The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 17, 1917, Image 3

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"3 , .
A Valuable
Aid To
II iu
l u-
Stomach Bitters
It is excellent in cases of
stomach or bowel ailments
KinMFV Is a deceptive disease
IVlLSrNCsI -thousands have It
TROTTRT.l? an(1 d""'1 know It. If
vw --!- you want pood results
you can make no mistake by using Dr.
Kilmer's Swanip-rtoot, the Kreat kldnev
medicine. At druggists In llfty cent nnd
dollar sizes. Sample size bottle by Parcel
Post, also pamphlet telling you about It.
Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blnghamton,
N. Y., and encloso ten cents, also men
tion this paper.
mtmm waa bowpfiead,
- Mpj a fmh. RlUblei
H fj m weitcra stock-
i BMZ.Va. men. beciusa
JIHMHH protect whers other
14 . . . vssslnss Ull.
Mr- Write foftaoklet nd tetflmoslatL
If 10-dois pIxBlKklti Pills, f 1.00
Bu-fli1apu.011cf.iMrm. n.uu
Vm tor lolettof, tiat Curt'i itmplnt soil stitmrtst.
Tb tupertorltr ot Cuttef product, U itu to ottr IS
years olipKUlUInc In vaccines and skkums
only. Insist oh Cutter's. II uaobuluUe,
m emm UMiwT.namr, en, tr mat, m.
Money buck without question
If HUNT'S CURE fall In the
treatment of ITCri, ECZEMA,
Itching skin diseases. Price
60o at druggists, or direct from
Al.tlckardi Meilclii Ci. , Human,!".
Kill All Flies! mSSln
PUosd uirwhm.D.'sr Ply RHUr attracts snd kills si
Mas. Mast, titan. oraaiMatal, cooTsotsnt, aad cbsan.
IMUI,,!!'! ntllOT
umiiaiiM, sin
Dalay Fly Killer
SsM by dtster. r t mm
Fire, tornado and hall insurance, farm and
town property, automobile and threshing ma
chinery. PoUcjrholders and agents participate
In the profits of this company. Agents wanted
' t n open territory. 1Mb jv. Uctnmtta Jsa. 4. lHf
4M ABBTftfTBUBrs9 Wmtann K. flolfll
Watson K. Coleman,
Patent Lawyer, Vfaablnrton,
I'M I ER IA Patent Lawyer, Wuhlns
atas reasonable, nighest references. Bestterrloes.
W. N. U.. LINCOLN, NO. 20-1917.
Rfet Contents lBFluid Drao
fwmT.-fl PER GENT.
I .if.i:nMhiFaMtrf Eeula.-1
I tm6tiieStofn6xtoaMDcwt5rfj
neither Oplam.Morphlnen
A fcMnfnl Remedy for.
Constipation and Diarrhoea
and revensniuwa , -.
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
As Age Advances
Small Pill, Small
Price But
Small .ssViX
In sHIPinrrn'r
Good iHavHrt i
jflPVVl Pius.
er jH?T i
Colorlew or Pale Facet
condition which will be greatly
Doos and the Dye-Pot.
The Chinese sleeve dogs, culled Pe
kinese, nro so fushlonnblo nown
days nml fetch such high prices tlint
hrecders of 'them nro making a lot
of money In the business. Also (leal
era. Unfortunately the dealers nro not
always honest, nnd It Is Just ns well
to nvold buying such dogs from street
venders nnd other nonresponslblc per
sons. The nnlmnls mny not he ex
actly what they seem.
The color specially desired for a
Pekinese Is a delicate shade of brown.
Dogs of this kind arc of various hues;
hut uu unscrupulous dealer llnds no
serious diniculty In making them
brown, to match any shade. He simply
dips doggy Into a pall of hydrogen per
oxide a few times until his coat Is
well bleached and then dyes him, by
like means, of the fashionable tint.
Now It the Tint In Art Hid of These
I'gljr Spoil.
There's no longt-r the sllghtrit nerd ot
feeling ashamed ot your ftw-klrs, ns the
prescription othlne double strength la
guaranteed to remove these hnmely spots
Simply get an ounce of othlne dnubl
strength from your druggist, and apply
little of It night nnd morning nnd you
should soon sec thnt even the worst freckles
have begun to disappear, while the lighter
ones hnvo vanished entirely. It Is seldom
that more than one ounce Is needed to com
pletely clear the sldn and gain a beautiful
clear complexion.
He sure to ns) for the dmAjle strength
othlne, as this Is rold under guarantee of
money back If It falls to remove freckles.
Town Turns Back on Tramps.
On the ground that no man ought to
be unemployed at the pivxent time, the
guardians of tin Kiigllsh town have de
cided to Ignore the existence of tramps
and to provide neither food nor lodg
ing for them. They will have their re
ward, for the fraternity will give the
place a wide berth.
You say to the drug store man,
"Give me a small bottle of freestone."
This will cost very little but will
positively remove every hnrtl or soft
corn or callus from one's feet.
A few drops of this new ether com
pound applied directly upon u tender,
aching corn relieves the soreness in
stantly, and soon the entire corn or
callus, root nnd all, dries up nnd can
be lifted off with the fingers.
This new wuy to rid one's feet of
corns was Introduced by a Cincinnati
man, who says that frcezonc dries in
a moment, nnd simply shrivels up the
corn or callus without Irritating the
surrounding skin.
If your druggist hasn't any freezone
tell him to order a small bottle from
his wholesale drug house for you. adr,
Her Weapon.
"That girl is fishing for udmlrers."
"Then I suppose, she uses a beau
For Infants and Ohildren.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
the esNTAua sosnsr, mm vena errr.
the Liver Requires
bBHb U
occasional alight stimulation.
helped by Carter tlronPlllt
SBMBBfcTTTTstfMBSBWy TBiBbsS lCTliM3!liftntflRwwiy iTfcV fiT Lm TU BBBBsV RIbsSSbbhI! W "Bi
BSHLtvftBB? ftBVvnBBBBrSWL 3TTTfisDl' ItMM TH V' JMaVv BBTTJg BBsWfjIaB 'St. - HV VjVBT 9w isBBB
1 The UI8 class of France, young men horn In lS'.IS, Just tailed to the colors, marshaled In front of the
Oare Mnntparnnsse. Paris, to be taken to training garrisons. U lien. Clarence It. KdwunW, new commander of the
department of the Northeast, nnd his aide, Lieut. N. S. Slmpklus, In headquarters at Iloston. :i Ilrltlsti ollleer
leading a rattling party amidst the bursting of Herman shells. ! Princess Maude of Fife, who Is to marry her
cousin, the Prince of Wales, (i Lieut. Com. I). (J. IMnghnm, tleet gunnery ollleer on staff of commander of Atlan
tic fleet.
War Revenue Measure to Raise
$1,800,000,000 Introduced
in the House.
Compromise Reached on Army Con
orlptlon Bill Nine Regiments of
Engineers Going to Europe
Soon Desperate Fighting
in Northern France
and Macedonia.
The house of representatives re
ceived from the ways and means' com
uiltteo ou Wednesday the completed
war revenue bill designed to raise $1,
800,000,000, which is additional to the
normal revenue of $l,f00,000,000. The
I measure is ho drufted that every home,
every individual, will share In the bur
den. Under Its provisions the Ameri
can people will be paying direct taxes
of $33 per capita for the year 1017.
The people of the ISritlsh Isles now
pay per capita taxes of $U0.
The prlnclpnl features of the levy
are -the Increases in Income and profits
taxes, in internal revenue rates und in
customs duties, but the householder
and Indeed everyone Is hit, for light,
heat, and telephone bills, admission
tickets to amusements, Arc and life In
surance, railway tickets, automobiles,
automobile tires nnd tubes, soft drinks,
postago rates, golf clubs and bnsebull
bats, club dues, and a host of other
everyday necessities or luxuries coiuo
under tho taxation. At the last min
ute the committee added a paragraph
placing a tax of 2 cents a pound on ten
and 1 cent a pound on coffee, and an
additional tax was placed on sugar.
The bill proposes n normal tax of 2
per cent on Individuals having Incomes
between $1,000 and $3,000, If single,
and $2,000 and $4,000, If married or tho
head of a family. An additional nor
mal tax of 2 per cent would be added
In tho case of larger Incomes. At 5,
000 an additional surtax, graduated
until at $500,000 and over It reaches
33 per cent, would bo Imposed. i
All articles of Import now on the
freo list will bo taxed 10 per cent, and
on additional 10 per cent tax Is placed
on nil nrtlclcs now on tho dutiable
list. The tax on excess profits Is 10
per cent on profits over 8 per cent and
$5,000. Heavy taxes are placed on
beer, spirits, whisky nnd tobneco and
Its mnnufnetures. The first-class mall
rnto goes up to 3 cents nnd tho second
class rate Is Increased according to flic
zone system.
Army Bill Compromise.
Spurred to action by the president,
tho senate and houso conferees com
promised tho differences over the
army conscription bill. The amend
ment authorizing tho Roosevelt expe
ditionary forco of volunteers was elim
inated. The age limit for tho draft
wns set nt twenty-ono to thirty years
Inclusive. Liquor Is barred from I lie
training camps and immoral resorts
from their vicinity. The pay of en
listed men Is raised $10 u mouth to $.'5,
nnd that of other grades proportion
ately. The machinery for draft ex
emption Is provided.
It Is estimated that under the bill
more limn 10,000,000 men arc llaMo
for war service. From theso will ho
taken the first 500,000 recruits for the
conscription army, tho second 500,000
when the president decides to call for
them, and the men necessary to bring
the regular army nnd National Guard
up to maximum wur strength If volun
teers do not come forward In sulllclput
Reports during tho week concerning
Iho submnrlno wnrfnro wero conflict
ing nnd confusing. Germany claimed
Its campaign was still successful be
yond Its expectations, whllo Great
Britain Issued figures showing a con
elderablo decreaso In tho number of
U-boat victims.
Great Britain reported tho sinking
of two more hospital ships by the (!er
manN. The news also came of the tor
pedoing of the Ilrltlsh steam.shlp City
of Paris In tho Mediterranean early
In April. The vessel carried 1M1 pas
sengers and a large crew and only 'M
were saved.
American Inventors by the thousand
are seeking means of combating the
submarine, nnd Chairman Saunders of
the naval consulting board made a
statement which, though deprecated by
navy officials, gavo usxurnnee thnt
some of the devices submitted would
solvo tho problem In the near future.
The war department announced on
Monday that nine regiments of engi
neers, made up largely of railroad
men, would be sent to Krance as soon
as possible. These men and doctors
and nurses will be the first to reach
tho, war zone.
Members of the French war commis
sion, after their trip through the cen
tral West, wero received enthusiasti
cally In Philadelphia and New York;
some of the Ilrltlsh commissioners ad
dressed congress, and all of them pre
pared to return home, confident that
tho arrangements made with America
ensured the prosecution of the war to
a victorious conclusion.
" The finance committee of the
French chamber of deputies, In report
ing on u bill, asserted that France
must have a "peace that pays;" In re
storation of Alsace-Lorraine, compen
sation In kind for thefts and damages
in tho Invaded region, rebuilding of
tho ruined towns nnd villages by Ger
man hands, ships to replace those
sunk, and guaranties for annual pay
ments. It was stated authoritatively In
Washington Thursdny thnt President
Wilson had informed Mr. Balfour that
tho United States will mako war and
peaco In common with the allies.
Ferment in Germany.
Of tho greatest Interest and Im
portance wero the events of the week
In Germany. Chancellor von Beth-inann-IIollweg,
finding himself between
two fires, maintained silence concern
ing Germany's alms in tho war. On
tho one hand, the pcacc-wlthout-annex-atlon
socialists attacked him and the
government fiercely, virtually demand
ing that he step down and out. On tho
other hand, the conservatives and Pan
Germans assailed him for apparently
yielding to the other faction, und also
boldly blnmcd his hesitant policy for
the long duration of the wnr. Sweep
ing Internal reforms In tho empire aro
demanded bf the radicals, und some of
them but not enough yet venture to
urgo the wiping out of Prussia's bale
ful predominance null even tho deposi
tion of tho reigning dynasty.
A logical result of these agitations
wns the reported attempt of un assas
sin to shoot the kaiser in Berlin. Iltul
his aim been truer his bullet would
have removed not alone Wllhclm, but
the whole house of Hohenzollcrn.
Closely related to events In Germany
were the developments In Itussln. Tho
provisional heads of tho new republic
were forced to agree to form n coali
tion government with tho dele
gates of tho soldiers' nnd work
men's councils. This quieted the dis
turbances for tho time being, but tho
German socialist emissaries continued
to sprend their propaganda. Borgjerg,
Danish socialist, who Is In Pctrogrnd,
made known the peace terms proposed
by tho German socialist dcmocrntlc
party, tho majority faction. They In
clude recognition of tho right of na
tions to freedom of development, tho
Introduction of compulsory Interna
tional arbitration, the restitution by
Germany of all conquered territories,
a plebiscite In Russian Poland, with
freedom to choose between independ
ence or annexation by Russia or Ger
many; tho restoration of Independence
to Belgium, Serbia, and Roumanln ; tho
restoration to Bulgaria of the Bulgari
an districts of Macedonia, and tho
granting to Serbia of a free port on
tho Adrlntlc.
Tho radical socialists of Petrograd
at onco declared that their party
should hnvo nothing to do with Borg
jerg and his propositions, which they
assorted were wholly pro-German.
Stand of American Socialists.
Lending American socialists gavo out
a statement denouncing tho Interna
tional socialist conferonco called for
Stockholm early In Juno as "tho most
dangerous of all tho kaiser's plots for
cashing In his military victories," and
characterizing the American socialist
delegates, Morris Hlllqult and Alger
non Lee, ns radically pro-German.
In Greece matters moved rapidly Up
ward a climax. The king Is losing
supporters dally In large numbers, and
on Sunday -lO.OOO persons assembled
In Saloulkl nnd with great enthusiasm
adopted a resolution proclaiming tho
deposition of King Constantino and his
Germany Is attempting to start In
Italy the same campaign of disintegra
tion she Is carrying on In Russia.
Baron Sonulno is the object of attack
by radical Journals In the southern
country, as Is Mllyotikov In Petrograd.
A war mission from Italy Is now on
Its way to America. It Is headed by
the prince of Udlne, and Marconi Is
one of the members. The Italians nro
coming to discuss especially tho prob
lems of transporting food and muni
tions from America and the purchnso
of coal and railway rolling stock. Tho
submarine warfaro has caused a griev
ous shortage of coal In Italy.
The Food Problem.
Herbert C. Hoover, chalrmnn of tho
food cuiitnUtee of the Council of Nn
tlonal Def -use. strongly advocated tho
government mcnsurc.s thnt give the
president nnd the department of agri
culture direct control of the country's
food resources. Ho nlso urged a mora
limited use of wheat In this country,
and his talk on that topic was followed
Immediately by a government report
showing thnt tho winter wheat crop
will be only nbout 300,000,000 bushels,
the smallest since 1004. Tho ncrcago
abandoned Is tho largest on record.
In Great Britain tho "meatless day"
was abandoned because Baron Devon
port, food controller, found a diminu
tion In tho consumption of breadstuffs
was of mora importance.
Food riots took place In many cities
and towns of Sweden, and according
to an official statement, the vast ma
jority of Germans aro underfed.
Sweden's predicament, however, was
lessened grcntly on Wednesday when
England agreed to release tho Swedish
ships laden with food and other neces
sities that had been detained In Brit
ish harbors. In return Sweden agreed
to' rclcaso 000,000 tons of allied ship
ping that had been tied up In the gulf
of Bothnia since the beginning of tho
Desperate Struggle In France.
The desperato battle for possession
of tho coal fields of Lens In northern
Franco continued unabated through
tho week. Crown Prlnco Ruprecht of
Bavaria brought up great masses ot
reservo troops nnd every nvallable gun
to check tho unceasing British attack,
and on Tuesday he succeeded In re
taking Frcsnoy village and wood. But
that night and the next day the British
returned to the ussault and again took
possession of most of tho lost ground.
Thero was heavy fighting nt otliur
points nlong tho Drocotirt-Qucont line,
which evidently Is regarded by tho
Germans ns of vital Importance. Bad
weather lessened tho severity of tho
fighting along tho French frout.
Tho expected general offensive by
tho allies on tho Macedonian front be
gan after several days of Intense artil
lery nctlvlty nnd according to London
advices It was fairly successful. Bo-
tween Lake Ochrlda and Lako Dolran
thero was fierce fighting, tho British
capturing Bulgarian trenches for a
stretch of two miles. In tho Cerna
river bend tho Russians took several
enemy trenches, and In tho upper Mog
lenlcn river valley tho Serbians, light
ing to regain their own laud, hit tho
Teutonic allies hard blows. As usual,
Berlin claimed that all these attacks
by tho entente allies wero repulsed.
An Interesting development of tho
week wns the announcement that Ja
pan had been asked to supply ships
for tho transportation of Amerlcnn
troops and supplies to Kurope, and tho
resulting discovery that Japan Itself
wns planning to send n Inrgo number
of soldiers to the Russian front this
President Wilson on Thursdny cro
ntcd u war council of tho Red Cross
and Henry P. Davlson'of J. P. Morgnn
& Co. was placed at Its head. In ac
cepting thnt post Mr. Davison said all
tho vast facilities of tho Morgan firm
would stand behind tho Red Cross for
tho duration of tho wnr,
"Seed and Feed" the Slogan of
the Year.
The pnpers aro filled with tho appeal
for soldiers, sailors and farmers, and
all are timely, ull nro ncccssnry. The
sailor Is needed to man the ships tlxit
protect the shores, pollco the seas and
elenr the ocean of tormenting and
meddlesome masked buccaneers, to
give help to the allies, to mako moro
efficient the present fighting units that
nro keeping free the sea lanes nnd
ocean routes. The soldier Is required
to keep nllve und Intact the unity ot
tho nation and the freedom of tho
world, to protect the lives of Its citi
zens from Incursions without ami raids
within, to guard the honor and pre
serve the dignity of the greut United
Stntes, to render not only sentimental
but practical assistance to those who
for two and a half years on the bat
tlefields of 'Flanders nnd the steppes
of the Fast have been fighting for tho
freedom of the world against a domi
nant autocratic and militarist Prus-
fslunlsm, which, were it to become suc
cessful, would mean ntitocnitlsm, mil
itarism und Prusslnnlsm, nnd a "get-off-tho-sldewnlklsm"
over tho cntlro
world. The nllles are proud to wel
come these now accessions to the fight
ing forces, which mean an earlier ter
mination of the war and tho dawn of
nn era that will be historic, ono
that we will all be proud that wo lived
In. Throughout all Canada, Great
Britain, France, and nil tho allied coun
tries, when tho news was received that
the United Stntes had entered tho war,
n thrill went up and down Iho nation'
sides, and tho pulses throbbed with n
new life, keenly uppreclatlvo of tho
practical sentiment that had brought
to their sides an ally ot tho strength
and virility of tho United States.
But tho soldier nnd the sailor need
to be fed, and therefore the cry for
agricultural enlistment. Tho strength
of tho fighting man must bo main
tained. In his absence from tho field
there comes tho necessity for provision
to take his place. Tho appeal for farm
help Is well timed, opportune and Im
portant. Thero aro vacant lands a
plenty In tho United States that, given
a fair opportunity under competent ad
visement and reasonable help, will pro
duce abundantly. Western Canada
also provides an excellent field for the
prosecution of work In growing wheat
and other grains, and whllo It Is not
tho dcslro of tho Canadian Government
to draw from the resources of the
United States, believing that it Is the
duty of every patriotic citizen to do
all ho possibly can to build up the
stores of depleted foods and making
uso of every energy at home, tho wish
is to lay before tho public the fact
that Canada has millions of acres ot
excellent land capable of producing
wonderful crops. If for any reason
the reader, having patriotism and a
lovo of his country In his heart, and a
dcslro to forward the canse of the al
lies, cannot (wall himself of the oppor
tunities afforded In tho United States,
Western Canada will be glad to rea
der him any assistance It can In locat
ing him on Its vacant areas, whero large
crops can be grown at minimum of
cost Let us grow the grain, raise the
cattlo, produce tho food to feed our
soldiers, our sailors and provide food
for our allies, no matter whether It is
done to the 'North or to the South of
the boundary line that In the object Is
view should not bo known as a boun
dary. Let us keep up the spirit of pa
triotism, whether It be growing grata
In the United States or In Canada, bat
Canada, fully allvo to 'the necessity.
Joins In tho appeal of Its allies the
United States for more food and mora
food. Advertisement
Natural Elation.
Why tho ecstatic frame of mlndl
asked tho man he met as ho stepped
off tho car. "Yon Bcotn supremely
happy. Has tho beauty of spring got
Into your blood; has a rich uncle
died and left you a million ; have you
a new baby In the fumlly, or has the
boss raised your salary?"
"Nono of those things," answer
tho man who had the grin, "but some
thing almost as nice. The conductor
ildn't take up my fare."
That Itch, Burn and Torture With Cirti
cura Trial Free.
A hot Cutlcura Soap bath Is soothing
to Irritated skins when followed by
a gcntlo application of Cutlcura Oint
ment. Uso Cutlcura for evcry-day toi
let preparations to prevent such troa
bles. After this treatment baby sleeps,
mother rests and healment follows.
Freo sample each by mall with Book,
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dcpt L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Power of a Name.
"Don't call this play 'A Cloudy
Night.' "
"Why not?"
"How then can you star In it?"
Nothing to Worry Over.
Guest Gracious 1 You'vo split wine
over my dress.
Host So sorry, but lucidly nono of
It has gone on tho carpet
ii ''
When Your Eyes Need Cart
Try Murine Eye Remedy