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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1917)
f 4V BUto i A Newspaper That Gives The News Flftytxo Weeks Each Year For $1.50. Fr rrlv .t.j:,:v i MMMMMMHlaiHiM VOLUME 45 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. JUNE 7, J$U7. r" ' NUMBER 24 iU HELP YOUR COUNTRY and Make Money for Yourself Uncle Sam must have the money QUICKLY to build thousands of food and munition-carrying ships, to raise, equip and maintain an army of 1,000,000 men: to give us a smashing big navyin short, to enable our country to carry on its share of the great war for the FREEDOM OF THE WORLD. You can do Your sharo by lending the Government some o! your savings. Invest now in one or more of the Llborty Loan Uonds. You will be helping yourself while you help your country. The bonds pay three nml one half per cent interest mid are as pood ns gold. There is an easy paymoat plau. For example, if you want to buy one of the Fifty Dollar Uonds, you can make your pay ments at this bank, as follows; 2 per cent when you buy the bond $ 1.00 18 " " on June 28, 1917 0.00 20 " " on July 30, " 10.00 30" " onAug. IS, " 15.00 30 " " on Aug. 30, " 16.00 $60.00 The bonds will bo dated June 15. 1017, and will run for 30 years, when the Government will repay the principal. Twice a year the owner .will receive interest at the rate of 3K per ccut n year. Come in and let us help you to help yourself, your country and humanity Webiter County Bank Red Cloud, Nebraska HpPSggHggPg'Pj!ifSjBH The Call for Good Lumber at Low Prices has been Answered by Us If you arc looking (or Lumber or Building Material of the Highest Quality come here for your supplies. Regardless of the purpose for which you need lumber, whether for an entire building, or just an odd little repair job, we can furnish you Good, Clean, Knotless Lumber at prices that you will recognize as low under the present market conditions. JIaloneGellatly Go. "TALK WITH US ABOUT LUMBER WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COS L- ORD E R S PLATT & FREES fcv. CAvas. . Cross DMtfJTIST OVER STATE BANK RED CLOUD NEBRASKA IS m Jk Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED ty Office Ovqh Albjuoht's Store Many Patriotic Citizens Observe Registration Day One of the greatest days in the hlS tor? of Roil Cloud unit I In. Vntlnti Imp come mid gone Registration Dny, nl.t .1 . n..i i . i ' iiiismiy whs imiugiy ouserveu ami the program that had been arranged by the committee in charge carried out in full. F. V. Cowden, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, was mar shal of the day. The parnde was formed nt l:.1o p. m., at tho corner of Fourth Aveiuio and Webster street, which was composed of city olllcials, members of the G. A. R., V. R C, Boy Scouts, school child, ren, the band, members of the Com mercial Club and lust but not least tho young men who had registered in compliance with the ruling of the gov ernment, who marched in a body through the principal streets or the city, thence to the court house, where the balance of the program was given. County Attorney F. J. Munday was master of ceremonies, who afterabrlef tribute to the (lag of the nation, intro duced the various speakers. The Red Cloud Concert band, which wo are pleased to note respondod to the call of patriotism with every member was present, rendered appropriate select ions, after which America was sung by the entire audience, under the lead ership of N. B. Dush. Dr. K. P. Iloxsey, who by the way, has volunteered his service to thecaaso and awaits the decision of the govern ment medical board, as to whether or not his services will be accepted, was the first speaker. He outlined the various departments and duties of the large medical corps that is required to look after the wants of tho army, on the firing line, in the hospitals, the training camps and rccruitingstations. Rev. Druliner then came forward nud delivered a very imprcsslvo and interesting talk, tolling the audience his private opinion, which was based on careful study and perusal of various classes of literature since the beginn ing of the war, concerning the needs of the nation, in order to defend our country and to establish freedom of speech and government on both laud and sea; speaking highly of tho young men who had registered; nppeallng to everyone, who was financially able, to purchase a liberty bond; and citing the example set by the allies in the huge sum of money they had raised in order to defend their country and con cluded by saying that all he had in this world was his family, for whom he would give the last drop of his blood. Mr. E. J. Overlng's address proved to be both interesting and instructive. He stated that he wished to impress upon the minds of the people just what this war represented; autocracy against democracy, or to come right down to facts, right against wrong. Autocracy demanded that the power of govern ment should be handed down from one ruler to another, while democracy was a government for the people, and by the people. Also that we held no mal ice against the German people-, as In dividuals, but that It was tho prin cipals of the rulers that we were fighting. He concluded by reading a piece of poetry Unit he had secured, which outlined the duties of three men. one was In the trenches fighting for his country, one was in the mill labor ing to supply the lighting men with weapons and clothing, while the third was in the Held behind the plow, his duty being to supply the soldiers and nations with food. A mixed choir, composed of several of our patriotic men aud women, ren dered several vocal solos, which was highly appreciated by the audience. A very large crowd was In attendance which bears evidence to tho fast that when Red Cloud sets out to accomplish any glvcu mission the same is always crowaed with success. Much credit is due to tho marshall of the day and the committee In charge, for tho flue pro gram that they arranged. The Chief on behalf of tho young men who registered on Tuesday wishes to express their appreciation and thanks to the committee in charge, nnd the young Indies who stationed them selves at the places of registration in the two wards, and presented each futuro soldier with a Red, White and Blue Ribbon. ' City Council Creates Paving District No. 1 On Tuesday evening Mayor Damcrcll adjourned tho regular session of the Council until Wednesday morning nt 8:30 n. m. on nccount of no quorum and nt this hour this morning he called the Council together with all members present. Morhart Dros. application and bond for 51503 was presented and accepted. Sale and use of nil kinds of fireworks was prohibited within the city limits on July 4th. Report of S. R. Florance for May presented nnd ordered placed on file. Application of Chas. II. Knley for permit to erect n two story brick build ing on lots 1 and 2, block 26, Red Cloud was granted subject to approval of City Engineer. Proposition of Malone-Gellntly Co. to erect a duplicate oil tank nt power house for the same terms, condition and price as the one they have nlready erected, the Council to pay the In creased cost of labor nnd mntcrial over the cost when other tank was erected was accepted. Council adopted the paving ordinance to include six nnd one-half . Iblocks, from the north line of Second Avenue, to the south line of Sixth Avenue, on Webster street, nnd from the west line of Elm street to east.' line of Cedar street on Fourth Avenue, from west 'side of nlley west of Webster street to the west line of Webster street on Third avenue. Mayor nnd clerk was in structed to enter into contract with Grant & Fulton to engineer paving project. The following claims were allowed after which the Council adjourned to 2 o'clock when they will revise the water ordinance it requiring lend pipe laid to the mains in the paving district: GuyZeigler SHO 00 W A Patten 80 00 Harry Iluffer. 7.' 00 Carl McArthur 5.', 00 S RFlornnce JW3 18 OC Teel 155 03 Mayor Coal Co. !72 33 C FMcKelghau 03 20 P H lloner 05 00 O O Uarnes 07 11 Frnnk Clawsou f4 73 I A Beuuctt Co 18 00 Mo Valley Oil Co COO 10 Sanitary Rag Co 21 33 Standard Oil Co 11 52 Sunderland Mch & Sup Co 3105 ESGarber COO Wilfred Peltier 45 00 C L Cottlug 4 40 WmPegg 20 25 O Evans 5 00 N S Darley 3 00 Our YoungMen A meeting will be held In tho near future to give all the loyal citizens of Rod Clond a chance to show there ap preciation of thejyoungmen, who came to the front last Tuesday and pledged their devotion to defend the honor and integrity of our country. They deserve our warmest apprecia tion, our encouragement, and tire ap plause that young patriotic lives are entitled to. The time and place for this meeting will be announced later. Married at Kearney Last Thursday, Edgar Molnto9h bled up to Kearney where he met tho young lady of his choice, Miss Bessie Koon, sooured tho necessary papers and wore united in marriage. Tho brldo is a sister of W. L. Koon and is a young lady of refinement who by her pleasing manner has endeared herself to her many friends. The groom comes from one of our highly respected fumllios, being a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Mcintosh, re siding north of this city. He is a graduate of the Rod Cloud High school and for the past few years has been engaged In farming with his father. The young couple with tho well wish- ( es of their many friends will go to housekeeping on one of farms owned by the groom's father, IB I cXT r m jRmf i KMwj$l I Lei US furnish that Wedding Present JEWELRY IS THE THING TO GIVE FOR A WEDDING PRESEN. IT IS THE STRONGEST MARK OF AFFECTION YOU CAN SHOW TO THE ONE OF WHOM YOU ARE FOND. WHEN YOU LET US FURNISH THE WEDDING PRESENT, tTHE ONE WHO RECEIVES IT WILL BE DELIGHTED. OUR NAME ASSURES THE QUALITY AND STYLE OF JEWELRY. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. e. H. NEWHOUSE Jtwoler and Optometrist OTC. B. & Q. Watch Inspector An Elaborate Showing New Summer Underwear WmBPVw fMT 111 The Envelope Chemise flesh and white, all silk, crepe de chine, $2.50 to $3.50 Dainty Nainsooks both flesh and white, fancy trimmed, ..65c, 75c, $1.15, $1.35 and $1.75 values Night Gownsflesh and white nainsooks Cambrics, Cotton Crepes every garment is standard, full cut, size, all new and fresh stock, prices 75c to $1.76 Camisoles, Crepe de Chines, Nainsooks both in the white and the new flesh colors R. P. Weesner &c Co. Trade With 'Chief Advertisers They sell reliable merchandise Satisfaction Guaranteed