The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 14, 1917, Image 5

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5. !
G. .T. Warren spent Tuesday in
Sco the Orpheum's announccmnnt nd
on page four.
Itoy Sattloy Undertaker-Auto Heurso
in connection.
Harvey Itiekerson spent Sunday with
friends at Orleans.
Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J. C.
Mitchell, the Jeweler.
Mrs. Ed. Gather spent Wednesday
with friends at Uulde Hoclc.
'Attorney A. M. Walters of ltlue Hill
vn3 in tliu city Wednesday.
Hugh Halrd spent Sunday with hi
parents at Formosa, Kansas.
Austin Ueorgo of Lebanon is visiting
with Ids mother, Mrs. George.
Mis A. E. Harlan went to Shelton,
Wednesday, to visit relatives
Mrs. Pete Hansen went to Lincoln,
Wednesday, to visit relatives.
Two train loads of soldiers went tluu
the city Saturday euroutc west.
Gus Hoimgralu of llurltott was visit
ing frlend9 in tho city this weolc.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Beardslco of
Lobanon wero in tho city Monday.
Hat Cro.ter of Armour spent the llrst
of the week with friouds in this city.
Seo Blanche Sweet in "Tho Sowers"
at the Orphcum tonight. Adm 5-10c.
L. A. Graves of Grand Island spent
tho weekend with friends in tho city.
Howard Simpson wont to Armour,
Wednasdny morning, to visit relatives
Marion Mercer, Kenneth Wilson and
Harry Yost were in Lebanon, Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Starr and child,
rcn spent Saturday with friends at
Mr. and Mrs. Carter Lipponeott
moved to Mankato, Kansas, tho llrst of
the week.
Mrs. W. II. McKimmoy went to Wcl
dona, Colorado, Monday, where she
will visit relatives.
Miss Marie Wolfe went to Kearney
tho last of tho week where sho will at
tend summer school.
Miss Edythu Herrlok arrived home
Saturday from Hastings where she had
been attending college.
George Topham and Chas. Moedo of
Ulue Hill bpent Wednesday ovening
with relatives in this city.
Mrs. S. C. Ellis went to University
Place, Tuesday, where she will spend
a few days with relatives.
Howard Yost returned home Satur
day from Lincoln whero he had been
attending a dental college.
The Misses Thompson and Uaimes
of Lobanon wero the guests of Miss
Minnie George, Wednesday.
At the Orpheum, Friday, Juue 15th,
Wm. Fox presents Jose Collins in "A
Woman's Honor. Adm 5-10c.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hunter and Mr
and Mrs. Geo. McCrary were down
from Inavale, Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson of
Hastings spent Sunday with hi9 par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Kobinson.
Dr. R. V. Nicholson returned home
from Omaha, Friday evening, whero
he attended the stato dental meeting.
Miss Carrie Stewart of Lincoln nr
rived in the city Wednesday evening
to visit her brother, II. W. Stewart and
Rev. J. L. Beebo wont to Oiuahn,
Monday, to accompany his daughter,
who had been attending school thero,
Robert and Nellie Laniborn camo
home from Ayr, Wednesday evening,
where the spent a few days with thoir
Tho Missos Loraino Hansen and
Mildred Polnicky went to Peru, Satur
day, whero they will attend sumniei
.Too Pavellek accompanied his
daughter, Miss Elsie, to Hastings,
Monday, whero she will attend bchool
this summer.
The Kaiser is waiting to hear from
tho Liberty Loan Bond salo. Let tho
nnswer be such that it will bo heard
mouud the world.
Russel Atnack, tho popular salesman
nt the Hamilton-Gather Clothing store,
spent Sunday with friend(s) at Lincoln.
What's tlio attraction Russelr
Clias. Kaley went to Liucoln, Tues
Fred Slaby spent tho weekend nt
Joe Fogel went to St Joe. Tuesday
Ed. Amack went to Lincoln Tuesday
C. F. Gather went to Lincoln, Tues
day morning.
The Boaid of Equalization is in sess
ion this week.
S. B. Klzer went to Lincoln, Tues
day, to visit relatives.'
Mrs. Risslc Cox spent tho weekend
with relatives at Cowles.
County Superintendent (iertrude L.
Coon spent Friday in Superior.
County Attorney F. J. Munday was
in Nuliou tho llrst of the week.
Miss llertha Doyle attended a teach
er's meeting at Superior Friday.
John Chrismau and J. It Crozier of
Guide Kock were iu the city Tuesday
Come to lied Cloud July Uh and en
joy tho best celebration In southern
Mrs Itobt. Damcrcll and Miss Eliza
beth Overman went to Liucoln, Tues
day morning.
Mayor Dameroll, W. G. Hamilton
and F. W. Cowdcu wore in Blue Hill,
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of Burr Oak
wore visiting with thoir daughter,
Mrs Guy Barnos, this week.
Harry Eldrcdge, of Kensington, Kan
sas, spont the last of the weolc with
his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Eld
rcdge. Miss Helen Lemon went to Unlvor
sity Place tho last of tho week where
she will visit relatives for sevoral
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Gellatly attend
cd tho wedding of their friend, Miss
Adaliue Kollor, at Denver Saturday
Floyd McCall returned home from
Kansas City, Tuesday morning, where
he had a consignment of stock on tho
Miss Ethol Whitakcr of Santa Ana,
California arrived in the city Tuesday
to visit her brothor, Chas. Whltakor
and family.
Mrs. Tom Kirchner returned to Arm
our the llrst of tho week after spend-
a few days witli her mother, Mrs. N
It. Simpson.
Mrs. George Delph went to Kearney,
Moudny, to accompany her daughter,
Miss Mildred, who had been attending
school thero, home.
Glen Foe left Friday morning for
Greybull, Wyoming, where he will
spend tho summer with his brothon
Ralph, and family.
Guide Rock must be getting short of
young ladies as most of their young
men can be seen wending their way
to this city on Sunday evening.
The Misses Blanche Boner and Jen
nie Miner returned home the last of
the week from Peru, where thsy bud
been attending the state normal.
Miss Helen Courtright of Beaver
City, who has been attending the Nor
mal school at Peru, is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. F. J. Munday and family.
A special teachers' examination will
be held at Rod Cloud, Fiiday and
Saturday, Juue 15 and 1G.
Goitrudo L. Coon, Co. Stipf
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Carpenter, and
sou Clarence, and daughter, Mrs. Will
Mouutford went to Imperial today to
visit, their 'daughter and sister, Mrs.
Fritz Moede.
Roy Sattloy, our popular furniture
dealer and undertaker, returned home
from Omaha, the last of tho week,
whore ho attended the Funeral Direct
oi s Convention.
Will Eldrcdge, of Huntley, who had
been to Omaha where hopassod the ex
amination for tho navy, bpent the last
of the week with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Clias. Eldrcdge.
Tho following districts have report
ed that their chlldron will take part in
tho rural school parade on the Fourth
of July: Districts 02, G, 9, (10, 7b, .18, 01,
and 15 a total of one hundred eluven
Powell Bros.
Smoke House
CIGARS that arc Good
The Brand Your Doclor Smokes
Most complete line o
Cigars and Tobaccos
in Red Cloud
Means Lower Prices
There's certainly a roason for tho
ever increasing popularity of
Richardson Corp. Crushed Fruits,
Syrups, etc. aro unoxcollcd and
when served with tho high grade
Ice Cream wo carry make tempt
ing dish.
Come and See
I. R. Wotherald and J. L. Mendou
hall, Traveling Freight and Passenger
agents, and H. L. Lewis, Division
Freight and Passenger agent, of the
C. 11. & (I R U Co., wore in the city
Owing to the fact that tho band boys
can not sccuro adequate light on the
corner thoy will play in front of tho
Orpheum tonito as tho manage ment of
this theater has consented to furnish
light and chairs.
Mrs. Frank Starr, who is hero visit
ing her parents, John Adams and wife,
is not onjoylng hersolf tho best just
at this time on account of tho moasly
measles keeping iter in tho
Tuesday's Lebanon Times.
I'm really glad I can enlist
If it's true, lib I hear,
That English soldiers gets oacli day
A full six -pints of boor.
I'm glad I'm going whero I may
Buy mo a cigarette,
Or better still, bo given it
By a sweet sufragcttc.
Clay Contcr Suu.
W. G. Shaunon wont to St. .Too, Mon
day. Alva Sherman went to Hastings,
Mrs. Anderson went to Hardy, Mon
day, to visit relntives.
Bernard Fruit .returned homo Sun
day evening from Fairbury.
Miss Anna Zlab spent tho weekend
with her mother at Hubbell.
Mrs. Waskom went to Lincoln, Wed
nesday, to spoud a few days.
Miss Boryl Caley of Alma spent Sun
day witli friends in tills city.
Lost A Music Lyre. Finder leave
at this olllce and rccoivc reward.
Mrs. Hedge and daughter, Lotmi,
spont Sunday with relatives at Inavale
Mr. aud Mrs. George Arnup of River
ton spont Sunday with friends iu this
There will be a Christinn Science
lecture iu Hastings Sunday afternoon
at 3:30.
Wcesner ,v Koontz and Delaney Bros,
shipped a car of hogs to Kansas City,
Mr. and Mrs. John Wtckstrom and
son, Don, of Rlverton spout Sunday
with friends in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Pool returned to
Lincoln, Monday, after spending a
few days at the W. V. Bcal homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Vale Fox returned to
York, Friday morning after spending
days with his.parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
I'. Fox.
The Mi9ses Edna aud Venia Hender
son returned home, Monday from
Alma; where they spent a few days
with friends.
Estrayed this week, one large red
sow. Any information leading ,to its
whereabouts will bo appreciated.
Dau'l Garber.
Mrs. Bertha Van Oman and children
returned to Hardy, Saturday, after
spending a few days with her mother,
Mrs. Herb Ludlow.
Miss Ruth Courtright, of Beaver City,
who is ono of tho instructors in the
McCook schools, is visiting her sister,
Mrs. F. J. Munday and family.
Tho Misses Margaret and Toresa
Kollett wont to Hastings, Monday,
whero thoy will attend tho Immaculate
Conception Academy this summer.
We iiru iu tne market for 100 to 12.1
pounds Shoats at market price deliver
ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for do
livery to plant. C. II. Miner Serum
Chas. F. Brooks and Miss Ada M.
Ray, of Guide Rock, wero granted a
marriage on Saturday and on
Sunday thoy wore married by Rev
The Farmeis Union Association of
Inavale will buy your cream, eggs aud
poultry at highest mnikct price and
sell you Hour and feed at leasotmble
prices. Your trade is solicited. L,
Johnson, Manager.
Tom Auld and many other promi
nent bachelors of Omaha aro receiving
much praiso for thoir genet nsity in
offering Liberty Bonds as birthday
glfth to new arrivals in Omaha. Tho
first Bond was donated by Mr. Auld.
Messrs. Hausorman & Rotzmaii, man
agors of tho Orphcum theater, who nru
always trying to please tho goneral
public, have installed a drinking foun
tain in front of this amusement par'
lor for the benefit of the thirsty pabs
ers by.
A train load of recruits for the regu
lar army from St. Louis went thru this
city Tuesday afternoon enrouto west.
A largo number of this city's fair
maidens served them with coll'eo and
sandwiches during their stop here,
which without a doubt tho soldier boys
Farm Loans
Call at my headquartors for the
cheapest farm loans, as 1 have them.
Solo agent for Trovett, Mattls and
Bakor, Private funds on hand.
J. II. Bailuv.
Tin llju cf kuj icu! finer
Increased distributing power makes greater
buying power thats why we are affiliated
with the United National Clothiers and can
give you such exceptional suit values.
We don't waste money. Wc believe in saving it unci saving it
for you. Our membership in the United National Clothiers makes
possible a saving for you every time you buy a suit here.
Clothing merchants co-operating in their buying from 1 4 States
give the United Clothiers a tremendous buying power. The
members or the U. N. C. arc in the same buying basis as the
largest buying organization in the country.
This price advantage and our careful personal selection of every
suit with a full knowledge of the likes and dislikes of our customers,
a knowledge gained thru years of contact, makes this a store where
values will please and satisfy you.
See the remarkable all wool suits, which we
are selling in blue serge, gray worsteds, blue
and brown striped cheviots. Wonderful
values everyone at
$12.50 to $25.00
A B l E
Mrs. Minnie Moore and children re
turned to Lincoln, Wednesday, after
spending a few days with her father,
Jacob Whipkcy.
If you should have stepped into
Shcrin Halter's ofllco thu latter part
of the week and seen tho forco of girls
working under his supervision for
Uncle Sam, you would have noticed
that Red Cloud girls are not behind in
their patriotism, and arc ever ready
to help when needed. Lot the good
work go on. AN Ouservi:k.
Reports show that County Cleric
Perry, Sheriff Huiferandothercitlzens
have not made tiny charge for the ser
vices they have rendered, in order
that tho registration laws be complied
with. Tho former gentlemen are in
receipt of a letter from Governor No-
ville commending them for the prompt
manner in which they handled the re.
ports, and all details pcituining to the
Miss Grma Argabrlght and Mr. Boy
Elwood, of north of town, wero united
in marriage Wednesday afternoon at
3 o'clock at the Cora parsonage, Rcv
Sapp performing tho ceremony. Miss
Argabrlght has made her home for a
number of years with her grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mis. II J, Skecu and has
a host of friends. Mr. and Mrs El
wood left today to take up thoir resi
dence on a farm, sovou milos southeast
of Bed Cloud, Nebraska. Smith Cen
tre Journal.
The city is advertising for bids for
paving of Webster street irom Second
to Sixth avenue and Fourth avenue
from Elm to Cedar street, ostlinatr to
be given on both brick and concrete
paving. An estimate on the work to
bu dono will bn as follows: ll.ST.lsquaro
yards of pavement, ISO linear feet of
curb, 11,914 linear feet of combined
curb and guitar, () gutter bridges and
3 monument covers. After tho bids
have beou recolvod aud tho contract
lot work will be begun in August
and long before the beautiful begins
to fall our citizens will behold one of
tho grcntost public impiovoments tho
city lias ever made.
Tho members of tho village board of
Rlverton wero iu this city last evening
conferring with the mayor and council
regarding the ptoposltlon of this city's
plant furnishing electric curieut for
Riverlon. Our oftleials made them a
rato for same with tho understanding
that Rlverton would put in the trans
mission lines which would connect
that town with the municipal plant,
here. Tho geutleiucn inspected tho
plant and wero well pleased witli it.
No action was taken at thlH inciting.
An effort will bo made to liavo Inavalo
go in on this proposition as well as tho
farmers aloug tho line.
Mr. Al Slaby, who was relieving ono
of tho regular cmploycos iu tho local
0. B. & Q yards was quite seriously In
jured at an curly hour Tuesday morn
ing, Ho was taking ice out of tho ico
houso and fell from tho chute, it dis
tance of about twelve feet, striking
upon a projecting bolt, Inlllctlngadeup
gash In his neck and also producing a
tripplo fractuio of the jaw bono. Tho
Company physician was summoned and
after administering first aid to tho in
jured man bo was placed on a train,
accompanied by his wife, to bo taken
to n hospital in Denver. Owing to a
severe hemorrhage ho was removed
from the train at McCook.
' ,! I II
h-. PK5igWBBBjn)Kgliao-gpBMiB
i f JI,,M,
The piece of furniture that serves two purposes
It serves as a nice settee and you can open it up and make
a full size bed with good easy springs. It operates easy
and folds up with the mattress inside.
One of the moft useful pieces
of furniture in the house
COME IN and let us demonstrate them to you.
Licensed Embalmcr
Furniture Dealer
Lemonade or
Ice Tea Glasses
Now that the warm weather is
here you will be wanting a supply
of these. We have a big new
line that is sure to please you.
10c, 15c and 20c each
The 5c -10c -25c Store
E. M. EGE - - On the Corner
Celebrate July 4th at Red Cloud