman went to Bladen, Mon day. Hnrry Regcster spent Monday In Blue Hill. Hoy Ilnsslugcr spent Monday In Hastings. D. A. Groat of Rlvertou was In the city Friday. Miss Altn Douglas spent Monday in Guide Roulc. Roy Sattley Undertaker-Auto Hearse connection. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Moore spent Mon day In Superior. Dr. Cross' dental oDlce will bo closed until August 1st. Jack Steitln left Saturday for Mitch ell, South Dakota. Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J.' C Mitchell, the Jeweler. Clark Crow spent Sunday with his mother at Guide Rock. Robt. Moliride went to Republican City, Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sattley were In Hastings, Monday evening. Dr. Asher of Rlvcrton was in the city Monday enroute to Wyoming. Mrs. Smith and children spent Sun day with relatives at Guide Rock, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Schellnk of Hastings spent Sunday In the city. Dr. Baker of Alma was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Retztnan, Wednes day. Several of our citizens attended the Sells-Floto circus at Hastings, Satur day. Mrs. Nate Piatt and daughter, Mar garet, went to Cowles, Monday, to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Laird of Blue Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Buzzard. Mrs. J. A. Bradford and children went to York, Monday, to attend the funeral of her uncle. Messrs. and Mesdanies Joseph and Tim Topham spent Sunday with George Topham at Blue Hill. Miss Elsie Turner who is attending the state normal at Kearney spent the weekend with her parents. Harvey ltlokcrson spent Sunday with Miss Louise Schumacher, who Is visit ing her 6ister at Frauklln. Miss Luclle Coplen came up from Guide Rock, Sunday evening, to visit Mrs. E. W. Coplen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Biz Points left Tues day for California and Oregon where they will spend several weeks. Kenneth Wilson, Hugh Baird and. Meredith Butler attended the ball gamo at Blue Hill, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. A. A. LeRoy left Monday for Kearney where she will join her hus band and make their future home. Don Fulton, Carl Jernberg and the Misses Irene and Rose McGuire attend ed the circus'at Hastings, Saturday. Father Fitzgerald was in Guide Rock, Monday afternoon, where he wasprin clpal speaker at the Flag Raising exercise. Dr. and Mrs. Cross and children left Monday via automobile for Douglas, Wyoming, whore they will enjoy an outing. Tkliss Harriet Oxer, of Franklin, af ter spending the weekend with Miss Marie Hollister, went to Guide Rock, Monday. The following shipped hogs to Kan sas City, Sunday: Delaney Bros., three cars. Chas. Stewart, ono car and Ed Rclher one car. Ralph and Paul Nowhouse, Merlin Boner, Raymond McClure, Will Mc Bride and Earl McKluney spent Sun day at Dowecse. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gilham returned home Tuesday evening from Iowa, where they had been visiting their son Harry and wife, Supt. P. M. Whitehead nnd E. J. Ovorlng wore in Guldo Rock, Sunday, where they were the principal speak ers at a Red Cross meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fogel and daugh ter, Miss Marguerite, left Saturday via automobile for California and Oregon where they will spend several weeks. Canned berries are bird proof. Grant Green spent Tuesday in Hast ings. Cha9. Funk spent Tuesday at Fair mout. Earl McKimmey spent Tuesday in Hastings. Oloy Iverson of Bladen was In the city Saturday. On Tuesday Carrol Alles enlisted In Co. K. of Blue Hill. Will Robertson was In Omaha the first of the week. .Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Phillips spent Friday In Hastings. Howard Yost of Blue Hill spent Sun day with home folks. Mrs. Georgo Perry went to Cowles, Wednesday inorulug. Attorney A. M. Walters was down from Blue Hill, Tuesday. Miss Irma Ranney went to Blue Hill Tuesday, to visit friends. Lost A bunch of keys. Finder leave samo with Guy Zeigler. Mrs. Auva Canfleld of Grand Island is visiting friends in the city. H. C. Erctt and Sam Saunders re turned to Grand Island, Monday, Vincent Johnston arrived in the city Monday evening to visit his mother. Floyd Woods and Bert Sherman went to Hastings, "Wednesday morning, "Fly-No" has proved to be tho best ily dope for your stock. Sold by Cot tine. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Welsch arc the parents of a baby boy which was born Saturday, Enill Poluicky returned home Wed nesday morning from Moorecroft, Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Thomas attended tho Chautauqua at Guldo Rock, Tucs day evening. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Uulfer are the parents of a baby girl which was born the last of tho week. Mel McUall was in Kansas City, Monday, where he had several cars of stock on the market. Clove Loy has accepted the position of brakeman and conductor on Koontz's Powell Bros. Smoke House CIGARS that ore The Brand Your Dodor Good Smokes Most complete line of Cigars and Tobaccos in Red Cloud Farm Loans Call at my headquarters for the cheapest farm loans, as 1 have them Sole agent for Trovett, Mattis and Baker. Private funds on hand. J. II. Bailey. ri0 Hamilton - Ctthtr Clothing CO fMMlPk13Mrfr Everything Man r moy wr street railway system. Chas. Woods of Grand Island spent the first of the week with his daugh ter, Mrs. Wyeth Fogel. Art Sheeley returned to Hastings Thursday morning after spending a few days with friends here. Miss Vclma Roby returned to Nel son, Tuesday, after visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bohrcr. Mrs. Frank ie McCall and children returned to Lincoln, Saturday, after spending several days with friends here. On Tuesday, Jas. Gilbert, who had grown tired of waiting for the draft, to become a soldier, enlisted in Co. K, of Blue Hill. Attorney and Mrs. E. G. Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Will Auld attended the Chautauqua at Guide Rock, Tues day evening. Chas. Swartz was called to Alma, Saturday morning, on account of the serious illness of bis father who pass, ed away on Sunday. Two more of our young men have answered the call for volunteers, they being Elton Pope and Cecil Cummiugs who enlisted in Co. K. of Blue Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walkor and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Britton left Monday via automobile for Estcs Park, Colorado, where they will spend a few weeks, Miss Constance Roubal went to Omaha, Tuesday, to accompany her sister, Grace, homo from the hospital where she had been for several months. Tho Misses Margaret and Torcsa Keliott returned to Hastings the last of tho week after spending tho Fourth with their parouts, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kellett. Miss Anno Ranney loft Friday for Peru wliero she will join her sister, Miss Pauline, and from therothey will go to Okoboji, Iowa, where they will enjoy an outing. Lieutenant Clayton Ranney o Co. K. was down from Blue Hill, Tuesday and Wednesday, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Ranney and securing recruits for the army. Paul Dickson of East Orango, New Jersey, Arrived in the city tho last of the week to visit his mother, Mrs. S. C. Dickson and brother, Ed, and also his wife who had been visiting her mother, Mrs. Ducker. Tho Misses Mary Christian, Edith Beokwith and Rotta McDowell, Mrs. Barbara Pharcs and Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Newhouse and sons Paul and Ernest attended the Chautauqua at Guide Rock, Tuesday evening. On another page wo publish a six column feature prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture, telling how to best can and preserve fruits and vegetables. It is of unusual interest and value just at this time. Read it. Marlon Funk, who joined tho U. S. Navy several months ago and is now stationed at tho Great Lakes training camp near Chicago, returned to that place Tuesday after spending a few days with his father, Chas. Funk and family. Join the Red Cross now. Roxlo Weaver is spending tho day in Blue Hill. Mrs. Guy Barnes went to Bostwick this morning. Harry and Joe Topham were in Hast ings, Saturday. Mrs. Russel Amack spent Wednes day in Guide Rock. Miss Mao Wondcrly came down from Inavale this morning. Guy Zeigler was in Lidcoln and Omaha tho first of the week. Helen Robinson went to Hastings, Wednesday, to visit her brother, Bruce and wife. Arthur Gilbert of McCook spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Ed Gilbert. Mrs. Moranvllle and Mrs. Wm. Mont gomery spent Wednesday with friends at Guide Rock. Mrs. Geo. Coon left Wednesday for Battle Creek, Michigan, where she will visit her brother. Sam Temple returned to Kansas City, Sunday, after spending a week with friends here. Jas. Young of Beaver City spent Sun day with his sister, Mrs. W. II. Mc Kimmey and family. Lost A set of pipe dies between my store and C. J. Piatt's farm west of town. E. W. Stevens. Roscoc Arbuckle, a Smith Center boy, will appear In "The Butcher Boy'' at the Orpheum Saturday. Mrs. Ella Patrick and Miss Myra Cook of Omaha arrived in the city Wed nesday to visit their father, Dr. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gellatly and daughter of Indianapolis, Indiana are visiting at the home of thnlr son and brother, Chal and wife. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cowden and family and Robert McCall went to Deweese, Wednesday morning, where they will spend two weeks on the Blue river. A. B. Pierce will address a meeting at the Congregational church next Sunday at 3 p. m. Subject "Birth right and Blessings given to Israel. W. I. Paterson will also give a talk. Miss Mablc Bailey returned home Sunday evening from Omaha where she had been visiting her brothers, Will nnd Grant. She was accompanied home by hor brother, Grant, who came to spend a, few days with his parents. Lost a friendship bracelet July 4th containing nino links. On the liuks were: F. W., B. S., M. G., L. E. R E. E. K., Helen, Hazel, H. T. W., A. M., and was linked together with a watch chain and snap. Please return to Gertrude McCord, Guide Rock. Tho Government neods farmers as well as fighters. Two million three hundred thousand acres of Oregon & California Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title revested in Uuited States. To bo oponcd for homesteads and sale. Con taining some of best land left in United States. Largo copyrighted mop show ing land by sections and description of soil, climate, rainfall, elevations, tern peraturo etc. Postpaid ono dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co,, Box 010 Portland Oregon. The local school garden tract has un dergone a complete ohange. Where formerly weeds of almost every variety grew In abundance, Is now to be found a promising crop of vegetables, etc., such as any worthy tiller of the soil would be proud to call his own. Un der the supervision of Prof. Baird this department of our city schools has made great progress and the children have taken unusual interest in this work. By his untiring efforts Prof. Baird has instilled into the minds of his pupils tho importauco of this class of work and judging from the appear anoo of this garden tract, ho and his workers will be rewarded for their efforts with a bountiful harvest. Tho local sohool board is to be compliment ed on tbelr good business judgment in selecting a teacher so worthy of the ptsltlon he fills. R-ED CLOUD, NEBR. CHAUTAUQUA JULY 29 to AUGUST 4 INCLUSIVE For Tickets, Illustrated Programs, Etc., Sec HOWARD S. FOE, Local Mnnnacr LAUGH nnd LEARN Weep nnd Wonder Sense nnd Nonsense STRICKLAND GILLILAN AMERICA'S FOREMOST Humorist-Famous Author of "Finnignn" "Never a Dull Moment" Snnppy.Orlginnl-Artlstic A Varied Popular Program ROUND'S A Big Novelty Company Including World'8 Greatest Lmlv Drummer Ladies' All Star Orchestra n" Ucii soloist Councellor of Presidents to Discuss "American Leader ship nnd the World War" Governor H. A. BUCHTEL A Comprehensive, Statesmanlike,? Yet Simple nnd Vivid Picture of PossibiliticH Survivors of the Lusitanin Stirring Choruses, Solos, Quartets Etc. GWENT WELCH Male Choir Most Noted Welsh Singing Club-Wonderful Ensemble "A Live Wirc"--Informntion at First Hnnd nnd Down-to- the-Mlnute-Vital-Virlle Congressman Victor MURDOCH "Notional Remedies for National HIs"A Great Subject-Opportune TimcA Big Man A Genuine Hawaiian Program By the Best of Hawniian Artists Vier r&'s tlstwaiistn Hcnr t,,e Popu,nr ukuicic pinyed q j Q by Real Ilawnlinns. OingerS and JrlayerS Drcnmy-Wclrd-Enchnntlng Vocational Expert to Lecture on Helpful Topic--"Success Where You Are" Mrs. Harriette Gunn ROBERSON Direct Dcsccndcnt of Louisn M. Alcott. Author, Lecturer, Woman's Friend Grand Opera Scenes In Costume By Big Singers-A Rare Treat for You Hugh Anderson Operatic Co. Noted Chicago Basso nnd Company Will Give Balfc's Ever Popular "Bohemian Girl" From Submarines to Real Art Every Minute Both Interesting and Instructive Crayon and Language Artist GEO. E. COLBY "Facts, Fun nnd Fiction" His talk is ns Funny nnd as Artistic ns His Pictures Wf Jcs--Gunranty of Quality, Moral, Humorous, Clean- "The Play of the Hour" Clare Vaughan Wales Lyceum Players A Clean Comcdn-Drnmn "REJUVENATION" Drnmntic, Not Theatrical "FAITH nnd FEAR"--A Lending Dr. Wm. b. Dr. Lena K. "LITTr.EFOXES"..Sncciall8tDIs- Physician Tells Health Facts TLQ "lrO QorllftT CU88CS Hygiene of Childhood. Simply I I ID Ul bi CciUlrJl Joint Roundtnblc, 4:30 "The Sign of the Cross" on Sundays, and Other Days ns Rcquested- Grcat Reader Dramatic Recitalist Sarah Mildred Willmep "Experience." AH Will Laugh With the Reader, But Youth Will Profit By It Later Eastern Entertainers Music and Monologues Original, Highclass Earl Paul J. Oberg & Barnaby Composer, Writer, Readings, Planologs, Imitations, Etc., Etc. You'll Shout to Hear Them Sing ! "The Old Flag Never Touched the Ground" MASON'S JUBILEES A Genuine Jubilee Company A Real Jubilee Program County Treasurer's Semi-annual Statement RECAPITULATION, Showing the amount on hand Jan'y 4th, 1917, the collections since made, warrants re deemed, and amount remaining on hand at the close of the 30th day of June, 1917, in each and all of the several funds and accounts of C. D. Robinson, Treasurer Webster County, Nebraska, together with the total amounts of the several items stated. COLLECTIONS DISBURSEMENTS BALANCES-. To Cash on hand ? 91.G18.C1 Paid State Treasurer 30,414.50 state Funds $ 1,012.45 j To 1908 Tax Collections . . 5.35 Paid County Gen. War. . . 17,131.75 state Auto Fees 34.55 To 1909 Tax Collections . . 7.15 Paid County Bridge War.. . 13,723.48 state School Land 3,904.85 To 1910 Tax Collections .. .40 Paid County Poor War. . . 1,101.41 state Univ. Land 1,400.38 j To 1911 Tax Collections . . 10.03 Paid Co. Soldier's Rlf. War 4.50 County General 10,243.37 To 1912 Tax Collections . . 132.58 Paid Co. Inheritance .... 258.55 County Bridge '.... 5.484.G8 I To 1913 Tax Collections . . 185.93 Paid School Orders 73,517.84 County Road 7,925.31 I To 1914 Tax Collections . . 1,011.17 Paid School Bonds 1,843.53 County Poor 1,087.27 ' To 1915 Tax Collections . . 2,050.08 Paid Com'r Orders 1,894.12 County Commissioner .... 7,080.95 I To 1910 Tax Collections . . 133,920.09 Paid Road Orders 5.4G9.00 County Soldiers' Relief .... 80.59 j To School Land Princ. .. . 3,900.00 Paid Road Drag Orders. .. 1,047.41 County Road Drag 3,072.29 To School Land Int. ...... .. 990.00 Paid Polls 10.00 Inheritance 550.90 " To School Land Lease .... 15 1.30 Paid Bladen Treas 2,053.83 School Districts 20,875.80 ' To Univ. Land Princ 1,790.00 Paid Bladen Bonds 351.40 School Bond 7,233.40 j To Univ. Land Int 720.83 Paid Blue Hill Trcas .... 1.9 18.00 Fines and Licenses 207.00 ' To School Land Lease .... 30 1.20 Paid Blue Hill Bonds .... 475.00 Redemptions 44.00 To Jan'y App't 3,013.32 Paid Cowles Treas 70.00 Bladen Village 71.55 To Misc. Coll, General.... 1,340.32 Paid Guide Rock Treas. .. 0.30 Blue Hill Village .42 To Poor Farm 4,280.33 Paid Red Cloud Treas. . . . 0.924.0G Blue Hill Bonds 1,492.70 -1 To Fines and License?. . . . 207.00 Paid Guide Rock Bonds . . 1,845.45 Bladen Bonds ; 4,525.30 i To Inheritance 9.00 Paid Redemption 2,000.90 Cowles Village 108.44 To Int. on Co. Deposits. . . . 701.05 Paid Refund Sch. L. Int . . 101.40 Guide Rock Village 1,234.18 To Red Cloud City Treas.. . 1,500.00 Paid Fees and Com 1,432.12 Red cloud City 01.05 To Redemptions 2,000.90 Red Cloud Bond 2,820.90 To Com'r Funds 32.00 Fees s 71042 To Fees 15.50 To Motor Vehicles 1,017.10 ' " , 1 ! i $253,018.20 $170,350.79 . ? 82,007.41 I, C. D. ROBINSON, being first duly sworn according to law, on oath depose and say that the above is a full, true and correct statement of funds collected and disbursed by me as County Treasurer from Jan'y 4th, 1917, to Juno 30th, 1917, inclusive, as I verily believe. C. D. ROBINSON, COUNTY TREASURER. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this Gth day of July, 1917. ""' (SEAL) B. F. PERRY, COUNTY CLERK. j Luke McLuko Says: A man may bo ns black as ho Is painted, but a woman Is never as pink as sho Is painted. When wo seo a painting that seems to have neither purpose nor reason, wo call It art and let it go at that It Is hard to reallzo that a big, bull necked, pop eyed, flat nosed guy with sandy whiskers onco took a prlzo at a baby show. A man Is norer damaged as much as tho amount ho sues for, and bo Is never damaged as Httlo as tho amount tho fury awards him. If most of us wcro as big as wo lm iglne we are, tho streets would havo to be widened. Xbe. trouble with a. woman, la that sho always wanfs fo do something else. It Is different with a man. But a woman Is more afraid of getting fat than she is of getting consumption. No, Harold, women do not llko to kiss each other any moro than men llko to kiss when they meet But the women llko to mako tho men imnglno that they nro missing something. Tbero isn't as much to bark about at night as a dog thinks tbero is. And tbero isn't ns much going on down town at night as a woman thinks tbero Is. Before he gets her ho thlnkfl sho Is a clinging vine. But later on ho likens her to polBon Ivy. Tho fellows who are not getting any of. It are the ones who know that the worfd"G"f ulT ofgraf t Tho old fashioned man who used to wear a Mcintosh now has a son who wears a raincoat When you And it In tho butter, a blond hair looks just as bad ns a gray one. It Is easy to tell a girl that you lovn her when you don't But It la hard to tell her that you love her when you do. Soma men regard their conscience and their appendix as excess baggage. Most of tho men who nro seeking positions aro dodging Jobs. Tbero Isn't enough horsepower tn tho .world to force a woman to do what be will do willingly after a little Jolly; lo .1 f h . hi I ail w'l u. f ,,