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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1917)
agjaBgg!aggatgL.eMA . m HfHfffc jb i r i " -r"W- ' "' i m i ,M i i ' -- - BL H '" "- BBBBBKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBB !rfBBBBBBBBl HHillBcrHP HHbPBWBbIjI tit k vUr- 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME 15 RED CLOUD, XKHRASKA. APRIL li!, J1H7. NUMBER 10 xk:-:hk Money Talks To be sure Money Talks, es pecialy if is adivcly employ ed. Money that is idle is asleep If vnii rnnlfl hnlfl nil t he mmK'V that passes through your hands it would be a line thing for you, but if every one else followed the same plan where would you get yours? The place for money is in a reliable bank like ours, but subjedt to your check. Hoard ing money takes it out of circulation and it is constantly liable to be lost. Money on deposit talks and the things it says to you are "security, comfort, satisfaction." We invite you to open an account with us. I Webster County Bank! RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA j; CAPITA I., ami SUUIMiL'S 8.'! 1 .OOO X .:"H gMttjagaaaargmijaM Toilet Necessities Ice Cream Cones Saturday 2 for 5c Cucumber Cream Lotion 10c Cream of Lemon Lotion 10c Almond Cream Lotion 10c Peroxide Cold Cream 10c Hydrogen Peroxide 10c Pcifume 10c Colgntes Tooth Paste I Oc Royal Tooth Powder I Cc Royal Foot Powder I0c Talcum Powder I0c Sanitol Tooth Powder I9c Colgates Talcum lc Powder Puffs 10c Chamois Skins 10c Toilet Soaps, per cake 5c-l0c Toilet Soaps 3 for 10c Ece Cream Cones Saturday 2 for 5c The 5c-l0c-25c Store THE STOKE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY E. PL EGE - - On the Corner Riverton Editor Takes Unto Himself a Wife "To have mill tn l.olii from this ilnj fore, anl, for better or fr womk. richer or for poort.'r, ill sickness nil'' n health, to lovi mill to cherish, til death ns do part" were t ho solemn' woitls ptonounced by .Judge limine) ti, I'lft Thursday, over the lunula and lii'iuts ot Miss Sclnia HI vera Seiil.i rj ' mill Mr. t.oren Olfrey Matthews, tliuj untitling them to the congratulations j of their ninny friends. The bride is the youngest daughter i of Mr. mid Mr,. Ulmrlos A. Seubeiv. f ltlvertoii, u young lady of icllueuient well Utted to preside over the limn whleh tiie groiiin has prepared for her. The gioom Is the gentleman who edits and puhlMies the Uiverton Ite view, a young man of pleasing person, iility, one who by his untiring and strict adhcraiiee to good business principals lias placed this sheet"' on a basis where If will supply tilt) niv.'ss. hies of life, for himself and his bride" as well as to lay aside h few fnrlliiiii; thu rising generation of MuLllici s.. With a help mate Id cheer him on in lili-V. battles and to iiispnnhls writings we Iiiiitc forward to piing tlie Kov'i-w loaded down with local gleanings mid editorials dealing with the principal topics of the dav liditor and Mrs Matthews will l.o al home ti their many friends in the south part of thatuity. The Chief extends congratulations to the newly weds, wh.hlng them' untold joy and happiness In their journey fun life. UMMMBMMMmilftiaBMM Agency Lowney's Chocolates Our Store nws!SEi Has just been newly Painted and Papered Everything is in ship shape for your inspection Folger's Coffees and Teas Omf Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries is Complete Come in and give us a chance to satisfy your -wants. Special attention given to children. Anything going out of our slore means satisfaction or your money returned. "We have a nice assortment of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables to choose from this week. Delicious bread fresh daily from Hastings you will like it. Highest Prices Paid for Butter and Eggs inL Am JLsAI I YOUR GROCER City Stuck For Demurrage The City of Red Cloud received a car of fuel oil in the cold anil dreary days of March and allowed it to stand on tli-- trade waiting for the weather to warm up the oil .so it would run. The city had no electric device commonly used to warm such oil, so it waited on the rayH or the .sun, but in the mean time dumnrnge charges wero running quite freely and the city whs stuck for -': As the shipment was Interstate the railway commission has no juris diction, but it will consider the plea of the city and ash the Mtirltngt.m road if it will waive tlii deimirage charge. If the company does not do so. there is no recourse. I'liU'day's State .l.nuntil. Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED ISy-On'tcc Ovek AMimaiu's Stork DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OYER .STATE BARK Red Cloud ' Nebraska Commissioners Proceedings April JO, JD17. Itoard'of County Commissioners mCt pursuant to adjournment with, all members present. Report of Kd Ilcr.-Jji, Komi Overseer Disl. No. Ill was approved Ofllcltil Uotuls or Kd Ilersh, A. J. Guy and II. .1. Saunders Road Over seers were approved. The petition ot' 11. J. Mnuror nnd others in regard to the uso of the Dis trict (Joint room for public meetings was taken up and after n thorough dismission by the Hoard it was moved by Thomas and seconded bv ijhlillur that the use of the court room bo al lowed for all meetings of a county na ture, such as political conventions, farmers meetings, Sunday school con ventions and etc., where delegates tiro present from all parts of the county The use of tho two lest rooms down stairs to be allowed for all public gath erings of a loeU iiahtro but neither the court room or rest rooms to be usod for Sunday tneotingn. The following chains wero allowed and tho Clerk Instructed to draw war rants on tho respective funds In pay rneiit of same: It. W, Koontz ". jso.'iO Cowles Athletic Assu s.i0 Hoard adjourned to meet Juno tlth. Farm Loans I have placed flr.,000.00 in farm loans from January nth, to February loth Tho reason is that I am giving tho low est ratos mid host terms in tho -tato also a genuiuo option without u "joker" attachment l'rivato funds on hand .J. II. Hailkv. YOUR FLAG AND MY FLAG Wn.iint l). Nimiit Your Hag and my Hag, And how it tiles today in your laud and my laud And half a world away! Koso-rod and blood-red The .stripes forever gleam; Snow-white and soul-whito The good forefathers' dream: Sky-blue and true-blue, with stars to glcutn aright The glinted guidon on tho day; a shel ter through the night. Your tlag and my Hag! To every star and htripu The drums beat as hearts befit Ami llfeis shrilly pln:l Your Hag and my Hag A blessing in the shy; Your hope and my hope It never hid a lie! Home land ami far land anil half the world around, Old (Jlory hears our glad salute and ripples to the sound! Youf Hag and my Hag! And, Oh, how much it holds! Your land mid my laud Keunro within Its folds! Your heart and my heart Heats quicker at. the sight: Sun-kissed ami wind-tossed Red and Ulue and White. The one Hag, the great ilng, tho t'..ib for mo and you, (ilurilled all else besldo tho lted and White and Ulue! pm I .A 1 oui --x I n a 'mr Your Country Calls You Mayor Damerell is in receipt of a letter from .las K. McKlnley, "apuin of Cavalry, recruiting station at (Juial.a asking lii.s co-operation in the matter of iieruiting for the U. s. A t my. Tin letter contains a strong appeal to all young loyal American Citizens, who have no ono depending on them for support, to oll'er their services in the defense of tho Hag. If the United States is to continue to be tho I, and of the Freo it is necessary, now, that all true Americans should answer the call so that if wc are actually engaged in strife that our forces shall be strong enough to conquer. There is a tocrult tng station at Hastings. After being examined and accented at. that place all further expense Is borno by the Government. Aged Lady Passed Away Another of our aired and highly res pected citizens, Mis. I'oter Conover answered the dual summons, having passed away on Tuesday ovmiing, af ter an ill &s of several months. Tlie deeeasod was born in liutt.ville, New Jersey, December 3, 18.10. tj'ho was united In inttrriugu to l'tr Can over October 10, 1857, he Imviiitf proceeded her to the griMl beyond In 1S!)IJ, "UrHtidniH" Conover whs SO years, l months and 7 days of age, and had boon n resident of this ootinty for msriv years She N survived by four sons, Daniel of Denver, Colorado, Aaron, Salt hnkfl City, Utah, Harry and llorvey. Cheat Falls, Montana, two daughters, .Mrs. John Person of this city. Mrs. Uoyd Munsell of Tonsloop, Wyoming and thirteen grand children. Funeral i-ervlces wero conducted from her late home this afternoon, at 'Ji.'lO, Ilev. F. M. Diulluor in charge. Rev. .1. L. Hebeo was in Alma Wed nesday mid while thorn was called up on to porform tho niarrlngo ceremony which united tho hands mid heart of Herbert Rutan and Miss Nettle Faublu two popular young people of that city. For Your ToileJ Table "MILADY BEAUTIFUL" CAN FIND THOSE TOILET TOOLS SHE DE SIRES IN OUR STORE-MANICURE SETS, BRUSHES, MIRRORS, COMBS, HAIR COMBS, PINS-EVERYTHING. SHE WILL FIND A LARGE, LUXURIOUS LINE TO CHOOSE FROM, AND THE STYLES RIGHT IN KEEPING WITH THE RECENT DECREES OF "DAME FASHION." WHENEVER YOU DESIRE JEWELRY FOR YOURSELF OR FOR YOUR FRIENDS, COME, SEE OURS-YOU WILL LIKE IT; YOU WILL BUY IT; IT WILL PLEASE YOU AND THEM AS LONG AS YOU LIVE. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT: THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jo wafer and Optometrist llt'C. 0. & Q. Watch lnopoctor Sa2SKfil2Se2E fg3srsrsjflnva:3a WtaWWI'JPl,aTr;iiflf''rrH-T')ir.yiiii.i' iyyyiii iji. ' m m it (WwuMfHtl & o pnng sewing Knowing that you are thinking of new Gowns and Dresses for Spring and Summer we have a beautiful assortment of JS Dress Fabrics Wash Goods; Silks, White Goods and Wool Dress Goods the most talked of fabrics and styles are now displayed here. R. P W eesner & Co. The Store that Sells Wooltcx Coats and Suits RED CLOUD MINER BLDG. NEBRASKA Trade With 'Chief Advertisers They sell reliable merchandise Satisfaction Guaranteed