The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 12, 1917, Image 5

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II. A. Letson is in Omaha this week.
Will Robertson spent Friday in Hast.
A. T. Walker spoilt Friday lu Hluo
Ii oil Puller was down from Cowles
Con Ilarr of MeOook spent Sunday
hi this city.
KI.Durrof Uuido lloek was in tho
:lty Monday.
Ril Ciiiiv of Ouldo Hook was in the
city Tuesday.
John Hamilton was up from Guide
Hock, Tuesday.
Albert Austin went up to Ilircrioii
Sunday evening.
.Mrs Christie Patniot'o spent Satur
day in Hastings.
,Jim Gilbert .spent Sunday with
friends at Superior.
Oliver Wright of Hiverton spent Sun
day with home folks.
John Clirihtian spent the Inst of the
week iu Kansas City.
c I i ) MoCall .shipped two eat b of
cattle to Kansas City, Sunday.
Karl Flshc of llloomlngtoti spent
L Saturday with friends in this city.
4 Miss Edith MoKeighan spout the
-. weekend with riletids at Hustings.
t Miss Gussle Sours went to Lincoln,
Weduoday morning, to visit friendb.
k Mis. Ed Fearn spent the weekend In
I Hastings with her son, Orib and wife.
m Ernest Bluukc, Uherrcl Koontz and
IM t . .. v,,ti ciuni M.nifliiv hi Hluo
Misses Sadie Flbhe and Ethel Smith
spent Sunday with friends at Hold
rege. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Suhwerdtsfeger
of Ayr spent Sunday In tho city with
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Robinson of
Gjfolc Uoek spent Sunday with tela-
Tves here.
Mrs fiom-LM VanCatnn came down
from McCook, Tuesday morning, to
visit friends.
Mr-. Herb Ludlow ani daughter,
E.ther. went to Axtell, Monday, to
visit her sister.
Laird 1'otter returned to Lincoln,
Saturday, to resume his studies at tho
state university.
Coming to tho Orpheum, Saturday,
April 21st, Mary Piokfordin "The Poor
little lllch ISlrl".
Mr. and Mrs Win. Frahm of Hluc
Hill spent Sunday afternoon with
friends iu this city.
Mrs. Marvin Kmlgh and sister, Miss
Myra Evans, went to Guide Itook, Sat-
rday to visit friendb.
The W. C. T. U. will U'ect with Mrs
C. C. Cox instead of Mrs. L. II. lUist on
Wednesday, April 18th.
Miss Nettle Springer, who is teach
ing school near Itlvorton, spent tho
weekend with her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. George CoriiPr of Hluo
Hill spent Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. 11. Corner.
Mrs Auva Caufield and children uc
companied by Miss Hena Harwood re
turned to Grand Island, Friday.
Lloyd limes loft Sunday for Indian
npolis, Indiana, wheio lie will join the elrcu.s band.
Lester Yost, Everett Stroup, Hill
Fiuchor, Fred Hansen and Raymond
Koontz were in Hluo Hill, Satin day.
Uaymond Turnure, who is attending
e university, spent Easter witli
his nareuts. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Tur-
Mr. and Mis. Clias. HulTer are tho
proud parents of a ton pound baby girl
which arrived at tholr home Wednes
day morning.
Miss Margaret Kellett, who Is attend
ing college at Hastings, spent tho
weekend with her parents, Mr. and
.Mrs. Pat Kellott.
The Misses Fay Toel, Mirth Walker
and Mamie Kclhor returned to Lincoln,
Monday, to resume their studies at tho
state university.
Charlie Chaplin in "Hehlnd the
Screen" nt tho Orpheum, Satin day,
April 11th. Matinee 2:110, adm. .V-lOo.
Night S, adm. 10-lCe.
Monday's Kansas City Dally Drovers
Telegram btates that W H Norris, of
Inavale, sold a carload of hogs iu that
city. Mouday, at &1U.U).
Curt Geor, Carl MoArthur and Elton
Pone returned homo Irom Uliie lllll,
Monday evening, after spending several
days repairing the telephone lines.
and Enill Polnleky, Vorllu Tay-
Charles Shorer returned 'to
tin first, of tlm week to resume
' the" sttu
W their studies at the state university.
MOUtiaj, mibs JIUiu i.iuiiiL' imuuuu
to Cotner University to resume her
Btuilifs after spendlnc a week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Katiney.
Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville
tlTti linn Mil W" '' Blrli. FininiCIOtn., OmiiJM
ItlliMfilir " BimaD Sciale Kilronrmnt
Evorybody 6oei AK Anybody
ttK8TnW " Bt$T wo'IW CKIC"'
Best goods host prices at Albright's.
Flnley Bright went to Lincoln, Mon
day. Cherrol Koontz spout Friday In lUue
Will Tabor was down from Iuavale,
Mi.v Marie Dcdrick spent Monday
in Cowles.
Miss Kathryn Hurke spent Saturday
iu Hastings.
Jas. Mcltride of Cowles was hi the
city Tuesday.
Koy Sattley Uiulertaker-Auto Hearse
hi connection.
Koy Ouimau roturned homo from
Omaha, Monday,
Mrs. E. A Crolghtoii spent Wednes
day iu Hustings.
Fred Corbctt was in Kansas City the of tlie week.
Mr. and Mrs. Mux Mior spent Wen
Hominy iu Hastings.
Kyos tested, glasses fitted. J. i
Mitchell, tlie Jeweler.
Win. II. Thomas went to Cowles on
Monday, to visit relatives.
He sure to sec our lino of sum met
dress goods. M. A Albright.
Geo. Houke and family spent Sunday
with Mr. ami Mrs. IhutSormuti.
Mhs Gertrude L. Coon went to Mud
en, Wednesday, to visit schools.
L. U. MelCiuimcy left Wednesday foi
Urule where he will visit relatives.
Win. Weesner wont to Lincoln, Tues
day to spend u few days with friends
See Hernard Fruit for painting and
paper hanging. Independent phono,
Minor Wasson of Hayes Center was
tho guest of Attorney 11. S. Foo, Tues
day. Miss Winibello Conley of Latliropi
Colorado, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
John Coon.
Miss Margaret Kellett returned to
Hasting-', Tuesday uioriiiug to lesunn'
her studies.
Uert Gurber of Superior spent Sun
day evening with his parents, Mr. and
Mr.s. J. J. Garber.
.las. Harden, John Foster, J. A. Htud
ford and Fred Feaui were in Hluollilli
Monday afternoon.
If you want to sell or trado your
real estate call on C. A. Schult:'.. Inde
pendent phono 2US.
Dout miss the treat each Monday
night at tho Orphenin by seeing the
Bluebird Photoplays.
On Friday, Judge Itaunoy issued a
marriago to George Hart man and Misb
Minnie Kranau, botli of Hluo Hill.
Wo have plenty of good Maitland
Lump coal at $9.00 per ton. Washed
Mal;land Nut SS.r.O. Piatt A; Froes.
Miss Edythe Herrlck returned to
Hastings, Monday, after spondlng a
week witli her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas Hcrrick.
Mr. mid Mis. Grant Greon moved In
to I. W. Edson's residence on Monday.
Mr. Green has charge of the grocery
department of tho It P. Weesner store.
We arc hi tne market for 100 to 125
pounds Shoats at market price deliver
ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for do-
livery to plant. C. II. Miner Serum
County surveyor G. 11. Ovoring and
Will llohrer went to Guide Hook, Mon
day, whero they will survey land that
was purchased by the cemetery asso
ciation. Harney Sutton has rzmodolcd his
barn into a neat and attractive black
smith shop and is moving his tools in
to the same where lie will eater to the
Frank Richardson, who hud been
visiting his wife and family here, left
Monday evening for Cheyonne, Wyom
ing, to resumo his railroad duties. He
was accompanied by his son, Charles.
A very practical conservation move
ment has been undertaken by tho
Chicago, Partington and Qitluej Hull
road by inducing farmers along its
right of way to cultivate tho railroad's
land adjoining their farms. Over Coo
country dwellers took advantugo of
this plan last year, paying the nomi
nal fee of $.", which entitles thorn to
utilize tlie land adjoining theirs for an
indefinite period, Tins soil, which is
usually very rich because- so long un
titled, Is planted to alfalfa and the
yield has been as high as eight tons to
tlie acre. The aveiago amount of land
which each man cultivates Is three
acres. The arrangement lessens tlie
weed menace for ttio near-by Holds
and, since alfalfa remains green a long
time, It lessons tho danger of prairie
tires. At the same time the road is
saved tho cost of mowing the right of
Hamilton - Gather
Clothing Co.
Socceuui to Pul Store
Everything a Man
or Boy Wears
Med Cloud Nebraska
Powell Bros.
Smoke House
CIGARS that are Good
The Brand Your Dnrtor Smoke
Most complete line o
Cigars and Tobaccos
in Red Cloud
nunmwttmirwitTrf"r'!""""-"- mm m-i .
Gloomy Prospects for Wheat
The following figures give the per
('outage yf Winter Wheat repotted
dead it: ouch County as reported by
the Nebraska State Hoard of Agticul
tine. Most of this vast acreage will
be planted to corn, with some to oats,
and tho rest to spring wheat whero
seed wns available. Wo would like at
tliK time to call the attention of tlie
Nebraska farmers to the fact that In
l'.il.'i there were nearly Two Million
acres put to winter wheat in twenty
seven counties south of the Platte t Ivor.
eaa of tho west lino of Phelps and
Harlan county, and probably more
than that last fall. To again seed this
vast acreage it will take well over two
n illioti bushels tills fall, and wo advice
the farmers who have last year's crop,
or a portion thereof, on hand, to keep
tlie same until it 1m a known fact that
your neighbors have their seed for this
fall. Save Nebraska's 1018 wheat crop
by making sure that wo have seed.
I'er Cent
county llcporti'it
Adams '.10
Autolopo, in good condition
Boone r0
Hoyd S
Htill'aln Co
Hurt ' riO
Hutlor U'2
Cass 82
Cheyenne, In line shape
Cuming, lu good shnpe
Uawes 10
Dawson 75
Dixon, In good shape .
Dodge 70
Fillmore 90
Franklin 00
Frontier lr
Furnas -'
Onue 'r-'
O anion .1.',
Hull 75
Hamilton 7.1
Harlan 03
Jefferson 00
Johnson On
Kearney G.l
Kimball, reported no damage
Knox, reported no damage
Lancaster 08
Lincoln 0o
Logan 7.1
Madison .'10
Merrick 7.1
Nance SO
Noiuaha GO
N uckolls 05
Otoo 7.1
Phelps 7.1
I'ierco K)
Platte 80
Polk i 00
Hod Willow, reported all dead
Hlchardsotl 75
Salitio 05
Sarpy bO
Saunders Do
Scottsbluil' r,
Seward !):
Sherman "5.1
Thayer 90
Thurston s.l
Valley ir,
Washington .10
Webster 80
York 90
Avorage for abovo counties reported
dead (JO.U per cent.
Coming Soon
Mr. uiirton, tho piano doctor of
Franklin, who has a imputation of
doing one of the most thorough, all
around piano moil iu tlie state asks us
to state that hu will be iu Hod Cloud
on Ids regular spring trip about tho
hist week of April. Orders for tuning
and repairing loft with either the
Amaok or Sattloy piano stores will
reach him promptly.
Orpheum Theater
Fa 1 1 A
nday evening
Must Honor the Flag
Dame rumor has it that one of I'ncle
Sum's sucict service men was in our
city ouo foay last week intet viewing
ono.of our citizens regarding the reek-
less manlier in which ho exptessed
himself, concerning tho way in which
tho government carries out its duties.
The -aid citteu was informed that uti
les he changed the tioud of his atgu
metits he would bo placed whero his
speechob would hi no way interfere
with the progresb of the nation, in the
We note that the stars and stripes
are now lloating over his place of busi
ness, ami we are informed that it was
placed there by some of our patriotic
citizens without asking permission of
the tenant of the building.
We aie iu hopes that tlie gentleman
will see things in the true light audi
become an ardont booster for Old
Glory, for if we are contented tu nestle
neatli her starry folds while we arc
busily encaged in the pursuit of tlie
dollar, iliirlng the times of peace, we
should also ho willing to light for her'
so that she may continue to limit over
the laud of tho free.
Library Board Elects Officers
Pursuant to a call from Mayor Dam
erell the Library Hoard met on Mou
day afternoon and elee'ed tho follow
ing olllceis: C F. Gather, Presidont;
F. O Turnure, Vice President and II.
S. Foe, Secretary.
Mayor Damcrell made a short ad
dross regarding the generosity of Tom
Auld, the dutlos of tho Hoard and
matters pertaining to the erecting and
upkeep of the library.
From the general uppearances of tho
matter now it will be but u short time
until actufl work Is begun on tho
Ev. Lutli, services Sunday tho 1,1th ,
beginning at 11 a in
Sunday .School at 10:110 a tu, sharp.
Catochetuil Instructions postponed to
next week. A. Soliaal, Pastor.
Mattere of tho Memory.
SavageB lmvo good memories, Thoy
rarely mako a false or erroneous mo
tlon. They lmvo mastered their but
roundlngs nnd thcro aro no now
things to distract their attention.
Thoy keep their memory colls un
crowded. Tho civilized man is at a
great disadvantage. Ho sees soma
new thing every hour. Ills brain celltt
aro a voritablo, dancing, whirling,
seething nest of memories. It Is not
niy great wonder that ho cannot re
call tho ono ho noeils Just 'when ht
""'-' i .
Vegetarian Menu.
Tho menu of a meal given lately by
tho London Vegetarian association In
cluded walnut cutlets with brown
Bauco, cauliflower and now potatoes,
asparagus on toast, spaghetti on toast,
tomato farcin nnd young carrots.
RS53SHB8BH3W?5L?5?I- 33
w -39BHP -SHHI JOtfflMHR jSHflflB I
f HrVwT A WifhilaamwavauSaaaakmkm I
' H(rf m llHnlHill
!Bu if iVH I
A Stellar Cast Including
12000 Feet of Film
Rex Beach's Thrilling Talc of Alaska Gold Fields
A Story of Love, Life, Liberty and Romance
Special Orchestra Music
If A
Your Plumber
HEN you
Swift and Accurate
We would rather have plenty of time to print
your job but we can get out a "rush order" if
at any time a customer requests us to do so.
"Not It 07V cheap but uw ,w."
Ik 4.
Farm Loans
I can mako j on a farm loan at low
est interest and best terms to ho had
Inthostato. Please wrlto mo, or cull
for mo at State Hank Hod Cloud. C. V
25c and 35c
Now is the time lo make
your preparations for con
ncfling with the city sewer
now under conslruclion
do not wait until the work
is complete and everyone
is seeking the service of a
plumber now you have
ample time to carefully con
sider the matter.
Let ME submit you an
c&imate on the labor and
material required.
have a particular iob
of printing that you may want in
a hurry come to us, as we have the
equipment to handle such orders.
Independent 2 12
Dell Red 101
' !