The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 29, 1917, Image 7

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Americans Arc Buyers and Be
coming Settlers Anxious to
Get Cheap and Produc
tive Land.
Reports nrc to hand tlint there will
bo n large Influx of settlers from the
United States Into the Cnnnillun West
during the coming S-prlng. For n time
there hns been a fulling off, on account
of the fenr of conscription, which of
course wns not possible, nnd which the
Cnnndlnn Government gave every ns
Furnnce would not be put Into opera
tlon. In any case It would not nffect
the American settler, and more than
that the man who was working on the
farm, helping to prodmv the grain
that goes to feed those who are at war,
would not be affected.
The excellent yields of the Western
Canada crops, and the high prices se
cured Is having its Inlluence on those
looking for homes. The authenticated
reports that have been sent out from
time to time that this farmer and that
farmer had paid for their entire farm
holdings out of one crop has reached
the ears of the man looking for a farm,
"When lie hears that O. H. P.eatty of
nton, Alberta, had 07O bushels of
wheat from 11! acres or an average of
HG bushels to the acre, he becomes
Interested. When he learns that Sid
ney K. Phillips of l'.edileford. Alberta,
threshed ten hundred and llfty-three
bushels of wheat, the average being
Zt'lVi bushels per acre, his Interest Is
further aroused. Thos. Long of I.eth
brldge had 1-0 bushels of oats to the
acre from n Held of H." ncres W.
Qulnn of Milk Illver had 0.05W bushels
of whent from 100 acres, an average
of 00 bushels per acre, and Itohert
Tackaberry of Nobleford makes uflldii
vlt that be had an average of seventy
six bushels of wheat per acre from n
Held of 10.C.1 acres. Thos. Roulton of the
same place makes allldavlt that from
fifty ncres he bad a yield of flfty-thrco
bushels of wheat per acre. Newell ,T.
Noble's allldavlt of getting 51 bushels
per acre from 1,000 acres stands out
most Ktromrlv ns evidence of what the
i,1,rwf rr.,i.if n ., ,1.. MM.Il ., iTl.ln l la
strengthened by n paragraph stating
that he had 122 bushels and .'10 lbs. per
aero from SO 1.(10 acres. Mrs. Nancy
Coo makes allldavlt that on her farm
at Nobleford she threshed six thou
sand one hundred nnd ten bushels of
wheat from one hundred nnd fifteen
acres, or fifty-three bushels nnd eight
lbs. per acre, nnd from a flax field
(stubble field) she got 20 bushels nnd
38 pounds per acre.
It cannot be said that these were
freak yields because so ninny had such
great success. When these reports nro
read, the man looking for n farm he
comes convinced.
These nre only n few of the reasons
that will cause n large Influx of Amer
ican farmers Into the Canadian West
during the coming Spring.
The fnrmers now resident in Mani
toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta are
purchasing additional lands. Prices
nro low and Free homestead Innd can
be had in many districts and the horm
steader Is welcome. Advertisements
"And why are you In prison?"
"I'm the victim of unbelief, ma'am."
"Yes, ma am. I couldn't convince
the Jury that I was telling the truth."
Look, Mother! If tongue is
coated, give "California
Syrup of Figs."
Children love this "fruit laxative,"
and nothing else cleanses the tender
etomnch, liver and bowels so nicely.
A child simply will not stop plnylng
to empty the bowels, nnd the result Is
they become tightly clogged with
waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach
sours, then your little one becomes
cross, lialf-slck, feverish, don't cat,
sleep or net naturally, breath Is bad,
system full of cold, has sore thront,
Htomach-achc or dlnrrhea. Listen,
Mother! See If tongue Is coated, then
give n teaspoonful of "Cnllfomln
Syrup of Figs," nnd in n few hours all
tho constipated waste, sour bile and
undigested food passes out of the sys
tem, and you hnve a well child agnln.
Millions of mothers give "California
Syrup of Figs" because it Is perfectly
harmless; children love It, nnd It nev
er falls to net on the stomach, liver
nnd bowels.
Ask nt the store for n fiO-cent bottle
of "California Syrup of Fins," which
has full directions for babies, children
of nil nges nnd for grown-ups plainly
printed on the bottle. Adv.
Quiet Girl.
f Caller That new girl of yours
seems nice nnu quiet.
Hostess Oh, very quiet I She doesn't
even disturb the dust when she's clean
ing tho room.
Don't rest nt night "from" your In
bors but "for" those ahead.
flap thai """"iimiiiiiiiiiiimimiiimiiiiiiy '
fS"? Murine Is for Tired Eyes, I
IVIOVieS Red Uyes Sore Eyes g
5 """""" tlranulatwd Hrelldi. Iletts 3
5 Untwines Utorea. Mnrliia Is a Favorite S
Treatment for Hjes that reel dry and smart.
(Jlroyour lire! o mnebnf your luring care
s m jonr Teeth and with thosanie rpunlamr. a
s Bold at Drug and Optical Stores or by Mall, a
g ask Murine En lUmedj Co, Chlcuo, for Fm Hook
HOUSE 67 TO 28
Itemt of General Interest Gathered
from Reliable Sources Around the
State House
Western Ncnxpnitrr Union Service
Triumphant over an Important op
position that died in the last ditch
H. 11. No. 1, the Hichmoml bill pro
vldlug for a special tax levy and
$700,000 appropriation to construct a
new east wing of the Nebraska state
capltol passed the lower branch of
the legislature by a majority of more
than two to one. It received sit
sown votes -enough to have (tut it
through with the emergency clause
had It carried that proviso. The
negative strength on the final show
down was but twenty-eight
.lust ahead of the capltol bill th.
federal aid road bill was voted upon
and passed by the still more dot i
slve division of 12 to IS. '
A third appropriation hill, pro
vldlug a fund of $l!0.000 to pay the
expenses of civil war veteran from
Nebraska attending the Vit-ksburg
battlefield celebration next summer,
went tlnough by 83 to 1.
Senate Is Hardest Worker.
Wliile the senate has plugged along
In a leisurely way. It has really tic- '
computed more toward the making
or laws than has the house, uecoiding
to statistics complied by Sonata Hook
keeper (Jus Heschorner Working
only forty-eight legislative days, the
senate has Intiodiiced bills,
passed 111! of them to th Iioum
killed forty-one or 12 per rent of
Its own measures, and the house lub
only passed two senate Hies, or two
thirds of one per cunt on to the
governor to .sign. The house, finish
ing Its fifty-fifth legislative day, had
only sent the senate ITU house rolls,
of which the senate has passed twen
tyone, or 12 percent; killed live, or1
.1 per cent; has put on general file
sixty-six or IIS per cent; anil his
placed on third reading twenty-nine, '
or u, per cent. The senate has
Dassed IIS per cent of Its bills, while
he house has been tolling over 22
per cent of itn own.
Another Antr-Cigaret Bill
Still another anll-cigaret bill has
been placed on the general lllo In the
house and will bo submitted to tho
sifting committee. II. H. 4 Hi. by NefT.
prohibits tho smoking of clgarets in
hotel dining rooms, restaurants or
boarding houses. It was recommended
for passage by the committee which
had it under consideration. The Fults
bill, passed by tho house some time
ago, prohibits such smoking In prac
tically all public places. The Ollls bill,
making it a misdemeanor for a county
attorney to refuse to enforce the antl
clgarot law. is still awaiting action, ns
is another one allowing adults to
smoke tho weed but making drastic
provisions against the practice among
Will Adjourn About April 10
It Is now hoped to adjourn this
legislature some time between April
C and April 10. Two years ago final
adjournment wns taken April 8, and
two years before that tho date was
April 10. In order to allow the
members to get away by Anril 10 '
tho sifting committeo plans to rush
its business ns much as possible.
Somo of the bills it will report out
promlso to undergo a lengthy dis
cussion in the house, and for that
reason it will bo necessary to speed
up on all of them. It is tho plan of
tho house leaders to put u motion,
within a work or ton i.-iv kin
all tho house rolls that have not i
been acted upon by tho committee
by that time.
Consider Land Good Investment
Nebraska farm land at tho price
of $200 per acre, for a state insti
tution housing several hundred in
mates, Is consldored by tho lower
branch of tho legislature n good in
vestment. By 51 votes to 1G. the
houso recorded itself In favor ol
purchasing 157 acres for tho Nor
folk Insane, hospital, additional to
the 400 acres It now bus, and pay
$31,400 therefor.
Suspension During Proceedings
Strengthening of tho Sackott law
for tho removal of public ofllclala
who fall to do their duty is tho pur
pose of a bill which tho Nebraska
houso has approved in committeo ol
tho whole. This bill, introduced by
i.Mr. Helsner, provides for tho sus
pension of any olllccr during oustor
proceedings against him, Instituted
by the attorney general nt the gov
ernor's direction. Tho governor ia
to nppolnt somcono olso to serve
temporarily until tho case is decided.
To Aid in Recovery of Stolen Autos
A hill requiring the owners of
garages nnd repair shops to keep a
rocord of automobile numbers and
owners, which was- said to have tho
hacking of tho atato sheriffs' asso
ciation und nutomobile clubs, ro
coived tho O. K. stamp of tho wholo
committee. It carries a maximum
penalty or two years In tho peni
tentiary or $G00 fine, or both, for
violations. Tho purposo Is to aid In
detecting thefts of automobiles.
No sick headache, sour stomach,
biliousness or constipation
by morning.
Cot a 10-cent box now.
Turn the rascals out tho headache,
biliousness, Indigestion, the sick, sour
stomach nnd foul gases turn them
out to-night and keep them out with
Millions of men nnd women take n
Cascaret now aud then and never
know the misery caused by a lazy
liver, clogged bowels or an upset stom
ach. Don't put In another dny of distress.
Let Cascarets cleanse your stomach;
remove the sour fermenting food;
take the excess bile from your liver
nnd carry out all the constipated
waste matter and poison In tho
bowels. Then you will feel groat.
A Cascaret to-night straightens you
out by morning. They work while
you sleep. A 10-cent box from
any drug store means a clear head,
sweet stomach and clean, healthy liver
and Itowel action for months. Chil
dren love Cascarets because they
never gripe or sicken. Adv.
A Little Skeptical.
"As I was walking through Central
park, in New York, when I wax there
lust summer," the fat plumber re
marked, "I saw a round, .-hallow sort
of vessel on top of w short post nnd I
have been wondering ever since what
it was."
"Where was it located?" the thin
carpenter asked.
"IJIght out In the middle of a lawn."
"And don't you know what that
"Well, I'll tell you. It was a bird
"Qultcher kiddln'."
"It's the truth."
"I don't believe it for a very good
"What is the reason?"
"ISocnuso I don't believe there Is a
bird on earth that can tell Saturday
night from any other time." Votings
tow 11 Telegram.
When your back aches, nnd your blad
der and kitlneyfl seem to be disordered, re
member it ia needless to Buffer go to your
nearest drug store nnd get a bottle of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root. It is a physician's
prescription for diseases of the kidneys
and bladder.
It has stood the test of years and has
a reputation for quickly and effectively
giving results in thousands of cases.
This prescription wns used by Dr. Kil
mer in his private practice and was so
very effective that it has been placed on
sale everywhere. (Jet a bottle, SOc and
$1.00, at your nearest druggist.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Dinghamton, N. Y., for a
samplo bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
He Ran Out of Ink.
A seven-year-old boy grow rather
peeved nt his eleven-year-old sister. IIo
believed that diplomacy rests largely
In note writing, so, instead of deliv
ering his opinion by word of mouth,
he retired to 11 safe and private place,
where he took his pen In hand and
wrote the following:
"Susie Is a hobo.
"Susie Is a bone head.
"Susie Is a skunk.
"Susie is a wart bog.
"Susie Is a polecat.
"Susie Is a hog.
"I could say more, but I will not bo
too hard on her."
Qlrlal Try Thlsl Makes Hair Thick,
Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful No
More Itching Scalp.
Within ten minutes nfter nn appli
cation of Dandcrlne you cannot find n
elnglo trace of dandruff or falling hair
nnd your scalp will not Itch, but what
will please you most will be after a
few weeks' use, when you see new
hair, fine and downy at first yes but
really new hair growing all over tho
A little Dandcrlne Immediately dou
bles the benuty of your hair. No dif
ference how dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, Just moisten n cloth with
Dandcrlne nnd carefully draw it
through your hair, tnklng one small
strand at n time. Tho effect Is nmaz
Ing your hair will be light, fluffy and
wavy, nnd have an nppenrnnco of
abundance; nn Incomparable luster,
softness nnd luxuriance.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's
Dnnderlne from nny store, and provo
that your hair Is as pretty and soft
ns nny thnt It has been neglected or
Injured by careless treatment that's
all you surely enn have benutlful hnlr
and lots of It If you will Just try a lit
tle Dandcrlne. Adv.
The Commercial Muse.
"Scribbler Is very fond of putting ad
vertisements In tho newspapers, Isn't
"Yes, very. Ho says that's about all
ho writes that gots Into print"
Proposed Changes In Prohibition
Amendment Delayed a Few Days.
The first volloy of the opposition
,o tho present drafted piohllution
bill, II It. 7!):i. was filed in the No
braska senate when n hatch or a
hundred senate amendments were
submitted by Robertson of Holt
The ptoblbltory bill hail been re
ported out on the sifting lllo ntul
nmdo a special order of business fot
Thursday. The gallery and the sen
nto floor was packed with spectator!
expecting to see the issues threshed
out on the tloor.
Instead of a consideration of the
bill, however, the dry wing of the
senate look immediate steps to con.
tlnuo the discussion as a special
order or business dm lug the present
week The drys declared they did
not care to consider the amendments
on the spur of the moment, without
first having hud a chance to study
and diitcst them.
l-'ollowlug nro some of the changes
called for:
Allow unlimited amount or llipior
on hand
Allows ethyl alcohol to be manu
factured Allows
elder lot
anyone to
make wine or
home use.
saloons ihliiy days after
May I to dispose of slock
Gives distilleries time ueivssary
to dispose of bonded goods.
Uukc restriction against adver
tising liquor,
Hoes not make it unlawful to have
Honor in one's possession.
l''ic's piopcrty owners lor prose
cution when place Is used for illegal
sale oi liquor
Iteuiiives clause allowing suits for
lltiuor damages against cities and
Anti-Pass Law to Stand
Nebraska's anti-pass law, enacted
ton years ago after a long and haul
light, will stand as It Is lor at least
two years more. In committee of the
wholo the lower house turned down
Helsner's bill to allow the use of
passes by "destitute, homeless and in
digent persons when transported by
charitable societies or hospitals;
traveling Y. M. (. A. secretaries and
statewide secretaries of various re
ligious denominations; persons en
gaged exclusively in charitable, be
nevolent anil religious work." In do
ing so It killed tho last chance to
allow the present legislature to let
down the bars on a law which haH
proved to be one of tho most popular
rorortns brought about within the past
Disarmament of Unnaturalized.
The senate went on record In favor
of disarming unnaturalized foreign
born persons who may bo found with
in tho state or Nebraska. It passed
S F. 184, Introduced by Tanner of
Douglas, a bill which Is aimed at
numerous Kuropenn railroad hands
who are said to lie In the habit of
hunting and shooting all kinds of
birds and who often defy ganio war
dens who ask to bo shown hunting
licenses. While tho bill Is Intended
to nld gnme wnrdens, Senator K. K.
Howell of Douglas, whose right to
n seat in tho senntv Is still unde
termined because of doubt as to his
naturalization, arose and asked to
bo excused from voting
To Validate Saline Land Sales
Tho lower houso has sent out of
tho Btandlng committeo Governor
Neville's bill, house roll No. SOU,
validating the Saline land sales made
In Lancaster county years ago, and
tho titles to which were recently dis
covered to bo defective. Tho gover
nor mado an Investigation of tho
matter and found that tho defect
was only technical In nature tho
failure of tho legislature to make a
bill tltlo as broad as tho act which
It carried and ho accordingly sent
a message to the houso urging the
passago of tho corrective bill at tin
present session.
Fast Answering Last Roll Call
That tho old veterans of the civil
war aro rapidly answering to the
last roll call, Is evident from tho
records of the state hoard of con
trol, which shows that for tho
months of January and February,
sixteen deaths vvero roportod from
tho two soldiers' homes of the stato,
ten from tho Grand Island institu
tion nnd six from 'Mllford.
Reducing Force of Employes.
On account of tho relaxing of work
In tho bill room, It Is announced by
tho committeo on employes that ton
or tho employes or thnt department
or tho Nebraska senate have been
lot off. During tho rush of tho
first hulf of tho session thero vvoro
seventeen employes In lhat depart
ment. Tho number Ih now reduced
to suvon, and thero Is a disposition
on tho part of tho committee to
still further reduce tho list.
For tho third tlmo this session
tho ndvocates of tho salo of tho
stato school lands havo sought tho
sanction of tho lower houso, aud
for the third tlmo their proposi
tion was given a flat turndownl Dur
ing consideration of tho Murtoy bill
to ro-appralso tho lands Cronln of
fered an amondmont to nllovv tho
salo of thoso lands under cultivation,
nnd aftor another lengthy discussion
this amendment wns defeated, with
not moro thnn ton men voting for It.
At times tho dobato over tho Uronln
j amondment grow u&oied.
$3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5
anve rvioney oy Wenrintf W. L.. Douglas
shoes. For imle by over DOOO shoo dealers.
The Mcst Known Shoes in tho World.
W- L. DougUs n.ime And the retail pner u st-impcd on the hot
" torn of alt show .it the factor)'. Tho value u guaranteed and
the wearer protected aguiut high prices for inferior slioei. The
retail price are the Mine everywhere. They cost no more in San
Francuco ih in they do in New York. They are always worth the
price paid for them.
'"T'lie quality ol W. I Dough product Li guaranteed by more
than 40 yean rtpenrnre in making fine Ikm. The smart
styles arc the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America,
rliey are nude in a well eotiippcd factory at Hroclctnn, Mass.,
by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, tinder the direction and
supervision of espericiued men, all working with an honest
determination to make the best shoes for the
vii ml.
Ask your Minn tinnier for V, T., Ilniiglns .boo. If lio run
not supply jroil stMIi ttm klml jtin tvittit, tiihn no olhrr
iiniko. Nrltn for Inton-Mlni; booklet oxi.liiliilni; liotr to
f;t .liomnf dm hl;liit nlreniliinl of iitintity for liin iirlrn.
y ruttirn until, pontut;,, fntr..
LOOK FOR W. L, Douglas
nnme nnd the retail price
stamped on tho bottom.
Keeping Youthful.
- 11 tiivliiiitiug wliluw of only
l Nummcr.s."
ill ' lint hcenmo of tin- wlti-
-orti. 1
v-bi' spent those nt siifb gnj re
lit'.v himlh nilib'il a iln.x lo her
I'liuuot chip wllb one baud.
You cihiiake Excellent Cake
With Fewer Eggs
Just use an additional quantity of Royal Baking-
Powder, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg
This applies equally well to nearly all baked
foods. Try the following- recipe according to the
new way :
Old Way
1 cup auiiar
S cup milk
Jcupn Hour
2 ti-nniHion. Kojrat tlaklni; 1'owd.r
3 cnr.n
S eup iitiortenlng
1 teatuoan lUvutlng
1 cue
2 tablespoon shortening
1 teaapoon Unvoting
Malcca 1 Larco 2-Laycr Coke
DIRECTIONS Creamttie miliar and atiortenlnstoitfttier.tlien mix Intliorcc.
After altllntf the Hour and Koyul llakitiir Powder together, two or three t linen,
add It nil to the mixture. Gradually add the milk and beat with apoon until
you haven smooth pour batter. Add the Unvoting. 1'our Into greased layer cake
tin and bake In 11 moderately hot oven (or twenty minutes. This cake Is best
baked In two layers. 1'iU together with cream rilling and spread with white Icing,
Dooklct of recipes which rconomlf e In eggs and other
opcnulve Ingredients mulled tree.
made from Cream of Tartar, derived from Grapes
No Alum No Phosphate
No Bitter Taste
Victor Hugo's Grandson.
(ScorKU Victor IIuku, the Kriinilsnii of
the ,roiit Victor 1Iuk, Ih uow show
Iiik In I'urls ubout 100 .shftcht'S which
tire uttriictliiK tircut attention. At iliu
beKlnriliiK of flu' vvnr ho wns u censor,
nn occupation In which he iiiireciutetl
too keenly the humor of exercising
Htieli 11 function by I lie Kriiiiilsou of
his Knintlfiither. So, In siIto of his
white hair, lie Kiive up the censorship
und set out for the tinny. He tlltl not
become n (,'enernl, but he Is it lieuten
ant. After a year and a half at the
front he has returned from I'hiiinpmjne
with a hundred choice aciiiarelle.s,
which all I'arl.s Is running to see. He
has added somewhat to the splendor
of the name of Iluo, as he bus been
twice In the course of the war cited
in the orders of the day for meritori
ous conduct.
"Kratilc," said the teacher sternly,
"you were late this morning."
"Yes'm," replied the boy, blushing
to the roots of his hair. "I had to net
up In the middle of the iilht and run
for the doctor."
"I'll excuse you this time, Kranl;,
but I hope It will never happen iiKiiln."
"That's what pa said, too," was the
unexpected answer.
Her Experience.
Temperance Worker Does Mr. AIll
IlKiin llvo hero?
Mrs. MIIIIkiui- Sure. Carry him In.
"?' '. ' -
$6 $7 & $8 a&BMSSH
price that money
Boys' Shoes
Zvt, for WMsL
I VfOt krzSQfjr
hv -r niwior iir a ir j
suDsinuTu wy
fjjf t Beit In the World
4&rvLre4 $3.00 $2.50 & $2.00
PrrnMiMit ('VV. IM Doticlii Nhix, (,'.,
1H5 Spnrk St., Ilrotltlon, Mans.
Enst Indian Rulers.
Saint Mhal Singh, writing In the
Southern Workman, mi.vk: "Without n
single exception I have found the In
dian rulers to be men of great admin
IMruthe ability und Mutcsmntishlp, nil
devoted lo the welfare of their sub
jects and interested In all sorts of re
torui movements."
Life Is but thoiighl. Carlyle.
New Way
I cup nuiiar
1 cup milk
2 cup. dour
4 trn.poon. Koyal llaklna I'owdar
W William St., New York
Pupley's Fowlo.
When l'upley Invested In six worse-for-wear
hens, he made stralKlitway
for the local grocer, and Inquired
whether that Kciitleniaii would give
him market price for the produce of
his feathered stock.
The grocer smiled at his hopeful
ness, and told him he would be only
too pleased to buy at current rates. To
his surprise, l'upley called round with
11! es as the result of his hens' first
week's exertions. An hour or two nf
ter the tradesman had retailed tho
llrst of the ckkh, he called round on
"I'd like to see your hens," lie said;
"there's something I enn't understand
about them."
l'upley piloted hltn down the garden.
"There they are," he remarked;
"splendid strain. I've given them u
good run, you see. but this wet weath
er I hey get Into a frightful pickle I"
"Oh I that accounts for It," answer
ed his visitor.
"For what?"
"Accounts for their Inylng pickled
eggs," said the grocer.
Mrs. Mulligan (at 1 a. m.) What
friend helped ye home, yo dlvll?
Mulligan (nursing his Jaw) Shure,
It niusht liov been the Inluiy 'twus nc
Hunger Is sharper than the sword.
Heaumont and Fletcher.
There's a good way
to keep growing boys and girls
healthy and happy and that is
to give them
for breakfast.
This wonderfully nourishing
food has a sweet, nutty flavor that
makes it popular with children.
One of the few sweet foods
that does not harm digestion, but
builds them strong and bright
Jit grocers everywhere.