The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 31, 1917, Image 5

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DeLaval Separators
Garden Tools
Tuesday Is registration day.
Dr. Lollar was In Franklin, Monday.
Alf Saladen was in Superior, Monday.
For Sale-A barn 1G x 21.-E. W.
K. E. Burr was tip from Guide Rock,
Mrs. Ned Sutton spent Monday in
James Peterson spent Monday in
Guide Rock.
Robert Ganison was up from Guide
Rock, Friday.
Roy Sattley Undertaker-Auto Henrse
in connection.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Greon speut
Sunday in Superior.
Miss Mao Wonderly of Inavale was
in the city, Monday.
Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J. C
Mitchell, the Jeweler.
Weesner &. Kooutz shipped u car o
logs to Kansas City, Sunday
Win. Crabill shipped two ,cara of
cattle to Kansas City, Sunday.
Miner & McCall shipped four cats of
cattle to Kansas City, Sunday.
Fred Kuehn went to Ayr, Monday,
to visit his father, WillKuchn.
J. 13. Hitlers and; daughter, Miss
Lucile, spent Monday in Hastings.
J. II. Halley was in Minden, Monday,
looking Bftor some business matters.
Mr. and Mrs- E. W. Coplen spent
Sunday with relatives at Guide Rock.
See Bernard Fruit for painting and
paper hanging. Independent phone,
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of Scribner
spent Wednesday with friends in this
Arthur Gilbert of McCook spent Wed
nesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Gilbert.
Misses Ruby Goble and (iretta Eshel
man returned homo, Monday, from Mc
pherson, Kansas.
Albert Austin, 'Charles Christy, Rob
ert Pope and Roy Sutton were in
Lebanon, Sunday.
If you want to sell or trade your
real estate call on C. A. Schultz. Inde
pendent phono 208.
Miss Grace Hcezloy returned home,
Monday, from Valentine, where she
had becu teaching school.
Mrs. Lula Arensburger of Edison ar
rived in the city, Monday, to visit her
mother and other relatives.
Miss Alison Cowden returned home
Monday evening from St. Joe, where
she has been attending college.
Miss Sadie Fislie returned to this
city, Monday, from Bloomingtou where
she had been visiting her parents.
On account of paper and labor con
ditions the Dally Express "and Daily
Journal published at Superior, will bo
come weekly nowspapers after today.
You will Never be Disappointed
if You Drop in at
I The
for an Ico Cream Soda, Sundae or
a Cool Refreshing Drink. They
Serve the Best and Serve it Right.
A lew more boxes of those de
licious Menechino Cherries st 39c
s box get yours new.
Don't forget to register June Gthl
Earl Hall spent Tuesday in Hastings.
Edgar Mcintosh spent Wedmsday
in Hastings.
Rev. Schaa4 was in Naponec the Urst
of the week.
Robert Rciher went to Lincoln, Wed
nesday morning.
Buy a Libert Bond if you have any
money that is idle!
Earl McCoy was down from Cowlcs,
Thursday evening.
Miss Zelma Wouderly was down
from Iuavaie, Friday.
Meredith Butler was down from Blue
Hill, Thursday evening.
Will Robertson ami Joe Crow went
to St. Joe, Wednesday morning.
If you want to see more, seo Warrick
the eye man, Wednesday, June 0.
Attorney McNeny went to Omaha,
Monday, to look after legal atfairs.
Miss Heatrico Sloss of Omaha Is visit
ing relatives and friends in the city.
J. II. Itiilley returned homo the last
of the week from St. Francis, Kansas.
Will Robertson shipped flvo cars of
cattle and hogs to St. Joe, Wednesday.
Mrs. Chas. Schellak and children re
turned to their homo at Hastings, Fri
day morning.
Clarence Jackson of Whittier, Cali
fornia, arrived in the city Monday to
visit relatives.
Found A set ring. Owner can have
same by describing property and poy
ing for this notice.
Mrs. Fannie McDaniel of Wray, Ari
zona, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. L.
Christian and family.
Miss Marybelle Hassinger went to
Hastings, Tuesday, whore she will visit
her sister, Mrs. C. E. H4J1.
Fon Salt: A few settings of White
Guinea eggs, 61. .10 per setting. Phone
lr on 27 or sec Nelson Hayes.
Prof. II. E. Halrd returned home
Monday evening from Qmaha wheie he
attonded the conservation meeting.
Andrew Garretson went to Omaha,
Sunday morning to tako the examina
tion preparatory to entering the navy.
Mesdames Sam Johnston, Guy Day
Grant Turner, Al Turner, Ben Pegg
aud R.Turner wcro lu Hastings, Mon
Mrs. Pllth returned to hav home at
Saronvilie, Monday, after spending a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oat
man. Miss Hazel McKeighaii went to Lin
coln Wednesday where she will spend
the summer with her mother, Mrs
Chas. Wnlter aud Will Iiohrer went
to Beaver Crossing, Tuesday morning,
where they will erect a silo for Piatt
& Frees.
Mrs. Auvii Uanfleld came down from
Grand Islaud, Tuesday evening to visit
friends and attend the Decoration Day
S. C. Ellis went to Des Moines, Iowa,
Sunday to visit his son, Dale, who will
soon be called out for active service in
the army.
Fon Sale 5 passenger Ford In good
condition. Inquire of Dr. Wilson at
the Bryant residence 2 blocks north of
Royal Hotel.
Mrs. Mina Waddell returned to her
home at Taylorville, Illinois, Monday,
after an extended visit with Mr. and
Mrs. S. R. Boyce.
Mesdames Frank Huffer, Walter
Warren, Joe Fogel, A. Spires, Irving
Cummings and Mario Harrington at
tended the district meeting of the Re
bekah lodge at Guide Rock, Thursday.
The Christian Endeavor district con'
vention will be held in this city at the
United church on June 15, 10 and 17th,
The Endeavorers of this city are plan
ning to show the visiting members an
enjoyable time.
The Farmers Union Association of
Inavale will buy your cream, eggs and
poultry at highest market price and
sell you Hour and feed at reasonable
prices Your trade is solicited. L.
Johnson, Manager.
Foreman Phillips of the Elkhorn
Construction Co., had a largo forco of
men busy this week tilling up the
sewer ditches which had settled con
siderably on account of the heavy rains
the past few days.
Miss Ethel Doyle, who had beon at
tending tho Immaculate Conception
Academy at Hastings the past year,
was a member of the gradnating class
which received tho Academic honors
last Thursday evening.
Last Friday afternoon, James Mc
Partland and Dudley Buckles each had
a cow killed by lightning during the
storm. The wind also demolished
Vencil Marubka's chicken house and
klllod about one hundred and fifty
Tho Union Memorial Services con
ducted at tho Orpheum on Sunday
morning were well attended. The
members of tho Post and Relief Corp
attended in a body. An interesting
and appropriate program had been ar
ranged for the occasion. Rev. Bcobo's
sermon, "History and Design of Mem
orial Institutions" was well delivered
and highly aapprcolated by the audi
ence. Thd selections by the choir, di
rected by Mr. Bush, were both solemn
and well rendered. '
Powell Bros.
Smoke House
CIGARS that are Good
The Brand Your Doclor Smokes
Most complete line of
Cigars and Tobaccos
in Red Cloud
Fred Arnold was down from Inavale,
Chas. Eldrcdgc spent Wednesday In
Lester Yost spent Wednesday in
Will Kuehn was down from Ayr,
Harvey Rlckerson spent Sunday with
friends at Orleans.
Joe Kubick of Idana, Kansas, was in
the city Saturday evening.
Caesar Giger was up from Guide
Rock, Wednesday evening.
Miss Hattlo Kalley returned home
Tuesday evening from Omaha.
Mrs. C. J Pope spent tho last of the
week with relatives at Lincoln.
Mrs. Blba, of Exeter, spent the week
end with her husband, V. A. B'tba.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Runchey of
Grand Island spent Wednesday in tho
Miss Hazel Saladen returned home
Monday evening from MePher&on,
Joe Springer and Walter Portculer
were up from Guide Rock, Sunday
Tho Misses Edna and Irma Ranney
returned home Wcduesday evening
from Lincoln,
Harold Coon returned homo Tuosday
evening from the naval training stat
ion at Chicago.
The now Hag has arrived and Is now
Heating from the Hag polo whlclwas
recently erected.
Harry Yost went to Bladen, Wednes
day whero he will assist In a meat
market for a few days.
Miss Maurinc Caldwell returned
Wednesday from Imperial whero she
closed a successful term of school.
Miss Elsie Dietrlck returned homo
Monday evening from Dodge where
she bad been visiting her parents.
See Marguerite Clark in that great
comedy drama "Mice and Men1' at the
Orpheum tonight. Adm. 10 and lGc.
W. I. Fraser, a former resident of
this city but now of Missoula, Montana,
is visiting friends in the city this week.
Dr. R. P. Hoxsey was in Lincoln the
last of the week whero ho tendered his
application to join the U. S. Medical
F. W. Cowden, A. T. Walker, Paul
Pope, C. F. Cather and P. M. Whitehead
returned home from Omaha the last of
the week.
Mrs. Susan Ludlow and daughter,
Miss Lucy, came down from Franklin.
Tuesday, to visit with Mr. and Mrs
Curt Geor.
My Dental otllco will bo closod next
week as I am going to Omaha to attend
tho state dentists meeting. Dr. R. V.
Editor W. D. Edson, of the Argu,
attended tho meeting of tho Republican
Valloy Editorial Association at Benklo
man, Friday.
Attend the registration day program
at Red Cloud next Tuosday. A good
program is being prepared by the com
mittee in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rathjen, who re
side north of town, entertained a large
number of their friends at a barn
dance Saturday night.
Eugene Ryan loft the Urst of tho
week for Washington, D. 0., whore he
will take up his position in tho civil
service of tho U. S. government.
We are In the market for 100 to 12:
pounds Shoats at market price deliver
ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for de
livery to plant. C. II. Minor Serum
Dr. Warrick tho specialist will mcot
eye, ear, nose aud throat patients and
'those needing glasses Uttcd at Dr.
Damercirs olllco Wednesday, Junctith.
Hours 2 to G only.
I m
Private Money to Loan
On land at lowest rate. No commie,
slon. Papers payable at home bank
C F. Gather, Red Cloud
Pay $25 and Get
Real Economy
Mr cfe $ v
um " 3IKv W.
M mXiw A Wmm
OttViw I Jr? i vi'3 .Jbbb sWBBssm
II ieKsKM i$3if Jf'y.j-'HBsB TWflsW sssm Ml
f sflM2i!WII3lLHiv ,LL
t AH em' NviBsK-3Msisisism H
I FS!wtAyiJLBsv HbIbb i!
III wSbbV WBffljFllB li
raw MWiiamaWmmaamW
SKkRSmjl ll
Jmh. sSsliwiyflHK
OrrTrtttit t01
True economy can not
be reckoned in cheap
prices that which is
cheap is usually dear in
in the long run
And so, in advising you
to pay $25 for a suit of
we are counselling wise
and true economy a
patriotic duty these days
We especially would like to
show and point out the super
iorities of those suits to men
who have not been in the
habit of paying this much for
their clothes. One of these
suits will easily outwear three
cheap suits.
Strata Hats : Fine Shirts : White, Black and Tan Oxfords
Lost, Strayed or Stolen from Kelloys
pasture 8 miles northwest of Inavale,
yearling steer, color dark red roan,
light face. Liberal reward. Emery
Dean, Routo 4, Rod Cloud.
Only two hundred forty three child
ren have applied for free high school
tuition this year. This is fifty live less
than applied for tuition laht year. All
previous years have shown an incroase
over the proceeding year. Tho decrease
shown this year would Indicate that a
number have neglected to make appli
cation. Tho decrease seems to bo
largely among children already in high
school. The tuition for tho coming
year is 81.50 per week or $51 per year.
Red Cloud, the thriving seat of Web
ster oounty, has decreed to pave, and
and as a starter, will take In a six
block territory. For years Red Cloud
enjoyed the alluring hallucinations of
of saloons, gambling dens and houses
of prostitution but nary a thot In all
that time in regard to paving all of
which bears out tho argument that it
doesn't require vice and immorality in
ordor to make tho people better or the
town more prosperous. Rod Cloii'l hns
been on her good bohavlorfor tho past
11 vo years aud as a robiilt, she Is coming
to a very rapid front Tamora Lyro.
We see by tho Rod Cloud papors that
they are going to have paved stroots,
new high school building, new library
and sower system. They already have
fi street car (?) line which goeb lu with
tho rest of tho new Improvements in
making an up to-dato city. If Red
Cloud keeps improving like It has just
recently it will soon be equal to Hast
ings. Why not FrankllnV Oh yes, wo
are going to have a new hotel and
school house, but why stop thcro when
there are so many improvements need
ed? We congratulate Red Cloud on
securing these modem conveniences.
Franklin Sentinel.
Athletic Style
A Real Bargain OZr
Each . . . LJL
Wanted Pasture
We also have a complete line of
Ladies Vesls and Union Suits
Vests 1 2'2c and 1 5c AJnions 30c and 35c
The 5c -10c -25c Store
'the store that saves you money
E. M. EGE On the Corner
For 70 head of young mules.'
Hamilton - Cathor
Clothing Co,
SMMf to fuJ Sunt
Everything m Man
,j m vr mvj wwwmim
Hi! Ottfef Nwmmk
Well Improved 160 Acre Webster
County Farm "l' Referee's Sale
The Antonie Sadilak Form, N WM Section 72 11, 10 miles northwest
of Red Cloud will bo sold to the highest bidder at Referee's Sale, Mon
day, June 28, 1017, at the Court IIouso in Rod Cloud,. Nebraska. Sale
opens nt two o'clock p. m. Ten 10 per cent of the purchase price
must be paid to the Referee at tho time of tho sale and tho balance, iu
cash, whon the sale Is confirmed by tho Dlstrlot Judge and deed Is
ready for dcllvory. Abstract of title will bo furnished to the purchaser.
150 acres under cultivation; good 8 room house; barn 30x49, loft will
hold 30 tons of hay; good well; chicken house Jand other outbuildings,
all In good ropair; fenced and cross fenced.
Ono of tho Bast farms In this Section of the County
Landlord's share of the 1017 crop goes with tho farm. This farm lies
In the oil Holds of tho Big Chief Oil ond Gas Company.
Don't Fall to Attend this Sale, You May Got a Bargain
iiujuiru in m
Fred Maurer, Att'y. or B. W. Stewart, Referee n
Cattle Wanted
40 or Co bead to pcstuio. Running
water and good grass. Write or phone
Edw. Fey, rfd 2, Inavale, Nebr.
A number of men are busy cleaning
up tho lots nest of the MoFarland
building, where a skating rink will bo
erected, The same will be under can
vaBS and will be Opened on next Satur-day.
. Ihi