i , k r K. iS autoHWorlctvl A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME 45 BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JULY 12, 1017. NUMBER 2 U'VAW.V.V.V.V.VV.V1V.V.V.V.V.V.".V.V.V.V.V.V.V.W.W A REAL MAN ! V i It is pretty hard to assert your independence and defy the world when you have an empty slomach and an empty pocket book. If your bluff is called, then what? The prudent man who has saved a little, who has a reserve at the bank to tide him over a month or two. isn't so afraid of i i kness. nor such a coward about being out ot a job. A bank account is a stimulant to real manhood. The larger the account the firmer the footing. It breeds self-confidence, is proof of efficiency and is an ever-present resource in time of need. It's not what a man earns in a year that gives him a surplus at the bank, it's what he saves. Webster County Bank I i i tW-K. m m ! AW.VAWWAVWAV.V.W.VV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VV.'l Red Cloud, Nebraska Summer Necessities Refrigerators We haverseyeral designs and sizes that willl please Built to meet all requirements. Priced to sell. Cool Cookers A complete line of coal oil cook Stoves, one, two three and four burners, with or without oven GEO. W. TRINE ppn ri.ftim's rEAniNC hardware fifai.fr vv 'Wttrirl'i-l-tei'i' i i y v x Bill 1 1 in 11 nil 11 1 iti n '' fill 1 1 1 1 I III r ' HL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 1 111 II SJ-i B illlTlM 1mm 1 !fifl 1 1 r - 1 II Hw il"l"l"ll"l"lMlil"$ Porch Furniture While the evenings are hot why not spe?id your evenings on your porch? We have the Porch Swings, Setees and Porch Chairs to make you comfortable. We also have a good stock of Folding Canvas Cots, Steel Cots and Sanitary Couches. J Come in and let us show them to you. q THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. ROY SATTLEY 4 v V 2 y x Licensed Embalmer Furniture Dealer x x 1 x X X X X X X X X X 2 & M&MWi:MM-W'Wrrt Library Building Contract Let At n mooting of the Library Donnl, oti Tuosdny evening, the soiiled bids for the new library were opened ntul Win. Geihiey of ICnusas City was awarded the contract. Mr. Ocdney was the lowest of six bidders, his tig ures beiUK Sl.'i.COO, or SjIJG below the next lowest bidder. The figures of Mr. Gedney iiiolude building, hentlng, plumbing, lighting, furniture and fix tures, except the tables, chairs and books Tills contractor erected tho Clarke Hotel at Hastings uud is now erecting the library at Orleans Specifications are for rough finished brick of n dark color with trimmings of Bedford stone, glazed greeu tile roof, fireproof concrete floors and white marble wainscoting. The building Is one story and staudard basement. - Work on the building will be com menced us boon us material can be brought heio and tho building com pleted by December 1st. Oil Meeting Tonight An importaut meeting of tho Dig Chief Oil & Gas Co. will, be held this evening at the Morhart' Opera House and an invitation is extended to alt who are in any way Interested In the future development of the oil field to be present, as many Important matters will be brought up at this meeting. The committee, composed of Messrs C. H. Potter, P. M. Whitehead, W. I. Patterson and A. T. Walker, who re cently visited, the Augusta-Eldorado oil fields will make a report at this time. They have made arrangements with a drilling company in that district to drill a well ot about 4000 feet. The matters pertaining to securing of the balance ot the necessary land leases as woll as issuing of stock certificates will also be taken into consideration. While in the Kansas fields the com mittee put to test the instrument that is used to determine wether or not oil is to be found beneathjtho surface and the tests proved satisfactory to all concerned. Endeavors to Secure Recruits Tuesday was a Busy Day H.C Henry, who oti April J, was hound over to the district court by County Judge Hunney was turned over to the county authorities by ills bonds men on Tuesday. On Tuesday Sheritf HulYer arrested Floyd Holiday for stealing a bet of harness from Yance Sorgenson about ten days ago. The young man disposed of the harness to a party residing in Kansas. He is now in the county jail awaiting a preliminary hearing. Deputy Sheriff Boner, on Tuesday took into custody Fred Chumborliu who, with his brother, conducts a drug store at Bladen. The charges aro refusing to register on June Gth. He was brought, here to uwalt action of tho federal authorities According to records in the family bible the young man was born March 18, ISS'i and Is 33 years old. The com plaining witnesses seem to bear malice towaul this geutlman for some un known reason. Deputy U S. Marshal Carroll of Lincoln came to this city yesterday to take into custody Fred Chamborllu of Bladeu and another violator of the registeratlon laws. Ho left this morn ing for Lincoln accompanied by his two prisoners, who will be given a hearing in tho federal court. Fred Kersch, who for some time past has conducted a shoe repair shop on south Webster street, was arrested by Sheriff Huffer on last Monday night. Judging from assertions made by Kcrsh in the past, bis loyalty to the govern ment was questioned. Recently he was Informed that bis conduct was un becoming of a true American citizen, but evidently this warning was not heeded. He is now in the county jail awaiting the arrival of federal authori ties who will give him a hearing In the federal conrt. This should be an example for some of the citizens of the community who have been known to express rather strong feelings of resent ment towatd our form of government. Attend the Red Cloud Chautauqua, July 29-Aug. 4 On Monday evening Captain Hogate of Co. K and Chaplain Cobbey of the 5th Nebraska Infantry were in the city and presided over a patriotic meeting. The Bed Cloud Band, uuder the direction of their new leader, Mr. II. S. Foe, mado their initial appearance and rendered several selections, after which Mayor Damerell introduced Chaplain Cobbey, who delivered one ot the best addresses our citizens have been prlvoleged to hear. The speaker was here in the interests of Co. K of Blue mil, this compauy requiring several more recruits to bring it to war strength. Among the many points of importan ce brought before his audience by this gentleman was that it was better for young men to volunteer and join the national guards where they would be associated with home men and otllcors whom they know, and who would see that they would have the best of care, rather than wait and be drafted. Before tho week Is over we feel that his words of wisdom will bring forth good fruit, in the way of volunteers. Well Known Policeman Becomes Paramount Star The original "film cop," Al St. John, who has made tho comedy policeman a famous character, has graduated from that class and will be seen as a co-star of Roscoo "Fatty" Arbuokle, in tho first of tho serios of Paramount Ar buckle Comodles, "Tho Butcher Boy," at the Orpheum Theatre, Saturday July 14, matlnoo 2;30 adm. 5 and 10c, night 8:0o, adm. lb and 13c. Fred Goll Breaks Leg Playing Base Ball Fred Goll had a bone In his right leg broken while playing base ball at the Red Cloud Fourth of July celebration. Ho was sliding in at the home plate when the spike in his shoe stuck into the wooden block, his foot being doubled over, snapping the bone and tearing the ligaments at the ankle. Fred was taken at onco to the hotel and Dr. Crolghton attended to his in juries His leg was placed In a cast and he was brought home to Blue Hill tn a car. Fred is getting along nicely and his greatest concern is the pos sibility that his injury may lutorfere with his entering the military servlco when the reserves, of which he is a member, are called out. This is the second time that IJroil has sacrificed a leg in his enthusiasm for the success of his home team, hav ing had his left leg broken four years ago. Blue Hill Leader. Notice Commenclug noxt week tho Orpheum will only show three nights each week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, during tho hot weather. $720 Donated to Red Cross Last Friday evening the members of tho Red Cross mot at the court house and received reports from the various committees. There wore a number of other pooplo interested in the move ment at this meeting and they prompt ly joined tho organization. The inter est in the movement and the doslrc to help seems to be almost universal. Webster County Chapter has at pres ent about one hundred members Donors to the one hundred million drlvo aro as follows: Alf McCall S100 McCallBros 100 War Relief Club 100 W. J.Auld 100 C.J.Piatt 100 O. R.Bcsse 100 C.J.Pope 100 Ladles Circle 10 H.O. Letson 10 Other contributors will be listed as they come In M II . ra SMWWlf m II .kllliJ . X-l 11 fa m fiftSi2 w&jsssser v "& fmCkPS jm- --- - "- ''j2?8rm' 38ES 'WW'; r hot iZffJLMslw' 'VJ?'- M6W " X LVST ss M EVERY WOMAN IN THE WORLD WOULD BE GLAD TO RECEIVE ONE MORE NEW RING, SO WOULD EVERY MAN. A RING IS A MARK OF AFFECTION EVER BEFORE THE EYE OF THE WEARER. WHEN IN DOUBT, GIVE A RING, : IF IN DOUBT ABOUT WHERE TO GET THE RING, COME SEE OURS AND YOUR DOUBTS WILL.. FLEE. WE CAN PLEASE YOU; OUR RINGS WILL PLEASE YOUR FRIENDS. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEWHOUSE Ore. B. ft. Q. Watch Inspector m D D Id R. P, Weesner & Co. m DSSIe Dry Goods Special THIS WEEK ONLY One Hundred Pieces IRONTEX PERCALE Fast Colors. Slightly narrower than ordinarily Percale, but the same quality. A large range o! patterns in light greys and darks Selling This Week at 12G per yard D D m 1 Dd m Try an Ad in the Chief if you want to buy sell or trade AVE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COHL ORDERS PLATT&FREES Attend Band Concert Tomorrow Nile II m 'I' I II .."!, J -v-Ml- -fcV i"!' . Aj-.-V l U .--- -I