tS SID OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 'i I', 11 IN fS li f ! i t t i. I - THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLIBOKD EVERY THURSDAY Batered In the rottofflcejat lied Cloud, Nob a Second Claw Matter) A B. McARTHUR Publisueb ME Smi-mfERWAL V $;a AND PflEPAREBNESS fhf Slogan of tiioj GommKtet Is t Hit nan Riidnaec at Normal IWVJf -.... -. .,....,., A. .7 -4 PttJini that the greatest service Itikr can give to tbo Stato and KftWb Is to maintain that confidence t tbo future which is essential to h grofttei offlolenoy, the Somi-Con-fcenrual celebration Committoe is go km ahead With ovory detail of tho (Blifeorlke program, which is to com aemorato tbo Ooldon Anniversary of be entrance of our Btato into tho Union, at Lincoln, Juno 12, 13, r.nd 11. in tpno ot the war, business must ft keot at normal. To destroy tho itfn WPftud ot business 1b to paralyze t retail iodUitrles, throw thousands of regular employment and cut K the profits with whtoh tbo war Ult bo flaaao&d. The best prepara tar eTgattjalUlea is to go ahead wWfr proleolfl you have con bUMdl to sake an extra effort htter ifefa timid, dlrainithed one. In ft NMjfttK& of our past, bbw rr, tfre ommlttee la not Onmlndful we rmm, ua ot tut lmaiOMte lot! thai ve fohjg to bo FdQtured 3W tttfltn&wiftKfc ln tie groat of deOAtmof into which wo attfcrad. ffoMMNMi arc to come together th fspfampji boat! of a cofypon , v txmairf putiM opinion, for the kntaedlato tribute to those who EsaiaSty $ nftu ow prtaaat aaorifloaa to and fWiysation possible. e bysI?rarrcis Lyirde vAuuioTofheCityofNumberedDays," "The Crafters,V,JheJMce ct 9 .1 H'..,ii" ., ill! n ' I ' i''....' 7 " .11 .it' i " ii 4m, o at. .ill' .11' III. II' .III' the West JRull of Ingenuity and Resource I 11 V. I. Ill" nih '! I ' , . ) Pii P YOUNG bank cashier Our is changed by a false accu- j sation from a mere social JMCZV butterfly into a man whose K prist J f"""v iiiLiiiL.L aic up permost. Necessity evokes his latent enerpv andi nn. mSSCff portunity develops all his powers till he becomes the master ipirit in an im portant engineering enterpriie. He eventually finds happiness in the love ot a charming Western girl. i A Capital Story Without a Dull Bl SSrt " G T. It .. thi luut with tht Council of Defense to Prepare for Emergency This office is Id rocelpt of a commut.l cation from II. 0, Richmond, secretary of the Nebraska State Council of Dc. fense asking for Our cooperation in all matters pertaining to this organization It bIbo contains information of n general nature, regarding the ofllcers and members of the County Councils of Defense. Tho general duty of County Councils will bo to arouse people of its county to tho importance and purpose of war, to carry on au educational campaign, tho ptirpo&o of which Is to Incronso the production of food, conservation In its use, avoidance of waste, to the end that Nebraska will bo prepared for any emergency that may atiso. It urges the registration of evory man and strong boy over 11 years of Rgc who lins not enlisted for service on the firing line to enlist nnil give his service In the field of production. Do talis will be left to the discretion of the ofllcers nnd members of tho county. In order that Ncbtaska may bo pre. pared to meet any emergency that may arise thero must be: Complete preparation should be made in order to plnco the people of Ncbnis ka and its resources behind tho Feder al government. Encouragement for enlistment in tho navy and national guard, so that it may be brought up to war strength. Keeping of all industrial activities at thoir greatest capacity. Encouragement for Investment by all who have spare funds in the popular subscription to tho government loan, Much more valuable information is contained in tho communication, but owing to lack of space we arc unable to publish the entire communication. Any information along .this lino may be obtained from ofllcers and members of the County Council 1 PEACMN .,, Ct--fL lil ITT BaVlX.V III rSMwiwi nm'ww y l wmm&L lallllllllr mMlf I 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IEluZilin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vv''Mf I 1 1 1 1 1 111 III 1 1 1 1 1 II wdmUffjW lllllllllll iaSPlA ini i 'Jmlllllil. 1 1. l I W.1 mi ' 'I1 W mr m Governor Issues Proclamation Dy a proclamation Issued Saturday, Governor Novlllo has designated Toes d iy, June C, as a legal holiday. This is a day when the men of tho country from 21 years to 30, inclusive, aro to structcd by tho proclamation of the president to register for possible draft, nnder the selectlvo system, Tho Proclamation is as follows; Tho president of tho United States has, by proclamation, designated Tues day June 5, 1017, as registration day and directs all male citizens, having reach cd tho age of 21 and not having reach ed the ago of 31, to present themselves to their accustomed polling places or other designated registration places, to bo enrolled for such service ns they nro host (lttcd to render thoir country. Thorcforo, I, Keith Neville, governor of Nebraska, deolaro that Tuesday, June D, 1017, shall bo a holiday so far as our industrial needs permit, and I urge upon tho pcoplo of the stato that upon that day tho schools bo closed; that the flag of our country be promlti' cntly displayed from public buildings, bubiuosshouses and homes; that patriot ic atid musical programs be arranged, nnd I especially call upon the G. A. R. the Spanish war votrans, tho Sons of Veterans, tho commercial clubs and the citizens to co-operate in making this day a memorable one, to tho end that tho registration (which is preliminary to tho selectlvo draft, made necessary to insure that all render the 6orvlco for which they arc best llttod, without regard to wealth or station in lifo, and that the industries of tho country be mobilized and mantained at the high- est standard, as well as fighting forces provided), shall mark an epoch in our state's history, and bo not confounded with tho penal draft resorted to at the time of tho civil war. I call upon every man of tho oges designated to present himself for en rollment, in order that tho brilliant record of Nebraska, established during tho civil war when moro men respond ded proportionate to the population than in any state in tho union, be, if possible, excelled. Keith Neville. Organizes Seed and Labor Bureau at Red Cloud Uccauso labor and seed nro likely to bo the limiting factors in increased production this year, tho liurlington Railroad has turned their agricultural department over to organizing labor aud seed burenus to bring the farmers and unemployed togetlfor. II. E. Heitzman, agricultural agent for this road wub In Red Cloud Prldoy, nnd together with the business men orgnnlzod a local Emergency Labor and Seod Bureau, with Mr. O. C. Tcel representative at this point. This pro gram, which has become notion wide injseopo provides for the organisation of labor bureaus which will keep in touch with local wants, andnid the far mer in producing more crops to meet the country wide cry for food. The object of the bureau shall be as follows: First: To And all farmers who need help and seed, tho kind of help and seed needed by each one, nnd tho time such help or seed will'bc wanted. Second: To locate all who can" help ou farms nnd to a&certain the kind of work for which each person is best adapted. Third To furnish all farm help that la available particularly In rush seasons This bureau will li&t labor and 6eed avallablo, and calls for labor and seed, bring idle men in touch with farmers, and report excess or deficiency of labor or soed to a state leader. The shortoge of farm help is recog nised by state and natiou as a serious problem. IIow does It effect tho fnv- mors of this community? What can be done to holn tho farmers? Let us know your wants by tho attached card or phone O. 0. Teel. THE SERVICES OF TIIIS BUREAU ARE FREE. Application For Help And Seed Name Dato Address Kind of work Probablo Wngos Amount of help uocded , Kind of seed needed or for solo Price When will you need help or seed..., Application For Farm Work Name Ihite Address Ago. ...Married or Single Wages Asked What farm exporlouco havo you had. Fill out abovo blauks and mail to O O. Tool, Red Cloud, Nebr. Hamilton - Oitfiw . Clothing Oo. BcwtHcn t PmI ferr OI0UM NH-Am Children Awarded Prizes For Penmanship MissKathryno Burke, who teaches the 5th grade in our city schools, re ceived a communication from the A, N. Palmer Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. originators of tho Palmer Method of Penmanship, stating that pupil's speci mens had been received and the work carefully gone over, making the follow ing decisions: First Grade Mae Rogester, Pcnant, Fred Clifford Turnure and Kathleen Robinson. Second Grade Philip Trout, Pcnant, Rachel Ovcring and Herbert Beczley. Fifth Grade Margaret Piatt, Pcn ant, Alllno Hamilton and Virginia Auld.- The following wcro awarded buttons: Fhst Grodo Herbert Smith J Robert Mitchell, Vcia Hoffman, Earl Parsons, Henry Jones, Lydia Schultz, Luclle Funk, Georgo Worden, Elwln White, Mabel Parsons, Robert Barta, Bernard Clutter, Hawkins Mason, Herbert Moore, Lottlo Ducitcr, Lawrence Yetten Lois Wright, Robert Carr, OIlis Walk er, Ned Barker, Mabel Starkey, Mar garet Hoxsey, Clayton Fincher. Second Grade Buster Jackson, Mar guerite Yost, Holen Guorncy, Gleva Cain, Rachel Wocsncr, Irma Hanson, Moigarct Harwood, Wlnulfred Ducker, F16rcncc Pope, Rnymoud Barta, Ruby Smclsor, Jano Peterson, Boulah Ether- ton, Marlon Piatt, Wlllard McAlister, Pat Floranco, Mildred Regester, Wan da Wolfe, Floyd Robertson, Helen Yost, Wardlo Weaver, William Roberts. Fifth Grade Margaret Piatt, Alllne Hamilton, Virginia Auld, LcMoyne Sutton, Bernard Roubal, Carroll Fox, Opal Wecsner, Milton Drullner, Alvln Snladon, Robert Nowhouse, Marie Becbe, Jennie Beezley, Floyd Simpson, Harriet Hoxsey, Helen Robinson. Hidden Money Does No Work Did you over stop to consider how monoy works? Imagine 100 men seated In one room. Suppose each man there owes some other one man tho sum of 8100. The combined debt of those present is then 10,000. Supposo one of these men takes a $10 bill from his pocket and passes It to his neighbor; tho neighbor passes it in turn to his creditor, who hands It over to tho man ho owes, and so on "until that bill has made tho rounds of these lOo men and has returned to tho first one. That single bill has then can celled 81,000 of debts, nnd Is ogalu In the possession of the man who first had it. If It Is passed urouml tho circle nine tlmos more, It has paid the entire Jfo.000 of debts; tho men leave the room free of obligation, and tho bill Is again in tho pocket of the man who flist stat tod it circulating. Germany has financed her war on this bamo piinclplo. She has been practically out off from communication with tho world. But her people had plenty of money. She borrowed many millions of dol lars, giving bonds In return. This money she spent for war supplies, and it found Its way back into tho nockets of tho people, only to bo borrowed over and over again, uover going out of the empire. Thus has she financed her war, because the people kept their money In circulation That is what wc must do in tho I'nltcd States. Hysterical anneals for "economy" have gone out, alormiug the moro timid citizens who aro prac ticing foolishly rigid economv. Thov n:e withdrawing their monoy from en culatlon putting it where it cauuot work for oither themselves or the couu- try. This is the biggest mistake anvof us can make. It is one of the creatost aids wo could give tho enemy. To finance our war wo must keep our money in circulation. " Remember, our annual resources are fifty billions of dollars moro than ample to meet all expenses of oven this great war and loavo a. substantial sur plus. Tho patriotic duty of American men aud women is to realize their security to understand that wo foco no dan ger except that of strangling our own country by "economizing" so olosoly mat wo stop tne now or Us life-blood money. Be thrifty certainly. But don't bo mlsorly. idve your usual life and you will do ns much for tho flag as can anyone not actually called to tho colors. -WORMS-i Cause. 90 of all Your Live Stock Losses You can stop your losses destroy tho worms. Best and cheapest conditioner and digestive; costs only i of a cent a day for each nog or sheep; of a cent for each horse or head of cattle. Stock doctor themselves with A Med lotted Slock sfflRi; Sold one! fun- Sell. alee. I YWSfX 0 17 C C KKWUKtiDO Tfxt Pniress ofElecfric 6as 6een (he Measure i Progress of (he Age w kw! Brains - Ink Paper Printing of ' Quality J 1 3 ?' 7 ) 1 & ON1 (fnf frAZDA LAMP The RED CLOUD CHIEF PRINTERS and PUBLISHERS "ATot ho-v cheap but how good" M m, Embroideries When in need of real servicable and attractive embroideries come in and let me show them to you Have good line in all widths and grades in the narrow from Sc a yard to the full skirt lengths at $2.25 yard Below 'are a few of the prices, but to appreciate them you must see them 12 inch cambrick .t 15c-25c-50c 24 inch Swiss or organdy 50c td $1.25 28 inch Swiss or organdy. 75c to $1.50 Full skirt length from.. .51.25 to 52.25 A new line o! crochet thread in all numbers Mrs. Barbara Phares Agent for Warner Bros. Corsets : Butterick Patterns Pitridtic League of Nebraska Patriotic League of Nebraska, Omaha, Neb.: m.i,... i, I ubicrlb to the principle- of the Patriotic League o! Nebraika, and daslre to be enrolled aa a member: Signed Town. CUT THIS OUT, The Spirit oftteTimosjg Ltfhtir, A complete line of these lamps, in various sizes, now on hand. Come in and see them. I also carry a line of fixtures and supplies. For wiring and all things electrical see E. W. Stevens Electrical Work : Plumbing 3I il izmrs i fine 'yfr'JU s&Arr It is the brains that the printer mixes with ink that tells the tale. There are many ways in which ihc printer's knowledge and skill can be applied so as to give the customer in selling value much more than the amount of his bill. Thii fact often justifies one printer in charg ing more (ot a job that to the casual eye, does not show a corresponding difference in value. Merely to set type and print is not all that is req uircd to produce good printed matter. Neat arrangement ol type, suitable color of inks and a good grade of paper, on which to print, are required to turn out a good job such as we give to our customers. County. SIQN AND MAIL. V A t a j , n -I nJ, -vj ft C, L. Cotting The Druggist AFtsiuitmcnij Fint Clapttr. Try nn Ad in the Chief if you want to buy sell or trade .B?