The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 21, 1917, Image 5

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    op QLonali Kiii ilx Hi i i .'
Rev. Bates spont Prldny In Ilostwlok
J. 11. IIIHers spent Monday In Hast
ings. Miss Flora Osborne went to Cowles,
Miss Laura Cecil went to Hasting",
UonIo Weaver spent Thursday in
Miss Holla Taylor spent Monday in
Paul McDowell spent Monday in
Illuc 11111.
Dr. Lollar was in Shelton the llrst
of tho week.
Roy Sattloy Undertuker-Auto Hearse
Mrs. A I Slaby returned homo Tnos
day from Denver.
Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J. C.
Mitchell, the Jeweler.
S. D. Kizer returned home from Lin
coin, Monday evening.
Roy Has8lnger and Earl MoKlmmey
Bpcnt Monday in Hastings.
F. E. Hildebrandt spent the week
cud with relatives at Alum.
A. T. Walker returned home from
Denver the last of tho week.
Mrs. Chris Zeiss is visiting her son,
Charley Miillgan jr., at McCook.
Mrs. Herb Ludlow and daughter,
Esther, spent Mouday in Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuller were down
from Cowles, Wednesday evening.
Mrs. J. M. Burgess is visiting her
daughter.'.Mrs. Danker, at Rivcrtou.
Mrs. B. E. McNeuy and daughter,
Helen, spent Wednesday in Hastings.
The Misses Ireno Miller and Rachel
Ruckles returned home Tuesday from
Mrs. Jauios Ryan and children spent
Sunday with her husband at Grand ls
Will Brown left Monday for Groat
Lake, Iowa, where ho will visit rela
tives. Miss Greta Turnuro wont to Chicago
Monday, where sho will spend several
Mrs.llert Leonard and Mrs. Gerald
Leonard were down from Inavale,
Emll Polnlcky left Monday for
Moorecroft, Wyoming, whffre he has a
Miss Bertha Osborne went to Hast
ings, Sunday evening, to attend a can
ning demonstration.
Herb Ludlow and daughter, Miss
Osa Raker, returned home from Chica
go, Monday evening. j
Mrs. Ro6s Pyle and children of St
Joe are visiting her mother, Mrs. Hat
Hold, and other relatives.
Ed. Overlng, of the Overlng Bros, it
Co., Monumental Works, was in Tren
ton the first of the week.
Dr. Damerell, Guy Zeigler, W. G.
Hamilton, Alf Saladen and P. W. Cow
den were in Hastings, Friday.
Mrs. Miller returned to her homo at
Gresham, Monday, after visiting her
daughter, Mrs. L. M. Sherman.
Charley Powell spent the first of the
week with his brother, Oliver, while
enroute to Lewiston, Montana.
The Misses Pearl Hlncs and Grace
Davis went to Hastings, Monday, to
attend an Epworth league convention
Mrs. Bernice Huff returned to her
home at Nebraska City, Thursday,
after spending several weeks with her
Guy D. Woods and Miss Mary E
Leetsch, both of Blue Hill, were unit
ed in marriage by Judge Itnnney last
Attorney nud Mrs. E. G. Caldwell
returned homo Thursday evening from
Missouri where they had been visiting
Mrs. Kobt. Mcllridu and Miss
Georgctta Coou went to Fremont, Wed
nesday, to attend the I. E. O. state
Miss Inez Gettings returned to her
home at Superior, Friday, after spend
ing a few days with her sister, Mrs.
Paul l'opo.
Mr and Mrs. R. B. Leggett returned
home Mouday from Franklin where
they had been visiting their son, Otis
and family.
ot meeting your friends at
I The 1
ice Cream Parlor
Where they eerve the BEST
and serve it right
Chocolate Ice Cream
TMY A HOX 0 Our Jfamoui Chocolati
J)qh Uoni-Thty Will fltait Tou
Howard Yost spent Friday in Bladen.
Chas. Schultz spcut Monday in Hast
ings. EHrl Patten 6pcnt Tuesday In Guide
Robt, , Avery spent Wednesday in
Don't fall to hear the band concert
Lawrence McCall was In Kansas City.
Dr. Ashcr was down from Rlverton,
Oliver Powell was in Omaha, the last
of tho week.
Mr. and Mr. Guy Day spont Friday.
in Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bartu spent Mon
day in Hastings.
Cha9. Swartz was in Kansas City the
llrst of the week
Will Blba spent the weekend with
his wife at Exeter.
Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Cross were in
Franklin, Thursday.
Chas. Kaley returned homo Friday
evening fiotn Lincoln.
Pete Lowis of Rivcrtou was in the
city Wednesday evening.
Joe Fogol returned home from St.
Joe the last of tho week.
Win, Wecsnor returned homo from
Lincoln, Friday evening.
Miss LuclloScrlvner went to Pauline,
Friday, to visit her tnothor.
Max Marshall of Rlverton spent Sun
day with friends in this city.
Mrs. Robt. Damerell returned home
Tuesday evening from Lincoln.
Frank Mlzcr returned home from
Otis, Colorado, the first of tho week.
Don Fulton and E. II. Nowhouso
wero In Rlverton, Tuesday aftet noon-
Rev, lleobo will doliver a lecturo at
tho Mt. Clare school house this evening.
Sam Llndsev went to Gillette, Wyom
ing. Friday, where lie will visit his
Supt. P. M. Whitehead returned
home from Lincolu the last of the
Mrs. W. H. Arnold of Blue Hill spent
Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Clara
Will Keuhn of Roseland spent the
weekend In the city with relatives and
Mesdames Peter Hansen and A. J.
Waskum returned homo from Lincoln,
Mrs. Nato Piatt and daughter went
to Cowles, Wednesday, to visit her
Howard Cramer went to Bladen,
Wednesday, to spend a .Jew days wjth
relatives. v ,i
Come to Red Cloud July 4th and en
joy the best celebration in southern
Mrs. S. C.TEllis and daughter, Miss
Helen, returned home from Lincoln,
Mrs. Dora Weldeman and daughter,
Mrsi-Patmpre, went to Hastings, Wed
nesday morning.
Cecil Barrett attended the Epworth
league convention at Hastings the
first of the week.
Prof. Boehr of Hastings and Prof.
Tatfol of Aurora ware in the city
Tuesday evening.
Howara Hamilton and W. W. Rich,
ards of Guide Rock were in the city
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. A. D. Denno left Friday for Gil
lette, Wyoming, where she will visit
Frank Watkins aud wife.
Harry Robinson and Arthur DeMars
purchased Dodge cars from tho I?ed
Cloud Auto Co., this week.
Mrs. Ralph Hendershot and daughter
of Boise, Idaho, spent Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. LeRoy.
Will Bohrer and Chas. Walters re
turned home Wednesday from Reaver
Crossing where they erected a silo.
Fred Corbett, Marion Mercer, Harold
Coplon and Frank Elllngcr attended a
ball game at Hummer, Kansas, Sun
day. Mrs. Ella Sheppard went to Scotts
BlulY, Wednesday, where she will visit
her daughter, Mrs. Will Roats and
Bert Gricc and Dr. Mitchell and son,
Robert, left the first of the week for
Colorado where they will enjoy an
Miss Wllla Cathcr of Now York City'
arrived In tho city Tuesday evening to
visit her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F.
On Wednesday morning a fire was
discovered in the cpA) pile at tho rear
of tho Ovoring Bros, building and tho
fire department responded qulokly aud
soon extinguished the blazo which
caused very little damage.
Powell Bros.
Smoke House
T1 ISA &I$!
tP ' w x7f)ir
CIGARS that ore Good
The Brand Your Doclor Smokes
Most complete line of
Cigars and Tobaccos
in "Red Cloud
Lost A Musio Lyre. Finder lenve
at this ofllce and receive reward.
Mrs. Lafe Hcrburger and daughter
returned to their home atOmaha, Mon
day, after spending a few days with
Mr. and Mis. Joe Herburger.
Supt. Zeigler, Mayor Damerell and
tho city council left Wednesday via
auto for a tour of tho cities in Kansas
and Nebraska where paving lias been
put in.
N. Burl Osboru and Mrs. Alta B.
Andorson, both of Ayr, wero granted
a marriage license last Thursday by
Judge Raunoy and the couple were
married by Rev. Ogdon.
Mrs. Chas. Hauson and Mrs. John
Martin arrived home Tuesday morning
from Goodland, Kansas, where they
were called by the death of their
father, Mr. A. A. Phillips.
It has been announced that the base
ball team of Cambridge will cross bats
with the Blue Hill team at this place
July ttli. Conio out nnd sec tho best
game that has ever been held hcio. It
Is all freo.
A. 15. Peirce will address a meeting
at the Congregational church, next
Sunday at .'J p. m. on the "Times of
tho Gentiles" and Its relation to the
preseut war. W. I. Patterson will also
address tho meeting.
Notice: Ev. Luth. Zions' congrega
tion! Sunday School next Sunday,
the filth, at 10 a. in. &harp. Confession
servico at 10:30. Regular 4servIco with
Lord's Supper at 11, Announcements
for communion taken Saturday from 3
to 3 p. m. Bible history instruction
for junior class Saturday at 2 p. m , at
the parsonage. Rev. A. Schaal, pastor.
A reunion was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs.'B. A. Starr northwest of
town last Sunday in honor of Miss
Grace Saunders of Boulder, Colorado.
Those present were: George Harris and
wife, Charles Starr and family and
Mrs. Frank Starr of Red Cloud, Nobr.,
and J. W. Starr and family of this city.
Miss Saunders and Mrs. Harris are
sisters, and nieces of J. W. Starr.
Tuesday's Lebanon Times.
Farm Loans
Call at my headquarters for the
cheapest farm loans, ns 1 have them
Sole agent for Trevett, Mattis and
Baker. Private funds on hand.
J. H . Bailey.
.r... ,n,
- flaaiaaHaaaifc f V
Mr. . BHeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK -4 aaaaaaaaaaaaaavBuaaaaaaaaaaaBBBk.
mV .JtBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafrT'V'y 'CaSaaaaBaaaaVIBaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaiBaw K
k. v jfeaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaKZi aaaaaaaaM evanASMBVcUlflEBHSJIvSejiSTSPPBk '
Get Ready for the Fourth of July
Come to our store and let us show
you our Hot Weather Clothing-
We have the latest in two-piece Suits at $8 to $16
Wash Ties 2Sc, 50c and 7Sc
Complete line Oxfords, Shirts, Straw Hats, Summer Underwear
The Hamilton-Cather Clothing Company
The Home of Munsing Underwear for Men
Piano at a Bargain .
Wo have a used piano iu good condi
tion that one of our oustomcrs.was un
able to finish paying for. We will
place it free of charge in the home of
any satisfactory party In the vicinity
of Red Cloud who will pay the balance
In cash, or payments as low as 'Sfi.per
month. Address Gaston Musio Co.,
Ours Will Be Some Army?
i .-i. I...
WASHINGTON, June lO.-America's
armies will bo made up of the flnebt
physical manhood of tho nation.
Army surgeons today cstimutcd that
nearly 10 per cent of tho men brought
to the colors by tho selective draft will
bo rejected upon the first physical
scrutiny, so severe are tho examina
tions. Nearly one million must be
drawn to get the 025,000 for the llrst
lovy. At present the rejections in the
regular army average Jo to Go per cent
of the applicants.
After undergoing the severe examina
tions Imposed by the army surgeons,
the chosen ones will form tho best
army physically in the world. In no
other army aro the physical require
ments so hard to meet. Even Ger
many's armies aro picked on a less
stringent scale of requirements.
Here aro the general requirements
for the army:
Height Not loss than five feett t jur
Inches, nor moro than six feet.
Weight Not less than 128 rounds
nor more than 103.
Lungs and heart must be well nigh
perfect. Any heart 'murmur" dis
qualifies. Hearing and sight n.USt be
good. Color blindness is not necessar
ily a disqualification.
Chronic diseases or mental disorders
causo rejection. Loss of fingers or toes,
or an ear, are disqualifications.
Donate what you can for the
Y. ML C. A. War Relief fmd
Endenvorers in tho llth District Con
vention assembled, citizens of Red
Cloud nnd otli District olllcors:
We, your committee on resolutions,
beg leave to submit tho following re
port: Inasmuch as the people of Red Cloud
have opened their homes and city to
our convention, therefore, be It resolv
ed: 1st, tlint we as a convention ex
tend our heartiest thanks to the people
of Red Cloud for their kind and sincere
Und. Wo wish to tliauk the mer
chants of the city for honoring the
Convention by a display of our colors.
We wish, alBO, to commend tho dec
orating committee who made the
church so beautiful and we wish to
recommend that thoy assist Hastings
in their decorating for the state con
vention, next fall.
,3rd. We vUh to thank very much
those who have assisted with the
special music as it has meant so much
to the convention.
4th. Our thauks are due, especially
to Miss Hooper, Mr. C. E. Hamilton
and all the different speakers who have
taken time and elfort to make our con
vention a success.
nth. We wish to thank tho Recep
tion, Committee for giving us such
splendid entertainment on Friday even
ing and also wish to thank the Inter
mediates, who met aud welcomed us at
the tralu.
Cth. We wish to thauk Miss Mc
! Reynolds for her helpful presence nnd
as sho goes as our Uth District Mission
ary to Africa wo especially commend
her to the care of our Heuvculy Father
and may sho ever feci that we, uh En
deavorers are praying for her success..
7th. Our heartfelt thanks are due
to our faithful District otilcers, who
have arranged such a splendid program
We also, pledge our undivided sup
port to the new otllccrs and bespeak
j fur them a most successful year.
I 3th, We further wish to commend
; all tiie boys of this district wiio have
or may bo enlisted in the great world
war nnd wo espeohvlly commend them
l to our Heavenly Father nud in all
trials and temptations may Ho be
their "Shield and Buckler.''
0th. Wo further wish to thank tho
Socialist member jind others for their
beautiful ilowers aud bouquets that
were sent to us during this convention.
Signed Mrs. Oscar Warp.
Miss Viola Malrs.
Ryron 0. Leminon.
The piece of furniture that serves two purposes
It serves as a nice settee and you can open it up and make
a full size bed with good easy springs. It operates easy
and (olds up with the mattress inside.
One of the moft useful pieces
of furniture in the house
COME IN and let us demonstrate them to you.
X Licensed Embalmer . Furniture Dealer
"Friends" Is Good.
Tho Frank Lewis who was arrested
for highway robbery last Monday Is
notitho well known Frank Sousa Lew
Is of San Jose, as" Supposed by many of
his frtends.-San Joso Mercury.
Namoi Is Names.
Wolf Camel lives at Foxtown, Ky.
The Old Fashioned Blush.
Dear Luke That old fashioned blush
that Isn't hnnd painted Is still found
nmoug tho Ozark' mountains of Arkan
sas when n young lady is canght pull
Ing Maiden Dinah apples from the
tree of a baobelor friend. Rev. John
D. Freeman, Paetor Weafc Broadway
Baptfct CbOMav Loukrt 111, Ky.
Lemonade or
Ice Tea Glasses
Now that the warm weather is
here you will be wanting a supply
of these. We have a big new
line that is sure to please you.
10c, 15c and 20c each
The 5c -10c -25c Store
E. M. EGE - - On the Corner
Celebrate July 4tk at Red Cloud