' i 4 & k . ;: i A Newspaper That elves The (News Fifty-two Weeks Each enr Fer $1.50 VOLUME 45 BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, APKIL 19, 1917. NUMBEB T f . To be sure Money TaiKs, es pecialy if is actively employ ed. Money that is idle is asleep If you could hold all the money that passes through your hands it would be a fine thing for you, but if every one else followed the same plan Money Talks z $ where would you get yours? The place for money is in a : reliable bank like ours, but subjedt to your check. Hoard ing money takes it out of circulation and it is constantly liable to be lo;ft. Money on deposit talks and the things it says to you are "security, comfort, satisfaction." We invite you to open an account with us. Webster County Bankf $ RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA '4 X CAPITAL and SURPLUS S31.00O X KK..::K'.;..:'.h Toilet Necessities Ice Cream Cones Saturday 2 for 5c Cucumber Cieam Lotion . . , 10c Cream of Lemon Lotion 10c Almond Cream Lotion 10c Peroxide Cold Cream 10c Hydrogen Peroxide 10c Perfume ..10c Colgate Tooth Paste 10c Royal Tooth Powder I Cc Royal Foot Powder 10c Talcum Powder 10c Sanitol Tooth Powder . 19c Colgate! Talcum 19c Powder Puffi 10c Chamois Skins 10c Toilet Soaps, per cake 5c-10c Toilet Soaps 3 (or 10c Ice Cream Cones Saturday 2 for 5c The 5c -10c -25c Store THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY E. M. EGE On the Corner Agency Lowney's Chocolates, Our Store Has just been newly Painted and Papered Everything is in ship shape lor your inspection Folger's Coffees and Teas Our Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries is Complete Come in and give us a chance to satisfy your wants. Special attention given to children. Anything going out of our store means satisfaction or your money returned. We have a nice assortment of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables to choose from this week. Delicious bread fresh daily from Hastings you will like it. Highest Prices Paid for Butter and Eggs JN Pk Il-jAl 1 GROCER J Secures A Better Position Uruco Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C D. Robinson, of thta city, who for some timo past has been chief electric ian for the M. M. Johnson Company at Clay Center has resigned tuh position and will go to Hastings where he will be in charpre of the Willard StoroRe Uattery Company's establishment at that place, llruce is otio of the many Red Cloud boys who lmvo deserted the family fireside to o forth Into the world to engage In life's battles, and have been victorious. During his school days hero be won the respect and friendship of both teachers and fellow btudetits who with his many othor friends will be ploased to hear or the swift progress he Is mak ing toward the goal of success, In his chosen profession. Lo.es Life in Accident Mrs. J. II. Clark received a message this morning containing the news of the death of her sister, Mrs. Leona Argabrlght, which occurred yestcrdny and was caused by an elevntor acci dent in San Francisco says the Smith Cento Journal of April 12th. Mrs. Argabright's patent, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Slcecn, live north of tovn and her daughter, Miss Irmn, makes her home with her grandparents. Another daughter, Mrs. Frank Phillipot, lives in Chicago. No particulars of the acci dent were given in the message that was received this morning The body will be taken to Nemaha, Nebraska, for burial, but just when the ifuneral party will arrive at that place is not known. The relatives from hero will attend. Mr. and Mrs. Argabrlght resided in tills city for several years and while here made many friends who are griev ed to learn of her untimely death. Argus Installs an Intertype Ilrother Edson, of the Argus, recent ly purchased a Model 11. Intertype, which arrived In the city last weok. One of the Company's experienced me chanics arrived about the same time, and immediately begau work on the erection of the same. The machine Is now In operation, and Editor Edson expects to give his readers a paper printed from slugs this week. Hereto fore Bro. Edson has been a very busy man, and, now, with the new dutios of Machinist-operator confronting him, he will be about the busiest man In town. Wo are pleased to note the prosper ity of our neighbor, aud bear no malice or envy toward him. but until such times as we can see our way clear to get a corner on a volume of business large enough to keep the "slug caster" in operation nine hours a day and six days a week we will be' content to "chase the hell box for sorts" and let the price of the machine draw eight percent. Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED ISyOFFICE OVEIl ALDIliailT'S StOE DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Reds Cloud ' ' Nebraska City Buys New Road Drag Guy Barnes, the genial conductor on the City Water Wagon may be seen on the streets of tho, city now days driving a new vehicle, which is olassed under "road drags". The said vehicle arrived In our city recently and after careful consider ation Guy decided just what It was and immediately began the task of as 8emblingthc many (?) parts. Two Important points were taken In to consideration by tho city 'dads" when making .the purchase: the simple manner in which it is constructed and ' me met imu out one team win uo re quired to draw it. We have not learn ed what manufacturing firm is re sponsible for this new addition to our street cleaning and repairing depart ment, or its coat, but judging from Its ' appearance we are of the tho opinion that Us purchase will not bankrupt tho city purse. If the demonstration Guy has been making tho past few days is an ex ample of the work it will do we may look forward to heeing the streets of our fair city in the best of condition in the future. Reading Contest In The City Schools The preparations for the county reading contest have resulted as fol lows: Third Grade Girls First, Elizabeth Mlzer; Seo ond, Do Etta Corner; Third, Helen McNeuy. Hoys First, Robert McCall; Second Robert McFarlatid; Third, Thuddeus Newhou&e. Judges: Mrs. Holes, Mrs. Sattloy, Mrs. Starr. Fourth (Jrade Girls First, Erma Saladen; Second, Goldlo McConkey; Third, Alice Whit alter. Uoys First, Robert Ovcrlng; Second, Harvey Sutton; Third, Hugh McClell and. Judges: Mrs. Auid, Gertrude Coon, Marguerite Illclmrdt-nn. Fifth Grade Girls Marie Hcebu and Virginia Auld tied for first place; Second, Fern Diederiek; No third place was given Hoys Robert New-house aud Clar ence Jellison tied for llrst place; Sec ond, Milton Druliner; No third place was given Judges: Gertrude Coon, Mrs, Stew art, Mrs. Overiug. Sixth Grade Girls First, Mary MeUrlde; Second, Happy Haddel; Third, Nellie Ivalley. Hoys First, Golden Hamilton: Second, Harold Wilson; Third, Albert Wulbrandt. Judges Mrs. Holes, Mrs. Overing, .Mrs. McClurc. Group 0, Grades 7, S and 9 Girls First, Edythe Ziess., Grade S; Second, Corrinno Nouorberg, Grade 8; Hoys First, Robert LeRoy, Grade 0; Second Albert Mclutyre, Grade 7. Judges Teachers, l'atmore, Schu macher, Coombs, Wcckley, Uurke, Ilauclc, and Henderson. Final Contest Only those who had won first plnco in the preliminary contests could en ter. The results were as follows: Group I. Robert McCall, Gnulo 3, Erma Suhtden. Grade 1. Group 2. Robert Newhouse, Grade C; Mary Mcllride, Grade 0. Group .1. Edythe Zeiss, Grade 8; Robert LeRoy, Grade 0. Group 4. Rose Cecil, Grade 10; Tracy Druliner, Grade 12 The final contest will be held at Rlue Hill, May 3. Samuelson Issues Statement In this morning's World Herald the following statement was made by Sen ator C. E. Samuelson iu regard to his opposition on the first prohibition bill which was Introduced In the bouse of representatives and after several amendments were made by tho Senate it now has became a law. "Au examination of the house bill and the senate committee amendments dis closes that this body has done its full duty, The house bill was hastily drawn imperfect in its provisions, un certain in its definitions, extreme in Us regulations, aud in somo thinss silly and senseless. When that bill came to this body its friends Insisted that It was so porfeot that no amendments should be made to it. The house has now agreed to over half of the amendments proposed by this body, which amendments have materially changed tho bill. In ad dition to this, the house has deadlock ed the conference committee for many days In order to make amendments to its own bill, thoreby proving that tho friends of that bill who Insisted that tt should not be amended either were deliberately trying to mislead this body or were ignorant as to what was contained in tho bill. Tho house at tempted to pass a drastic and sumptu ary law, which forbade o person to have liquor in his own home for per sonal use. One of the senate amend ments corrected this important defect. The house bill was not in keeping with either tho constitutional amendment or the arguments made In favor of this amendment last fall. The most im portant defects have been corrected by the senate amendments, and by the adoption of tho majority report of the conference committee we will have a workable and reasonably satU factory law. I vote aye." Our Timepieces are Accurate, , Is burs? i DID YOU EVER MISS A TRAIN BECAUSE YOUR WATCH WAS SLOW? HAVE YOU EVER BEEN LATE IN FILLING AN IMPORTANT ENGAGE MENT BECAUSE YOUR TIME-PIECE WAS "OUT OF WHACK?" IF SO, YOU CAN AVOID SUCH ANNOYANCES BY COMING TO US AND BUYING A TIME-PIECE WHICH YOU CAN DEPEND UPON TO "GET YOU THERE" ON TIME. LET US FIX YOUR OLD TIME-PIECE OR SELL YOU A NEW ONE. E. H. NEWHOUSE Joweler and Optometrist E3TC B. & Q. Watch Inspector House Cleaning Days are Here and you will be thinking of new curtains. We have jus! received a new assortment of Curtain Material plain and fancy New Cretonnes and Draperies. You may be thinking of new Bed Spreads, Sheeting, Pillow Tubing, etc. We have them in all sizes and the prices will soon be advancing again. Washing Powder and Soaps Moon Soap Special Price this coming week only . . 8 bars 25c Old Dutch Clenser . . 3 cans 25c Gold Dust Rub No More Naptha Powder Toilet Soap, Palm Olive . 3 bars 25c Wild Rose, Jap Rose . 3 bars 25c R. P. Weesner & Go. The Store that Sells Wooltex Coats and Suits RED CLOUD MINER BLDG. NEBRASKA Trade With Thief Advertisers They sell reliable merchandise Satisfaction Guaranteed i i