The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 07, 1917, Image 8

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Our State to Complete the
Celebration of Its Golden
Anniversary. L
Biy That Farm Now
LOOK at these splendid lands of Southwestern Nebraska and
MnrthAn&nrn Colorado before vou make cropping arrangements
for 1918. Don't make a rental contrad for (lie coming year that
. 1 ill .. hntfn 1
puts you nowhere towards a permanent nome unui yuu niv,
,.nVl r.n. fl. xrnn rrorrto nC flinoo nrnns. Go OUt aild talk to
uurw taw uiv, ui- .vwv.u- 13 nnd u tho occaslon bolng the
tne tarmers OL uicse counties you n mm mum in..,... "
ready to tell you that an inveslmcnt you make to properly equip
for renting an Eastern farm will put you at work on your own
account in Chcir neighborhood and on the road to independence.
I lmvo two now folilers sotting forth tins nfrrlcttUurnl conditions one
for Nobrnslcit and on.; for Colorado, Illustrated with local farm J-cenos
and maps slimvln locution. They are free. Let me nut you In touch
with tho best farm bargains offered today.
Tho Capital City will bo hosts to
r.n rnl nnd talk toulio State nnd tho Nation on Juno 12,
S. B. Howard, Immigration Apt C. B. & Q. Ry
1001 Flint um St. Omahn. Xs'cnr
N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb.
for ithe Next Sixty Days
for 1 Year
for Only
The Hi:d Cloud Ciiiuf, containing
all the live local news of Interest; The
Uuiial Wi:i:ki.y, Riving you state nnd
national news, news of interest to tho
farmer, cartoons that will Interest tho
little folks as well as tho grown-ups.
The Cons Hki.t Fahmeh, containing
articles of interest for tlto farmer,
stock raiser nnd poultry faucicr, by
authors of national fame, nnd Tub
Household Jouiinal, a publication
containing up to-date fiction, the new
est styles, helpful hints for the city
nnd rural housewife, also departments
that nre devoted to farm attd garden
Red Cloud Chief
Quality Printers : Publishers
fiftieth anniversary of tho entrnnco of
Nohrnskn Into the Union.
No celebration In our history will
lu ns meraornblo ns this our Golden
Coming as It docs when tho cntlro
world It engaged In n gigantic strug
gle to ascertain whether tho spirit of
democracy or tho spirit of ubsolutlsm
shall ho supreme, when our own com
monwcnlth will be called upon to do
more than any Ittco area in the world
to feed the people of tho nations, It
Is especially fitting that we should
emphasize our national responsibility
and awaken a prldo In our resource
ful state.
This Is perhaps the last great an
niversary when wo can pay tribute to
the makers of the State. Before an
other decade the territorial pioneers
will have gone. It will probably be
tho last great parade of tho veterans
of tho civil war who have had so
great a part in the upbuilding of our
commonwealth. It will bo tho last
time when the State will havo tho
opportunity to pay homage to those
heroic pioneer mothers who braved
tho vicissitudes of the border life nnd
brought forth tho flower of tho world'o
manhood nnd womanhood.
PflUpflT OR R PMEil
- jMade Bight, teetered
Bight And Ereeted Bight
OVEttlflG BROS. & CO.
Red Cloud,
Makers of Artistlc'JMonumonts
Historic Curios Wanted
Tho largest, best arranged, most In
teresting, historical exhibit depleting
tho life and habitations of Nebraska
aborigines, early Nebraska of the
whitcman, his Implements, homo and
ways of life, will be displayed at the
Nebraska Seml-Centennlal Celebration
In Lincoln Juno 12, 13, and 14, under
the superintendence of tho Nebraska
State Historical Society.
Most every family has preserved
somo priceless curios of former days
which would bo of a general Interest
to other citizens of the State. Pri
vate collections from almost every
county will be shown to the public
for tho first time.
Mr. A. E. Sheldon, Secretary of the
State Historical Society wishes to
got Into communication with all Ne
braskans having collections so that
they may bo added to tho wonderful
collections of the society which will
be on exhibit. Such articles as In
dlan relics, which Include stono axes
spear heads, weapons, bead work
buckskin dresses and buffalo robes,
early newspapers and books, photo
graphB of early scenes and persons,
evidences of tho early white settle
ments, manuscripts of all kinds which
will throw light upon tho arly set
tlers and settlements, are among the
many priceless things that will afford
genuine entertainment.
Private owners of valuable historic
relics will recelvo full credit for their
exhibits. Tho Semi Centonnlal com
mittee will pay nil expenses connected
with their safe transfer to Lincoln
and their return to tho owners. The
historical exhibits will receive caroful
guarding during the celebration. Where
possible, tho owners will bo asked to
come to Lincoln and help to Install
the exhibits. County associations will
be asked to take up this work which
will bo so valuablo for tho future of
our State In tho way of preserving
historic traditions.
Ford Fisher visited lit Edgar sovtrol
days last week.
J. A. Denton was transacting busl
less in Hastings Monday.
Fred Morcy was n passenger to
Stockvllle Friday evening.
Walter McCoy made a business trip
to Hastings last Wednesday.
Lisle Jones and Oscar Sailor were
passengers to llluc Hill Tuesday.
II. F. Welch and family of Ulttc 11111
were in town .Saturday afternoon.
Ted Husthnm went out to Madrid,
Wednesday evening to look after his
land interests.
Win. Lanphear went out to llaynid
Wednesday evening for a visit with Ills
son, Cassius, and family.
Miss Blanche Clarke returned Wed
nesday evening from mv extended visit
with relatives at Auburn.
Mrs. S. L. True was down from De
ivvese several days the past week visit
lug iter daughter, Mrs. John Boom.
Miss Stella Perry returned home
Thursday evening from Lincoln wh'ere
she had been visiting relatives and
Miss Clar'a Wolf and brother, Shel
don, returned Friday from Hastings
where they hnd been attending school
the past year.
E. II. Cox who has been taking treat
ments iu n hospital at Lincoln return
ed home last week for n short visit
with friends.
Mrs Orville Oberg Is enjoying a
visit from her brother, Andrew Swan
son of nieuvl'le, who Is spending sever
al weeks hero.
Called To Her Reward
The many friends of Mrs. Kyd Clut
tor will be grieved to learn of her sud
den death which occureri nt her home
In this city, on Monday evening. She
had been In poor health for some time
past but was apparently improving,
having spout tho evening at tho homo
of one of her neighbors
Tho deceased wns born in Cannda,
May S3, 1S73. She, with her family,
resided on a farm near Campbell for a
number of years, having moved to this
city n few years ago. She U survived
liy her husband, three son?, and one
Funeral services will be conducted
from her homo on Friday morning,
after which the remains will be tnkejj
to Campbell, where the regular burial
services will be coudnctcd from the
Catholic church bv Its nnstor and
Father Fitzgerald of this city.
Sunday United Church g
Some of AmerlcVs Most Well Known
Auto Drivers to Compete at Lincoln
Sunday School
Childrens Day Service, South Side Mission
Senior Endeavor
Preaching: Subject, "Flowers from the
Garden of the Gods"
.; 10 a. m.
: 11 a. m.
3 p.m.
3 7 pm.
5 8 p. m.
Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse
Big Patriotic Day at Red Cloud
July 4th. Will you be Here?
Come and Bring Your Friends.
Made possible through tho holding
of big races In the large cities of
the midwest, Lincoln Is to be host to
some of tho foremost nutomobllo
racers In tho game, Tuesday, Juno 12,
tho opening day of the Soml-Cen-tcnnlal
Celobratlon. A big nurse will
bo offered and the races will bo held
on tho track at tho Nobraska State
fair grounds.
Tho automobile races aro sure to
attract additional thousands of peo
ple to Lincoln and will materially aid
In making tho Seml-Contennlal a big
success, Nobraskuns are strong for
gas grinds and this state and Lincoln,
especially, has always been heavily
represented at the Bpoedivay races.
As the dato selected for the Semi
centennial race Is between the cham
pionship events at Detroit, St Louli
and St. Paul,' It will bo possible to
securo an entry list containing tho
name's of tho prominent driven of the
day. Detroit wl)l put over a $15,000
race Decoration bay, while St Louis
has a $19,000 prize as a lure to the
speod merchants, Juno 15. Tke
"kings" will be able to ship their cars
from Detroit tto Lincoln, compete here
for tho prize money and then hasten
In the direction of tho Mound City,
without losing out on tho heavy cash.
The keqn appetitos of tho speed
"bugs" of this tesrltory will bo sat
isfied when they glanco over tho en
try list, which closes Juno 1. Entry
blanks havo already been mallod'out,
but tho majority will bo Brgnod at
Detroit, as Lincoln will have a repre
sentative at tho Decoratlon'Day races.
Somo of tho drivers coming to Lin
coln have seldom competed on dust
and dirt ovals, 'and two or porhaps
more forolgn racers, who start their
Initial campaign of this country In
tho east this month aro among thoso
la correspondence with tho local pro
Clyde Wickwire left Monday after
noon for Colorado.
The C. W. B. M. met Thursday witl
Mrs. Lizzie Conley.
The V. C. T. U. met Tuesday oven
ing at the M. E. church.
Silas Burwcll had the misfortune to
lose a horse Wednesday.
Dr. Myers loft Tuesday for Colorado
where he expects to locate.
Mrs. Glenn Olmstede and daughters
returned from 4Naponee Monday.
The annual school meeting will be
held next Monday night, Juno 11.
Miss Genevieve Miller spent the
week end with friends south of the
river. N
Kalph Grossman and wife returned
from Colorado the latter part of last
1'Hdd Saunders, R. E. Hunter and C.
E. Ethrldge were In Ulvertou Monday
Miss Maude Moranville left Wednes
day for Peru where she will attend
Dr. Asher of Riverton wa9 in town
Sunday and Monday attending Mr
ISurweU'd sick horses.
H. H. Holdredge and wife and Will
Topham and family spent Sunday nt
the home of Floyd McCall.
Mr. and Mrs. HI Dunn ntteuded the
wedding of Mrs. Dunn's brother at
liloomtngtou one night last week.
The M. E. Sunday School expect to
have their children's day program next
Sunday, June 10, unless rain prevents.
Mr. and Mrs. Adamson of Cowles
spent Sunday afternoon with their
sister, Mrs Will Carpenter, who Is
quite sick.
The Christian Sunday School gave
their children's Day Program Sunday
evening. Tho ralu prevented a good
many from attending.
Terms of Liberty Loan
Tho act authorizing the Liberty Loan
bonds of 1917 was passed April 24, 1917.
It provides for the issuance of $3,oCO,
000,000 of nii per cent bonds, the inter
est payable semi-annually on Decem
ber 13 nnd June lr of each year. The
principal is repayable on or after tho
15th day of Juue, 1933, at the option
of the government, aud if this option
is not exercised the bonds will run full
thirty years and become due June 15
Tho bonds are exempt both as to
principal and interest from all taxation
national, state, county or municipal,
except tho inheritance tax, which is
really not u tax on the property, but
on the transfer of property by will or
The bonds are to be sold at par; that
is, dollar for dollar, no premium and
no discount They are to bo sold by
tho treasurer of the United States and
by all Federal Reserve banks. But all
banks, national aud state, post ofllces,
and express companies have been des
ignated as agents of the government
to receive applications for these bonds
It is almost as easy to purchase one of
these bonds as It is to get a post ofllee
money order.
It Is not necessary to pay cash in
full for a bond. One can pay down 2
per cent of the purchase prlco on ap
plicationthat is, 91 for a 650 boud, 2
for a $ 100 bond, etc. 18 per ceut on
July 23, 1017; 20 per cent July 30, 1917;
HO per cent August 15, 1917; and the
balance, 30 per cent, August-80, 1017.
Names Is Names.
O. A. Penny lives nt Uldgevllle, O.
Bleu You, My Children!
Joo Vorgang nnd Mabel Brown ceased
billing nnd cooing ns lovers do and
procured a set of licenses nnd entered
Into tho renlltles of n wedded life. Al
most nil tho town folk with presents
ladened nssemblcd nt Mrs. Vorgang8
and reminded tho happy ones that It
Is necessary to havo all Borts of tin
nnd alasswaro In housekeeping. Of
this quality they wcro well supplied.
From on Exchange
'09VH&49 ' BBBBBH
When the
Firemen Appexr
the insured man's fuit thought is one ol
ihankfulneii that he U so. How abou
your thoughts if a fmetnan shculJ ap
pear at your home?
The D$xy
Before the Fire
is the day to insute. As that day may
be to-morrow (or all you can know or
do, it fellows that prudence would im
pell you to stop in our office to-day and
have us issue you a policy,
Reliable Insurance
The Red Cloud Chief
"Quality" Printers : Publinhers
Does Its
Printed Matter
of the "Better Quality"
ftlXol How Chfaii
i! 1M How OOOO
The Horror of Joy Riding.
B. Noff, who was pinned under his
automobile last fall, baa recently been
to bco a doctor In Warren, who found
eight vegetables out of placo In bis
back. fexchnngo.
Thinrje to Worry About.
In 1014 no less than 01,070,454 cher
rlcs wero used In cocktails In this country.
Our Daily Special.
Somo men nro hustlers when It Is
tlmo to quit
Wanted A Yoke of Oxen
Who would want a yoke of oxen In
these days of speed and agricultural
Bfflclency and prosperity?
Hero Is tho answer.
Many a yoke of tho beasts of bur
Ion of Biblical famo turned over tho
Nebraska sod in our territorial and
sarly stotehood dayB. Many a pensive
steer pondered over the prairie trails
irawlng tho prairie schooner.
In tho re-enactment of Nebraska
M.innr which will bo presented at
tho Seml-Centennlal celebration tho
beasts of burden of our forofaiher3
must re-enact their part. If tho mod
crn farmer of Nebraska cannot Bup
ply them, two wild steers from tho
stock market at Omaha will be pur
chased and trained for tho occasion.
Grasshoppers Make Merry.
Do you, Mr. Old Settler, remember
thoso gloomy days of tho early 'TO's
when you Baw your crops disappear In
a day from tho attacks of tho ravag
ing grasshoppers?
Speaking of tho great grasshopper
raids of July, 1874, A. E. Sheldon In
his book "History and Storms oijso
braska" says: "The'ro wore billions
of them In the great clouds which
darkened tho sun. Tho vibration of
tholr wingB filled tho ear with a roar
ing sound llko a rushing storm, fol
lowed by a deep hush as tbpy droppod
to tho earth and began to devour tho
Those grasshoppers (personified)
will groct you again at tho Seml-Contennlal
Celebration whoro they again
dovour tho fields In tho first act of
tho pageant "Nebraska." Here Is
their song as their ogling forms ap
pear on the stage and spread desola
tion and consternation in tholr path:
"Oatsl Corn! Rye! Wheat!
Wherever wo find them, there wa
Whcrover they grow we make our
Fill our bellies, chew and hampl
Rye! W.heat! Oats! Corn!
Green at even, gray at morn;
Croon In tho morning, gray at eve
Nr.ugbt but the dead stalks do w
Wheat! Oats! Corn! Rye!
On labor of mon wo thrive, say II
Wherever they sow 'tis ours to reap
Champ and chow whero living's
cheap!" .
Hamilton - Cathtr
Clothing Co.
SaectMon to Ptnl Stortr
everything Man
or Boy Woaro
JTsttf Cloud Ntbratka
C. II. Miner Dr. S. S. Deardorf, M. D. C.
Manager Vetorlnnry In Cuargo
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
Cholera Serum
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Wire or Phone at Our Expense
V. S. Veterinary License No. 45
Better Kodak Finishing
And Developing. .:.
A Full Line of Supplies
Stevens Bros.
Is no w rendy to placo your sale dates
Ask any ono ns to my iuall!lcatlons
or wtioni I havocrlcd sales. Indcpon
dent phono 8 onllO. Write wire or cal
Red Cloud, Nedr.
Hamilton - Cathor
Clothing Co,
6ccccn to Ptul Stony
everything e Men
or Boy Weere
Kmd Cloud Nobratkm
E. S. Goa-ber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your Houso And
Furnish You the Fixtures
Notice oT Probate,
In Tho County Court of Webster County
Statoot Nebraska, I..
Webster County, f "'
To all persons Interested In the catato of
Francis K. l'ayno, Deceased:
TAKK NOTICE, that a petition has been
filed praying that tho Instrument died In
this court on tho 18th dayot May, 1917, pur
porting to be tho last will and testament ol
said deceased, may bo proved and allowed
and recorded as tho last will and testament
ot Francis H. l'ayno, deceased; rhat said In
strument bo admitted to probate, nnd tho
administration ol Biild cstato be granted to
C. M. Wilson, ns ndmlnlstrativ with the will
It Is hereby ordered by tho court, that nil
persons Interested In said cstato appear nt
tho County Court to bo held In nnd for said
county ok tho Iflth day of Juno lil7, nt
ten o'clock n. in., to show cnuso.lf any thero
be, why tho prayer ol tho petitioner should
not bogrnulcd.nnd that notlcoot tho pend
ency ol snld petition nnd tho hearing thereof
bo given t nil persons IntcrpMcd In said
matter by publishing a copy ostitis order in
tho Hod Cloud Chief, n legal weekly news
pnper lylnted la said county for three cou.
sccutlvo weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Wltnets my hand nnd thoscnl of sakl ceurt
this Wtli day ol May, A. n., 1017.
A. D. RAfjlKY,
Seat. County Judge