The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 07, 1917, Image 4

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    y. & t4-vim &
Red Cout), Nebraska.
fitercd in tho rottomcclnt Hcd Cloud, Neb
ni Second Clans Matter
Do Not Help The Enemy
Pew of us realize the tremendous
-wealth of tho United States. In the
various branches of the United State."
treasury there are held more than
three billions of dollars the greatest
amount of wealth ever held by any otic
government In tho world's history.
Comptroller Williams snys that tho
assets of tho national bnnks of tho
United States aggregate more than six
teen billions of dollars exceeding by
more than Ave billions of dollars the
combined resources of the banks of
Mnglaud, France, Italy, Spain, Nor
way, Sweden, Denmark, .Japan and
It is almost impossible to comprc
lioud tho great amount of wealth In
this couutry. Thoro Is no danger of
us "golug broke" because of the war
with Oormauy.
Our success in this war deponds
largely on this one polut. If this vast
amount of wealth is hopt circulating,
it can pay all our war debts and enable
us to help win tho war for the world's
freedom. If it is withdrawn from cir
culation, and businnss suffers, the
effect will be disastrous.
You can do no more patriotic ser
vice today than to keop cool, realize
that we are in no danger, and lcep
right on living your life as you have
been doing the last three years.
Remember, every time you are tempt
ed to practice "hysterical economy'1
that you are helping the enemy by
throttling business. Do not indulge
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KVTT Li 4A'M'iri
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tfuuWof "TheCiiyof Numbered Days,'
"The Grafter," "The Price," etc.
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A'Slory of
the West
Full of
Ingenuity and
,V'rtV' 'S&
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YOUNG bank cashier Our
is changed by a false accu- j
sation from a mere social JN61V
butterfly into a man whose SCflCll
primitive instincts are up-
permost. Necessity evokes
his latent energy and op
portunity develops all his powers till
lie becomes the master spirit in an im
portant engineering enterprise. He
eventually finds happiness in the love
of a charming Western
A Capital Story Without a Dull
Installment! First chapur.
In extravagance fiat would be Idle;
but do not "attempt to save tho coun
try overnight" by curtailing your ex
pcndltutes for necessities. When you
do that, you help to check the circu
lation of money, which is the life-blood
of business, und you make the nation's
task doubly ulillcult.
He patriotic by doing just as you
have done the last threo years. This
only means living your normal life,
doing your usual work, enjoying your
usual pleasures, aud providing for
usual necessities.
Not a very hard thing to do, is it?
Out it is one of tho most patriotic
thiugs that you, as one of the 03,000,000
uoncombatants, can do for your coun
try nnd your flag.
So doltl
To Nebraska Poineers
It Is desired to publish as a part of
tho sumi-ccuteuniai celebration in Lin
coln on June 13, 13 aud 11 a complete
list of all Nobraskatis now living in the
state who were here at the timo of the
admission on March 1, 1807
Names nnd addresses, together with
the date of the arrival in the territory
of Nebraska, should bo sent to The
Journal At once, in order to make a
complete aud reliable roll of territorial
I'ioncors who hid interesting nnd
unusual experiences in the early days
arc invited to write out their reminis
cences and mall them to Tho State
Journal olllce at Lincoln. Such as can
not bo printed will bo turned over to
the state historical society.
Lost A Music Lyre. Finder leave
at this office and receive reward.
The Farmers Union Association of
Inavale will buy your cream, eggs and
poultry at highest market price nnd
sell you Hour and feed at reasonable
prices. Your trade Is solicited. L.
Johnson, Manager.
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Commissioners Proceedings
Hcd Cloud, Nebr., June Gth.
The board of county commissioners
mn in regular (session with nil mem
bers present.
The ofllclnl bonds of E. Peters, Jus
tlcc of Pence, nnd U. L. Columbia, Con
stable, both of Guide Rock, were ap
proved. The county treasurer was authorized
to refund difference in tax between
valuation of 1015 and 1910 on block 5
to F. O. Turnure.
The matter of D. J. Mumcrt's taxes
was referred to County Attorney Mon
day. The following clnims were allowed
on tho bridge fund:
Wells & McTnggort 8 10 70
J 13 Wisecarvcr 32 Co
.las Mcintosh 101 50
Alex Duckies 75 00
Jns'McIutosli 18 Co
Morhart Uros 10 15
It G Lawrence 83 00
Andrew Hanson lu UU
G V Trine 21 07
Guide Itock Hwdo Co 11 CO
EJ timorton 23 00
A O Mell'ord 11 00
Chris Guy 39 00
GeoMcCarloy 8 00
EEShipraan 9 00
Wm H Sawyer 55 00
OmerCrowell 11 00
John Frey 27 00
Lee DeTour 39 CO
Frank Stanley 31 30
HGFels 82 00
J II Buettgcnback 35 10
Adam Alber 30 50
Jas Hubatka 32 00
B A Sutton 2 Co
Len Wilmot 1-17 so
F W Kruger 22 00
D S Phelps & Son 9 05
T E McHale 5 00
WmMcUord 58 00
MlkcGoll 35 00
Wilbur Cox 4 00
Henry Waterman 4 00
Fred Waterman 15 00
CM Wilson CO 00
Wm Sawyer 20 00
J M Dean 44 25
Clare Wolfe 4 G5
F 11 Zimmerman 10 CO
John llcyke 1)2 CO
Aug Lnmpmnu 5 00
Omo Mionts 12 00
A Wnkesser, general fund 7 80
In regard to coiumunlcotlon about
Federal Aid Hoads from tho State
Engineer the Hoard selected roads as
pur map now ou Hie and the County
Surveyor was ordored to seud sketch
of the same to tho State engineer.
A committee composed of Doctors
Uoxey, Crclghton, Mitchell and Stock
man appeared before tho Hoard and
requested that Dr. Damerell bo ap
pointed Secretary of tho Hoard of
Health for Webster County nnd he was
duly appointed for the regular term.
Communication of Judge H. S. Dun
gan and W. C. Dorsey, requesting that
the tho court room be furnished with
matting for the aisles and a ilng also
be put up in same. W. H. Thomas
was appointed to sco to tho same.
A committee of two ladles from the
W. C. T. U. appeared before the Board
aud asked permission to place tho
fountain (now on the four corners of
city main streets) on courthouse yard
No action taken.
Application of Mrs. Kate Alexander
for admission to the Nebraska Soldiers
and Sailors Home, at Grand Island
was read and approved by the Board.
Report of County Attorney Munday
as to the litigation with the C. B. & Q
R. R. concerning the pipe line north of
Red Cloud is as follows; "The Supreme
Court of Nebraska approved and affirm
ed the action of the County Board,"
and ho was ordered to act in the matter
of the 1010 and 1017 assassments.
Petition of R O. Burch praying for a
hearing for road and the dale of hear
ing was set for June 18.
The Board adjourned to meet as an
equalization board on June 12, 13, 14
and 15.
Resolution of Condolence
Tho following resolution was adopted
by tho Red Cloud Concert Baud and
entered upon its books:
Whereas, one of our members, Almo
Clutter, has with the. death of his
mother, lost "the best friend a man
ever had," we, his comrades, desire to
publicly express and to extend to him,
aud tho other members of tho family
our sincere sympathy in their great
A. A. LoRoy, Director.
Roy Hasslnger, Manager.
Hobert Blaoklodge, Secretary
Weather Report for May
Temperature: Mean 54 deg; maxi
mum 92 deg. on 19th; minimum 29 deg
on the 1st.
Precipitation: Total 5.73 inches.
Number of days clear 14, partly
cloudy 3, cloudy 14,
Dates of frost light 5, 0, 7, 8; kill
ing 1.
Dates of hall-light 30th.
Thunderstorms 10, 19, 21, 25, 20, 30
Prevailing wind Direction N W 8
Rainfall since Jan. 1st, 9.05 inches.
Chas. S, Ludlow, Observer
Married Sunday Evening
At six o'clock on Sunday evtnlng at
the home of the bride's parents occur
ed the marriage of Miss Flosslo Mc
Klmmey and Mr. Claude Frost of Edi
son Rev. G. W, Hummel, assisted by
Rev. F. M. Drulluer performed the
ceremony and they wero attended by
Miss Margaret Stevens and Earl Mc
Klmmey. The bride is the youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. McKimmey.
She is a graduate of the 1914 class of
the Red Cloud High School, nnd since
receiving her diploma has been engag
ed as an instructor In the public
schools, having taught two torms at
Edison where sho met the youug man
who is now her husband.
Whllo wo have been denied the pleas
ure of tho acquaintance of the groom
we are Informed that ho Is a member
otono of tho highly respected families
of his community, and who for the past
few years has devoted his time to till
ing the soil.
That they may receive an abuudnnt
bharoof the pleasures of this life Is the
wish of the Chief
Ranney-Darner Nuptials
The marriage of Miss Edna Rnnncy
to Clyde Otis Darner, took place at 6:30
o'clock, Monday evening, at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. A.
D. Ranney, Chancellor Emeritus Ails
worth, of Cotner University, perform
ed the ceremony in the presence of
thirty five guests.
Yellow, white and green were the
colors chosen by the bride, and the
combination was used in all the arrange
ments. A bank of ferns and yellow
Iris with an arch of evergreen and yel
low roses formed the principal part of
the decorative scheme. The stairway
was draped with evergreen and yellow
roses. In the dining room the same
colors were effectively used, the cen
ter piece for the dining table being a
Dresden basket of Ward roses.
Before the ceremony Mrs. H. C.
Gellatly, accompanied by Mrs. N. B.
Bush, sang "At Dawning" by Cadmon
and "I Love You Truly," by Carrie
Jacobs Bond. Miss Irma Ranney, sis
ter ot the bride, wearing pale yellow
taffeta and carrying a basket of Ward
roses, led, the party. The maid of hon
or, Miss Pauline Ranney, also a sister
of the bride, was followed by the bride
and groom. Miss Kanney's gown was
of white bride's satin, made with geor
gette crepe and princess iace. A court
train hung from the shoulders. Lillies
of the valley and lavendar iris formed
tho bride's boquct. Miss Pauline Ran
ney. wore pale green crepe de chenc
and chiffon and carried yellow roses.
The mother of the bride wore white
georgette crepe. The mother of the
groom wore lavendar taffeta with geor
gette crepe.
A reception followed the ceremony,
Mrs. Gellatly directed the guests to the
dinning room where Mrs. Clifford
Eshelman presided at the table. Miss
Ann Ranney, Miss Lucile Robinson,
and Miss Rachel Cowden assisted in
serving. Miss Pauline had charge of
the guest book.
The out of town guests were Mrs. W.
H. Morton, Beaver City, Mrs. W. H.
Hobnrt, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Hobart,
Kiverton, Miss Myrtle Iwin, Grand
Island, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Darner,
Dr. Poince Ailsworth, Lincoln, Clayton
Ranney, Blue Hill.
Mrs. Darner was a graduate of the
Blue Hill high school and of Cotner
University. Mr. Darner attended Cot
ner University and the University of
of Nebraska. Mr. Darner is in the
National Bank of Commerce at Lin
coin. Mr. and Mrs. Darner left Monday
night for a trip to the eastern coast and
will be home to their friends after the
thirteenth ot July 3001 R. street, Lin
coin. Mrs. Darner's traveling suit was
of shadow lawn, green chuda cloth with
which was worn a hat, bodice and ac
cessorics to match. '
940 Register in the County
That Webster County will contribute
her share of men to defend tho nation
is evidenced by tho fact that a total of
910 young men between the ages of 21
and 31, Inclusive, presented themselves
for registration at the various places
designated for this purpose. Judging
from this total it appears as though
there were not any slackers in this
county. Red Cloud made a good show
ing as will bo seen in the figures given
below, giving the number of registra
tions In each of tho precincts of tho
Guido Rock 85
llcavor Creek 44
Stillwater 40
Oak Creek 59
Garfield 34
Pleasant Hill l'j
Cowlcs 24
Elm Creek 37
Potsdam 80
Line 20
Red Cloud prot 51
Batin 40
Glenwood 82
Walnut Creek 35
Catherton 43
Harmony 50
Inavale prct , , 53
Red Cloud 1st wd 55
RedJCloud 2nd wd oi
Total 940
Ot the 940 registered 570 claimed ex
emptions for being totally disabled,
dependent relatives and probable ex.
emotions. Three hundred fifty four
claimed no exemptions while there
I were 22 aliens and 2 alien enemies,
r tvvvjrvjuoo
Tite Pmjress ofElccfric
das Been (he Measure
Progress of (de Age.
1fl Uur Printing
mmftiZM Will PImca Yah
Ft MviSm I win rlcaSc IOU
No Jobs too small, none too large
to receive our careful attention
"Not io:u cheap but Iioxu good."
When in need of real servicable and
attractive embroideries come in and
let me show them to you
Have good line in all widths and grades in the narrow
from 5c a yard to the full skirl lengths at $2.25 yard
Below are a few of the prices, but to appreciate them
you must see them
12 inch cambrick &t 15c-25c-50c
24 inch Swiss or organdy.. 50c to $1.25
28 inch Swiss or organdy.. 75c to $1.50
Full skirt length from... $1.25 to $2.25
A new line of crochet thread in all numbers
Mrs. Barbara Phares
Agent for Warner Bros. Corsets : Butterick Patterns
II l W m wmi mi hj m,m,m, immrmmommmim iawwjj m m mm wf
d Patriotic League of Nebraska
Patriotic League of Nebraska, Omaha, Neb.:
Nehr..v- .,Irf,UJ?.uibJ0K,he Pr,?,c,Pe of tfca Patriotic League of
NeDraiks, and desire to be enrolled m a member:
of the Times J
A complete line of these
lamps, in various sizes,
now on hand. Come in
and see them. I also
carry a line of fixtures
and supplies.
For wiring and all
things electrical see
E. W. Stevens
Electrical Work : Plumbing
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