The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 28, 1917, Image 5

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Home preparedness cans loaded
with food.
Marlon Mercer was iu Lebanon, Mou
titty eve n I tig.
George Matkin or Innvalo wns In the
city Saturday.
Kd Burr of Guide Koek wns lu the
city Wednesday.
Harvey Klekerson spent Sunday w Itli
friends at Orleans,
Jim,. McBrtde was down from Cowles.
Tuesday aftornoon.
Ernest Blnuke was down from Blue
Hill, Sunday evening.
Con Burr of McCook spent Sunday
with f rleuds In the city.
Miss Jessie Kellog went to Lineolu,
Wednesday, to visit friends.
Miss Neomn Fox of Alma Is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs.Gns Uauserman.
Mrs. F. A. lllldobrandt returuod
home Tuesday morning from Almn.
Fred and Charley Arnold were down
from Inavalc, Saturday evening.
Hornce Brown left Monday for Lake
Sldo where he will work at his trade
That rubber ring you put on a pre
serving jar helps you to stretch youi
Klvortou will have a Chautauqua this
year. The dates are August 13 to 17
F. W. Cowden, of the Cowden-Kaley
Clothing Co., was In Rlverton tho last
of the week.
Charles Richardson returned homo
Tuesday evening from Cheyenuo where
ho had been firing.
Dr. E. E. Lollar is now driving a
now Ford car which lie purchased of
the Peterson garage.
Mrs. Maudo Renfro and son returned
home Tuesday from Cody where they
had been visiting relatives.
Mr. anil Mrs. George Comer of Blue
Hill spent Sunday with his parents,
Mr. ami Mrs. M. 15. Corner.
Ed Crary and Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Fearn of (Snide Roelc spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fearn.
The Misses Bornice Shercr, Helen
Lemon, Mary Tennaut and Mabel
Hoffman spent Tuesday at Lester.
Sunday will bo "Food Saving Day,"
as all tho preachers in tho United
States will preach on that subject.
A. V. Bucket- returned homo Satur
tiny ft om Chicago where he attended
the M. V. A. Head Camp convention.
Miss Bentrico Sloss, who had becu
visiting Mr. and Mrs. E It. Slawson,
returned to her home at Omaha, Tues
day. Wednesday, Mrs. J. E. Butler accom
panied her son, Merlin, to Hastings
where he will receive medical attention
at a hospital.
H. C. Oellatly of the Malone-Gellntly
Lumber Co., was iu Hastings and
Grand Island, Saturday looking after
business affaalrs.
Mrs. J. L. Becbe returned home
Tuesday morning from Alma and
Orleans where she had- been visiting
relatives and friends.
Howard Yost who is assisting Dr.
Hawley in his dental olllce at Blue
Hill spent tho weekend with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. i3. Yost.
Harold Coplen, Will and Moses Tyler
and Albert Roberts went to Kansas
City, Friday evening, and drove back
Ford cars for the Petetson garage.
Tho following shipped stock Sunday:
Rudolph Strelt, one car of hogs to Kan
tas City and Dclanoy Bios., 2 cars of
hogs to Kansas City and one car to St.
Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Phares are re
joicing over the birth of an eight
pound son, born this afternoon. Both
mother and bnby doing nicely.-Monday's
McCook Gazetto.
Tho Missouri Valley Oil Compauy of
Omaha, Nebraska beg to announce that
on and after June 1st. 1017, their busi
ness will be conducted under the name
of tholr parent Company "Tho Con
sumers Refilling Company". Wo will
continue to market tho highest grade
Deep Rock Products from our own re
finery at dishing, Oklahoma. A con
tinuanco of your valued patronage will
be appreciated, and you are assured of
our best efforts to properly servo you.
of meeting your friends at
Ice Cream Parlor
Where they serve the BEST
and serve It right
Strawberry Ice Cream
TRY A 1IOX of Our Famout Vhocolatt
Bon BomThfy Will J'Uatt You
in tho city 1 2
Ed Nolan wns down fioin Rlverton,
George Aruup of Rlverton was In the
city Tuesday.
Cnpt. Hogate of. Blue Hill wns In tho
city Wednesday evening.
Read tho Fourth of July program
which appears In this Issue.
Mrs. Jacob Petersen wont to Hast
ing", Tuesday, to visit relatives.
Miss Ethel Whltaker returned to her
home ut Santa Ana, California, the
llrst of the week.
ltert Gtlce and Dr. Mitchell and son.
Robert, returned home Tuesday even
ing from Colorado.
Tuesday. Judge Ranuey Issued a
maniage license to Bruce Laird and
Miss Mable Buzznrd of Blue Hill.
Saturday, Judge Ranney issued a
marriage license to August Zimmer
man and Miss Nora Guy of Guide Rock
Miss Rettn McDowell, who sprained
her ankle recently, has resumed her
duties iu County Assessor llummel's
The Misses Alice and Blnncho Pope
left Wednesday for Oalcsburg and
ChlcBgo whore they will spend several
John Hubacek of Blue Hill, and Miss
Rose Havel, of Rico Lake, Wisconsin,
were married by Judge Ranney last
A Red Cross unit will bo organized
at Cowles tonlto ami a large number
of our citizens are planning to attend
tho meeting.,
Charles Ethredge, of Innvnle, and
Miss Ethel Slawson, of this city, weie
granted a marriage license by Judge
Ranney on Monday.
Mrs. Gertrude Suydam and son,
Lowell, returned to their home at
Elllsville, Illinois, Wednesday, after
visiting her brother, Charley Whltakor
and wife.
Tho children of the United church
will hold a patriotic service at tho
Christian church Sunday evening. Tho
program will consist of songs, recita
tions and Hag drills.
A. It. Pierce wilt address a meeting
at the Congregational church at 3 p
m. next Sunday. Ills subject will be
"The present outlook iu Turkey. W
1. Patterson will also speak.
Chief Justice of tho Supreme Court,
A. M. Morrlssey, will bo the speaker of
the day at the Fourth of July celebra
tion. He is one of Nebraska's best
orators and you should plan to hear
Mary Piekford at thoOrpbeum Sat
urday June 30th a six act drama In tho
days of 4'J, "A Romance of tho Red
woods" a red blooded story of tho ma
jestic forests and great plains. Mat
inee 2:30 udm 10-20 Night 8:00 adm. 10
and 25c.
Rlverton will have a special election
on July 11 th to vote bonds for an elec
tric light plant. The people of that
city should wake up aud see that the
proposition will go thru this time as
that town needs electric lights in order
to keep up with her neighbors.
The Jack Benjamlu Theatrical Co.,
will be in the city next week for a
week's stand. They carry a good baud
and orchestra which will furnish the
music for their shows. Monday night's
opening play will be "Flue Feathers".
Ladles aud children will be admitted
free the first night.
"They said" that he wns n liquor
mau and he hns proveu himself to be
o. k., regardless of the expressions ot
his enemies who sought to put a real
rascal in his place, and now Keith Ne
ville, ono of the best governors our
state hns ever had, is considering the
tendering of his resignation that lie
may go to the front. Mlndon Courier
Wo again comment upon tho pro
gresslveness of the little town of Red
Cloud, having seen with our own eyes
tho preparations that place Is making
for the new sewor system, which will
serve the entire city, the paving of tho
Main street of Red Cloud, new school
building and library, while wo also
noted that that city ranks with Omaha
and Lincoln In the matter of street
car service, having tho only car lino
out side of the metropolis, two old
'busses drawn along the track by
horses from tho depot, which is situa
ted ono or two miles south of the town,
to the buslnoss district of tho town It
self. This Is ono of tho several disad
vantages of Red Cloud which wo noted,
that the depot is so far from town, but
of course It would not bo propor for
us to mention these things. Mlnden
Ladies will Sell Ice Cream
The Ladies of the War Relief Club
have the exclusive right to sell Ice
croam cones In the stands, on July
Fourth. Proceeds to help the wound
ed soldiers and starving women and
Tho Club's headquarters for that
day will be In the houso two doorb
north of tho skating rink. Womon
und children nre cordially Invited to
make this houso und grounds their
resting place on that day.
Mns. C.J. Plait,
Secretary and Treasurer.
II. Rabb of Inavale was
Powell Bros
Smoke House
CIGARS that arc Good
The Brand Your Doclor Smokes
Most complete line of
Cigars and Tobaccos
in Red Cloud
Canued berries are bird proof.
Roy Sattley Undertaker-Auto Hearse
W. II. Thomas wns iu McCook the
last of tho week.
Bye Shepherdson was down from
Rlverton, Monday.
Evos tested, trlasses fitted. J. C.
Mitchell, tho Jeweler.
Mrs. Alf Snladen went to St. Joe, Sat
urday, to visit friends.
Ed Fearn returned home Monday
eveulng from Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. John Denti of Rlverton
were In the city Sunday.
Mrs. Bert Shorman went to Lincoln,
Monday, to visit her sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Adams of Hast
ings spent Sunday In this city.
Miss (Jeorgetta Coou returned home
Monday evening from Fromont.
Mrs. Fred Stanberry ot Seottsbluffs
Is visiting her father, Ed Amuck.
Hugh Balrd spent tho woekond with
his parents at Formoso, Kansas.
Tho Mlssos Graco and Josephine
Sherer went to Llneolm, Monday.
Miss Lucllo Scrlvner roturned homo
from Pauline the last of the week.
Mesdamos Bert Leonard aud HI Dunn
were down from Inavale, Moni'ny.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunt spont the
weekend with relatlvos at Rlverton.
Miss Elizabeth Overman returned
home Monday evening from Lincoln.
Morton Smith returned homo fiom
Dennison, Iowa, the last of tho week.
George Kniley returned to Omaha
Monday, after spending several weeks
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ira Trueblood of Kcne
sa'w spent tho weekend with friends
Sam Llndsey returned home from
Gillette, Wyoming, tho last of the
Roy Garber, who js located at Col
umbus, Is vlsltlug his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Garber.
Earl Saladen returned homo Moudny
eveulnit from Harrison where he had
been teaching school.
Paul Alber, of Bluo Hill, and Miss
Emma Henker, of Bladen, were united
lu marriago by Judge Ranney.
Mrs. Clara Johnston returned home
Monday evening from Blue Hill whore
bhe spent a few days with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Flornnce nnd At
torney and Mrs. McNeny spent Fri
day with Judge Dorsoy at Blooming
ton. Cherrel Ivoontz went to Omaha, Fri
day night, where he has accepted a
position with tho Union Pacillu mil
road. Mrs. M. M. Frohncn returned to her
home at Hastings, Friday, after visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Bradford
aud family.
Mis. John Wolf returned to her home
at Sutton, Saturday, after spending a
few days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Smelser.
Charley Brubaker, Russel Amack,
Mesdames Belle Keaglo, and B. W
Stewart and Miss Hazel Saladen auto
ed to Lincoln, Sunday, to spend a few
Mrs. Loreu Matthews wns down from
Rlverton, Tuesday, having somo den
tal work done. She returned home in
the evening by automobile accompan
ied by Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Smith and
Earl McKlmmey.
Fourth of July Notice
The business men of Red Cloud arc
requested to suspend business on the
Fourth of July from 1 to -1 p. m. All
oltizcnB owing property are urged to
clean the same of weeds and rubbish
both on lots and terrace and decorate
with flags nnd bunting. Also, especial
ly those having good shade, invito
straugers and others to come on lawns
to lunch and rest, and thus help make
our Fourth of July celebration a grand
success, Roiikrt Damerkix, Mayoii.
ll?ri'fs?w; rim
Celebrate at
Make Our Store Your Headquarters
on Thai Day, We toil I be glad (o serve you
in any way we can. Plenty of good cold wafer.
Good Time for Everybody
Suggestions For The Parade
Elsewhere in these columns will lie
found an outline of the proposed his
torical feature of the Fourth of July
parade. The committee in charge is iu
need of a number of wagons with hay
racks to be decorated as floats. Those
willing to conlrhutt! to the success of
tliu parade in this way will kindly
notify some member of the committee.
It is hoped that the children both in
the city and throughout the county will
take places in this parade nnd parents
nre urged to encourage the children
and parents will confer a favor by
notifying some member of the com
mittee ot willingness to take part in
this patriotic duty. Surely the pro
gress of our 50 years of statehood is
entitled to nil wc can do in the way of
Parents of small children need not be
in the least alarmed as to any danger
befalling their children ns strong men
will be assigned the duty of overseeing
any feature that might nave the slight
est element of danger.
The committee will need from 10 to
20 stout men to volunteer their ser
vices to accompany floats throughout
the parade.
With thn mmnnrt thnl this movement
should get this parade can be made the
greatest feature of the greatest celc-,
oration that Webster county has ever
Owing to the limited finance which
can be devoted to tue parotic anil
owing to tho high cost of flags it is re
quested that each child, so far as
possible, bring his flag from home. 1
These flags will he returned to the
courtnouse aucr ine paraue wnere ne
can secure his own on indentification.
The parade is to start at and return to
the courthouse where parents of small
children will he able to find their child
ren at the close of the parade.
Committee MiNNir.CumsTiAN
P. M. Whitehead
Oil Meeting Tonight
A big oil meeting Is scheduled to
take place at tho Morhart opera house
this evening, at which time tho Hoaid
of Oiroctors of the Big Chief Oil and
Gas Compauy will be elected and the
organization of the same completed.
Representatives from Not ton, Leban
on, Superior and Franklin will be pres
ent. All those Interested In the matter,
as well as farmers who will give and
have given leases nre urged to attend
this meeting.
During the day, Thursday, tho repre
sentatives from the above mentioned
towns and local mon will cover the
proposed drilling area and bclcct the
acreage on which test drills will bo
made. Several thousand '.acres linvo
been loused and it will be but a matter
of a short time until active operations
will be begun.
If you aro In any way interested do
not fall to attend.
Hamilton - Cathar
Clothing Co.
Smcmm i Pud Stttr
Everything a Man
ar may Waara
Rtl Oleum- Nebraeke
Red Cloud
We will have plenty of good
Hats, Caps, Shoes
and Furnishings
We close J or (lie program ami
parotic jrom t p, in, to 4 p. m.
Monday, July "2nd
Benja m in
Tent will be located south of the laundry
"Fine Feathers"
A 4-act Comedy Drama
A matinee will be given on the afternoon of July 4th
Ladies and Children will be admitted
FREE on the Opening Night
Male Adults 50c. No extra charge will
be made for reserved Seats.
To the People of this City
Thcro will be only one delivery on
tho Fourth of July which will bo made
ut O.UO. Gary Zeiss.
John and Wondell Dean of Baldwin,
Kansas, were in the city Monday,
July Fourth
Lebanon will celebrate on tho eveu
lng of July3jd. Their band will give
one of Its best concerts after which a
fine display of fireworks will bo ex
hibited. The Lebanon people extend
a cordial invitation to all to attend this
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