The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 05, 1917, Image 8

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M" "" '- '' . 4
Estes Park
Rocky Mountain National
THIS mngiitHcQiit vacation-land, so near nt hand, litis bi'i-n undo Nationn
Park tuid It cetrnluly hns uvery requisite for u National bunmier pln I
ground. It Ir a region of forests, canyon!, streams and laltes, a paradise of
mountain air and wild (lowers, a natural atnpliltlii'iitie of 150 MiMaru tulle,
with snow-fiippi-il panoramic barrleih LonyV lVnk, James' Parle and the
Continental Divide.
lIurlhiKton tinlnn tahe you thete iiululclv and at a small cost-only 827 0o,
Konerally sppiiklnif, from middle and eastern .ehiasla and Kstes Parle. Tills
Includes rail and auto via Lyons ot Lorcland.
Over 50,000 tourists visited Kstes Parle last .Summer.
Colorado has hundreds of resorts, rccrcatlvo places and automobile tours.
You have every day the lowest possible rates to Denver, Colorado SpriiiKS itml
Kstes Parle. Arrange early for any accomodations that you will want In Colo"
i ano this oomitiK summer. Let me help you.
L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent
loot Kuril u m St. Omaha. Nobr
N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb.
PND jEfll OR ft pro
flade flight, bettered
Right Hud Ereeted Right
Makers of Artistic' Monuments
Red Cloud,
An American Pictures Scenes in
Subway Dressing Station
Near Trenches.
Captain, Priest, Private and German
Lad, All Dying, Get Tender Caro
From Overworked Hospital
and Ambulance Aids.
The work of tho Hod Cross surgeon
nntl strotchor hearers nt the front In
Franco was never more vividly Illus
trated than In n rerent letter forward
ed to America. It was written by
Philip O. JIllls to Mr. Eliot Norton,
head of the Volunteer Motor Ambu
lance corps which Mr. Mills was serv
ing. Tho communication was prlvnte.
but was made public because of the
clearness with which It hets forth the
scenes nmld which the surgeons and
umbulance workers labor, day after
day. The text follows:
"Tonight I am sitting In a small un
derground cellnr of n public building,
nctlng as n sort of timekeeper for the
cars (ambulances) going up to our
tarns to the wounded man, gently feoli
Ihla nose, lifts up his closed eyelid, and
nt his nod tho stretcher Is again lifted
nnd the wounded man Is carried Intc
the operating room, nnd soon after lntc
the Uttlo room of sorrows.
"In answer to my eager question, the
surgeon shakes his' head.
"'Not n chance.'
"A hrancnrdler nnd I gather the sol
dier's belongings from his clothes to
he fcnt to his wife, but even we have
to stop for a few minutes after we
see tho photograph of his wife and
their two little children. f
"An hour later, as our night's work
Is slncklng up nnd several enrs hnve
driven up nnd been unlooded, the In
flnnlcr conies In from the little room
nnd says something to the brnnrnr
dlers. Two of them get n Mretchor,
anil In n moment the blp.t from
Belleville" comes pnst us with a shoot
over him. They lay him down at the
other end of the room and nnothor
hrnncardler begins rolling and tying
him lu burlap for burial. As I look
ho changes to n shapeless log. Then,
out to the dend wagon with It.
"Soon nftor, I go Into tho little ward
oguln to see how the others are com
ing through the night, nnd am glad to
see them nil quieted down. Even tho
little Germnn seems In less pain,
though his breathing still shakes the
heavy bed he lies on.
"Through a chink I see that day Is
beginning to break, nnd I hear tho
chief's car coming In from tho sap, nnd
know that the night's work Is over."
This Is not n sketch from the Imagi
nation of n novelist It Is the nctual
j Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse
H j)i'n!"V(,IJWYl'"""rT,VlYffrrrlvf''1 rifri V- r VfMf n""n . m.-
I iilliSiM
mM&MtfTIMaWm i$W ire 'lJBMi??HZMW
iffir&m&r - 1HH HnwO
S xth iiMmW :A4Z'rM:4&:
- . 1 'Vi
T. .1. Rlpglns aud family autoed to
Itlvertoti Sunday.
Mr. and Mr. Ira Jones and Lee Hel
ton Stindayed at Deweee.
IMdlo Denton a'ud Chesley tiiinn
were in Campbell Sunday. '
Lee Helton and Marlon Hurkholder
were In Campbell Saturday evening
Miss Lola Seabury of Peril, spent the
week at the home of Miss Mae Denton
Mr. and Mrs. Harold HoHglnud of
Central Cltv visited at the O. I). Ham
sell home tlie first of the week.
J. V. l).ivls and family, who have
been visiting relatives lu Colorado the
past Hiieo weeks, returned homo Tues
day. While motorcycling toward Hastings
Fiiday, G. (5. Koss and Alva Sherman
struek a mail hole In tho road and im
mediately abandoned the machine.
The result of the upset was a broken
ankle for Mr. Ross and some bumps
for Alva. The machine was loft to the
Spontaneous combustion caused by
stoilng irreen alfalfa in his granaiy
drive way, set fire to Hie building of
W. 12 Toap Monday and destroyed the
entire building and Its contents, in
cluding one bundled fifty bushels of
corn, a Imtvetter, two wagons nnd sev
eral other machines.
Wlhen the
Firemen Appear
the insured man's fint tliouglit it one of
tliankfulncu lliat lie is io How abou
jour thoughts il a fiircman should ap
pear at your home?
The Da.y "
Before the Fire
is (he day to iniute. As that day may
be to-morrow lor all ou can know or
do, it fellows that prudence would im
pel! you to slop in our office to day and
have us issue ou a,
R.eliak.ble Insurance
Sunday Service at
:; Christian Church
Red Cross surgeon and orderlies give first aid to wounded in little
underground dressing stations Inthe front-line trenches. War records
show that as many Red Cross men are killed by enemy fire as regular
soldiers In the trenches. Red Cross field service is not a pastime.
1 0 a. m. Sunday School subject for adults: ,
"New Birth"
ll a. m. subject: "Hobby Riders" :
i 8, p. m. Mr, Patterson will deliver a lecture :
i on his trip to Europe. i
The Call
for Good Lumber at
Low Prices has been
Answered by Us
If you are looking (or Lumber or
Building Material of the Highest
Quality come here for your supplies.
Regardless of the purpose for which
you need lumber, whether for an entire
building, or just an odd little repair job,
we can furnish you Good, Clean,
Knotless Lumber at prices that you
will recognize as low under the present market conditions.
JKalone-Gellatly Go.
IM1.1V,.. V
lu t JV
most dangerous post, nnd handling tho
reserve enrs for wounded In the town
Itself. The whole woihl Is passing
here French, Americans ; living,
wounded nnd dying.
"A long, henvlly nrched corridor,
with stone stops leading down to it,:
two conipnrtments off to one side, lined
with wlno.hlns. where our reserve men
and n few French hruncurdlers
(stretcher hearers) nre lying on their
stained stretchers, some snoring; be
yond, n door that lends to a little sick
unrrt the most pathetic little room I
have ever seen with four beds of dif
ferent sizes nnd kinds on one bide, nnd
sis on the other, taken, evidently,
from tho ruined houses near by; and
one tired Inllrmler (hospital attendant)
to tend nnd soothe tho wounded nnd
"In the bed nearest tho door n
French priest, shot through tho lungs,
with pneumonia betting In, his black
heard pointing straight up, whlhperlng
for water.
"Next to him n little German lad,
hardly nineteen, and small, with about
sl hours to live, calling sometimes
f-crenmlng for his mother, arid then
for water.
"Next to him n French captain of
Infantry, his arm off nt the shoulder
and his head wounded weak, dying,
but smiling.
"And next to him n tirailleur (Infan
tryman) in delirium enlllng on his
colonel to chargo tho Germans.
"Tho lnflrmler Is going from one to
the other, soothing nnd waiting on ench.
In turn, no nsks mo what the German
Is snying, nnd I tell him he Is calling
for his mother.
" 'Ah, this Is a sad war !' ho snys, as
ho goes over to bold tho poor lad's
"A brnncnrdler comes In with n mes
sage: A messo (n wounueu man) nt
Belleville very serious.
"This Is n reserve car call, so ono
slides out nnd Is gone yke n gray ghost
down tho ruined street, making all the
speed Its driver can no easy matter
with no lights. In twenty minutes ho
Is back. The hrnncnrdlers go out.
They come In ngaln bearing tho wound
ed mnn on n stretcher nnd place It on
tho floor. One of them, who is n priest,
leans over him nnd asks his name, nnd
his town. On nnswer to the question
whnt his wife's name Is, ho whispers
Alice,' whllo on tho other stdo an
other brnncnrdler is slitting tho
clothes from his body nnd I shiver
with tho pity of It nt the sight I see.
"The surgeon comes out of his Uttlo
operating room. Weary with tho
night's tragic worK otter so many,
many other tragic nights ho douses
his head In n bucket of water. Ho
occurrences of n night behind the
front where tho French, the Belglnns,
the British nnd soon the Americans
hold nt bay the German Invader. This
Is the nightly work of the men who
care for tho wounded.
Twenty-seven nmbulance companies
have been organized by the American
Bed Cross In this country for service
in Europe. Somo of them hnve nlrendy
gone nhroad. Tho list Is:
No. 1 rasadenn, Cnl., Dr. Charles
D. Loekwood; No. 2 University of
California, Berkeley. Dr. Alvln Powell ;
No. 3 University of Chicago, Dr. El
bert Clark; No. 4 Cleveland, Dr.
ltnlph K. Updegrnff; No. .-Washington,
D. C, Dr. Ryan Devereux; No. 0
Fordham university, Dr. Joseph Don
nelly; No. 7 New York university, Dr.
Chester F. S. Whitney; No. 8 Detroit,
Dr. Charles Barton ; No. 9 Northwest
ern university, Chicago, Dr. Stephen
Bnlderston; No. 10 Columbia univer
sity. Dr. Willlaiif II. Rockwell; No. n
Buttle Creek, Mich., Dr. .Tnmes T.
Case; No. 12 University of Washing
ton, Senttle, Dr. Dnvld C. Hall ; No. 13
Plttsfleld, Mass., Dr. Robert J. Car
penter; No. 14 University of Oregon,
Eugene, Ore., Dr. J. E. Kuykendall;
No. 15 Grand Rapids, Mich., Dr.
Thomas D. Gordon ; No. 10 Fredonla,
Kan., Dr. Edgar C. Duncnn; No. 17
Boston, Dr. Edward A. Cunningham;
No. 18 IndlnnopollB, Dr. Mason B.
Light; No. 10 Portland, Ore., Dr. Er
nest II. Strelt; No. 20 Atlnntn, Dr.
Leo P. Daly; No. 21--FUnt, Mich., Dr.
Walter n. Winchester; No. 22 Char
leston, W. Vn., Dr. Timothy L. Barber ;
No. 23 Portland, Me., Dr. Ernest B.
Folsom; No. 21 Kansns City, Mo.,
commander not yel nnmed; No. 25
Rutland, Vt Dr. William Stlckney;
No. 20 Columbia, S. C, Dr. Marlon H.
Wyman; No. 27 Salt Lake City, Dr.
Hugh B. Sprague.
Sevcrnl of these mlts nre nlrendy
on tho wny to tho front In France, nnd
tho prospect Is that all will see early
service. Not only Is tho Red Cross
preparing to enro for American sol
diers nnd sailors when they move Into
the firing line, but Franco needs help
badly with her hospitals, and America
is giving it ns rapidly ns possible.
Tho German policy of sinking hos
pltnl ships with their thousands of
helpless wounded Is making It neces
sary to care for the British wounded
In France, and It puts n terrltlc strain
on the French hospital service.
Kansas City Market
Kansas City Stock Yards, July 2
Cattle today 1SU00, light weight cattle
steady, some sales strong, medium
weight aud heavy beef cattle slow,
baiely steady, top 813. Hogs today
10000, market 5 to 10 higher, topSl!7
same as top reported from Chicago
Sheep and Iambi today 8000, big smash
In values, .10 cents low, top spring
lambs $17.25.
Native steers reached S13, not quite
the limit of the market, due to lack of
extreme finish. Medium and choice
steers sold slowly, and barely steady
California steers sold up to-SlO.SO, two
loads of cows in the shipment SO. 7,"
Oklahoma cattle made up a good share
of the supply In both native and qu ir
antiuo divisions, and those cattle sold
steady with the close last week, a few
cases stronger than last ihursdiiy,
sales largely at 3.2."i to S10. Several
consignments of good North Texas
cake feed steers arrived and sold at
8l0.r,0 to $12 23.
As usual at this season certain sect
Ions of the country are suffering from
dry weather, which keeps up receip's
of stockers and feeders. Demand is
fairly good, and prices steady today-
sales mostly at $7 to SO, n few light
stock steers down to $0 50, feeders
around 89 25.
The market declined materially last
week, but sales today were 5 to 10
higher, light hogs selling up lo 815.15
aud pigs were 25 higher In some cases,
at 313 to 314. Two cars of Nebraska
hogs topped the market at 813.70, and
medium weights sold up toS15 00, some
highly mixed hogs around 815.10, con
sidered fully 10 higher. June receipts
show a heavy shortage as compared
with last year, and weights nre dellc-
lent, 100 lbs average for the month,
though heavier than in May, with an
aveiage of 103 lbs.
The Red Cloud Chief
"Quality" Printers : Publishers
Does Its
Printed Matter
of the "Better Quality"
flit .Vol Mote Chfiii)
il Hut How GOOD
Hamilton - Cathor
Clothing Co.
SacctMon to Paul Siortr
everything m Man
or Boy Waara
Itmd Cloud Mmbraakm
C. II. Miner
Dr. S. S. Dcardorf, M. D. 0.
Veterinary In Charge
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
Hog Cholera Serum
Red Cloud Nebraska
Notice of Final Repot t.
In tho County Court of Webster county,
In tho ninttcr ot tho utato ol Verllmlu
tan, tlicensccrr
All perhoiiH Interested lu said estnto nro.
hereby no tilled that tho i;.ocuior ltoscoe
rear n linn tiled tarda n llnnl account nnd
report ot his administration, and ti petition
lor tho tlnal settlement olHiich account nnd
report, and for a dcerco of distribution ot
tTiii rislduu ut fnld estate, and (or tho nxslcn
naut of Iho real estate belonging thereto,
and a discharge from his trust, allol which
said matters have been fet for hearing before
Raid court on thoilth day ot Jul) , 11)17, at the
hour of 10 o'clock, a. in., hen all persons In
terested may appear and contest tho h.iuie.
CDated this Kith day of June, 11)17.
skai.J A. U. Kannry,
County Judge.
Notice of Final Report
In tho County Court of Webster County
In tho matter of tho estate ot Henry C
Cutter, Decensed.
All persons Interested In said estate, aro
hereby untitled that the Administratrix has
tiled herein a supplemental nnd llnal account
aud report of her administration, and n petit
Ion (or tho llnal sottlomcnt of such mccount
and rcport.'and for a decree ot distribution
o( tho reslduoof Hald citato, nnd (or tho as
signment of tho real estato belonging thereto,
and n discharge from her trust, allot which
said nutters have been sot (or hearing before
said court on tho 20th day of July, A. D. 11)17,
at tho hour ol 10 o'clock, IA. M when all
persons Interested may appear and contest
the same. '
Dated this 27th day ol Juno 1017.
A. D, Han.vf.V,
County Judge,
(ikai.) Clerk ol tho County Court.
Wire or Phone at Our Expense
V. S. Veterinary License No. 45
Better Kodak Finishing
And Developing. .:.
A Full Line of Supplies
Stevens Bros.
? Is no w ready to place your isnlc datessi"
' Ask any ono as to my qualifications
or whom I lmo cried halts. Indcpen
dent phonos on ll). Wrlto wire or la
, Red Cloud, Nedr.
Dr. R. V. Nicholson
23T"Office Ovek Aumiairr's Store
Ey. Cv&&. S. Cross'
Our Job Printing will Please U
Estimate of County Expenses
lied Cloud. Nebraska, January Oth 1017
Tho Hoard ol Commissioners o( Wobstor
County at their Hrst Annual Meeting In
January, 1917, prepared aud made tho lollow
Ing estimate, of Kxpcnsis (or the year 1017
(or Webster County, Nebraska
County Superintendent.. . 8 2000.00
District Court , 11000.00
Incidentals . 10000.00
Hooks and Stationery .. 1000.00
County Hoard .t Kiiualliatlon Hoard 0700.CO
County Attorney 1200.00
County Assessor and Ueputy's .. ... 3200.00
Uoads. .......... ...... .... 30000.00
I'cor 1000.00
Hrldges .. 30000.00
Soldiers Itqllol ....... 300.00
Insauo ........... 3000.00
k .
Total 8 88100.00
(Seal) II. K. J'UltHY, County Olork
teraKs .WW