The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 14, 1917, Image 4
RED OLOUD. NEBRASKA. CHIEF J u 'I! I r "i Ha Bl a I V W THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Clout), Nobrnakiv PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered In Uio l'ost(iinre;nt lied llouil, Nob fin Hccond Class Mutter' A 11. McARTIIUR I'L'tlMSltKII TIB ONIiY DKMUCItATlU l'Al'EH IN WMiSTKIt COUNTY Proclamation of Red Cross Week "I" INASMUCH UK our thought its a imlloii mo now turin'il In united pur pose towards the performance to tho utmost of the sorrier iiml duties which we have assumed in the cause of justice itnil liberty. INASMUCH us but u small prorTori lon of our people can linvo the oppor tunity to serve upon the nettiul Held of buttle, but till men, women and child ron alike may serve and servo ellVet ively by making it possible to euro properly for those, who do serve uuder nnns at homo mid abroad. ANDINAHMLHJII as the American Red Cross is the ollloial recognized ngency for voluntary effort in bohalf of the armed forces of the nation nnd for the administration of relief. Now, therefore, by virtuo of my authority its President of tho United States nnd President, of tho American Rod Cros', 1, Woodrow Wilson, do lioroby proclaim tho week endiiiK Juno 25, 1017, as Rod Cross Week during which tho people of the United Statos will bo called upou to give sonorously and In n spirit of patriotic sacrlllco for tho support nnd mnhitenanco of this work of national need. WOODROW WILSON. Washington, D. U, May 25, 1017. Lawn Mowers If your old lawn mower is not giving satisfaction do not waste time trying to work with it, or spend your money on repair bills; buy a new one, now. We have, the mower you want at the price you wish to pay. GEO. W. TRINE RED CLOUD'S LEADING HARDWARE DEALER laTlI A Thrilling Motion Picture Novel in 15 Amazing 1Ikj1! F HELEN HOLMES Orpheum TheatreWednesday, June 20th When the War is Over (Air "Wearing of tho Green ") When the war n over, Laddir, Just take a tip (torn me, Thete'll be no German submarine! A'diving thru the tea, For the Fatherland o( Kaiier Bill, The guy we're going to lick, Will have a brand new kaiser And the same will be n Mick. We'll change the long "Die Wacht am Rhein" Into on Irish reel, And make the Dutchmen dance it II 'lis to inclined we (eel, For the police (orce in Berlin Will be Micks (torn County Clare When wc put an Irish Kaiser In the palace over there. Sure in eveiy German parkway You will find a tweet colleen, An' the fields o( waving taueikraut We will plant with Shamrocks green; No Ineiuurit or tausagc When the Dutchman diinkt hit tudt lie will get corned ber ( and cabbage And good old liish spuds. The htathen gum and gat bombs We'll throw them all away, And make them use shillalahs Or bricks of Irish clay. They'll wear no iron crosses, Sure, 'tit shamrocks they will wear When we put on Irish Kaiser In the palace over there. Baseball and the War Tho Nebraska State Journal has again arranged to publish full box scores on all National, American and Western league games thruout tho season. Yet for thoe readers who maintain that baseball will wane in interest because of the war, tho .Jour nal will provide all of the war news it is compatlblo with public policy to print. Journal readers will receive tho latest possible news as furnished by tho Associated press, supplemented by special correspondence from Wash ington and wherever Nebraska troops may bo sent. T ho price of n three months' subscription to The Journal is SI daily or Sll!o with tho big Sunday Journal. The latest and greatest Helen Holmes success "The Railroad Raiders" a brand new motion picture novel of railroad life will soon be here. It's crammed with action punch thrills! Feats that seem well nirfh impossible arc performed before your very eyes by the players. It's the most sensational story of the year. In fifteen chapters a new chapter every week. Sec the first chapter at Webster County's Roll of Honor Names of Young Men Who Registered on June Fifth, for Service in the RED CLOUD, I). Altman, D. Arricrs, E. Butler, L. E. F. Bungard, L. II. Baker, F. E. Dnvis, C. J. Ethcrton, S. II. Foe, E. C. Frost, J. W. Fogel, L. M. Fentress, T. R. Hayes, M. D. Hollidny, M. A. Harris, N. T. Hnyos, L. II. Hnrtinnn, F. C. Jornbcrg, C. J. Jackson, E. R. Koontz, J. Kurns, T. Mnckey, W. W. Martin, C. IVIcClure, V. R. Nicholson, J. Peter son, C. C. Pope, J. Perry, T. R. Robinson, F. Richards, S. P. Sherwood, M. C. Sherwood, D. Smith, E. R. Sanderson, T. E. Sutton, J. L. Smith, A. C. Shee ey, P. F. Sutton, N. I. Smelzer, A. W. Sanders, A. Schattl, L. C. Sutton, L. W. Sanderson, R. R. Stevens,- L. N. Sutton, R. Tdrner, T. R. Tttmblson, D. W. Tyler, A. F. Turnure, C. II. Wolfe, M. R. Weaver, P. R. Wcesner, L. G. Zeiss, C. V. Zeiss. , RED CLOUD, 2nd Ward B. C. Anderson, R. G. Amack, D. B. Burden, E. II. Brinkntan, A. M. Butler, 0. M. Butler, 0. S. Buzzard, L. S. Caldwell, J. D. Cathcr, D. S. Coombs, C. R. Carpenter, W. 11. Cramer, A. D. Evans, G. Engstrom, B. II. Fruit, F. D. Fulton, R. A. Fountain, J. C. Gcer, A. G. Gilbert, C. G. Green, R. W. Garrcttson, R. A. Gorman, II. C. Gellntly, J. W. Gilbert, V. J. Hen derson.W. A. Hunt, II. F. Huffcr, S. J. Huffer, II. E. Hall, W. W. Holmes, L. L. Hines, C. C Jackson, F. W. Kuehn, II. II. Knrsting, R. A. L. Lamb, J. A. Loy, A. B. McArthur, L. F. McPhceters, G. M. Miksch, C. II. MeNubb, C. S. McArthur, G. A. Mubson, W. C. I'cgg, W. G. Pope, 0. A. Powell, P. B. Polnicky, L. I. Potter, M. K. Quigley, II. J. Rickerson, B. W. Stewart, II. M. Smith, A. W. Sherman, R. Smith, W. G. Storey, E. A. Steffcn, T. R. Simp son, C. Walters, G. F. Walker, A. Wiggins, II. Yost. RED CLOUD PRECINCT C. II. Bowcn, M. Bloom, P. Buckles, N. J. Courtright, F. II. Carnahnn, I. Camp, G. Cnry, L. II. Crow, II. E. Dedrick, D. J. Delph, L. 0. Derr, B. N. Eshclman, C. F. Eshclman, J. R Fitz, E. Huffcr, C. Harpham, M. II. Hun sicker, R. L. Hunsickcr, C. J. Hnsselbachcr, D. II. Kirkpatrick, J. II. Kellogg, J. J. McPnrtland, F. Mcintosh, E. Mcintosh, J. L. Mycr, II. M. McPartland, T. K. McArthur, P. W. McDowell, II. D. Montgomery, B. F. Meyer, D. E. ' Phillips, C. F. Pharos, L. E. Pegg, 0. Ramcy, C. M. Riggins, B. F. Reed, J. ' C. Rasser, R. E. Heihcr, L. II. Reihcr, J. T. Saladen, G. E. Shadbolt, C. R. ! Shcrer, A. Sodcrlin, C. R. Sutton, J. Throckmorton, T. B. Throne, II. E. Thomas, A. J. Topham, A. Turner, C. Wolfe, II. Yost. GLENWOOD PRECINCT B. J. Armstrong, L. J. Ashmore, F. W. Anderson, A. J. Anderson, W. V. Anderson, W. S. Anderson, G. Anderson, M. V. Bottom, M. L. Bauer, M. II. Cotncr, E. W. Cox, O. W. Collett, L. A. Derr, W. C. Dickman, E. Dusek G. Denton, J. E. W. Denton, G. E. Davis, C. 0. Erfman, S. L. Easterly, G. W. Feis, W. A. Fassler, F. C. Greene, B. II. Goodell, S. C. Gunn, E. Huffert, A. V. Hall, J. S. Hoskovec, II. E. Hartman, V. E. Hickok, B. F. Householder, I. Jones, J. L. Jones, R. Kinlcy, T. A. Kruger, T. Knutson, P. W. Karr, G. . H. Klingcr, II. A. Kimmel, H. Klatt, A. G. Kranail, E. E. Lockhart, W. S. I Laughran, G. I. McCoy, J. E. Mattock, K. B. Moss, B. A. Morey, R. L. Mat tocks, J. J. Mclllecc, J. I. Meyers, E. II. McCoy, M. Marymec, W. II. Meyers, ' C. P. Muhleiscn, S. J. Piel, R, Picl, It. Pavelke, C. Pavelke, F. Pavelkc, A. Pavelke, L. L. Richendifer, P. M. Riuschke, C. W. Robinson, F. W. Ruschke, W. L. Russell, C. A. Stumpenhorst, C. L. Spencc, R. L. Stevens, II. A. Schulz, A. 0. Schulz, A. II. Sccmun, E. F. Sullivan, John Soucck, R. 0. Sailor, J. ! F. Soucek, R. R. Thompson, E. J. Uridel, J. L. Wacchter, G. C. Wacchlcr, L. C. Whelan, I. V. Wnlburn, W. J. Worley. GUIDE ROCK PRECINCT F. Andres, C. S. Baldwin, C. J. Baldwin, II. A. Brooks, C. F. Brooks, II. E. Bilker, G. Buck.D. L. Burr, J. Barrett, C. Carroll, L. A. Clopine, A. J. Conner, G. Cone, II. Cruse, L. W, Crops, C. F. Clark, V. C. Cady, G. W. Dun bar, 0. Dunbar, D. O. Essley, R. J. Fink, E. J. Fairfield, G. A. Fritsinger, H. R. Fnusch, C. R. Fringer, M. S. Fringer, T. Gutierry, J. Gilbert, C. C. Guy, A. Ginsberg, R. L. Hunter, G. E. Hunter, II. H. Hunter, C. 0. Holz, II. E. Holz, Kirkpatrick, J. Konzack, M. S. Konznck, D. Massinger, V. Martinez, F. McLean, F. C. Mahnke, C. Molley, M. E. Moranville, C. C. Metz, H. L. McCormick, F. W. McCurdy, C. Miner, F. Mol ley, L. L. Marsh, E. C. Moranville, J. E. F. M. Portman, J. W. Perry, C. A. Phillips, W. F. Retnfeldt, M. L. Richard, L. M. Richard, C. J. Reed, L. E. Schultz, R. Stickley, A. Sayre, A. Somer halder, J. A. Shaffer, R. E. Springer, E. V. Steiner, C. E. Shaver, Scher bacher, L. II. Strickland, J. L. Simpson, D. Torrez, C. M. Taylor, R. V. Tooker, W. W. Watt, B. Wickhamj'L. E. Williams, C. Wichman, 0. H. Zwil ling. CoNTINTT.D ON FAOK ElOIIT L!Vfk U. S. Army 1st Ward W. Bohrer, E. 11. Bnird, R. J. Barker, C. Heitz, II. B. Hunter, A. B. Hall, F. I. Hooker, S. Hernandez, F. J. W. L. Lundstedt, W. Massinger, H. Morgan, E. Ohmstede, C. Ohmstede, Hysterical Economy a Menace Uncle Sam is going to loan his allies in the great war the immense sum of two billions of dollars more If necess ary. A pirt of this loan has already been made. Wiint does this mean to American business men and American citizens? Two billions of dollars is an immense sum. It is equal to about S20 per capitli tor every man, woman and child in tho United States. Practically every cent of this loan will be spent in tills country for sup plies of various k I u d s. Get that thought. This money is not going out of thu country It will stay right hero to help boost our prosperity a pro-, perity the like of which I1113 never be foro been known. It means that much wealth added to our resources in addition to which we shall recolvo the Interest on this loan, a matter of some sixty millions of dollars more per year. Tiie natuial resources or tins coun try amount to fifty billions of dollnrs per year more than enough to carry on even such a gigantic war as wo are now engaged in and do so indefinite ly. This is true, of course, only so long as money, the lifeblood of tho nation, continues to circulate freely. You can help win this great struggle for humanity and universal freedom ovon if you aro not called to the colors, You can give this aid without making any sacrifice, oven tho slightest. All you are asked to do Is to continue your life as you luivo done for tho last few years. Keep right on buying the necessities for yourself nnd family. Do not attempt a rigid economy which will tend to check the free circulation money. Remember thut money only works when Ifc is circulating hidden away In a safety doposit vault, It does neither you nor anyone olho any good. It Is morelv like so much implanted Hood It lies dormant and useless, But when circulating it works or its owner and brings bauk interest with it. Smilo-llvo your usual llfo buy what you need and pay for it prompt ly. If wo all do this, wo canuot fail to win this war for humanity. YVSUJ)SSJOO oAtoflmo. 4 ffl ZTic Progress ofElccfric fms 6ccn (he Measure Progress of (tic Aid. ffimjT&m 'MAZDA. 1AMP x,wXc,wX"XX'X'xX'xo$,x lllllll TUTCJ il" Wrmrl "L. ! 1 r-5v"!-l SiSST ur Minting WMtUl Will Please You No Jobs too small, none too large to receive our careful attention y y V V y V V y ? v v v v THE RED CLOUD CHIEF PRINTERS and PUBLISHERS 'Wot hoxu cheap but tow good" v.. KMXX-X"XK"XXXX"XX(KK"XXXXX"X'XMXMXXM CH1LDRENS DRESSES Have a nice line of dresses for boys and girls. Made in a good clean factory. Workman manship is as good as you would do at home and goods is well selected in color and quality. Prices range from 60c to $ 1 .75 Come in and let vie show you these before duyi?ig Mrs. Barbara Phares Agent for Warner Bros. Corsets : Buttcrick Patterns Thm Hamilton - Cather Clothing Co. , Saccototi to Pial Stortr Everything a Man or Boy Wears ttd Cloud Nebraska Tftc Spirit' M I. of tho Times Liihtin$ oftfic A complete line of these lamps, in various sizes, now on hand. Come in and see them. I also m ft); s'mrrj carry a line of fiTtiirrj. 1 h t - and supplies. For wiring and all things electrical see E. W. Stevens Electrical Work : Plumbing - - l-l 111 1 fv .--jss; - 4 E. S. Grber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures v t i 1 -, I I ! M i J-4 mm MrwMMMf -j .- x- " 'wifcwimnftiiimfMr-''- " Mr ""' i TTrnp-TrrTiT Mliiil m I II Mi m JSK mmm PStWtSSltttttttj