The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 03, 1917, Image 3

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    rB .ssslssssssssr 5ll72a3i'tV9 'T'l&sssassssF vV'TCJik. 1-3H AJtHHhvSf7'BBvTj'JHKJc mv ,ty. V oA,tiJ ssWaHW A V9sk 3safcsiWat
Julius Aiulrussy, former Hungarian premier, who organized a coalition pnrty and caused the reslgna
iblnet. 2 Cannon In Lafayette park, Washington, near the White House, plugged to prevent any
1 Count
4lnn J itt sinllltWlt
chnnco of their beln?" fired. 3 Portuguese expeditionary force nnlvlng atltrest, Trance, to help light the Ger
mans. 4 Mrs. Waldo I'lercc enlisting Mudents of Colunihlu college In the aviation corps the Is organizing at
Port Washington, L. I.
First American Shot in the Great
War Destroys a German
Destruction of Shipping by Subma-
1 rlnei Now Threatens England
With Food Shortage Great
Britain Gets Money From
Uncle Sam.
America's first shot In the war with
.Germany was fired on April 10. It
scored n direct hit and destroyed n
German submarine. The shot was
flred by tho gun crew on the American
Uner Mongolia when n U-boat attempt
ed to attack that vessel In the Irish sen.
The first shell smashed the periscope
and after other shells were sent there
was an explosion and the submarine
did not rise again. Capt. Emery Itlce
of the Mongolia told of the incident
on arrival in an English port. It is
Interesting to note that the gun that
got the U-boat had been named Theo
dore Itoosevelt by the gunners.
Tho destructive work of the sub
marines Is cnuslng Increasing anxiety
In Great Britain. The latest weekly
report of the admiralty shows a much
larger number of ships sunk than did
any previous report, and on Wednes
day Lord Davenport, the British food
controller, solemnly warned the Brit
ish public that severe privations
menaced tho nutlou before the next
harvest was reached. This aroused
tho Loudon press to gloomy comment,
the burden of which wns that the sub
marine blockade wus the most serious
feature of the war now and that If
Great Britain wns to be saved from
starvation nnd possible defent some
thing must be done mighty soon to
counteract it. This something, ob
viously, Is the turning out from the
shipyards of a vast and continuous
stream of tonnage, but though many
ships nro being built, the Bhortnge of
skilled labor renders it impossible to
construct nnywhero near the number
required. Tho great British navy Is
powerless to relievo the situation. No
one over there seems able to suggest
any solution of the problem except to
be careful of the food supply and pre
paro for tho worst.
Tho food question Is Bcrlous else
where. It was responsible In large
part for tho strikes In Germany and
Is tho chief causo of demonstrations
that nro alarming the Swedish gov
ernment. In Franco mentless dinners
except Sundays and holidays began
"Wednesday, nnd already In the United
States tho hotels and clubs are cut
ting down their menus.
Plans for Inrger crops and more
farm labor In Amerlcn were curried
nearer to completion during tho pnst
week. One notable Incident wns tho
depnrturo of BOO students of tho agri
cultural college of tho University tff
Illinois to help raise Canada's wheat
crop. They aro to bo well paid and
tho Dominion government will give to
ench of them a homestead of 100 acres.
On n moment's thought such n movc
mont as this must win npproval, for a
bumper crop In Canada will do tho
civilized world ns much good as one
In tho United Stntcs, nnd tho Do
minion hns been depleted of labor.
Great Britain Gets First Loan.
Speedy work Is being dono In the
way of supplying tho Immcdlnto needs
of tho nlllcB of "tho United StntOB. In
the first conferences with the commis
sioners from Englnnd nnd Franco the
government wns told that tho most
urgent of theso needs were money,
ships nnd food. It was agreed that
tho first allotment of tho $11,000,000,000
loan would go to Great Britain, und on
Wednesday Secretary of the Treasury
McAdoo handed to tho British nmbns
eador a treasury warrant for $200,000,
000. Arrangements for disposing of
tho Immense bond iBSue are practical
ly completed and France and Italy and
Russia will get their share soon. Most
of the money, It Is understood, will be
expended In the United States.
The commissioners agreed that,
next to suppllng money, America
could give the best help by continuing
to furnish food and by finding the ves
sels for Its transport to Europe, and
they were pleased with tho plans for
building a great lleet of wooden ships.
General Joffre, however, expressed the
hopo that In the near future a large
contingent of American troops would
bo on the lighting line under the Stars
and Stripes, holding that the moral
effect of that would be tremendous.
All of the commissioners concurred
In the stntcment thnt they were hero
not to attempt to dlctntc to our gov
ernment, but to advise nnd assist It
to the best of their ability and with
their wealth of experience.
President Wilson, In a conference
with Mr. Bnlfour, voluntnrlly gave as
surances that the United States will
fight until It achieves victory, and
thereupon the head of the British mis
sion declared that tho entente nllles
would seek no trenty of alliance, no
slgnnture of the entente pledge not to
make n separate peace with Germany.
Germans Resist Desperately.
"This Is the lust nnd deciding push,
for wo soon shall be able to hold out
no longer" reads tho diary of n Ger
man officer who wns captured last
Monday, nnd thnt seems to be the
opinion of the German commander in
chief, Judging by the desperate opposi
tion he Is putting up ngalnst the drive
of the nllles In northern France. Re
suming their part of tho offensive nt
the beginning of the week, tho British
have made considerable progress, es
pecially nlong tho roads from Arrus
nnd Bupaumc to Cambrnl. In the semi-
open fighting their heavy howitzers
were of little use, but their field guns
and machine guns were handled with
wonderful skill nnd rapidity nnd tho
Germnns suffered enormously. Von
Hlndenburg threw his reserves Into
tho battle with a prodigality that as
tonished his adversaries, nnd the Teu
tons gave ground slowly nnd mndo re
peated and tierce counter-nttacks,
which, however, were of little avail
and left the ground covered with their
Blnln. The German line, thnnks to
the astounding numbers of men Von
Hlndenburg hns been nblo to bring up,
Is still unbroken, but it Is badly bat
tered and Is being pushed back fur
ther and further toward the frontier.
Tho superiority of the British in the
air was demonstrated on Mondny in
tho most spectacular manner. Tho
men of tho Royal Flying corps met the
nlr squadrons of tho Germnns nt nn
nltltude of 15,000 feet und put them
to rout, destroying 40 of their nlr
planes, with tho loss of but two of
their own machines. Tho young Brit
ish pilots then carried out a series of
dnrlng bombing raids.
The French devoted much of the
week to destructive artillery tiro in
preparation for their next part In the
"see-saw" that Is being carried on with
such skillful co-operntlon by Hnlg and
Nlvelle, and by Thursdny their infan
try wns again In action.
On the Italian, Macedonian nnd Rou
manian fronts little of moment has
taken place. In Mesopotamia tho
British aro still advancing, but the ex
pedition from Egypt that is moving up
through Palestine hns found the re
enforced Turkish forces holding a
strongly intrenched position extending
from Gaza toward Beershcbn. Portu
gal, having decided to take n more
active pnrt In tho conflict In Europe,
hns sent n large contingent of troops
to northern France.
There hns been some stirring activ
ity recently ,ln tho neighborhood of
tho Strnlts of' Dover. Two British de
stroyers encountered n flotilla of six
German destroyers nnd after n furious
combat put tho foe to rout. Tho Ger
man boats were rammed nnd torpe
doed nnd raked by gunfire nnd at least
two of them were sunk. Tho British
vessels suffered severely but were nble
to return to port.
Wednesday morning n German de
stroyer flotilla bombarded Dunkirk
but was driven off by tho const bat
teries and the nllled pntrol bonts. Ono
French torpedo boat wns Bunk.
Russian Situation Dangerous.
Tho courso of events In Russia Is
being watched with renewed anxiety.
The German and Austrian Socialist
peace piopagandlsts have taken from
one of President Wilson's addresses
the phrase of "n peace without vic
tory" and nre using It with some ef
fect. The duiim and the delegates rep
resenting the various classes In tho
councils nro as firm as ever against
concluding n separate peace, hut they
do not (hid the masses of uniformed
people easy to control. Germany Is
reported to hnvc started the expected
movement to cut off Pctrogrud from
the army, n large naval and military
expedition having left Llbuu, presum
ably for Pernnu or Kcvul, and nt such
nn inopportune, time a great many
Russian soldiers nro deserting. These
deserters nro peasant fiddlers who aro
hastening to their homcsTn fenr that
there will be a distribution of lands
of which, In their absence, they will
not get their share. The old agrarian
trouble Is coming to n bend and desplto
the assurances of the authorities thnt
It cannot be settled until the consti
tuent assembly acts, the peasants arc
In many localities taking the mutter
Into their own hands.
As for the threatened German of
fensive, the leaders of the now Rus
slnn government assert that It will bo
a good thing for Russia even If tho
enemy should occupy Petrogrnd, for
It will unite the nation In determina
tion to fight the war to the, finish and
nullify the efforts of the Teuton So
cialists. The Russian Baltic fleet nnd
nrmy sent n wireless messngo to the
allied fleets saying they were In com
plete readiness to defend free Russln.
President Wilson hns selected tho
members of n commission that will
visit Russiu to pay this nation's re
spects to the new government, nnd
Ellhu Root has consented to he Its
chairman. The other members will bo
Edward T. Hurley, Daniel Wlllard and
Oscar S. Straus.
Spain Warns the Kaiser.
On Tuesday Spain sent to Germany
n note concerning submarine warfare,
with the warning thnt Spunlsh pn-
tlencc wns nearly exhausted. Tho
Imperial government consented to n
parley for the "mitigation of the diffi
culties which have arisen In Spain."
King Alfonso has tried diligently to
preserve neutrality, but It seems as If
Ids efforts were doomed to failure.
Turkey having severed diplomatic
relations with the United States, the
representatives of tho two nations
started for home.
Reports that came from Europe dur
ing the week told of n revival of tho
attempts to oust Bcthmnnn-IIollweg
from power because of his support of
the plans of the Socialist Scheldemann
for n penco without annexation and
Indemnities. The pan-Germuns, con
servatives nnd liberals nil nro oppos
ing tho chancellor In this. But Ger
many's foes should not count too much
on such demonstrations, any more
than on tho strikes there, for there Is
no reason to believe any of them por
tend the overthrow of Prussian autoc
racy the ono thing, probably, that
can bring tho war to an early con
clusion. M7or Thompson of Chicago suc
ceeded on Thursdny In attracting somo
nttcntlon to himself. Ho Issued n
printed stntcment on the food short
age In which he attacked conscription,
urgued for a bun on food exports and
assailed tho war policies of the admin
istration. The same day he evinced
n disinclination to extend to Marshal
Joffro nnd tho French mission nn In
vitation to visit Chicago, saying ho
thought some of tho people "might not
be wildly enthusiastic uliout It." Mayor
Thompson Is overly careful nbout tho
stability of his Teutonic political
fences, for Chicago Is decidedly en
thusiastic over tho proposed visit by
tho French commissioners and will
gtvo them n splendid welcome. Plana
for tho event nre being made, the
mayor being Ignored.
Tho Wisconsin senate gnvo a lesson
to disloyal citizens by expelling from
membership Senator Frank Rnguso of
Mllwnukce, n Soclnllst, for refusal to
retract alleged disloyal statements
made by him on tho floor of tho senate.
At tho hour of writing It nppenra
certain that tho government selectlvo
conscription bill will bo passed by
both houses of congress. Agreements
were secured In both senate nnd houso
that assured a voto not later than
midnight Saturday.
Denver Judge Grants Man's Plea
After Listening to Tale of
Domestic Woe.
Denver. Cold. "My wife refuses to
kiss mi or recognize me hm lur bus
bum!," Frank I. (IIIIIiikm. contractor,
told the Denver district court In up
penlliiK for mi annulment of his timr
rlnRi lo Clurii A. (HIIIiikh.
"Wh?" (pierled .1u1k Mulllns.
Ticcnuii lier .niother, wlio holds
Plnilliir views." replied the plulntlff,
"hus nmde her believe thut It Is wronw
for ii IuiMiiiihI to even kiss his wife."
The court wns Interested to '.he ex
tent of allowing (Jlltlnpt to Introduce
a portion of u letter written to Mm
Refuses to Kiss Him.
by his wife shortly nftcr their mnr
rluge and ufter their separation. In
this letter Mrs. Gllllngs mude the fob
lowlhg statements:
"We nre not living In tho ago of
slaves or heathen, nor 100 years ugo,
nor even M) years ugo. Women nre
waking up. They arc no longer con
sidered a 'white slave of man.' You
will receive no Hympathy Ironi any
well read man or woman of toduy."
Another passage read:
"Not only I refuse on religious or
conscientious grounds, but my own
personal feelings and the welfare of
tho future generation of my children.
You nro to be pitied, surely you, with
your century-ago ideas of the duty of
wife to man, usual 'murltal relations,'
Mrs. Gllllngs had written this let
ter In response to his appeals thut
she live with him und make a homo
for him.
"And she was a June bride, too," ox
clnlmcd Gllllngs. The court grunted
tho annulment.
IVON $5,000,000 OFF $200
Texas Land Taken for Puny Debt Has
Proved to Be Rich In Quick
silver. Chicago. F. II. Perry, of this city
Is receiving n revenue of nearly $.r0,
000 u month from his quicksilver mine
in tho Big Bend country of Texas
which ho wns forced to take over sev
eral years ugo to sntlsfy n debt of
?200. In fact when Mr. I'erry came
Into possession of this 1,280 ucrcs of
hind he regarded It as worthless. Ho
did not even take the trouble to go to
nee It, knowing tho region to be bar
ren and nlmost unlnhnbltuble. How
ever, fate had decreed that fortune
should smllo on Mr. Perry.
SIn,ce the price of quicksilver mount
ed from $45 to $80 per flunk of 7C
pounds becnuso of tho war In Europo,
Mr. Perry's mine hns produced $3,
000,000 worth of tho material. Whnl
tho mine Is worth toduy no one ven
tures to estimate, but, llgurlng on lt3
rcvonuo producing bnsis, It ought to
huvo n value of not less than fJ.OOO,
000. gVo"o"og"o"B BO'o'ooinro'o'o'g'o"o"o'flTnp
Dnlton, Gil. Thcro nro two
men in Dnlton who aro not wor
rying over tho price of shoes.
They are both named Joe Joo
Fnln and Joo Carter. Both aro
mill operatives nnd both nro
one-legged. However, there Is n
difference in tho legs, ns Carter
hns u right leg and Fnln a, left
leg. They wear tho sumo slzo
shoo and "split" their footgear
between them ns ordinary men
would split a bottlo of beer.
Not That Way.
New York. If you want to flirt with
a girl In tho subway, don't try Orlen
tnl methods on her. An esteemed citi
zen from Bombay, India, tried this
method. Ho is repining In tho work
Girl Died From Swallowing; Pins.
Los Cundelurlus, N. M. Miss Cleo
tlldo Gallegos, uged twenty yours, died
hero us the result of having swnllowed
sovcral pins whllo dressing for u danco.
. i I
'mu fum la mv fnrlnnn '
"Ilonvcnsl Whnt hns kept you out
of bankruptcy?"
There in only one medicine thnt really
stand out pre-eminent nn n remedy for
diseaaca of the kidncvp, liver nnd bladder.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot Mnndu the
hiKhCKt for the reason that it Ihih proven
to be jiwt the remedy needed in tlioimatid
upon thouxnndd of cen tho mont distress
ing case. Snninp-Koot, n pliynician'n pre
scription for opecial dineatrn, make friend
quickly becaiiMi itH mild and immediate ef
fect in noon iwilfo-cil in nint'h. It in
a gentle, healing vegetable compound.
Start treatment nt once. Sold at all dniR
, .luiin hi iHiiucH oi two uen- nity rents
u uuc (lunar.
However, if you wish first to tcM this
Bft'Slt liretliirntinn amil inn i'rnf In tip
! Kilmer & Co.. Hinnlinminn. N. . for n
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
Beginning rigid is half the buttle.
"the 8hoe that holds its shape"
$3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $8 an'SVJnVSn
Save Money by Wearing W. L. Douglas
hoes. For aalo by over OOOO shoe denier.
The Best Known Shoes In the World.
WL Douglas name and the retail price u stamped on the bot
tom of all shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and
die wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The
retail prices are the same everywhere. Thry co;t no more in San
Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the
price paid for them.
' 'he quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more
than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart
styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America.
They are made in a well-equipped factory at
by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under
supervision of experienced men, all working
ucicxminaiion to maice tne oesc snoes tor ine
can tmy.
Aak your ihoe dealer for f. T- Dnngln itioei. If ho ran.
not .upnly jnu with tho kind yon want, tnko nn oilier
tnakn. VVrltn for Intaro.tlnc booklet explaining liow to
Eat lioe.of tlio lilghn.t .tunilarcl of quality
y return mail, nmlini frno.
LOOK FOR W. - Douglas . tJ
name and the retail price Ty??r7 .fuo. .?"" -w
stamped on the bottom.
n tha dftllnm.
Poor Thing!
Farmer Walter, are you sure theso
hero oysters nre dend?
Walter Oh, yes, sir. When their
Bhells were opened they died of em
bnrrnssment. inn im.t,,i , ,.i t ,t uni mill
With the Fingers !
Says Corns Lift Out
Without Any Pain
t. .
Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or
any kind of n corn can shortly be
lifted right out with tho Angers If you
will apply on tho corn n few drops of
frcczone, says a Cincinnati authority.
At little cost one enn get n small bot
tle of frcczone at any drug store, which
will positively rid one's feet of every
corn or callus without pain or sore
ness or the danger of Infection.
This new dmg Is nn ether compound,
and dries the moment It Is applied nnd
docs not inflame or even Irrltnte the
surrounding skin. Just think 1 You
can lift off your corns nnd cnlhises
now without n bit of pnln or soreness.
If your druggist hnsn't frcczone he can
easily get n smnll bottle for you from
his wholesale drug house. udv.
Ofllccr What do you mean by feed
ing thnt horse before the cull sounded?
Recruit I didn't think ns 'ovv Vd
stnrt eating beforo the trumpet blew,
Blr. Punch.
Mr. S. P. IJcnton, Kerrvllle, Texas,
writes: "For sevcrnl years prior to
1000 I suffered from kidney nnd rheu
matic troubles. Was bent over and
forced to u&o u
enne. For these
disorders I nm
glad to sny I used
Dodil'H Kidney
Pills, which proved
to be tho proper
remedy. I am (VI
years old, feel
fl n a and once
aguln stnnd ns
straight ns nn arrow. Dodd's Kid
ney Pills deserve grout credit." He
sure and get "DODD'S," tho name
with tho threo D's for diseased, disor
dered, deranged kidneys; just ns Mr,
Benton did. No similarly named article
will do. Adv.
Antediluvian Optimism.
"It's going to bo a terrible deluge,"
remarked Japhet.
"Yes," replied Noah. "But we're
lucky In having n good clean ocean
ahead of us with no submarines In It."
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle ot
CASTORIA, thnt famous old remedy
for Infants and children, nnd see that it
Beam the fy VHfar "
Signature ot C!fflcui&U
In Use for Over SO Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Cnatoria
Pa's Fun.
your father's
"What Is
"Joshing ma, I
When Your Eves Need Cire
Try Murine Eye Remedy
laV v,i's5 JUBbW
i i !,.; 1
KrHrH tr - '--;
of Health
It is imperative that
you keep
ToThatEnd Try
Stomach Bitters
Orockton, Mass.,
the direction and
with an honest
price tnat money
lor tne liricc.
Boys' Shoes
(X A I-I JfVlL" ."'JS'Ji
1'rr.liinnt . l iinugiu nnoo vu.,
180 HparK u. iiroouion, juai.
Capable Couple.
"A eupahle couple."
"Ves; he Is furnishing the houso by
melius of tobacco coupons, und she 1b
decorating It with bridge prizes."
l&r&ojf MtxM-oni fcicfori; in America.
Wittion K. Cplfima,
I'M I ril I 1'iMnv lawyer, Washington.
fm MaS W j) 0, AdTlce and book.lre.
Ut,ts reasonable. Illgne.t reference UetMrrlcea
Nebraska Directory
1, Medical I 3. Hnrjrlrl 8. Obitntrlcall
4, Ijiboraturjt A, X-lCay JlepnrtuieuU.
Training school for nnriea In connection.
Open to all reputable physician.
- Kor further Information adarcM
A. A. SMITH. M. ., Sursfaan
Mary Lannloc Memorial Uoapltal
Are cheap at any price. Send for our 1917
Seed Book just out. It is free to yoo.
Griswoid Seed & Nursery Co.
145 So. 10th St Lincoln, Ncbn
Fire, tornado and halt Insurance, farm and
town property, automobile and threshing ma
chinery, I'olk-yboldera nnd ugentn purtlclpala
In the profits of tbla company. Agents wanted
lu open territory. IM yur. latarainUiJta.4. UM
Money buck without question
If IIUNT'B CURE falls In the
treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA,
Itching akin dlaeasea. Price
10a at drUKKUtu, or direct from
A. I. Ilthuu Ntf IclM CMhinmTis.
TVPUlllll than Smallpox. Army
I rilUlU experience has dcmooitnte
wbbv tn, inoat tniiaeulCAM ef f U
acy, andbarmIetnet(,otAnUtypboldVaccIoiUaa.
BavuclutedNOW by your pbyilcUn, you and
youi family. It ii more vital than bouse Inrurtnce.
Ask you physician, druggist, oi lend for Iit
yon bad Typhoid" telllof of Typhoid Vaccine,
resulu f ran use, and dinger from Typhoid Carriers.
PraainlM VaiitiM aid 8trumt uidir U. 8. lUit
Tin Cwttir UioroUry. Birkilty, Cal CnUifi. IIL
- . fAftriftrV
AtolUt preparation ot utrlL
Hal pa to (radical dandruff.
yi -f1.-fSfc3 . . J
sn'-Tmm n h j. i
lV'-.JJrrtWARr. orTiW
I moBbA suBsmutts wf
'jT. , Jon tun ntuHsy
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 18-1917.