The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 12, 1917, Image 4

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Red Cloud, Nobnk.
Entered In tho rontoltlco il licit (loud. Ntii.
nn Second Clnwi Mnttrr'
Ho Flag Floats Over
House of Knowledge
Itis with deep tegrct that we note
tho Inch of pntilotWru Miown by tin
school i!'.' i let of our oily, ns upon
passing i " lildll)ps Oiib does tint m-p
nliy tnico i.r lli iiHllotiul color. !
fipltu the fait that the ttaclnis itml
feohuol I nil members ' Old Gl;r
illspliiji 1 White their eves Oil the
Vlllloil. bli- 'M"flllOMHt Hltd U'llillMII'. s
of the i'i, tUt'.v Iirth not I like 1 tin1
pnins t ) 1 I n n llajr of any description
on tho hi I litf.
If tin 1 (i is not 11 Hug Included in I ii
iuriiishliKH of the I'hooU we urn cei
tnl'i thut thi ta payer would not oli
jeet to hpi ifliiir n few iIhIIhik in order
to sco the ling Homing over tint M'hool
building's However wo tuhu pleasinc
in noting the I net thut tho ootistrui't
lon company thut is erect ing our new
high school building htivu hot u good
example hy giving the ling 11 space on
the cxtciior of their tool house.
Keep Children off the Streets
During our lmsto to criticise the
drlvors of nutos regarding tho snppos
cd disrespect with which they hold the
safety of the lives of the people who
travorso tho city streets, it would he
well for said critics to consider t lie
manner in which they fail to 00 oper
ate with drivers of curs.
On passing through tho streets one
cannot help noto tho number of buys
that select tho public streets for places.
lit which to amuse themselves at base
ball and other games.
In spite of tho fact that driveis
sound a warning the youngstets 0011
tiuiin to be absorbed in their favoiito
pastime, many times going so far as to
"ehaso" tho ball dlioctly acioss tho
6treet in front of a car, or right to
ward an approaching car.
Parents should consider that public
streets are not the proper place for
ohildicn to play ball, and should for
bid them playing theiu. 'If thev do
not see lit. In forbid them u-dng tho pcrlntcmlent down hero ami tho fore
streets as puiillc play grounds, then tnnn over thoro. Haven't got any vnla
"I don't boo how on earth you enn
wedgo another ono in hero. Wo're
packed liko sardines, now."
Clalro gnvo her skirts a littlo shako
to fill in overy last available inch of
spaco on tho hack neat of tho coach.
"Oh, nonsense," laughed Lowis.
"Hero, Miss IUckard, Just swing up
hcsldo mo. There's room for you be
tween Hon and inc."
Old Hen nuido room for her gra
ciously, and picked up his reins, whip
in ono hand, waiting tho starter's
signal In front of tho Mountain Vluw
Hotel. "Owen was to sit thcro, Lew
is," complained Clalro anxiously.
"Owen wants to rldo Insldo," re
piled Lewis quietly. "Everybody
ready? Wo'ro off!"
"Do you know her Miss IUckard?"
asked tho girl next to Clalro.
"1 know she's perfectly Imp'oBslhlc,"
returned Clalro. "Wonder what Owen
thinks? Sho's been dropping poor old
Lewis over tho edgo of emotional
chasms for days, and It serves her
rlRht. They're Just as good as on
gaged, and she's been absolutely hyp
notized hy Wnyno Ivcsson."
Insldo tho coach Owen Arnold sat
with Ivcsson. For Ilvo weeks ho had
been a guest nt tho hotel, u slender,
scholarly looking youngster wbo upont
most of his thno reading on tho broad
porches or riding tho mountain paths.
"It Is wonderful to linvo you nil to
myself," Ivcsson said as tho coach
swung down Into tho first gully.
"You cnll this alone?" laughed
Gwen tcaslngly. wondering who tho
girl was up on tho box.
"Who Is sho?" asked Ivcsson, al
most as If ho had caught her thought.
Sho was not a guest at the hotel, and
seemed moro liko a mountain type.
"Lowis knows hor Odd, Isn't it?"
"Lewis has lived up hcio for thrco
years," sho answered, resentfully.
"Ever heard this trip was danger
ous?" piped up nn old gentleman.
"Used to ho ten years ago. Almost
Euro to find a bandit."
"Really?" Gwen leaned forward
"I haven't carried a gun In years,"
wont on tho old gentleman cheerfully,
"hut I've got one along today. That
hoy on tho box Is carrying money over
to the Cuddyhoo outfit to pay off tho
men their quarterly wages. Got It
from tho express ofllre. And It's somo
risk to got it through even today."
"Who has It tho driver or or Mr.
Stevens?" asked Gwen.
"Stevens. He's a friend of tho bu-
The jtjE Si?Pte
Cs-hsih Miff,, Mis-
to ',w ,sZ&W" V&mOL jWmW&K &V m ESraIWi
1 &: fca
lr -. . . ' -asit 'W "jp
rr-. -jJZ- . w-3"
iss-'Aftw rsE mm is
&x&y ''$?.m'&w -' ? , -J$8fy 's
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 19-20-2:
The Plan
the same kind for
Pay us the regular price for
any item here advertised and
we will sell you another of
This Salo was developed by the United Drug
Company as an Advertising Plan. Tho Com
pany sucriiicos its profits and somothlng
besides, in order to got n larger distribution
of its meritorious products and YOU GET THE BENEFIT.
they cannot, expect to hold auto driv
ers responsible for accidents
Kansas City Market
Kansas City Stock Yards, April D
Cuttlu receipts were 11,000 today, U,
000 less than on last Monday, mar
ket 10 to 120 higher, following a
of 15 to .'10 cents after Tuesday last
week, a long string of good steers at
12 to ?12.-10, including pulp feds. Hog
receipts today were 1)500, market 15
to 25 higher, following un advance
of 40 cents last week, top $10.10.
Sheep and lamb receipts 8000, mar
ket 15 to 25 higher, lambs 15.:i0,
ewes ?12.75, both now high records.
The limit on strictly prime natives
has been raised to Ui, though none
that good were here today. Fair to
good natives sold at $11 to $12, light
steers without much flesh $10 to $11.
About 75 cars of pulp fed steers were
here, sales mostly at $11.50 to $12.10.
In the quarantine division seven cars
from Iloldenville, Oklahoma, sold nt
SD.G5 to $10, weights from Dill to
080 lbs. and some Arkansas steers
weighing DUO lbs sold at $0.50. Cows
and heifers sold a miartcr hitrhcr in
somo cases, heavy cowa up to $10.50.
yearling heifers and steers worth up
to $12. hulls $10. venls SIX Buyers
have shown keen desire for all grades
especially steers with weight, since
tho middle of last week.
Prices broke around 50 cents the
first of last week, and the accumula
tion of the first few days was worked
off pretty close on that basis, a few
sales after Wednesday a shnde strong
er. Tno break was believed to bo
temporary, and so it proved to be,
Bines luuay uruiuiu u mncr man me
close of Inst week, stock steers mostly
88 to $!), feeders $1) to $10, exceptions
nigncr in enen class.
Fifteen hiirher nt tho start and 25
higher nt the finish described tho hog
market today, tho lower end of the
bulk ot sales getting tho full advance.
Prime heavy hogs sold up to $1(5.10,
medium weights $1(5.05, UrIUs $15.85,
bulk of sules $15.00, to $1(5.05. Big
advance in wheat and provisions since
Friday furnished part of the stimula
tion in the hog market today, together
with the natural bullish outlook on
futures. Keeeip ts fell below esti
mates at most points, and nothing
moro than light supplies are consider
ed possible balance of this month.
Farm nctivity will not hold receipts
down ns mucli as when prices were ono
hal fwhnt they arc now, although tho
Bunremc importance of raisimr a larire
crop if possible is pretty generally un
Tho market irot out of a rut toilav.
Irnost of tho lambs at $15 to $15.0,
with heavy northern lambs, 8(5 lbs.
at $15, owes from tho Ft. Collins dis-
rict nt 512.70, yenrlini:s worth SM,
wethers $l!l. clipped lambs around
512.50. Lack or u pelt shuts spring
llamhs out of their usual premium
this sprinc, and they are boiiiir kept
lit homo until thoy irrow somo wool.
Ijoats nro scarce, but clipped Angoras
lro worth up to i.(iu, undipped $li.
dds $10.50. Moderate receipts and
litronger prices nro tho forecast.
J. A. KIOKAHT, Market Cor.
allies along, lmvo you?"
Wayno laughed ami took out his
wntch and purso.
"Shall wo take nn inventory to help
along tho Jjlghwayman when wo
meet him?'' ho asked. "Let us glvo
everything to Miss Crandall, and no
ono would over ho bravo enough to
hold her up.""
Up on tho box, Lowis and Ills two
companions watched tho gulch ns It
dipped and widened, narrowed up
again nnd plunged ahead, a gash In
tho heart ot tho mountain. When tho
coach swung down into tho Devil's
Kottlo, It seemed to rock alarmingly,
ind stopped with a Jerk that sent the
norses almost on their haunches.
Insldo tho coach, tho pcoplo started
lo rlso, but found themselves neatly
covered hy a revolver hold by Wayno
Ivcsson. Ills face, usually rather palo,
ivna Hushed and his eyes wero keen.
"Stay whero you nro, all of you," ho
:ommanded. "Miss Crandall, may I
'.rouble you for tho handbag, pleaso?"
Everything of vaiuo had been ohllg
ngly slipped Into G wen's brown seal
aandhag, and sho hesitated, hor eyes
Hashing Into his. Outside, nn older
nnn on horseback stood with leveled
lllo hy tho coach.
"HnndB up, all of you," ho called.
'Como on, kid. It's all right."
And Wnyno slipped down from tho
roach, but stopped, for tho old gen
tleman hold a revolver at his head.
"Got you this trip," ho said pleas
antly. "Sit still, ladles. All right,
Lowis suddenly felt tho touch of
Itcel in his hand. Old Ben had some
how crumpled down at tho bandit's
first warning shot, but tho girl was In
his place, holding the reins. At tho
rolco from tho rear of tho coach, tho
man on horseback wheeled his horse
ind stnrtod on a headlong gallop down
tho gulch road, but Lowis Hied after
him, bringing tho horse to his knees,
ind ho lay motionless with his rider
under him.
It had all happened so suddenly that
tho girls and women had watched tho
Bccno in sllont horror. Clalro was
first to noto tho surprising chaugo In
tho girl on tho box. Hor hat was off.
Sho waB short-haired and boyish, and
was on tho ground laughing and talk
ing while Wayno was bound hand and
Gwen waited, white faced and trou
bled. Finally Lewis came to hor sldo
and sho laid hor hand Impulsively on
his coat sleeve such a littlo motion,
but it betrayed to him all ot her
thoughts. Ho laid ono huud ovor it
"Woll, glrllo, I'm sorry you ran Into
this. Wo'vo boon expecting It for
months. Wo carao prepared. Thoro
wcro two of tho shorlff's men with
mo, Bakor on tho Insldo, as tho old
man, nnd young Carter outside with
me, drossed as tho girl. Wero you
JealouB, dear?''
(Copyright, 1916, by the McCluro Newspa
per Syndicate)
Rexall Cold Cream 2 for 20c
Rexall Cream of Almonds 2 for 2fic
Rexall Violet Talcum 2 for 20c
Rexall Witchazel Shaving Lotion.2 26c
Rexall Shaving Cream 2 for 26c
Violet Dulc Complexion Ppwder.2 51c
Bouquet Jeanice Talcum 2 for 51c
Violet Dulc Cold Cream . .. 2 for 51c
Violet Dulc Vanishing Creani-2 for 51c
Violet Dulc Shampoo Crystals2 for 26c
Violet Dulc Talcum 2 for 26c
Beuti Face Powder 2 for 26c
Harmony Liquid Shampoo 2 for 51c
Trailing Arbutus Perfume. 2 oz for 51c
Powder Puffs 2 for 26c
Rexall Tooth Paste . 2 for 2Gc
Two quart American Beauty
Hot water Bottle. 2 for 51.51
Stork Nursers 2 for 26c
Sunshine Rubber Gloves. .2 pair for 36c
Normandi Linen 2 for 41c
Tangara Fabric 2 for 41c
Sorority Linen 2 for 36c
Lord Baltimore Linen 2 for 26c
Assorted Thumb Tacks. .2 do, for 1 lc
Pencil Clips 2 for 6c
Fountain Pen Clips 2 for 6c
Cork Grip Penholders 2 for 6c
Cascade No. 2 Lead Pencils... 2 for 6c
Opeko Coffee.- -...2 lbs for 39c
OpekoTea 2 peks for 39c
Symonds Inn Cocoa 2 J. tins for 31c
Symonds Extract Vanilla 2 for 26c
Symonds Extract Lemon 2 for 26c
Symonds Beef Cubes. 2 for 36c
Fenway's Asst. Chocolates. 2 boxes 66c
Maxixie Cherries..!" 2 for 51c
Liggetts Chewing Gum 2 for 6c
Blackberry Cordial 2 for 26c
Carbolic Salve 2 for 26c
Kidney Pills 2 for 51c
White Liniment 2 for 26c
Mentholine Balm 2 for 41c
Rexall Foot Powder 2 for 26c
Rexall Corn Solvent 2 for 26c
Cleaning Fluid 2 for 26c
Red Cedar Compound (Moth
Exterminator) 2 for 26c
Rat and Roach Paste 2 for 26c
Rexall Toilet Soap 2 for lie
Lilac Cream Toilet Soap 2 for lie
Violet Cream Toilet Soap 2 for lie
Medicated Skin Soap 2 for 26c
Tar Shampoo Soap. 2 for 21c
Hair Brushes, 11 rows White
Bristles 2 for 76c
Curt Daily now drives a I'ord.
Hi Dunn went to Hivcrton Monday
C. A. Waldo's mother is making him
n visit.
Will Xorrih shipped htock to Kansas
City Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morrow nutoedto
U vortoi. Sunday.
Miss Clara Jouoi of Ued Cloud was
ill Inavulo Sunday.
M. E. Ladies Aid met Wednesday
with Mr. E. Smith.
lhas. Hunter and wife antocd to
Hastings tin llrst of tho week.
(Sendee Saunders who was ijulte
sick Sunday is somewhat better.
Misses Dorothy Ilartwell and Hazel
Ni-hbitt wero in Itcd Cloud Sunday.
Mrs. Will Wondeily and Mrs. Mat
kin wero shopping in Kcd Cloud Mon
Mrs. Stella Kennedy returned with
hor grandmother from Minden, Sun
Claude Conley autocd to P.ed Cloud
Tuesday with Mrs. C. Orchard and
Sim. Cloud received one car of cat
tle, and O. llaivey lecelved two cars
Mrs. Susie Dally has been quite sick
this week wllh.a cold and a gathering
in her ear.
C. A. Waldo and wife autoe-1 to
Hastings Tuebdiiy to tako their daugh
ter for medical treatment.
L. Johnson is board'ng at (ilonti
Oluhled's mid looking after the busi
ness of tho l'uimci'b Union.
Will Topham has a fnrco of men
woi King on the road between U.Hirch's
fin in and I mi vale this week.
A large crowd enjoyed the services
in behalf of tho C. W. It. M. at tho
Christian church Sunday night.
A large crowd attended tho reading
contest at tho M. E, church Friday
night. Each one did their part well.
Mr and Mrs. Don Ilartwell autocd
to Hastings Monday, with Miss Hurl,
well whero 6he will continue her
Don llartwoll and wife took Miss
Tllloy to Ued Cloud Tuesday whore she
will be Grandma Miner's nurso and
companion. They will spend the most
of the summer in mid ueur Chicago,
Bert McCoy was up from Cowles
G. P. Cather made a trip tolJluelllll,
.lohn Hall was down from Lawrence
over Sunday
(S. C. Uoss was in Campbell Thurs
day and Friday.
Harold Denny was down from Kear
ney over Sunday.
John Zopf tiansacted business in
Hastings Tuesday.
Geo. Krai ot Hastings was In town
one diiy this week.
F. E Crawford made n business
trip to Ong Wednesday.
J. W. Wratlen attended a meeting of
the Masonic Lodge in Hastings Than
day. Clias. Ilogate was looking after busi
ness Interests at Uoiitrlce the llrst of
the week.
A. M, Householder and 1. V. Negley
were looking over land near Otis, Colo ,
this week.
Miss Janet Hendricks visited her
sister, Mrs. Hay Hogate, iu Illue Hill
Mrs. II, E. Lovejoy of Inavale was a
visitor at tho Frank llenn homo the
last of tho week.
Mrs Matilda Johnson is visiting her
sou, I'M, this week, Mrs. Johnson now
lives at liavelock.
Mis O. T. Moore and Mrs. 1). O. ISen-
nett attended the W. F. M. S. at Nel
son the hist of the week
(5. L. Maryniee and family wero
guests at the home of Mrs. 11. L. Cole
of Hastings tho past week.
W. A Harrington ot Lincoln spent
the past week with his parents, Uev
and .Mis. C. E. Harrington.
Mrs. Ida McClure returned to her
homo at linker City, Ore., the last of
the week after n prolonged visit at the
homo of her mother, Mis. Win. Ilrlt-ton,
fllade flight, Lettered
fyght And Erected flight
Makers of ArtisttcMonumcnts
Red Cloud,
The Congregational Church
Morning Subject
Evening Subject
"Shall We Force Mankind to
Think in a Prescribed Channel"
Dr. Nclllo Mmirer spont Monday
in Hustings.
Care of Strawberries
Early April Is a good tlmo to rake
straw oir tho strawberries. It may ho
piled up between the rows so that
plants may be covered oaslly when
frost threatens. This mulch will also
hoop the fruit olf tho ground and pre
vent decay. Ff the bed is an old one,
the oldest plants may be lemoved to
glvo the younger ones u chance to pio
duce mute fruit.
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
E. S. Gaurber
Better Kodak Finishing
And Developing. .:.
A Full Line oC Supplies
Stevens Bros.