The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 31, 1917, Image 8

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iFrfwMi Bipww wiwm0'nrmmm
1 -
Biv That
LOOK at these splendid lands of Southwestern Nebraska and
Northeastern Colorado before you make cropping arrangements
for 191 8. Don't make a rental contract for (lie coming year that
puts you nowhere towards a permanent home until you have
ooked into (lie crop records of (liesc areas. Go out and talk to
(lie farmers of these counties you'll find (hem prospering and
ready to tell you that an investment you make to properly equip
for renting an Eastern farm will put you at work on your own
account in (heir neighborhood and on (he road to independence.
I have- two new folders sotting forth tlic agricultural conditions, one
for Nebraska nml otio for Colorado, Illustrated with local fnrm scenes
mid maps showing location. They are free. Iut me put you in touch
with the best farm bargains offered today.
for !the Next Sixty Days
for 1 Year
for Only
Red Cloud Chief
Quality Printers : Publishers
Right And Erected Right
Makors of Artistic' Monuments
Red Cloud,
Six Months Service at the i
Begins Sunday, May 27
11 a. m. Subject "Character of Real Chtistianity" !
8 p. m. Subject "The Influence of the Pocket Book ;
Upon the Moral Teaching of the World" ;3
. . . i!
Cf Real truth
fidtion but
s Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse i
Big Patriotic Day at Red Cloud
July 4th. Will you be Here?
Come and Bring Your Friends.
Farm Now
S. B. Howard, Immigration Agt C. B. & Q. Ry
loot Fnrnutn St. Oinnha. N'obr
N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb.
The Ri:d Cloud Cuikf, containing
all tho live local news of Interest; Tub
Ruiul Wekki.y, giving you state and
national news, news of interest to the
farmer, cartoons that will Interest the
little folks ns well as tho grown-ups.
The Conw Hki.t Fahmer, containing
articles of interest for the farmer,
stook raiser and poultry fancier, by
authors of national famo, and The
Household Journal, a publication
containing up todate fiction, tho new
est styles, helpful hints for the olty
nnd rural housewife, also departments
that arc devoted to farm aud garden
worlf. '
is stranger than
it pays to hear it
tai - " -J W iW A
Prosperity Needed for War
Aniot lea's success in the war depends
on the continuation of her business
We havo the void of no less nfjauth
orlty thuti Uowiird E. Colli u, of the
Council of Nutlouul Defense, for tills
statement. He says
"Unemployment aud closed factories,
brought about through fitful mid ill
advised campaigns fur public aud pri
vate economy, will prove u veritable
foundation of quicksand forthesoiious
work we have at hand. We need pros
perity iu war time even mure than
when wo are at pe-iee. Uuaiues de
pressions uio always biid, but doubly
so when we have a light on our hands.
"The declaration of war uau have
no leal evil effect on business. What
uai directs are apparent uie purely
psychologic aud latgely of our own
foolishness. We need more business
not less. There Is real danger iu hys
teria. Indiscriminate economy will be
ruinous. We must have suc
cessful industries If successful tux
.evles are to be raised."
Every true American is anxious to
"do hit bit" for his country. There is
no way in which those who cannot
participate iu actual warfare cau do
more than to keep right on doing busi
ness as usual
It Is proposed "to pay our way as we
go," iustead of saddling our children
with boud issues of large amounts.
The only way wo can do this is to
Weep motley circulating. Money hid
den away Iu safety deposit vaults Is
useless. When it is in motion It is do
ing the utmost good.
Keep right on doing as you are now only danger we face Is the danger
of our own cowardice.
Iiuy what you need, as you need it.
Be thrifty, as the president has coun
seled but do not be miserly. Lend
your support lu the usual way to those
industries which must moot the ex
penses of the war through taxation.
"Do your bit" by being .cool-bended,
unafraid, and helping to keep business
normal. It's the biggest single uecess
Ity to a successful warfare.
Community Spraying
Draymen, coal dealers, or teamsters
lu sections where considerable fruit Is
grown have an opportunity to aid in
the food conservation movement as well
as make protltable use of their time
when work is slack, by spraying or
ohards for farinerswui6 do not own
spraying outfits. HoVejr,' It 1 essen
tial that a man who undertakes this
work understand it thoroly. Persons
Interested In community spraying will
be given any assistance possible by t,ne
Horticulture Department, University
farm, Lincoln "
Kansas City Market
,?ns2,s C'.'SMc Yards, May 28,
11)17. Cattle' footed up" 15,600 today!
iuw kuuimiig iiuu cnives, n gooa many
stockers from drv snots In Trvnu nn,i
Oklahoma included, market steady on
the best, ewak On others, top $16.50.
Hogs today 10,000, 5 lower at the op
ening, 10 to 15 lower at the close, top
$10. Sheep, lnmbs nnd gonts, 9500,
half goats, market slow and unevenly
lower, spring lambs $19.
rour head of Kansas steers 1070
lbs. av., sold at S13.50. the ton. irrossl
$901. Good Nebraska steers brought
$13, other nntives $12.75, pulp steers
$12.85, these cattle not fnr from stea
dy. Bulk of the pretty good steer3
sold at $11.50 to $12.25, around 10
lower, lower grades at the same de
cline, down to $10.25. A shipment of
Arizona cattle today included heifer
at $9. Fifty cars of quarantine cat
tle arrived, including steers of all
grades from $8.25 to $12, and a full
load of vonl calves weighing 175 lbs.
at $11.25, a new high record for quar
antine veals. Butcher cattle are hold
ing around steady, cows up to $11.25,
bulls $10.50, heifers $12.50. Pros
pects favor steady prices this week
for best cattle, but others will nrob
ably work lower. May cattle receipts
will total largest on record here, 150,
000 cattle and 15,000 calves.
Tho recent break of 50 to 75 cents
on stock steers did not prevent n good
run of that class today. Dry spots
in thn Snni uunsr Mrnvr in Kftmo nnt.
"' tie, and they met a pretty good de-
Illilllil, )l iLua iiul mi iiuui aii'uu,
most of the stock steers at $8.25 to
$9.00. Fancy yearlings bring more,
and feeders sell at $9.25 to $10.50,
fleshy steers still reaching $11 some
times. HOGS
A reduced supply of hogs today
failed to divert the efforts of pack
ers to ureaK prices, snippers unit
yard traders paid up to $1G early,
around 5 lower, but packers bid 15 to
20 lower, and finnlly got their hogs
10 to 15 lower, bulk of sales at $15.10
to $15.85. Combined receipts at west
ern markets this morning were SO
ner cent less thnn same doy Inst year
and 10 per cent les3 thnn a vo5k ago
and it is expected that tho market
will ruko a turn for the hotter within
a day or two. Pig receipts are light
and prices nro homing up, ?a.J.uu to
$M.70. A few rough heavies arc com
ing but it is hoped that the summer
run of sows will bo lighter than u.v
ual, for tho sake of tho fall pig crop,
Receipts were 9500, market sliaunly
lower on all kinds. Packers have
been pruned for an attack scvornl
days, twul tho arrival of more than
4000 goats naturally brought a soft
ening of values, recently highest ev
er henru ot. Arizona spring iambs
sold around $19, somo low class nntivo
snrinir lnmbs SI 5.30.
worth up to $10.75. Slick
brusher goats sold around $9, Wush
er Angoras at $10 to $10.50, fSf'An-
goras around $10.50. J. A. RICK-
I ART, Market Correspondent.
Itoe Retikel now drives a Ford
It II Iloldrcdge was on the sick list
The Dunn boysnrc visiting iu Dloom
Ington this week.
Glenn OlmMod and family went to
Nnponco, Tuesday.
Mrs. S. E. Holdredgo has been on
the sick list this week.
The W. C T U. held a special meet
ing at the M. E church Tuesday.
II Lawson spent several days iu Red
Cloud this week having his hand
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Topham Jr., of
Red Cloud visited at the home of Dert
Clyde Wlckwlre and wife went to
Huntley Thursday to attend the funer
al of a friend.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reed of Guide Rock
spent the latter part of the week with
Mrs. Emma Smith.
Will Topham and family and Guy
Marker and family attended the Or
pheum at Red Cloud Saturday night.
Mrs. Ill Dunn went to St. Joe, Mon
day to purchase goods for the store.
She was accompanied by Miss Blanche
Donald Ilartwell and wife went to
Hastings Tuesday to bring home their
auto which they wero obliged to leave
last week.
A. F. Hartwell, Don Hartwell and
wife and Miss Tilly, went to Hastings
Wednesday to wltnoss the graduation
of Miss Dorothy Hartwell. , She return
ed with them.
R. E Hunter returned from his home
in the sand hills Tuesday, he having
proven up on his place.
Michael came with him to
summer with relatives.
spend the
George Vorger left for Lincoln Mon
day. Arthur Ktmmel was iu Blue Hill Fri
H. II. Hlte visited at Ashby this
Ell Cox came lu from Lincoln Wed
nesday. Chas. Ilaller and family wore in Blue
Hill Friday. '
Walter McCoy autoed to Hastings
Miss Janet Hendricks was in Blue
Hill Thursday.
Mrs. Clawson was in Hastings the
urtit of the' week.
L '
Thos. McTIgh made a business trip
td'Hastlngs Monday.
Ed Denton was a passenger to Hold
rege Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Johu Hull were down
from Lawrence over Sunday.
Ella and William Toap spent the
week with relatives nt Tobias.
Blanch Clark returned from n visit
ut Auburn, Wednesday evening.
Peril Fisher and family visited rela
tives at Edpar the Inst of the week.
Tea k.astliam was looking alter pro
pprty Interests near Madrid, this week.
Wallace Buy of Grand Island came
down for a short stay the middle of
the week.
Mrs. O. D. Samsel aud son, Hubert
visited friends and relatives at Wy
nioro this week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Urldil of David
City spent the, week at the homo -of
their son, Dr. J. E. Uridll.
D. P. Klnnnel left Friday for Bara-
Doo, Wis., whore he expects to uo as
signed a railroad station. Mr. Kiuimel
was agent at liladen for some time
several years ago.
i. j
Tho ingratitude of the boys and
young men has been noted on many
ocensions, but particularly ou last
Saturday aftornoou when the Baud
which hnd been scheducled to furnish
the music for the patriotio meeting in
our city showed a total of thirteen
members present out of a class of about
thirty. Where were tho other 17?
These boys were ready and willing to
receive a musical educntlou at the ex
pense of the merchants nnd citizens
who contribute each month to tho sup
port of this organization nnd are will
ing to nccopt the services of their band
muster, Prof. Leltoy, who has been at
all times found at his place of duty at
the specified time, and who has many
times gono u little further than his
duty demanded in order to acoomodute
binno of tho members, still nt a time
when their presmicu is desired they are
absent. Even though these boys did
not soe fit to attend the regular open
air concerts we should think, out of
gratitude for what they have received
gratis aud a sense of patriotism they
would have offered their services on an
occasion such as last Saturday. We
do not think thafnuy of their employ
ers are small enough calibre to refuse
them nn hour off duty to take part In
the program. We trust that when
thoy are again requested to take part
In n musical program that every mem
bor will bo. esnt.
Holds Court on Sunday
On Satuiday evening Sheriff Hulfer
took Into custody Curl McCruckcn, n
minor, who was Intoxicated. Sunday
he was brought beroie the County
Jude, and upon Informing the oillcers
where he hnd secured the liquor the
Judge remitted his line, compelling hl-i
to pny only the court costs, amounting
to ?7. Ernest Wiggins was the person
who furnished tho liquor. He was
brought before the Judge and assessed
S107, the amount of the fine plus court
costs. Judging fiom the way the boys
are beiuir lined up in court and scpnr
ated from their cash, It seems as though
our city and county oillolals Intend to
compell our citizens to observo the
liquor laws
A shower Is bleug given this after,
noon at tho residence of Mrs. M. R
Patterson, iu honor of Miss Edith Sie
gel, whose approaching marriage to
Mr. Pox of York Is one of tho well
known secrets among Miss Siegel's
friends. Bloomtngton Tribune.
Tho gentleman mentioned in the
foregoing article Is cvldeutly Vale,
who Is a sou of Mr. and Mrs. b. P. Fox
of this city, who at one time held down
a position at Blootuington where he
met this young lady who will soon lo
co nie h'.s wlte.
Semi-Centennial Committee Is
Making Personal
Governor Keith Nevlllo will Join
with the Inyltatlon committee of th
Semi-Centennlal Celebration In urg.
lng the governors of our sister states
to bo present on tho 12th, 13th and
14th of June, the three days of the
Golden Anniversary celebration.
Perhaps not more than halt of Ne
braska's population are native born,
tho remainder, aside from a tow for
eign born, migrating from tho varloug
other states of tho Union.
The plan of the committee la to have
the governors of tho various states
address their former citizens. Gov.
enor Harding of Iowa and Governoi
Lowden ot Illinois perhaps would
havo the larger audiences. Governoi
Whitman nt New York will draw an
annrmnna nrnrcA hAPHU90 Of lllS fiU4
record as the executive of the most
populouf, state; 'of, the -Nation; . E
Senator" fiurlffti hliG attending:
MMfi'ppw 'wow1 dit 'ieilnMlcMW is
Ch mo" Hot' Ions ano extracted
Bromfie froW 'OoVefflor' Whitman; that
$e jrojUd bL In attendance unless un.
foreaMn clrcumstftncea ahould'Mna!
fcjnosBlble.rut- " V-T
rojernor CapVir & rtWi on. q!
developmental the greatlifllddle west
will be an Interesting speaker to the
farmers and Kansana. As tho leauet
of the Cappor agricultural publica
tions he is doing wonderful sorvlce to
the world In aiding tho maximum pro
ductlon of food stuffs.
Tho Invitation committee Is now
on nn extended Journey to tho capi
tal cities of Illinois, Iowa, Kansas,
Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota
in order to insure at least tho pres
ence of all the executives ot the
states bordering on Nebraska.
"The Flag Goes By"
Hats off!
Along tho street there comes
A blaro or bugles, a ruffle of drums,
A flash of color beneath tho sky:
Hats .off!
The flag Is passing by!
Blue nnd crimson and white It shines,
Over the stool-tipped, ordered lines.
Hats off!
Tho colors beforo us fly;
nut moro than tho flag is passing by:
Sea-fights and land-fights, grim nnd
Fought to mako and to savo the State:
Weary marchers and sinking ships;
Cheers of victory on dying lips;
Days of plenty and
March ot a strong
years of peace;
land's swift in
Equal Justice, right and law,
Stately honor and reverend awo;
Sing of a nation, great and strong
To wnrn her peoplo from foreign
Prldo and glory and honor, all
Llvo In tho colors to stand or tall.
Hats oft!
Along tho street thero comes
A blaro of buglos, a ruffle ot drums:
And loyal hearts aro beating high:
Hats off!
The flag Is passing by!
Henry Holcomb Bonnctt (18C3)
This poom oxpressos hotter than
any, moro proso could do tho spirit
that will provall at tho Seml-eenten-
nlal Celebration of tl)o State of Ne
braska which Is to bo held In Lin
coln Juno 1'2-11. Nobrasknns will
never havo a bettor opportunity to
oxpress tho allegiance tiey feel to
tho Ufllpn. Tho Capital City will bo
morally painiou reu, wane aim iuu.
National Flag Day comes on tho
thirteenth of Juno nnd tho Semi-Con-tonnlnl
commlttoo will onsjulno tho
Stars and Strlpos Into tho hearts of
tho thousands of patriotic Cornkusk
ers who will bo In nuendnnco.
DotHt fail to register Tuesday
When the
Firemen Appear
the insured man' firit thought it one of
thankfulneis that he it to. How abou
your thoughts if a fiiteman shoulJ ap
pear at youi home?'
The Day
Before the Fire
it the day to iniure. ,Ai that day may
be to-morrow (or all you can know or
do, it (ellowt that prudence would im
pel! you to ttop in our office today and
have ut issue you a policy,
R.elia.ble Insurance
The Red Cloud Chief
Quality' Printert : Publishers
Does Its
,y;.y iuty
Printed Matter
of the "Better Quality"
Xot I foil' Chtan
Hut Itow GOOD
Hamilton - Cmthtr
Clothing Co.
"jui jj'.j. jivi-aiua
p. II. M tner Or. 8. 8. Deardorf , M. D. C. r
' Manager lr - c 'Veterinary In Cbargo
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
Hog. Cholera Serum
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Wire or Phone at Our Expense
V, S. Veterinary License No. 45
Dr. A. E. Boles
Physical Diagnosis Labaratory
Consultation and Examination Fri:k
'Osteopathy tho Suienco of Healing
by Adjustment." Given to the
World by A. T. Still, A. D. 1874.
Is now renily to plnco your sale dntes J
Ask any ono ns to my fiunllllcntloiiB",
. or win
Ldcnt l
or whom 1 have cried sales. IndcjonDi
)hono8 on',19. Write wire or cnl 5
Red Cloud, Nedr.
Notice o? Probate.
In Tho County Court of Webster County
Htnto ol Nebrnskn, I B.
Webster County, f "'
To nil personB Interested In tho estate, ol
Frnuels 10. 1'nync, Deceased:
TAKK NOTICE, that a petition has been
llled prnylni; that tho Instrument tiled lu
this court on tho 18th day of May, 1017, pur
porting to bo tho Inst will and testament of
snld deceased, niity bo proved and allowed
aud recordod ns tho last will nnd testament
of Francis K. l'nyne, deceased; that snld In
strument bo ndmltted to probntu, and tho
administration of said (-statu bo urnntv'd to
C. M. Wilson, ns administrator with the will
it Is hereby ordered by tho court, tlint all
persons Interested In snld estate appear nt
tho County Court to bu hold In nnd for snld
county on tho 10th dny of June ID17, nt
ton o'clock a. in., to show cause, If any thero
bo, why tho prayer of tho potltlonur should
not bo granted, nnd thnt notice of tho pend
ency of snld petition nnd tho liearlnt; thereof
bo given to nil porno us Interested in snld
matter by publishing n oopy of this order lu
tho lied Cloud Chief, a legal weekly news
paper printed In snld uounty for three con
secutive weeks prior to snld dny of hearing.
Witness my hand aud thosenl of snld court
this ISth dny of May, A. J)., 1917.
A. I). ANNi:V,
Senl. County Judge.