9pv '$ ii,- " RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF (i '! r m I k i I ; 1 Striking i'io.sf up view of the S,. Uiumoml taiiK, luii-M oi the ! ifiicn i.-jim-ilik ionivkm's, which has revolv ing turret. 2 Cnpt. Geoffrey Hurpor Bunnell, an American niembor of tho Koyal Hrlllsh Hying corps, who brought to dentil Cuptnlu Boolke, tho famous German aviator, nml Is now In America helping recruit Britons. II Sentries In tho Alps on the Swiss bonier. 4 New photograph of Kins Alfonso of Spain and his staff at military maneuvers; Internal disorders threaten the kind's throno. NEWS REVIEW OF THE PAST WEEK Government Is Now Going After the Food, Munition and Fuel Pirates. CONTROL BILL IN CONGRESS Other Aeenclea Attacking the Profit, eera Plans Pushed for Huge Amer ican Air Army Russia Deter mined to Continue the War Against German Absolutism. By EDWARD W. PICKARD. . Undo Sam Inst week began paying moro special attention to tho pirates that Infest the land the food pirates, "tho munition plrntes, tho fuel pirates land all the obnoxious brood of prof iteers whose greed for money obliter ates their patriotism, If they ever hnd any of the latter quality. Tho warfare against these men and corporations Is Tielng carried on In the way of Judicial 'investigations that will result In In dictments and In proposed legislation by congress. The latter, of course, Is tho administration food control bill, which tho president has been urging toward passage with the forceful as sistance of Herbert O. Hoover. Mr. (Hoover told a bunch of senators on Tuesday why tho measuro should bo 'passed, and answered all tho objec 'tlons of Its opponents, headed by Vard aman, Gore and Reed. In the house on Thursday Represen tatives Modden and Cannon of Illinois mado an attempt to have cotton In cluded among tho articles to bo put tinder control, but tho Southern Dem ocrats rushed to tho rescue of the cot 'ton planter and defeated tho plan. Tho majority also voted down a proposition by Haugen of Iowa to Include cloth 'lng, shoes nnd Implements In tho meas ure. Tho opposition to the bill In tho house was weaker than In tho senate 'Senator Sherman of Illinois fiercely attacked tho measuro as one designed to favor tho city dweller and union la bor and to Injure the farmer, and ho itook tho opportunity to say sorao very Isovero things about tho administration, asserting It had been asleep for two years and now had waked up Into hys 'teria. Daniels Jolts the Extortionists. Secretary Daniels became wenry of tho extortions of the fuel magnates, ,and on Monday announced that tho coal nnd oil the navy needed would bo taken by the government nnd paid for 'at prices to be fixed by tho govern ment. Producers of steel found them selves facing tho prospect of the same action. Organized labor also took n hnnd In tho fight on the food extortionists and notified the administration, through the American Federation of Labor, that unless tho prices of tho necessi ties of life nro brought down to rea sonable figures, there probably will bo an epidemic of strikes, possibly even a national tie-up In many Industries. Tho federal trndo commission an nounced It was ready to begin Its In vestigation of food conditions on July 1; tho Information obtnlned will bo turned over to tho food administrator and tho department of Justice. Why should not tho press of tho country print prominently tho names of tho dcsplcablo creatures who are taking advantage of tho nation's needs? Decont motives being lacking, 'fear of tho public wrath might oper ato to Induce them to censo their ne farious work. Planning Great Air Army. More and inoro tho government Is becoming convinced that America's first big play In tho war must bo in In the air, and tho plans for speedily sending many thousands of airplanes and aviators to tho front from this country aro being pushed with vigor. ,Oongress Is asked to make an aero nautic appropriation of 1000,000,000 to stnrt with, and already hundreds of young men are being selected for the work and put Into training. For a long time Admiral Peary has been urg ing the building up of a powerful air service for our army and navy, and Brigadier General Squlor has done all an active officer Is permitted to do to forward such n plan, and now the gov ernment renllzes thnt an Immense fleet of nlrplnnes Is the quickest effective uld It enn give to Its utiles In Eu rope. Tho aviation bill contemplates tho establishment of 24 training enmps and Instruction In many technical schools; tho construction of about 2,000 planes n month nt the end of six months, with tho number constantly Increasing until it reaches 5.000 a month; the building at first mainly of training und obser vation machines and later of larger number of battle planes. To fill up the ranks of the regular army, President Wilson Issued a cull for 70,000 volunteers between the ages of eighteen and forty years. Through out the army tho recruiting officers especially emphasized the fact that men who registered are welcome as volunteers nnd will have some advan tages over those who wait to be drafted.. Registration slackers began getting what Is coming to them last week. Their days of grace having expired, they were nrrested wherever found and chucked Into Jul). Several of them nlrendy hnve been given prison sen tences. Though the number of arrests may seem large, it really Is insignifi cant when compared with the totnl registration. War department officials seem to bo having n hard time settling on the plans for the training camps for the National army. Over nnd over ngaln tho specifications nro chnnged, nnd not much hendwny Is being made. Instend of leaving tho detnlls to tho regulnr nrmy officers, who nrc experts In thnt lino, tho council of national defense has taken a hnnd nnd put "experts" of Its own choosing In chnrgc of various parts of the work, and tho result so far has been confusion nnd delay. The council hns been doing grent work In ninny wnys, but this looks like a case of too mnny cooks. The whole mat tcr of getting tho conscriptlvo nrmy nnd tho National Gunrd into training only emphasizes tho wisdom of a uni versal service policy and law. Submarines Very Active. Germany's submarines put In an other busy week, mnny reports of the sinking of nllled nnd neutral vessels coming In. Among tho ships sent down was the American oil tank steamship John D. Archbold, five of whose crew wero lost. Tho vessel was armed and carried n gun crew from an American warship, but the gunners hnd not been supplied with rango finders by tho nnvy department. Vlco Admlrnl Sims, during tho tem porary absence of the British com mander In chief, was appointed to tnke general chargo of the operations of tho allied naval forces in Irish waters, where tho U-boats find most of their victims. The giving of this great re sponsibility to tho American admiral shows tho confldenco tho nllles have In his ability and wisdom. Two fonts of tho Amerlcnn destroy ers in British wnters wero told dur ing tho week. One of these vessels enmo upon a submnrlne nnd promptly rammed It, probably sending It to tho bottom. Two others, responding to wireless calls, rescued 80 survivors of two British ships that wero torpedoed 100 miles away, tho farthest point west In tho Atlantic tho U-boats have oper ated slnco tho ruthless cnmpalgn be gan. Thero was violent fighting In Franco throughout tho week, but neither side mado Important gains. Tho Germans won flrs't-llno trenches from tho Brit ish east of Monchy-le-Prloux and from tho French cast of Vauxnlllon, but Inter wero driven back again with heavy losses. Tho Canadian troops captured somo positions In front of Lens, paving tho way for a drlvo on thnt center of tho coal Holds. Toward tho end of tho week tho Germans yielded to tho heavy pressuro of tho British In tho territory domi nated by tho Mcsslnes ridge and aban doned tho ground they bad held on tho western sldo of tho bend of tho Lys river, between Wurneton nml Armen tleres. Another German Fiasco. Germany's clumsy diplomacy came to grief again in the developments fol lowing the attempt of Robert Grimm, Socialist, to induce Russia to conclude a separate pence. When the Intrigue was exposed, Grimm was driven from Russia, and last week Dr. Arthur Hoff man, a member of the Swiss federal council, who had a prominent part In tho plot, resigned his olllco. The dis closures led to an excited mass meet ing of protest and a pro-ally demon stration In Geneva. Grimm was de nounced for trying to push Switzerland Into tho war for tho purpose of serv ing Germany, and the crowds stoned tho residences of pro-Germans. Kllliu Root nnd his colleagues spent tho week getting acquainted with tho true state of affairs In Russia, and were ussured by the government offi cials that nothing would be concealed from them. Commnnder in Chief Brusslloff sent to General Robertson Wednesday a telegram nssurlng him that, "In honor bound, free Russia's armies will not full to do their duty." Boris Bakhmctlcff, special Russlnn envoy, nnd ills colleagues arrived In Washington and nlmost Immediately gave out a statement of the program of tho provisional government. This Includes the absolute rejection of nil thought of n separate penco nnd tho achievement of unlvcrsnl pence with out annexations or contributions nnd presuming no dominion over other na tions. Tho provisional government will take preparatory steps for nn agreement with Its allies founded on Its declaration of Mnrch 27, nnd Its chief nlm Is stntcd to be to fortify tho Democratic foundntlons of tho nrmy nnd organize und consolidate tho nrmy's fighting power for its dcfenslvo ns well ns offensive purposes. In Potrogrnd tho ull-Russlnn con gress of workmen nnd soldiers unani mously resolved upon nn lmmcdluto offensive, und tho snmo sentiment wns expressed In n manifesto Issued by the military union of woman volunteers, which sold "tho workers nro appealing for nn unrelenting struggle ngnlnst an enemy who Is moved solely by Impe rialistic and slaving tendencies." The provlslonnl government has bo gun proceedings for tho severe punish ment of vnrlous high officlnls of tho old regime, who nro accused of brenches of the inws of the empire. Several former cnblnct members nnd nrmy commnndcrs, Including Protopop off nnd General Rcnncnknmpf, huvo been Indicted. Crisis In Austria-Hungary. Not much news wns allowed to como out of Austrln-Hungnry, but what did emerge Indicates that the situation thero becomes more critical dally. Tho Poles of the duul kingdom are virtual ly In revolt, dcmnndlng nt leust au tonomy for their lnnd, nnd neurly ull tho people nro Insistent for pence. Tho Austrlun cabinet, headed by Clam Mnrtlnlc, resigned. Conditions duo mainly to tho war havo brought on a crisis In Spain that threatens to result In tho deposition of King Alfonso, despite his personal pop ulnrlty, und tho establishment of yet nnother new republic In Europe. Tho censor, however Is as busy thero as in other countries, und tho reports mny be misleading. Over In China matters seemed to bo settling down peacefully, possibly In part tho result of President Wilson's suggestion that tho Internal troubles thero bo brought to n pacific nnd speedy end. Several of tho seceding provinces hnve said they would como back into the federal fold, and tho president hns cnlled a new parliament ary election. Certnln notoriously pro-Germnn nowspnpers In Chlcngo, Mllwuukee nnd elsewhero, somo of them printed In tho aeminn lnngungo, aro attracting tho attention of tho government ngents by their continuous und vicious nttneks on the allies of tho United Stutes nnd their thinly-veiled opposition to this country's courso in tho wnr. With tho skill of trained writers they mny avoid suppression for treasonable utterance, but their sentiment and Intent uro ovl dont, nnd If they cannot bo renched by legal procedure, they may yet be squelched by tho peoplo without thu old of tho authorities. IKE NEW AUTO LAW HEGULATIONS FOR LIGHTS WHILE DRIVING AT NIGHT LATE NEWSJROM CAPITOL Item of General Interest Gathered from Reliable Sources Around tho State House Western Newspaper Union News Service. A now law enacted by the rocont legislature of Interest to all auto owners ami drivers which necessar ily includes thu greater proportion of Nebraska's luliabltants, will go Into effect July 21. This law, whllo it makes amendments and provisions for speed, brakes and other Ideas connected with tnotonlom, moro par ticularly provides for the proper lighting of both pleasuto and com mcrdal cars. Under this now law, drivers at night nro compelled to have a red tail light as well ns proper front Illumination, togethor with search lights. Many attempts have been mado to provide proper regulations for light In night driv ing to eliminate all danger of acci dent coming through tho glare. This new law specifically requires that no portion of tho beam of reflected light from a car when mensmed Boventy-tlvo foot or moro ahoad of tho lamps, shall rlso above forty-two inches from tho level surface upon which the vehicle stands. It enn bo readily seen that scientifically con structed light 'rolloctorB will bo mado necessary to meet with these strlu. gent demands. 30,000 People Visited It Secretary A. E. Sholdon of tho No braska Stato Historical society sum marlzes tho events of tho scml-ccnton-nlal celobratlon as follows: "Tho historical exhibit was undor the supervision of tho staff of tho stato historical society. Co-operating with tho historical socloty wero tho Nebraska Daughters of the American Revolution, tho Woman's Rollot Corps, the Nebraska university musoum nnd tho Stato Horticultural socloty. Be sides those thoro wero over fifty indi viduals throughout the state who added their contributions olthor as loans or permanent contributions to the historical collections. During tho threo days that the historical oxhtblt was open to tho public a careful esti mate shows over 30,000 peoplo visited It and nearly 5,000 registered their names on tho historical society regis try. Historical lectures with motion film and lantorn slidos pictures wero shown threo times daily to audiences aggregating ubout 6,000 people. The exhibit was thronged with visitors from eight In the morning until 11 o'clock at night. Tho most intense porsonal Interost and appreciation was manifested by tho throngs of visitors, hundreds of whom promised personal additions to the collections of tho his torical socloty. Tho intorest evinced was so grent it is likely, if adequato arrangoments can bo made, that nn an nual historical society exhibit will ba made at tho Nebraska state fair." To See That Order Is Carried Out Attorney General Reed, who intcr venod to put a stop to the Omaha strike, will personally boo that tho court order Is carried out, and will ropresent the stato at tho hoarlng, sot for Juno 27, boforo Judge Losllo ot tho district court. The state's action in tho strike situa tion is tho first of its kind in tho his tory of tho Unitod StatoB, according to tho attornoy gonoral. Ho said ho could recall no similar action whero a state haB Intervened to halt both parties of a strlko. "Should either sldo attempt to vio lato the restraining ordor iBsued by Judgo Losllo," says Mr. Reed, "they may find that tho federal and stato governmonts will nt onco prococd against Buch individuals for troason against tho stato and tho federal gov ernment, bocauso, in effect, it would bo lending aid and comfort to our enemies and will not bo tolerated.'' Will Heltzman, a former well known school man, has boon appointed to the state normal board by Governor Nevlllo. Ho succeeds A. L. Cavlnoss for a term of five years. Ho was form er instructor In the Lincoln schools and principal of tho Doatrlco schools. Taking over by tho United States government of all railroad earnings ovor and abovo operating expenses and fixed charges, without assuming direct chargo of tho operation and swearing in all officers and employes of the cnrrlers ns government em ployes during the war, aro tho prin cipal features of tho transportation program which Is to bo carried out shortly, according to advance infor mation which has reached officials and railroad men in Nobraska. Rates aro to bo collected as fixed by tho interstate commerco commission. Charging that moving pictures de picting tho horrors of war aro in lino with tho gonoral Gorman propaganda moant to discourage recruiting in tho Unitod States, a number ot Nebras kans havfa nddrcssed sorlnus complaint to tho stnto council of dofonso. Such charges como not alono from tho largor cities but from towns thru out tho stato whero movies respond to tho popular clamor for war plcturos. It is alleged that tho pictures tell an untruo story, present but ono phaso, aro incomploto and that tholr effect is gonerally bad at this timo. ISSUES SAFETY WARNINGS State Council of Defenso Tells People to Dcwnro of What Mny Happen. Tho Nebraska stato council of do fonso has sent tho following circular to tho county ehalrinon as a caution for public safety during patriotic ral llos and othor cclobratlons; "At all patriotic rallies caution should bo taken for tso safety of all concerned In thn following manner, in order to avoid nny possible chnnco of vicious noss on tho part of non-sympathizors or fanatics (a) Special deputlos should bo se lected to guard tho place of meeting, (b) All packages and parcels should bo examined before thoy nro allowed to cntor tho meeting plnco and any porsons arousing suspicion from his nctlonH should not bo allowed to enter. (c) Sponkcrs, should avoid, If pos sible, tho shaking of hands at tho con clusion of tho addresses, especially where porsons with handkorchlofs In their hands or where their hands nro supposedly bnndaged. (d) Tho hall or grandstand should bo thoroughly Investigated directly bo foro a meeting and a guard postod thereafter during tho mooting to avoid any possibility of explosives being plnccd In tho neighborhood. (e) Where speakers aro required to stny over night special precaution should bo taken for tholr snfoty In stopping either at hotels or prlvato places." Will Bring n Test Suit Silas Holcomb, a mombor ot tho board ot control, has decldod that a test suit will bo brought to dotcrmlno whother the nudltor has authority to strlko out items in claims for supplies for stato Institutions after they havo boon approved by tho board, which la mado rcsponsiblo for them. In this lnstnnco tho item was ono for $7.05, for forty-8ovon carnations at thu girls' industrial school at Gonova, tho flowers being used for Mothors' day oxorclsos. Mr. Smith, tho auditor, did not strlko tho Item from tho claim, but his doputy, Fred Ayros, who has rocoived tho tltlo of "watchdog," did olomlnato it, nnd Smith Is Inclined to back his assistant. Commissioner Holcomb was Inclined to viow tho auditor's action as auto cratic. Reciprocal Demurrage Law Nebraska railroads will bo required to accept tho main provision of tho re ciprocal demurrngo law, which thoy aro now fighting in tho courts, nB a condition precedent to their being al lowed to chargo tho scale of demur rage rates for which thoy have sought permission at tho hands of tho state railway commission. Boforo they are allowed to put into effect tho new demurrage schedule of (2 por day for tho first five days after froo timo has elapsed, and $5 por day thereafter, thoy must agree in writing to oboy tho proviso in tho reciprocal iomurrago act of 1915 penalizing them it tho rato of ?2 por day for each car ordered by shippers, which the cap riors fail to furnish within a spoclflo timo. To Clear Up Uncertain Points Attorney General Willis E. Reed states that ho will soon start suit in tho Lancaster district court to clear up somo of tho uncertain points in tho prohibition law. Tho attor noy general Is still deluged with In quires about certain provisons of the law and ho believes that in somo instances it will require an interpre tation by the supreme court to clear thom up. Tho provision which la causing tho most trouble is tho ono relating to near boor. Tho attornoy gonoral Indicated tho suit would bo a friendly tost case for all parties con cerned to sccuro tho court's inter protation. Discharged Guardsmen Must Register Governor Nevlllo has received a telegram from Marshal Crowdor at Washington, D. C, in chargo of reg istration, advising him that all dis charged mombors of tho Nobraska national guard, within the ago limits of the draft law, must register. Tho telegram Instructs tho governor to proceed with registration of any dis charged guardsmen in tho stato. Tho Patriotic league of Nebraska, organized in Omaha at tho outset of tho war to promoto patriotism in tho stato, is now merged with tho Ne braska council of defense. It has a largo membership over tho state. Expense of State Government It is costing tho stnto or Nebraska about 16,000,000 a year to run its government and maintain its institu tions, according to official figures contained In tho semi-annual report of State Auditor Smith to Governor Novillo, for tho period from Decem ber 1, 1910, to May 31, 1917, inclu sive. Tho total amount of warrants paid by tho stato treasuror In that timo vas (3,08u,965. Of this gross sum, warrant? totalling $1,288,772. wero drawn against 'the general (und, Will Go to Fort Riley Fourteen Nebraska doctors and thlrteon enlisted men chosen from tho field hospital and tho sanitary detachment of tho Fifth Nebraska na tional guard havo reported in Lin coln to go to Fort Riley for threo months lntenslvo training for mod leal war work. Tho camp opened Juno 20, but Major Spealman, to whom tho men roportcd hns not yet decided Just whon the training corps will leavo Lincoln. These men will serve as instructors in tholr doUch. mentB oa their roturn. Kidney trouble preys up on tho mind, illscnurnees nnd lessons ambition; l)fiilll V. vltfnr nnil nHMr- IVfYrVTF.N Mines often disappear vv jirM.uik nllcn t),p m,noys aro ollt of order or dlsensed. Tor Kootl results uso Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Itoot, the great kidney medicine. At druggist. Sample nlzo bottlo by Parcel Post, nlso pamphlet. Address fir. Kilmer & Co,, IlltiRhuinton, N. Y., nnd enclose, ten cents. When writ ing mention this pnper. TYPHOID n no mors naceaaarr thanSmallpox. Arm? ciBif lenca bai demoaitrite Ih ilmoat mlraeutoul affl. oer, andhatmletinMi.ofAntltyriioldVacelnaUoa. De vacclmlfd NOW tr your PhrileltD, you ul your fimlly. It li mots Tltal thin boui loimaace. Aik your phyitelin, dniggbt, or Mod for ltr you had Typholdf" tttllrf of Typhoid Vicclne, iciulu from uie, and dattf er from Typhoid Carrltra. Protfuclnf Vartlnti and Struma undar U. 8. Lima Tha Cottar lataratary, Biriilay, CaJ., Chlaai. IIL Kill All Flies! "SH?" Swil tnyw hart, DWy My KHUr MtrrtJ and fctlfsaJt ft. rttftt, cUn, orn&ratntal, conTtnUot, ud tbttta. Injur anything , ( Wl(!Uf Alkfa in atwattt will au4 Ati mm alsyFly Klllsr old by d4r, f HAN0LO ftOMKftt. 110 DI KAUI AVI., MOOKLYN, N. V HAIR BALSAM ti3 A.tolltt prtpuktlon of m.rlt, Illpa to rdlcl duulrdf. FnrRsatArlfi f?nltr t.J Boauly to Qry or FdUUlr J w.Mqaiwn iirurffiaia. PATENTS nation K. Onlftmarj, rKint Ijufyer.Wajdilraion, 11.(1. Arivlrnand hnnka frA. lUlea rtiaonabl. Ulibtat retertneea. Baaiatrrloat. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 20-1917. Fully Qualified. Thi' clergyman had advertised for a rtiitlor, and the next morning after breakfast a well-dressed, clean-shaven young man in black was ushered Into his study. "Name, please?" asked the clergy man. "Hilary Arbuthnot, sir." "Age?" "Twenty-eight." "What work have you been accus ;omeil to?" "I am u lawyer, sir." The Clergyman started. This was odd. However, lie knew many wero called In the law, but few chosen. "Hut," he said, "do you understand the conduct of u household?" "In n general way, yes," murmured the applicant. "Cnn you carve?" "Yes." "Wash glass and silver?" "I cr think so." The young man seemed embarrassed. He frowned and blushed. Just then tho clergyman's wife entered. "Aro you married?" was tho first question. "That," said tho young mnn, "was what I called to sec your husband about, madam. I desire to know If ha can mnko It convenient to oillclato at my wedding at noon next Thursday week." ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A BIT! i No foolishnessl Lift your corns and calluses off with finger It's like maglcl Sore corns, hard corns, soft coins or any kind of a corn, can harmlessly be lifted right out with the fingers If you apply upon tho corn a few drops of frcczone, says a Cincinnati authority. For llttlo cost ono can got a small bottlo of freezono nt any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet ol every corn or callus without pain. This simple drug dries tho moment It Is applied and docs not even lrrl tato tho surrounding skin whllo ap plying It or afterwards. This announcement will Interest many of our readers. If your druggist hasn't any freezono tell him to surely get a small bottlo for you from his wholesale drug house. adv. They Understood. Col. John Ward, M. P., is a popular hero. When ho was a sergeant and was licking Into shnpe the ruw recruits for his famous navvies' battalion his method of Imparting Instruction, though not always according to tho drill book, wns simple, direct nnd ef ficient. Once, for Instance, ho was In charge of a squad at musketry. "This," ho said, "Is tho bayonet boss, nnd this Is the bayonet bar. Boss and bar you cnn easily remember that; where you got your money and whero you spend It" Tho squad grinned sheepishly. But they understood nnd remembered. CUTICURA. HEALSS0RE HANDS That Itch, Burn, Crack, Chip and Bleed Trial Fret. In a wonderfully short time in most cases theso fragrant, super-creamy, emollients succeed. Soak hands on re tiring in tho hot suds of Cuticura Soap, dry and rub Cuticura Ointment Into the hands for some time. Remove sur plus Ointment with soft tissue paper. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. - A Poor Finish. "Would you believe It, I am a grandmother nt thirty-two?" "I bellevo that you are a grandmoth er, but you're spoiling your story by tacking on tho statement of your age." A man who likes dogs will never fully understand tho man who doesn't. When Vour Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy Ho Smarting Juat Mya Comfort. W eenta at Drniglata or mall. Writ (or aTra H; Book. UUlilMK BXK KUUCDT CO., CUIOACIO MEN AND JvJbtfcjtfV-Wt! Al!lVirH7WMuf'V MtteflGmff D