The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 12, 1917, Image 3

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It is cruel to force nauseating,
harsh physio into a
sick child.
Look back at your childhood days.
Remember tbo "doso" mother insisted
on castor oil, calomel, cathartics.
How you hated thorn, horr you fought
against taking them.
With our children it's different.
Mothers who cling to tho old form of
physic simply don't realize what thoy
do. Tho children's revolt Is well-found
ed. Their tender little "Insidcs" are
injured by them.
If your child's stomach, liver and
bowols need cleansing, glvo only dell
clous "California Syrup of Figs." Its
action is positive, but gcntlo. Millions
of mothors keep this harmless "fruit
laxativo" handy; they know children
love to tako it; that it never fails to
clean tho liver nnd bowels and sweet
en tho stomach, and thnt a teaspoonful
given today saves a sick child tomor
row. Ask at tho store for a GO-cont bottle
of "California Syrup of Figs," which
has full directions for babies, children
of all ages and for grown-ups plainly
on each bottlo. Adv. vi
Better Still.
"Experience Is the best tencher."
"Perhaps so, but time gives you a
great innny inoro wrinkles."
"Why take ordinary cough remedies
when Boschee's German Syrup lina
been used for fifty-one years in all
towns In tho United States, Canada,
Australia, nnd other countries, for
coughs, bronchitis, colds settled in tho
throat, especially lung trouble. It
Elves the patient a good night's rest,
free from coughing, with easy expec
toration In tho morning, giving nnturo
a cbnnco to soothe tho Inflamed parts,
throw off the disease, helping tho pa
tient to regain his health, nsslstcd by
pure nlr nnd sunshine when possible.
Trial size 25c, nnd 7Cc family size.
Bold In all towns In tho United Stntes,
Canada, Australia, and other coun
tries. Adv.
It's not whnt tho player docs in a
baseball game, but what tho umpire
says, that counts.
Does Cutlcura Ointment Assioted by
Cutlcura Soap Trial Free.
On rising and retiring smear the af
fected surfaces gently with Cutlcura
Ointment. Wash off in flvo minutes
with Cutlcura Soap and hot water.
When tho skin is clear keep It so by
using Cutlcura for evcry-day toilet nnd
nursery purposes.
Free sample each by mail with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, DcpL L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
It takes a lot of fortitude to follow
tho dlctntes of n perfectly good con
science. In Order
to Maintain
Your Health
and do not allow weakness
to develop in the stomach,
liver or bowels
Should you require ass:s
tance at any time TRY
Stomach Bitters
always use
Stearns' Eltcfric Pasft
Full directions In IS languages
Sold everywhere 25c and $1.00
Will reduce Inflamed, Strained,
Swollen Tendons, Ligament-,
or Muscles. Stonsthe lameness and
pain from a Splint, Side Bone or
Bono Spavin. No blister, no hair
gone and hone can be used. 2 a
bottle at druggists or delivered. De
scribe your case for special instruc
tions and interesting horse Book 2 M Free.
ABSQRBINEJR,. the antiseptic linimentfor
mankind, reduces Strainer!, Torn Llga
nienu. Swollen Glands, Veins or Muscles
Ileal Cuts, Sores, Ulcers. Allays psla. Me
i.uu Dome si flesien of dcllrerM. Book SiMcm" Ire.
'. r. toukd, r. u. r, 3iu Tempw strut, srlstiWsllsjt,
Items of General Interest Gathered
from Reliable Sources Around the
State House
tVeitetn Newspaper Union Newt Service.
The senate haB passed tho substi
tute bill. The bill must go to u con
ference committer. It paused by a
vote of eighteen to fourteen, Albert
of Platto being absent and not voting.
Immediately after tho senate recon
vened. Albort explained that ho was
unavoidably absent and did not know
the bill wns to come for passage. He
asked unanimous consent to be al
lowed to cast his voto on the bill.
There was no objection and Lieu
tenant Governor Edgar Howard uu
nouncod that unanimous cotuont wai
Bill t0 Display Hag
Patriotism was denoted In the house
when House Roll 730, providing for
erection of flag dtnft'B at each school
In the state, was amended to Include
t'lls paragraph:
"Tho national Hag of tho United
States of America, of any convenient
size, shall be conspicuously and con
tinuously displayed on tho interior
wall of every school room, class room
and chapel in tho house school build
ings of tho state of Nebraska. A pro
gram providing for a salute to tho
flag and such other patriotic exercise
as may bo deemed best adapted to
tho requirements ow whatover grados
in such schools, shall be carried out
by each teacher on Lincoln's birth
day, Washington's birthday, Memorial
Day, Flag Day and upon such other
special occasions as may be required
by law or rulo of tho school board.'
Legislature Stands by President
By unanimous votes in both housos,
the stnto leglslnturo has taken firm
ground behind President Wilson in
tho present crisis, nnd expressed ap
proval of Senator Hitchcock's work in
lending for accomplishment of the
administration progrnm In the upper
house of congress. The resolution
wns introduced In the sonato by Sen
ator I, L. Albert of Platte county, nnd
In tho house by Henry C. Richmond
of Omaha, Jacob Srbb of Chnlco, Fred
HoffmelBtcr of Imperial, W. J. Tay
lor of Mernn and Soren Fries of Dan
nebrog. Partisan ties woro entirely
thrown BBldo.
Bond Investments Decrease.
Bond investments of the state school
fund, which woro 10,002,848 nt the
closo of February, bad dropped to 9,
991,948 at the end of March, accord
ing to the monthly report of Stato
Treasurer Hall. During tho month
151,000 worth of bonds had been paid
off, and only $40,100 purchased.
Tho stnto expenses for tho month
were $444,564, and receipts of tho
different funds $393,972. Tho balance
dropped from $1,302,241 at the end of
January to $1,251,G49.87.
Tho stato normal fund, overdrawn
$129,518 a month ago, was overdrawn
$138,151 at the closo of March.
Must Pay Over Assessments
Having previously amended a sen
nto bill so as to require banks going
out of business to pay over their ac
cumulate! guaranty fund assessments
to the state treasurer to bo held by
him as a special reserve fund for
guaranty purposes, tho house ndoptod
tho resolution passed by the senate
last week which calls upon the at
torney general to tako ,tho proper
Btops for collecting about $1,750 of
such assessments from banks at
Watorloo, Merna and Callaway which
havo liquidated without turning th
money over.
Stato and federal food inspectors
:ertalnlyi are giving Omaha a most
thorough' going over just now. With
105,000 pounds of beans already tied
up In federal court, theso men have
seized another 131,250 pounds of this
stuff to hold for a hearing before
Judge Woodrougb. Of this last amount
69,000 pounds of beans were seized
by E. C. Komble, chief doputy food
Inspector of Nebraska, at tho plant
of tho Union Packing Co. Two other
consignments, one for 41,250 pounds,
and tho other for 21,000 pounds, wcro
seized in warehouses.
University Tenders Equipment
Chancellor Avery of the University
of Nebraska, acting with tho consent
of tho local regents, haB placed tho
mechanical engineering laboratories
of tho university at tho disposal of tho
federal government. Tho action was
takon In n letter which tho Chan
cellor dispatched to Secretary of War
Baker In which he made tho offer and
enclosed a classified list of tho equip
ment as it stands at present, Includ
ing tho machines, particularly tho
lathes, and tho equipments of tho
foundry and tho forgo and wood shops.
Call to Arms May Be Expected
Adjutant Ooneral P. U Hall of tho
Nebraska nntlonal guard has Issued
tho following statement:
"Eight hundred men comprising tho
Fourth Nebraska mnchlno gun com
panies, etc., have- been ordured out at
once to guard places of national im
portance within tbo stato limits. This
Is a gcnoral order in all tho states
In tho union. Appearances nt W,a8h
tngton indicate that our nation is at
thlB tlmu in u critical condition and
general call to arms may be ex
pected In tho very near future.
Ksn, ens
Time it! Pape's Diapepsin ends
all Stomach misery in five
Do somo foods you cat hit back
Usto good, but work badly; ferment
Into stubborn lumps nnd cause n sick,
eour, gaBsy stomach? Now, Mr. or
Mrs. Dyspoptlc, Jot this down: Papo'a
Diapopsln digests everything, leaving
nothing to sour nnd upset you. There
never was anything so safely quick, so
certainly offectlvc. No dlffercnco how
badly your stomach Is disordered you
will get happy relief in flvo minutes,
but what pleases you most is that it
strengthens nnd regulates your atom- i
nch so you can eat your favorlto foods
without fear. '
You feel different as soon as "Pape's '
Diapopsln" comes In contact with tho
etomach distress JUBt vanishes your (
stomach gets sweet, no gnses, no belch- ,
ing, no eructations of undigested food.
Go now, mnko tho best investment I
you over made, by getting a largo fifty- '
cent caso of Papo'a Diapopsln from any
Btoro. You realize in flvo minutes how
noedlcss it is to suffor from indiges
tion, dyspopsla or bad stomach. Adv.
Preparedness Unappreciated.
A city-bred child whose knowledge
of the wild wns very limited u'iis walk
ing through the woods with her gover
ness. They chanced upon n porcupine.
At the nppronch of two Individuals
whose Intentions might be hostile the
creature bristled aggressively, Its
wcnpoullke quills rising in menace.
"Oh, look!" exclaimed the little
girl. "What n fright Vo have given
thnt funny animal 1 Its hnlr is stand
ing on end!"
Thousands upon thousands of women
have kidney and bladder trouble and
never suspect it.
Women's complaints often prove to bo
nothing else but kidney trouble, or the
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys arc not in a healthy con
dition, they may cause the other organs
to becomo diseased.
You may suffer a great deal with pain
in tho back, headache, loss of ambition,
nervousness and may be despondent and
Don't delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, a physician's pre
scription, obtained at any drug store, re
stores health to tho kidneys nnd is just
the remedy needed to overcome such con
ditions. Get a fifty cent or one dollar bottle
immediately from any drug store.
However, if you wish first to test this
'cat preparation send ten cents to Dr.
ilmer k. Co.. Uinchamton. N. Y.. for I
sample bottle. When writing be surt
and mention this paper.
Victim of the Law.
"Now, my lad," said the severe mag
istrate, "have you anything to sny for
yourself any excuse to offer for such
early depravity. Fourteen years old
and cnught picking pockets In the
street. What stnrtcd you on this rond
to crime?"
"You did, mister."
"I did? Whnt do you menn, boy?"
"Well, mister, If you 'ndn't given my
old dad six months I wouldn't have
had to Rtnrt llfo so early to keep the
home going."
Apply few drops then lift
corns or calluses off with
fingers no pain.
Just think ! You can lift
off nny corn or callus
without pain or soreness.
A Cincinnati man discov
ered this ether -compound
and named It frcczone. Any
druggist will sell n tiny bot
tlo of freezone, like hero
shown, for very little cost
You npply a few dropo di
rectly upon a tender corn
or callus. Instantly tho
soreness disappears, then
shortly you will find tho
corn or callus so loose that
you can lift it right off.
Freezone is wonderful. It
dries InBtnntly. It doesn't
eat nway tho corn or cal
lus, but shrivels It up with
out even Irritating the sur
rounding skin.
Hard, soft or corns be
tween tho toes, as well ns
painful calluses, lift right
off. Thero Is no pnln be
fore or afterwards. If your druggist
hasn't freezone, tell him to order a
smnll bottle for you from his whole
Balo drug house. adv.
A Sport.
"How would you llko to risk a little
money In u game of chance?" nuked
the Insinuating stranger.
"Don't mind risking 25 or HO cents,"
answered Undo Hiram Wnylmcker.
"By gum, trot out your checkerboard I"
Granulated Pvclids.
Eyes inflamed by expo
sure to Sun, Dust and Wind
BU1C IU tJUIIf iua
7wvacs Quickly relieved
7 wwJust Eye Con
:dbv Murine
No Smarting.
r?nmfnrt A
Drwnristl or hv null $0c ner ItnitU. Mnrlju
Cfi Stive in Tubes 25c. For Book si (he Eye
fttt uk Hiirhw Cye Mmtiy C., Cskaft
Nebraska Second In Automobiles
Approximately 300 moro automobile
licenses were issued during tho first
two nnd a half months of 1917 than
were Issued during 191G altogether
according to the records of Socretury
of Stato Charles W. Pool.
The number In 1910, which was 100,
534, has already been increased to
100,800, in round numbers, nnd ap
plications are still pouring In at the
rate of 200 to 300 a day. In January
us many as 7,000 applications were
tvelved In a day.
Tho present outlook bids fair to
oven raise tho percentage Increaso in
1917, which in 1910 was 75 per cent
over the preceding year.
Nebraska now stands second In thv
United States in per capita wealth
of automobiles, having one machine
tor every 12.37 population.
Voted Pay to Guards
Tho house has voted down n plan
to glvo members of tho Nebraska
nntlonal guard who served on the
Texas border $75 each, but the senate
tommlttco on finance proposes to give
each guardsman $25 and to reject all
ponding claims for personal clothing
left behind and now mlsnlng. As there
wvro 1,350 of the guardsmen In the
service tho stnto will glvo a total of
$34,000. This amount and somo other
additions will bo mndo to tho clnlma
bill, II. It. 797. Tho bill as It came
from tho house carried $12,741.09. The
sennto will add to It $39,107.03, mak
ing n total of $51,908.72.
To Stop Auto Stealing
Hammond of Furnas succeeded in
getting the commlttco of tho wholo
to approve his S. F. 210, a mrnsuro
somewhat after the Iowa law Intended
to put a stop to the theft of auto
mobiles nnd tho sale of stolen vehicles
of thin kind. The bill provides that
when tho purchaser buys a now mn
chlno he shall i cy a fco of $1 to tho
secretary of stato for a cortillcato of
ownership If tho mnchlno Is to bo
sold a second time tho seller must bo
able to show a certificate of owner
ship and any ono who buys such auto
mobile shall be deemed guilty of a
For Vocational Education.
Ono of tho governor's bills, appro
priating $18,000 for vocational edu
cation to match a federal allotment of
equal amount and $2,600 additional
for oxpenso wns reported out by tbo
finance committee. It has been
amended so as to limit tho distribu
tion of tho money to public schools.
The administration of tho net Is placed
In tho hands of a special board con
slating of tho governor, stato treas
urer and stato superintendent, with
the last named official as secretary.
Tho commlttco cut out tho provision
for a secretary to bo appointed by
tho board, at $1,800 a year.
For Mobilization Expenses.
Without a dissenting vote, tho house
passed the bill introduced by Gov
ernor Novlllo last week carrying an
emergency appropriation of $100,000
from the stato treasury, together with
all funds received from tho war de
partment, for mobilization cxpeiiHca
and mnlntounnco of national guard
and volunteer troops called into the
servico of tho United States during
tho war with Germany.
House Concurs.
Tho houso has concurred In senate
amendment to tho bill appropriating
money for u fund to rclmburso own
ers of live stock thnt may bo killed
by the state veterinarian's order on
account of foot and mouth dlseaso.
Tho sennto amended it to include
hogs and sheep, as well as cattlo, and
cut tho amount from $100,000 to $50,
Members of tho Nebraska national
guard as mounted police, havo began
patrollng the streets of Lincoln upon
which public buildings aro located,
acting under orders of Adjutant Gon
oral Phil Hall. Sixty-eight men aro
Included In the detachment, which Is
on patrol duty In Lincoln. Informa
tion ns to what buildings aro being
patrolcd is kept secret. Tho detail
is under command of Captain Jess,
of tho Fremont signal corps.
General John J. Pershing has ac
cepted tho invitation of tho university
of Nebraska senior class to deliver
tho commencement address in Lincoln
on Juno 13. Tho ncceptnnco Is of
courso conditional on his ability to
got away from army duties at that
time, but it is believed that it will
be arranged to permit his attendance.
S. F. 323 has been advanced to
third reading. Splrk of Saline intro
duced tho bill. It provides a separ
ate ballot box and soparato ballots
for constitutional amendments and
propositions for constitutional con
ventions nnd does awny with tho
party clrclo so far as tho counting
of straight party votes for Bitch
propositions nro concerned Its in
troducer told what tho bill seeks to
do nnd said somo believed It would
not bring about tho result deslrod,
greater Interest In tho consideration
of constitutional amendments,
By i voto of 58 to 38, the houso, in
commltteo of tho wholo Tuesday nftor
noon, ordered to a third reading tho
bill appropriating G7-100ths of one
mill for tho purpose of building a now
eaBt wing for tho stato capltol. This
wing Is to bo built In conformity to a
completed plan which is to bo adopted
by & specially appointed commission,
which tho govornor will select and
head. An soon as tho bill Is engrossed
it will como boforo tho houso for
flnnl passngo. It Is expected that tho
voto In favor of tho bill will be in
creased at that time.
"the shoe that holds its shape"
$3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $8 an'Sn
5rtvo Money by Wearing W. L. Douglas
shoes. For sale by over BUOO shoo dealers.
The Best Known Shoes in tho World.
WL. Douglxj name and the retail price b stamped on the bot
tom of all shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and
the wearer protected agaiiut high prices for inferior shoes. The
retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San
Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the
prtce paid for them.
'T'hc quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more
tiun 40 ye." experience in making fine shoes. The smart
styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centre of America.
They are made in a well-equipped factory at Brockton, Mass.,
by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and
supervision of experienced men. all working with an lmnitr
determination to make die best shoes for the
Ask your alio ilrnlor for W. T Dmicln Rhnn. If tin run. V
not supply yon with tho klml yim Mritnt, tnkn m ntiiiir V.
niiikn, Wrlto for Intnrnstltig lioohlot explaining lior to L uj
pi Fin. (hoi inn mgiiru mniulitrtl or iiiitllty
by return mull. intii frnn.
K FOR W. L. Douglas jJf tk . TfH ii!.!? M'ni
nnd the relnll price WXkrvVfCA $3.00 $2.50 & $200
Poll nn lUn Imltnm lrPll1Mlt V. I.. ltollf;lll Mlm '.,
cu on ino bottom. iHft .spurk Ht.. Ilro.kt .Mn.
Watch Yo
Light Responsibility.
"I thought you mild Dubsou could be
depended on In nn emergency. Yes
terday his house cnught tiro nnd be
got so excited he couldn't tutu In nn
"I failed to explain the kind of em
ergency I meant. If you should ever
want to stoop over and tie your shoe
lace, Dubsou could be depended on to
hold your lint."
W-mff) afiiBlBtllrim
GS n.P!tssiEro"!rgTCJgire
Outstanding! In every community the name Ctrtain-ttid stands I
conspicuously for quality, good value, satisfaction, and fair dealine.
Certain -teed Paintsanc
pertain -teea Varni8hes
Ret the lr quality from ttan chimctcr of tun
rlnli uiixl In their manufacture and from
tho oxactnoss wltb whloh thujr aro mixed.
7 ma formula of Ingrodlonia prlntnd on tho
atxtlahowa lioneillr and unmistakably tns
real worln of tbe paint.
Modern, np-tn-datn machinery eliminates
inouncercainueiMirmiximf dj nana
and Inaurea absolute conformity to
lbs experta' printed formula.
Tbs prion of CHUTA1N-THHD
1'alnta and Varnishes li baaed on
the moat tarorable manufacturing,
distributing and nulling coati. plua
a margin of prom (mailer than Is
generally customary. T h I a low
Genera Roofing Mfg. Co., Gregg Varnish Co., Mound City Paint & Color Co.
Ntw Terk.CUcaia.PaitsaslaUa, St. Lsab, Bta.CITtUPitUWik. Datreil, Batlak. Saa Fraaclsca,
MilwaakM, Ciaclaaati, Nw OrUaas. Lm Asf tin, MiaasapeUs. Kaatas Citr, Seattle. IneiiasatOi, Atlaata,
sUcaatead, Craae1 Rapids, Salt Ukt City, Dta Meiaes, Heattoa, Daiatk, Uaoaa, Sydary, Haras
Not Her Job.
He was a young subaltern. Ono eve
ning the sister In the hospital hnd
Just finished making htm comfortable
for the night, nnd before going off
duty nuked: "Is there anything I enn
do for you before I lenve?"
Dear little Two Stars replied:
"Well, yes! I should llko very much
to be kissed good night."
Sister rustled to tho door. "Just
wult till I call the orderly," sho said.
"IIo does nil the rough work here."
London Opinion.
Now York city has 102,530 registered
No Eggs, Milk or Butter
The following recipe shows how an appetizing,
wholesome cake can be made without expensive
In many other recipes the number of eggs may
be reduced one-half or more by using an ad
ditional quantity of ROYAL Baking Powder,
about a teaspoon, in place of each egg omitted.
1 cup brown sugar
1)1 cupe water
1 cup eeeded ralslna
2 ouncea citron
H cup shortening
Tho old method (fruit
DIRECTIONS Put the first eight Ingredients Into saucepan and boll
three minutes. When cool, add the flour and buklng powder which have been
sifted together; mix well llake In moderute oven In loaf pan (round til. with
hole In center Is best) for 35 or 40 minutes. Ica with white Icing,
Booklet of recipes which economise, In egg and other
eipenslve Ingredients mailed free. Address Rnyal
Ualilng Powder Co., li William Street, New York.
Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes,
adds none but healthful qualities to tho food.
No Alum
No Phosphate
price that money S
for the price, V In
v' v
Boys' Shoos
KtfJBWflj. v
NtsBk1. fcV"w
-wMsar ...
tytftm 3UD3T,UIts W
For CntiKhs, Coldn nnd Distemper, nnd nt tho llrt Hymp
t jihb of nn; such nlltncnt. nlvi iiinnll doses of that won
i orful rcineily, now the niOHt lined In exlMtenee,
si'oii.N's niSTmii'Kii rniroi;M
CO cents nnd Jl n bottle; $5 md 10 tlio dozen, of nny
druKKHt, linrncas denier, or delivered by
Sl'OIIN BIUUICAI, CO., ClirnilMtN, (lonlirn, Intl., V. S. A.
Unjust Taxes.
"ii'rtrutli" asked tho teiieher,
"what weie the cuiitfH of the Revolu
tionary war?"
"It had something to do with inilo
mobiles, but 1 do nut understand Just
what," replied (Jertnide.
"Oh, mil" wild the teacher, "that
was before the day of automobiles."
"Well, It suld It wns on account of
unjust tuxls," said Gertrude llrmly.
m .v ,,.,-. c"nj" -..vrc
price would not be possible I f we had to de-
Eend noon an exclualvo paint nrganUatlon
market our paliita and tnrnUhci.
OKIlTAIN-TltlCI) l'alntaand Varnishes are
guaranteed to olre aatlsfacllon. This guar
antee I backed by the enormona reaouroea
of lbs Ueruln-teed I'roducla Corporation.
Whether yon do your own painting
or employ a professional pnlnter
your Interests will tin belt aerred If
you Insist upon getting OHIITAIM
TUHU 1'alnta and Varnlibes.
Am fJ iultr tin nil )n CERTAIN
TKKD rln i yrnh)i,i. Sfhidum't
tarry thitn In tuti, hi un gtl liun firjtu
Can't Be Done.
"Will you explain this war situation
In two words?" asked the puzzled citi
zen. "I'm sorry, but I can't nccoinmodnto
you," answered tho student of Interna
tional politics. "Tho vocabulary of a
person with nverugo Intelligence Is
about 2,000 words, but when ho tries
to explain the war he usually ends by
getting black In the face nnd merely
Fatal Delay.
llnycottlng the potato would bo nil
right If the potato had not beaten us
to It. Birmingham (Ala.) News.
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cinnamon
i teaspoon salt
2 cupe flour
S teaspoons Royal Daklng Powder
calec) called for 2 ecca
No Bitter Taste