The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 12, 1917, Image 6

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Entire Illinois Naval Battalion Called
Out by Gov. Lowden Recruits Rush
to Join the Colore at Various Sta
tlons. Washington, April 0. Orders hiivc
been Issued mobilizing the imvy, In
cluding the regular establishments, the
nnvnl reserve, tho nuvitl inllltlu nntl
the newly organized power bout const
Tho regular nnvnl estnhllHlunent,
comprising llio Atlantic licet and mi
litary services, have been maintained on
n war basis since the break In rela
tions with Germany. The mobilization
order Issued after Friday's cabinet
meeting brings Into tho federnl serv
ice nbout l!.r,000 additional men, and
many smnll boats offered by their own
ers for const patrol work.
AH the naval inllltlu and nnvnl re
serves were called to the colors with
the president's signing of the wnr res
olution. Tho const gunrd, with all Its cxton
nlvo resources and equipment, nuto
mntlcnlly pnssed Into the nnvy, ns Is
provided by lnw In times of wnr.
Tho nnvy, to provide additional fa
cilities for the training of recruits, be
gan nrrnnglng to tnko over properties
and ground adjucent to present reser
vations. The rush of recruits for naval serv
ice bns overcrowded the stations at
Newport, Norfolk, tho Great Lnkes
and San Francisco. Tho men nrc be
ing given tent shelter pending tho con
struction of new buildings nnd expan
sion of the grounds. Funds to meet
tho necessary expenditures will bo
taken from the generul npproprlntlon
asked of congress.
Springfield, III., April 0. Tho entire
Illinois naval battalion was cnlled out
on Friday by Governor Lowden on or
ders from Secretary of War Daniels.
The summons brings Into the fed
eral service approximately CO officers
und 800 men, most of them from Chi
cago, which contributes six divisions
of nnvnl inllltlu and one company of
The divisions nro mobilizing In Chi
cago, Qulncy, Alton, Mollno nnd Too
rln. Where tho men nrc to be sent Is n
Becrct of tho nnvy department, but It
Is believed to be out of Illinois.
TriYfTfS ..w
and NAVY.
Change Safely Passed by
Talcing Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
$118 fwm
-fw, i IL ill i n
Final Vote Taken At 3:00 o'CIock In the
Morning, Following a Protracted
and Spirited Debate.
President Menocal Asks Congress to
Act Against Germany To Seize
Kaiser's Ships.
New York, April 0. With the for
um! deelnrntlon by Culm of a state of
wnr with Germany, the Cuban gov
ernment, following the of the
United States, Intends to selzo three
Germnn ships now in Hnvana harbor.
ThlB was announced by tho Republic
of Cuba News bureau here, a Cuban
government agency.
Havana, Culm, April 0. President
Mcnocnl Bent a message to congress
asking that body to declare that a
Btato of war exists between Culm and
Itlo Janeiro, April 0. The Urazlllun
government received official confirma
tion of press reports of tho sinking of
tho Urazlllun steamship Parana. Tho
situation Is regarded as most serious
and In view of tho definite declarations
of the foreign minister, Dr. Lauro
Mullcr, a rupture of diplomatic rela
tions with Germany Is regnrded In
6omo Quarters ns Inevitable.
President of tlio French Itcpubllc.l
Paris, April 5. To the People of the United States of America:
In tho message which It hns been my privilege to scad this morning
to President Wilson I expressed only too inadequately' tho sentiments of
tho whole of France. .
I was observing some dnys ago In the garden of the Elysee the urn
sprouting of some little trees that were sent to me from America In lulo
by one of your countrymen. They onco adorned tho approaches to
Lafayctto's house. They have crossed tho ocean without dying, in tho
same way as today the friendship of tho United States comes to us intact
mid living. ,
Lust year the lenves of these trees were still a Uttlo weak, but tno
first sproutlngs of this spring piomlsc for next summer a more luxurious,
foliage. I seem to see In these pretty little trees an Imago of American
affection, every day more vivid and moro active.
Wo now nro going to light together for tho liberty of tho peoples
nnd the future of humanity. It Is the futuro of tho world which is nt
stake. We find ourselves at the crossing of two roads. At tho end of
one stands the specter of violence and Injustice ; tho other leads to right
and future peace. Our choice Is made, 'and we shall he proud to travel
side by side on this resplendent road with tho American people.
Wentcrn Newspaper Union News Service.
Washington. Tho resolution declar
ing that a stato of war exists between
tho United States and Germany al
ready passed by tho senate, passed tho
houso shortly after 3 o'clock Frlduy
morning by a voto of 373 to 50.
It formally accepts tho state of bel
ligerency forced by German aggres
sions, and authorizes and directs tho
president to employ tho military and
naval forces and all resources of the
nation to bring war against Gormany
to a successful termination.
Reject All Amendments.
Without roll calls tho house reject
ed all amendments Including the pro
posals to prohibit tho sending of any
troops overseas without congressional
Passage of tho resolution followed
seventeen hours of debate. There was
no attempt to filibuster, but tho pa
cifists group, under tho leadership of
Democratic Leader Kltchin, prolonged
tho dlbcusslon with Impassioned
speeches declaring conscience would
not permit them to support the presi
dent's recommendation that a state of
war be declared.
Sea Raider on Atlantic Const.
Nowport, II. I. A German sea
raider was ofllclally reported off Nan
tucket at 7:40 o'clock Saturday morn
ing. Tho deputy collector of customs
warned all shipping not to leave port
until further notice.
Tho raider, according to Information
received by Deputy Collector of Cus
toms Wolcott, was bound west.
Immediately after the naval author
ities were notified of tho raider's pres
enco word was sent to the collector's
ofTlco to keep shipping in port. Tho
namo of tho ship or station which
sont tho report was not revealed. A
number of destroyers are on patrol
duty off tho coast.
It was almost within hailing dis
tance of tho Nantucket shoal lightship
that tho German submarine U-52 sank
six ships on October 8. Tho U-53 op
erated In tho steamship lano traveled
by vessels from New York and Bos
ton to European ports.
Ninety-one Vessels Taken Over
U. S. Government.
New York. The seizure of German
merchant vessels that took rcfugo In
Atlantic ports at the beginning of the
war began Friday morning almost Im
mediately after congress passed the
resolution declaring a stato of war
between tho United States and Ger
many. Tho collector of tho port at Doslon
was the first to act. Tho federal of
ficials at New Loudon, Conn., Balti
more and Now York quickly followed.
Before daylight United States deputy
marshals were In charge of German
vessels at these ports, ranging in size
from tho majestic Vaterland of f4,2S2
tons gross to small sailing vessels.
Tho port ofllclals acted on orders
Issued by tho secretary of the treas
ury. It Is understood that this move
docs not Involve confiscation and that
tho vessels arc hold for tho present
as a measure of safety. There has
been no announcement as to whether
tho government shall tako over the
ships of Its uso nnd pay for them
after tho war.
German vessels now In American
ports number ninoty-onc with a gross
tonnago or about C00.000. Tills In
eludes twenty-three ships in refuge
at the Phlllpplno islands, eleven at
Honolulu and ono at Pagopago, a
port of tho Pacific Islands. There ore
twenty-seven vessels at New ork
anchored on both sides of tho Hudson
river and off Stato island, five at
Boston, threo at Baltimore, two at
Philadelphia, throe nt San Francisco,
two at Now Orleans, two at Southport,
N. C, two at Astoria, Ore., one each
at Portland, Ore., Wlnslow, Wash ,
Seattle, Wash., Norfolk, Va Savan
nah, Charleston, Jacksonville, Fla.
and San Juan, Porto Rico.
Wagoner, Okla. "1 never get tired
of praising Lydia E. Pinkham's Vetje-
tauio Lrfjmpouna
uccauBO aunng
Change of Life I
was in bed two
years and had two
operations, but all
tho doctors and op
erations did mo no
good, and I would
have been in my
grave today had ft
not been for Lydia
E. Pinkham'B Veg
etablo Compound
which brought me out of it all right, so
1 am now well and do all my housework,
besides working in my garden. Several
of my neighbors have got well by tak
ing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound." Mrs. Viola Finical, Wagon
er, Okla.
Such warning symptoms ns scns of
nultocation, hotllasnes, neauactieo.tmcK
aches, dread of impending evil, timidi
sounds in tho ears, palpitation of 1
heart, sparks before tho eyes, irregu
larities, constipation, variable appetite,
weakness and dizziness should be needed
by middle-aged women. Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has carried
many women safely through tho crisis.
Might Help.
She chatted guyly while ho tinkered
with a balky motor.
"Yes the story gave me quite a
"Urn," ho growled. "I wish you'd
tell It to thN automobile."
bilious, eon,
Two U. S. Soldiers Wounded by
Snipers Carranza Officers Blame
Drunken Citizens.
El Paso, Tex., April 0. Two Ameri
can soldiers were wounded by Mexican
snipers firing across tho border, Imme
diately after tho declaration of wnr by
tho United States had been received In
Juarez. Mexican army olllclnls say tho
shots were fired by drunken citizens
More than 100 rounds were fired. Ma
chluo guns have been plnced at several
points along the river.
Legislation to Induce State Institutions
to Enter Federal Reserve System
Taken Up.
Washington, April 7. Legislation to
Induce stnto hanks to enter the federnl
reserve system, a step deemed neces
sity by tho federal reserve board to
mobilize tho money resources of tho
nation, was taken up by the senate
banking committee, hut nctlon was de
ferred until next week.
May Draft Youths 18 to 23 Call Made
for Twenty Thousand Men
of Trades.
Washington, April 0. President Wil
son concentrated his attention on pre
pnredness plans drawn up by tho war
and navy departments and tho coun
cil of national defense, lie nas given
personal attention to the details of all
of tho measures which will be present
ed to congress as soon ns the wnr res
olution Is adopted.
That the United States will be
largely, If not altogether financed In
wnr with Germany, tnrougn mo itin
era! reserve bnnks, wns Indicated by
the monthly statement which declared
congress will bo asked tn pass legisla
tion granting the federal reserve board
additional rights Immediately.
LeclHlutlon under which an army of
500,000 young men may be raised by
selective conscription will bo present
ed to congress by the war department
as soon ns tho pending wnr resolution
hns been adopted.
Only those between certnln nges yet
to be announced possibly eighteen nnd
twenty-three, lire to bo cnlled, und of
these, exemptions will npply to mor
rled men, others with dependents,
thnso needed In wnr Industries nnd
men who fall to show the proper physl
cnl condition.
Thcso remaining may form moro
thnn the number desired for tho first
army, und nnother sclertion would bo
necessary, possibly by lot.
Tho wnr department wants 0,000
men of all trades Immediately to Join
tho quartermaster enlisted reserve
Germany Contemplating Formal Pro.
test Against America's Action
in Declaring War.
Amsterdam, April G. Tho central
powers are planning n new peace offer,
the Berlin Lokal Anzelger says.
Albert Bnllln, leading figure In tho
Germnn shipping Industry, Is quoted
by the liocrscn Zeltung ns declaring
at a meeting of tho Kosmos Steamship
company nt Humburg that ho hoped to
present n bulnnco sheet on July 1 un
der "peace conditions."
It Is reported there thnt Uerr Bnllln,
who Is chief director of tho Hamburg
American Steamship compnny, has or
dered all captains of the line to be at
Hamburg on July 1.
Germany Is contemplating formnl
protest to neutral tuitions ngnlnst
Amcrlcn's nctlon In declnrlng war.
By such an nppeal, It Is said, Ger
many hopes particularly to Influence
South American nations In her favor.
Tho proposal of Count von Czernln,
Austrian foreign minister, thntnpoaco
conference be held by belligerents with
out requiring tho cessation of hostili
ties apparently represents tho nttltuda
of all the central governments.
Count Czernln's proposal wns not
only sanctioned by Austria and her al
lies, but will shortly bo formally ap
proved at u conference of high person
ages at Berlin.
Washington. Tho arrest of sixty al
leged ringleaders In Gorman plots,
conspiracies and machinations in tho
United States was ordered by Attor
ney General Gregory immediately af
ter President Wilson had signed tho
war resolutions. Every man whoso
arreBt was ordered Is a German citi
zen and Is known by tho department
of Justice, It was authoritatively stat
ed, to havo participated actively In
German Intrigues In this country and
is regarded bb a dangerous person to
bo at largo. Ball will bo refused In
each case, It was said, and tho entire
group will bo locked up unless there
is a change in present plans for tho
duration of tho war.
Indications aro that a number of
other orrests will bo ordered within
tho next fow days.
Interned Crew Destroy Vessel. i
Washington. Tho German Interned
cruiser Cormorant has been blown up '
by its crow in tho harbor at Guam,
tho navy department announces.
Tho ship was destroyed by the Ger- .
mans as tho United States marines
woro going to selzo tho vessel.' Two
German wnrrant officers nnd five Ger-
man enlisted men were killed.
Twonty German officers, twelve war
rant officers nnd 321 enlisted men ol
the vessol woro taken prisoners.
The news reached the navy depart
ment In a radio dispatch from the
United States governor of Guam.
Washington. President Wilson nt
1:15 Frldny, signed tho resolution of
congress declaring a state of war ho
twecn tho United States nnd Germany
By tho signing of tho resolution, the
war which Germany actually has been
making on tho United States for
many months Is recognized In official
form and tho United States thus an
nounces to tho world Its determina
tion to take up what Prosldent Wilson
characterized In his address to con
gress aB Germany's challenge
Gently cleanse your liver
sluggish bowels while
you sleep.
Got a 10-cent box.
Sick headache, biliousness,
ness, coated tongue, foul taste and foul
breath always traco them to torpid
liver; delayed, fermenting food in tba
bowels or sour, gassy stomach.
Poisonous matter clogged in tho in
testines, Instead of being cast out
of tho systom Is re-absorbed Into the
blood. When this poison rcacheB the
delicate brain tissue it causes con
gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick
ening headache.
Cascarets Immediately clcanso tho
stomach, remove tho sour, undigested
food and foul gases, tako tho excess
bllo from tho liver and carry out all
tho constipated wasto matter and
poisons In the bowols.
A Cascaret to-night will surely'
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep a 10-cent dox
i from your druggist means your head
i clear, stomach sweet and your liver
' and bowels regular for months. Adv.
Wichita, Kan., has adopted city
manager form of government.
Soldiers Get Free Lodging.
Springfield, III., April 0. Ono hun
dred members of tho Sixth Illinois In
fantry, now at tho state fair grounds,
slept In warm beds nt tho St. Nicholas
hotel ns tho guests of John H. Mc
Creery, proprietor of tho hotel.
Girl Mysteriously Murdered.
Chicago, April 0. Miss Meda B.
Ycrlon, pretty twenty-one-year-old
daughter of A. W. Ycrlon, an operator
on tho open board of trade, was found
mysteriously murdered In nn nlley near
her home.
Man Killed In Hotel Fire.
Frankfort, Ky April 7. Fred Dud
ley of Fairmont, W. Vn., Is dead and
seven persons wcro Injured as a re
sult of the destruction by flro of tho
historic Capitol hotel, the homo mint
by the state for Its legislators.
Cash Wheat Price $2.17.
Chicago, April 7. A price of 52.17 a
bushel for cash No. 2 wheat was
reached on tho bonrd of trado on
Thursday afternoon. It was tho high
est mark since 18C9, when the prlco
was $2.47.
Colleges Suspend Athletics.
New York, April 7. Iteprcsentntlvcs
of the athletic associations of tho lend
ing eastern universities decided to sus
pend nil Intercollegiate sport competi
tion temporarily.
Death Knell of Germany.
Toklo. Tho Japanese press halls
the entrance of America Into the war
as the death knell of Germany. Tho
papers print articles praising tho no
bility of President Wilson's motives
and congratulating him on tho stand
he has taken.
A high government official asked If
tho participation of tho United States
In tho war would cause any chango in
tho plans of Japan, replied:
"Japan 1b employing nil menns to
Jiolp to Biibduo tho enemy and will bo
delighted to cooporato with America."
Vienna Embassy Tendered Passports.
London. Passports havo been
placed at tho disposal of the American
embassy In Vlonnn, according to a
dispatch to tho Exchange Telegraph
company from Tho Hague quoting tel
egrams received here from tho Aus
trian capital. Tho dispatch says that
Bulgaria and Turkey havo alBO decid
ed to break off relations with fho
United Slates and that Holland will
probably look after Austrian Interests
In Washington nnd American Interests
In Vienna.
- dynv
sv jtcc
Keep Young
VJ Just as well be
as old at fifty.
r i
ft iviaiiy ucujJic
past middle nge
suffer lame, bent,
distressing uri-
nary disorders,
when a !
help for the kid
neys would fix
Vk it ull up. Don't
wait for gravel,
-dropsy or
Bright's disease
thousands, young and old. They are the
most widely used remedy for bad backs
and weak kidneys in the whole world.
Iowa Votes Million for War.
Des Moines, la., April 0. Tho son
nto passed n bill appropriating $1,000,
000 "for national defense." Final np
provnl wns withheld until fho question
of setting aside n portion of tho fund
for tho gunrd hnd been determined.
Ship Raises Austrian Flag.
Nowport News, Vn., April 0. -Tho
Austrian stenmer Budapest, lying by
tho sldo of tho Arcndln, which was
seized, raised the Austro-nungurinn
flag. Eiio was neither boarded nor dis
turbed by government officers.
Washington. Wai plans, military,
economic and financial, for aggrcsslvo
hostilities against Germany aro bolng
rushed forward by tho admtnistratlvo
hranch of tho government and only
nwalt action by congress on a war res
olution to bo put Into execution. Ex
actment of tho resolution Immediate
ly Is confidently forecasted at tho cap-
Itol after a delay of twenty-rour hours
had been caused In tho senato by
Senntor LaFollotto's objoctlon to Its
Immediate consideration. Bobnto will
begin In both houses, with action bo
foro adjournment probable.
Ships Sunk Without Warning.
Washington Sinking without warn
ing of tho unarmed American steamer
MIsEOurlaii, which left Genoa April 4
with thirty-two Americans nmong her
crew of flfty-throo has boon roportot)
to tho state dopartmont by Consul
General Wilbur at Genoa. Tho crow
was saved.
Destruction of two moro vessels, ono
British and ono Norwegian, with
Americans on board, wbb also report
ed to the stato department by Consul
Lnthrop at Cardiff.
Washington, D. C Colonel Bonos
volt stopped off hero on his way homo
from Florida to call on President Wil
son nt tho White Houso and congratu
late him on his address to congress.
Colonel Roosevelt went to tho main
door of tho executive mansion whore
ho learned that tho president had
gono over to his offices. Ho told the
chief ushor ho was only In town nu
tween trains and wished to congrahi
lato tho prosldent on "his great state
paper." Tho colonel loft his card and
departed without seeing tho president.
50 at nil Stores
FostcrvMlIburn Cb.Props.Buffn16TN.Y.
fSimtr liirD
iiiW nil.aiW.
hkpm -v H a ..
Prohibition ns War Measure
Washington, A national prohibi
tion amendment has been Introduced
In the senate as "a vital war meas
ure," and immediate, action de
manded by Senator Shoppard, Texas.
Pho bill provides authority for con
gross to abuolutoly prohibit the man
ufacture, salo or transportation of in
toxicating liquors.
As a war provision tho senator de
clared temporary measures by statute
aro under consideration tc make tho
restriction effective nt once.
The Army of
It Growing Smnller Every Day.
responsible they
not only give relief
they pcrma-
nentiycure ton-
tipatioD. Mil-.
lions use,
them for
Indigestion, Sick Headache, Sallow Skin.
Genuine must bear Signature
Omaha, Nebraik
Rooms from Sl.OO up (tingle, 75 centH up double.
PATENTS iasas:
W. ruTi-lNCOLN. NO. 15-1917.