The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 24, 1917, Image 8

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RED OtdtftP, ...tigji&KUKA., OH IE
i mmmmmmmwmi) T I
i ! i ' T " "-.
Buy That Farm Now
mnif f.i nmon ctiinnrtwt inml nf fimii.hwcia.crn Nebraska and
Northeaslern Colorado before you make cropping arrangements
for 1910. Don't make a rental contradl for (he comintf year that
puts you nowhere towards a permanent home until you have
looked into Clio crop records of these areas. Go out and talk to
the farmers of these counties you'll find lliem prospering aim
ready to tell you that an investment you make to properly equip
for ronlind an Eastern farm will put you at work on your own
account in their neighborhood and on the road to independence.
I l.avo two new folders sotting forth Hie agricultural conditions, one
for Nnbrnskii nml ono for Colorado. Illustrated with local farm ceiiM
nnd maps showing locution. Thoy are free. Let me put you in touch
with tho best fnnn baraliis ottered today.
S. B. Howard, Immigralion Agl C. B. & Q. Ry
loot Furuuin St. Omaha. Xebr
N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb.
for the Next Sixty Days
for 1 Year
for Only
Tnu Rkd Cloud Ciiii:f, containing
all the lire local news of Interest; The
ItuitAi,, giving you state and
national news, news of Interest to tho
farmer, cartoons that will Interest the
little folks ns well as tho grown-ups.
Tun Cons Hi:i.t Fahmeii, containing
articles of Interest for the fanner,
stock raiser ami poultry faucler, by
authors of national fame, nnd Tm:
Household Joiminal, a publication
containing up to-dnte fiction, tho new
est styles, helpful hints for the city
nnd rural housewife, also departments
that nrc devoted to farm and garden
Red Cloud Chief
Oualitv Printers : Publishers "
llort WIIUhims was In BluoIIill Wed
nesday. Miss Goldle Koblnson spout Satur
day In Dlue Kill.
Miss Hejen Springer Is spending the
week in Hastings.
iininli Ulien was a nasscmier to II 11-
dreth Wednesday.
Mr and Mrs. fi. A. Soper visited in
Soward over Sunday.
Capt. and Mis. Hogate wore-over
from IJlue Hill Sunday.
MUs Dorothy Koon Is visiting rela
lives nt Inavale this week.
Mrs. O O. Uoss visited hor son,
George, at Collcgo View this week
Mlssos Loni McCoy nnd Gila Turn
baugh, were In Utile Hill S iturday.
Mis. Jones Williams left for Luurotie
Iowa, to visit her daughter, Mrs. F. E.
Mr. and Mrs Lyman of Tracy, Iowa,
visited at tho homo of W. W. Hogate
this week.
Mrs. C. A. Hawley and daughter,
Amorette, were over from Bluo Hill
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. M. Andrews were
down from Kenesaw to the commence
ment exercises.
Ralph Worloy left Friday for Strang
where he will spend the summer on
the farm of a brother.
Mrs. F. G. Cole of Hastings visited
at the homo of her parents, Mr. Bnd
Mrs. 0. L. Marymec, this woek.
Mrs. L. Sullivan came down from
Omaha for a short visit at the homo
of her daughter, Mrs. J. .Urldll, last
Mrs .'Ihos O'NIcl and children left
Monday morning for Ashby to take up
their residence slnco the school term
Is over.
Mrs. M. E. West left for Naponec,
Monday, where she will look ovnr the
school She Is to bo the priucipnl this
coming year.
Mrs. W. 13 Cramer visited nt the
Home of her children, Mesdmnes Iver
son nnd Cowley and Mr C L Cramer,
tho latter part of the week.
pfliipfli OH ft PftPft
IWade Right, Lettered
flight Rnd Erected Right
OYEtfflto BEOS. & GO.
Makors ot Artlstlc'JHonumcnts
Red Cloud,
mmmmmm mBmrnmmmmmmmmmmmmmi
Sunday May 27th
Mis. Dert Leonard was lulled Cloud,
Dr. Mvers returned Saturday from
his western trip.
Thirteen cars of stock were shipped
from here to Kansas City, Sunday.
A large crowd attended the school
plmilc at Geo. Matkiu's grove last Fri
Geo. McCJrnry has moved luto tho
residence jjjjitch was recently vacated
by Geo Morrow.
Mrs. MoiTet of ItloomiiiKton spent
Saturday with her daughter, Mis. Ill
Dunn nnd family.
Miss Hazel Nesbltt left Filday for
Chicniro where she will nttend tho
Moody llible School.
Mas. M. C. Hummel returned with
C. It. Latto and family to their homo
at Osborne. Kansas, Wednesday.
The program given nt the Cluistinn
church lusi Thursday by the schools
wns well attended nnd enjoyed bj; nl'.
Geo. Hummel of Biggs, Oklahoma,
left for his home Sunday morning nftor
visiting several days with relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. 0 It. Latto of Osborne,
Kansas, 0 W. Hummel of Heggs, Olda-
lintnn. nnd Mr. S idle Iloldredce wore
entertained by Mr. nnd Mrs. Itobt. Mc-
Bride at Red Cloud, Saturday.
Notice of Probate.
Webster County
Kansas City Market
Kunsas City Stock Ynrds, May 21.
Cattle receipts were 12000, market
strong and active, following n rise of
2G to 35 cents Ittet week, top steers,
$13.10. Hog supply was 0000, mar
ket steady to 5 lower, top $10.40, num
erous loads .$10.35. Sheep nnd hunb
,.!. ,ti ii'nfn .10.0(1 ninrkol ttimilv. fnfl
lambs $20.10, spring lnmhs $18, clip-
pcu inmus $n.
Three loads of pulp fed steers sold
.. CI1 in rtmllnrr n 11(111 llllr l-prill'M.
Ill yi.U.AU, ...... ...,;, .. .W ..-----,
other pulp steers nt $12.00 to $12.00.
No prime native were here, but they
arc worth up to $13.25 or better.
Good to choice natives sold up to
$12.00, medium nnd plnin short fed
cattle downwards to $10. Fourteen
loads of Cnlifornia steers. sold nt $10
r0 to $11.75, weighing 880 to 1070 lb.
In the quarantine division half fed
steers sold at $9.50 to $11.25, nnd
three loads of Oklahoma calves bro t
$9.25 to $13.50. Choice heavy cows
sell up to $11.25, heifers $12.25, bulls,
$10.50, veal calves $14.00. The sup
ply wns drawn from u wide territory,
including Texns, Cnlifornin, Wyom
ing, Colorado nnd all the nearby
states, indicating scarcity.
rvu Mnvlrnf Vina hnnn rnthnr (lull
lilt; iuuim.v .-. ...ww.. --
for n week, with snles nt the finish
Inst week 25 cents uncicr xne Desv
time. Prices todny were bnrely stea
dy, but there wns n fenture snle to
day of 300 hend of Pnnhnndle White
Face heifer stock calves, 332 lbs. av
erage, nt $12. Stock -steers sell at
$8 to $10, not mnny feeders going
out, ns killers nre pnying more thnn
country buyers for them,
The early mnrket was stendy to
order buyers and traders, but packers
held out for lower prices. They got
a few hogs that way, but most of the
hogs sold around steady, two loads
at the top, $1G.40, half a dozen or
more loads nt $10.35, including some
medium weights, top on lights lb.lo,
bulk of sales $15.80 to $10.35. Corn
planting has held recipts down for a
week, but n general ram Sunday nnd
Monday may relensc a fair run for
ltaer this week, in which event the
killers nre primed for an attempt to
break prices n little. However, the
market is regarded as preuy snie,
though n run of heavy sows is about
due, nnd there will be some slush
ing of prices on these.
SHEEP nnd LAfliub
Euch clnss of lnmbs was represent
ed todny by a few head, but the to
tal wns smnll, nnd far below require
ments. Best fed lambs sold at $20.10,
equnl to the top paid last week, Ari
'.,., a,.i., lnmliq S17.R0. South Tex-
as spring lnmbs $18, clipped fed
lambs $17, the whole market right nt
the. best point yet reached. No Texns
goats were here, but some common
nMr.i, linisVini's snld nt S9.7C cood
brushers worth $11, fnt gonts Inst
week nt $11. J. A. RiCKART, Mnr
ket Correspondent.
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a. m.
7:00 p. m.
Sunday School
Memorial Service at the Orpheum
Christian Endeavor
8:00 p. m. Preaching at Congregational Church g
Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse I
Big Patriotic Day at Red Cloud
July 4th. Will you be Here?
Come and Bring Your Friends.
In Tho County Court ol
State ol Nebraska, I RS
Webster county, 1
To till persons Interested In tho cstalo ol
I'rnncU 1'. Payne, Deceased:
TAKKXuriCK. that a petition has been
llled praying that tho Instrument Hied in
this court on tho 18th uay 01 .May, ivi pur
nurtUiK to bo the last will and testament 01
said deceased, mny bo proved and allowed
and recorded as tho last will ami testament
ol Francis K. Vayno, deceased; that said In
Btrumont bo admitted to probnto, and tho
administration ot said estate bo granted to
C. M. Wilson, as administrator .wiin 1110 win
Itlshoroby ordorcd by tho court, inai an
persons Interested in said cstato appear at
tho County Court to bo nem in uun ior iim
county on tho JOth day ol Juno 1817, at
ton o'clock n. tn., to show causo, 11 any inero
be, why tho prayor ol tho potitionor saouia
., . urnntctl. and that notlcoot tho pend
ency ol said petition and tno hearing tlareol
bcglvon to all persons nuoregivu m "ai
matter by publishing a copy ol this order In,i I'lnini nhiGi. a leual weekly news
paper printed In said county lor thrco con-.,.!K-..
ir.L-mirinr to said day ot hearing.
n.v-Biv ! - -- ...
Witness my hand and thoseai 01 sam court
this 18th day ol May, A. D., 1017.
A. U. HA.Ahl,
Seal. County Judce.
Bean Seed Supply Sold
The two carloads of bean seed, pur
chased by the Extension Scrvlco of
tho College of ARrlculturo nud rotulled
to citizens of the state at cost, have
boen sold, nnd no further orders can
bo booked. Orders are continuing to
nour into tho Extension olllce, but no
additional seed will bo available nnd
ronilttunces are being returned.
To Whom It Mav Concern!
The Commissioner appointed to loeato a
road, commencing two rods Kast ot the North
West Corner ol section SI, Township (2)
Ilango (12) In Webster County .Nebraska, ami
thence running South i:ast 5 rods to Hock
lllll, and thenco running cast ol south, 81
rods, and thence running south-cast 67 rods.
and thenco running duo south 20 rods, and
tffenco running south-west to tho section lino
running north and south between sections -
and 27. In the Ramo township and range
.abovo mentioned.
Tho said Commissioner has reporxcu in
lavor of tho location thereof, and all object
ions thereto, or claims for damages must bo
llled In tho County Clerk's Otuce on or oetoru
noon ol tho 18th. day ol Juno 19l7i or such
road will be established without relercnce
County Clerk Webster County Nebraska.
Dated this 10th. day of April 1U17.
Canning Schools Planned
Nebraska women and girls, as well
as their husbands mid brothers, will
l,nrn nn onnortullltv to do their bit"
this summer by 'enlUUim',' to teach
canning. Preservation of food for
winter use Is of paramount importance
because of the impending shortage of
food, and the work of tCHchlug cannlug
Is regnrded as a patriotic service quite
equal to military service.
A series of training schools win 00
conducted by the Extension Service of
tho College of Agriculture In 37 towns
and cities to train persons to act as
.l..i.nitlnri: nt tliollpst tUOtllOds Of
U12UIV u '. vw- --- .
cunning and drying vegeiaoies uu
fruits. Only persons who incuse
themselves to teach others will be ad
mitted to the school. For further In
formation, address Extension Sorvlco,
Uulvorslty Farm, Lincoln.
First Patriotic Meeting
Held Here Saturday
The patriotic meeting held In this
city on Inst Saturday afternoon whs
well attended. Tho dust, driven be
fore a high wind mfule it rather dis
agreeable for both speakers nnd audi
ence, hoveer they wore not to be
daunted nnd the program was carried
out In full.
The lied Cloud Uiiml rendered sever
al patriotic selections which was fol
lowed by the opening address of Mayor
lJatrerell, who In 11 few well chosen
words urged the people to keep up
their courage and to continue to keep
tit 1 wheels of Industry turning ashr-ro-to'ore.
Tills was followed bv an address by
rather Fitzgerald, stating, that in the
past lied Cloud has not shown much
In'erest in the nation's alYalrs and
urgel the people to stand by their
president In this time of uecd.
Attorney lllackledge brought to tho
attention of the people, the tlag, what
It represents and the duty that chcIi
and every citizen owes to It.
Professor Whitehead's address dealt
with the matter of food production of
its importance ami the attention it re
quired from every citizen. Ho told of
how oue hundred or more of the pupils
of the schools here nrc turning their
attention to gardening under the di
rection of tho teacher of agriculture.
Attorney Gilliam brought to the at
tention of the audience the actions of
Ex-governor Atdrich, who has decided
to give thirty or more addresses In
which he will oppose conscription. He
also suggested that no dealings be had
with auy Lyceum or Chautauqua or
ganization that permits auy of its
orators to oppose the actions of our
President. He also Informed the citi
zens of how Senator Norris was mis
representing the republican party in
this state.
A male quartette compospd of Messis
Walker, Cottlng, Hush and Thomas
rendered appropriate songs. A class
of voting girls also contributed their
voices to tho occasion.
At the close of the meeting a (Jounty
Defense Council was organized, with
Father Fitzgerald as chairmau, Louis
I'eWgor of llluo Hill, vico chairman,
Hugh Hunter of Guide Rock.'treasunr
nnd W I). Edson. secretary, l-atlier
Fitzgerald was authorized to 'appoint
various committees.
In all, the meeting unsa success and
now that tho spirit of patriotism is
kindled let us eo that we do oui
shnro towurds keeping foremost in oui
mind the duties we owe our country.
W(lm Jtf$ tV&&
When the
Firemen. Appear
lite injured man'i fitit thought it one of
ihankfulneis that he is o. How abou
your thoughts if a fiireman should ap
pear at your home?
The Dacy
Before the Fire
is the day to iniute. As that day may
be to-morrow (or all you can know or
do, it fellows that prudence would im
pell you to stop in out office to day and
have us issue you a policy,
Reliable Insurance
Ever Feel This Lump? .
I am writing to tell you what I and my
customers think of your wonderful Now
Remedy "EATONIC." Says one, "That
lumpy, gasay, bloated fecllnpt. is all Kono now,
never felt bo well In alt my life." Hero'a an
other cample. "For year I luflcred from
heartburn, sour stomach, bclchimrof gas and
distress after eating. Llfo was onoconUnual
round of misery and I fairly dreaded going to
the tablo ns the meal hour approached but I
om all right now. I can cat and digest any
thing." Dr.J.W.DUNLOP.Drugs.Medlcinea
and Fino Pharmaceuticals, Clare, Mich.
After meals eat one
Removes Heartburn. Indigestion, that full
feeling, almost instantly; drives gas out of
body and tlio bloat with It. All Druggists.
C. L. Cotting
The Druggist
First Nebraska Artillery Will
' Lead the Parade.
Back In 18G3, while Nebraska's two
reglmonts wore doing valiant service
for the Union tho folks at homo bo-
oiormmi )iv tlin boltgcrencv of
hostile Indians. It was at Brownsville
that tho raid was expected and set
tlers gathered from evorywhero to
repel the Invasion.
An old howitzer, tho property of
tho United States govornmont was dls
patched to Brownsville. Whether It
was tho fear of the cannon or not,
the! Indian raid did not take placo
but the old cannon Is rtill at Browns-
vlllo, but is soon to be removed to bo
used In the Seml-Centonnlal Celebra
tion parado.
Tho story comes from Colonol Tom
Majors of Peru who Is tho chairman
of the Civil War Veterans Commit
tee. It Is Interesting to Know inai
Colonel Is one of Nebraska's oldest
sottlors and served In tho Civil War
as a member ot tho First Nebraska.
This old cannon 1b still tho property
of Undo Sam and In chocking up his
Btnck of artillery somo time ago ho
discovered that ho owned a piece of
artillery that had nover been returned
from Brownsville. About tho only
uso tho old howitzer can havo In these
dayB of flvc-polnt-nlnes Is for parado
niirnoseB or a dummy. It might be
used to tost tho bravory ot rocrultB
It would surely tako a bravo man to
flro It.
The Red Cloud Chief
'Quality Printers : PublMiers
Does Its
Printed Matter
of the "Better Quality"
gJXo( Iloir Vhtan
Hamilton -Cathor
Clothing Co.
everything a Man
or Boy Waara
Itmd Cloud Nibraaka
C. H. Miner
Dr. S. S. licardorf, M. D. C.
Veterinary In Cliargo
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
Anti Hog Cholera Serum
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Wanted Pasture
For 70 head of younR mules.-Starlce.
The Kaiser's Prayer
Mine Gott, vlll you be mine partner?
You don't know who I amr
I am the German Kaiser
Do Emperor Will I Yam.
.You know I whipped dent Belgians,
Uud mlt bullets filled Russia full;
Und I'll whin Franco and Italy,
Und blow up Johnny uull.
Now, all dem odder nations,
I do not give n damn,
If you just bo mine parduer
Und whip uot uncie aam.
I You kuow I got doui submarines
All Europe knows dot well!
Hut dot Edison got a patent now
Vot blows-dftjn all to hell.
Now, Gott, vou vlll do this,
Den vou 1 vlll always love;
Und I will emperor of dc earth,
Und you bo emperor above.
But, Gott, if you refuse me dls,
Tomorrow nlwht at eleven
I'll call mine Zeppelins out
Und deoluro war on huaveu.
I wouldn't ask dls from you,
But It can bo plainly seen
Dot when Edison pushes do button
Wire or Phone at Our Expense
l), S. Veterinary license No. 45
Nebraska. O Nebraska,
Thee wo oboy!
Jewelled with tho Night, Nebraska,
Dlademod with Dayl
Nebraska, O Nebraska,
Land with promise blest,
Brlghest ot tho stars omblazonod,
Queen ot the Wostl
Horo tho splendors of tho pralrloa
Greet tho plendors of tho sklos,
And tho green of Earth Immlngles
With tho bluo of Paradise!
Here tho danco of dowy cornflolds
Flashes welcome to. tho sun,
And tho singing winds make mualq
When the toil of day Is done!
Nebraska, O Nebraska,
Mother of States I
Golden hope. Bhall'groot, Nebraska,
All who seek thy gates!
NebttBka, o Nebraska,
Honio shall bo thy sod
While thy pralrlos yield In fruitage
Bounty ot Goal
The Nebraska song which has made
a BtatowKlo hit from tho pageant 0
iiMutinntrn" which will bo DTeBontei
dally at tho Seml-Contennlal Colebra-j
Dr. A. E. Boles
Physical Diagnosis Labarato'ry
Consultation and Examination Fiiee
"Osteopathy tho Solon co of Healing
by Adjustment." Given to tho
World by A. T. Still, A. D. 1874.
COL. J. H. fcLLIIMljLKjj;
jt 1. . rnn.iv tn your sale dates
sC Ak nnvono ns to my nuallllcntlons
5 or whom I linvo cried stiles, lndcpci
J dentiihono8on10. Write wire or cal
Dot when Edison pushes do button tl(m i takes-place-at Lincoln Juno I
I Rot no submartues. Exchango J 12 18 14i 1
A trial order will convince
that our printing is the
kind you want the beat
o .1
0 "i