: : : r SUto Historical VOLUME 15 h-H'.: To Money Talks that passes through your hands r i.i -r ..!.. TAr 1'nii mil i i n'nri' riin imlii ivuvu.uuin v.w w,.o v..ov w..w,.w v..w w ,. v , to where would you get yours? The place for money is in a ..if reliable bank like ours, but subjecl to your check. Hoard ing money takes it out of circulation and it is constantly liable to be lost. Money on deposit talks and the things it says to you are "security, : invite you to open an account Webster County Bank $ RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITA! ami Hl'UIMiUS lM.O(H 'c:. - :: - :X":":x:::":: - :::: - X":":":":') Quality : Cleanliness Anything bought of us goes out with a Money Back GUARANTEE to Please OUR STOCK IS FRESH AND NEW j Plenty of Good Things to Eat in Staple and Fancy Groceries t$ Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. HIGHEST PRICE PAID for BUTTER and EGGS Fresh shipment Lowney's Chocolates, (box bulk) Agency Folger's Coffees and Teas. Fresh Sepnrat ed Cream Daily. Fresh Hastings Dread, Coma In and Givo Our Goods a Trial b Iq JL JLgiLJL W'H WILL AIMMMX I ATI-: A sIIAIJLOF VOl'I! COHL ORDERS PLATT & FREES Gerald Kellogg Injured A vory 1 sti, miij aei .lent uti-uiie.! in out' e ly on !..sl i vimiiiij,', when Oerald lvill' whs -tiuek by an auio mobile iH-'. n Ia I i.hi . VavaitoUa Tho facts i.e. ivwl thtn from n ovo wit lies-a. mat ib-iald un.l a ntlinborototl.il b. v won pU I114J ball oil Webster uti. t. (jeiabl b.-mif '.11 tho not of runulnr b.-tweeiibaeK, dht not o.Uomo late llroadwav success.,, at, hoed tl,.w.rluB..rth.drlWr of tho'Viillfi.SrTll V enr, who was unab'o to stop tho oar in tiino to pieveiit htiih titf the tioy. Wliilo we must admit many drivers talc. (j the liberty of spoedini 011 the etrootfc of our city, Mr. VavuricU ( was drivliiR bis car at 11 olnw .speed and sounded n waru'ui'r In ample timu to avoid tho (nl:i-iou if tho boys hud hooded the warning Dr. Mirchell was siuniiinnp'J an I d'd CVorythiiiK pi.ble to nheo tho Mlf forli)t;s of the injure I boy An exam ination revealed that Um crest of tho ilium had been broUeu. I 1 I T)r. and Mrh. 13, A. Croitflitou weut to Mucoln, Wednesday morning. Soeli ty . ' " L .............. be sure Money Talks, es- -1 l !. ;; SFjr-Yj- j .... - JMMM' Hl i.i in li - HHiiL)1 pccinly if is adlively employ ed. Money that is idle is asleep If vou could hold all the money it would be a fine thing P1l I ll ,.. ..!.... iiiiiiiwiii i f v:iuii' iii.iii i comfort, satisfaction." W with us. I '4 i - X":":" vvvwvvvwvv : Price : Servic Don't Hesh&te to Send the Children to Our Store We extend the same courtesies to the Little Tots as we do to Adults Their wants receive careful attention wm YOU& GROCER ii. Ilillnifin in New York V sir In lee. ipt nf a letter fioni I", 1' 11 1 man. whn, with his ass'HUiiit linuatr. Harry M)hna. lii boon in New oik for tho uit mouth, piirui; lntr people, lousing phi,s, dchlinlnkr , uostuuifft mid tcenery for the two I till- inuii e nnpaiiios next m-mmoii. Mr. Hill man wntes that ho has already i-oour 1 ino- vioiis (ears I : t Ii plaj helO duiin0' tin shews e.Npeet lo till or winter. Tho Hamilton - Gather Clothing Co. SdccMiori lo Paul Storey Everything a Man or Boy Wears Red Cloud Nebraska I '" ' A Nr.Hstiiipf.r That (lives Thr. Nr.KS Flfh-ttto Weeks Enr.li Year For $1.50. KKI) CLOUD, XHItKASItA. MAI.M'II 29, 1JU7. Five Big Entertainments I , Tlio next nttiaettoti wmthy of note I will In- 'University WYol '. dates of which are Match :tl to April ft. Kaoh l - WlltHH loNCOpt MllldaU II Complete CIllllimMlf prilKI'HIII Will 1)0 lllllllo. '1 he object of "l nlvorsity WeoU" is . Kivo the people a moioilelinato bleu the i nivoisuy ami acquaint the tn payors with the j-oiiiik pooplo who ni-(,r toml this oiluoiitlnnal institution. Tin Cdiirso will consist of II vo limn- burs ns tollows: Cailct Hand, Ciluc ! Club, Diaiiiiitio Club, Musical opora anil Faculty lootiiro. ' The tiist attraction. Hut unlay, March 31 will be the Cadet ll.uul. (onsihtin of forty pieces, with C IS. Cnrnell, Ph. I) as direetoi This attraction will consist ol twelve musical iniinbcr.s. II you ai o a lover of music this attraction alone, is worth the price ot the enlliu season ticket. 1 The second attraction, Monday Apiil 2 will be "Alias .liinniy Valentine" picseiited b.s the University l'layon-. . The very besl tulellt ill the Clilvei Sty lias beiii stdeeted to piesciit this pla. 11 oii h.oo ue.er seen this play be Sine to attend and If Jon hae M-'CIl II do not hesitate to cm e. as it will le iiiLeifstiii; to you to note how elo--the lines ol ciiiiipiili-oii will be diinsii between these pla. ei.s and hij,'li halac led statue lavot ites I'ollow ink is the program and east for these two enlei'tainincnt: .v'lUKI)AY V. KNI.Mi IJAMl ( OMTOI I'Aur um: 1. "ArnsoJ Anunci". Marcli Piyoi 2. "Military Symphony" I lady n 3. liuphomuin Quailelle hy !'..)(. Cornell. 1 1. N. Aldnch. L. M. Kcdelfj, L. V. Kline 4. "Celebrjted Minuet" Paderewski 5. (jI Chorale Cornell (b "I I)mn to Nebraska" Cornell I Mil two I. Ovciture, "Zanipa" Heiold J. .Selection, "Kmnhts o( the Nympha" .... Mcidiiger 3. " Walther Trnumlicd" WaRner Arranged or Wood Waul 4 "Polanauc Militant" Chopin 5. "Inlermtvo Sinfoinco1 Ma'tagn1 (. ""IheKedMan" '"ousa Clos.ng wilh "lar spangled Banner". :moNI)v kvunmnc: "l ls .II1IMV VI I.M'IM.' With llic foilowittg cnit in the order of ihcir appearance I lundler. Waidcn o( bing Siny 1'runn .. Mr. I louvud Vl'ilion -until. Iiu clerk Mr. Clarence I l.igchn I inyle, a drlectivo Ml !piny Gardnir Mill Aery, nn old offender . Mr Lad Kubik Mil, W'cbiler ol llio Gale of I lope "ociely . Mi Carolyn rvmbtl Mr. Moore of the Gate of Hope "ocu'y.. Mil, Geo Gather Young Rob'( Iroy. Ueut. Governor of Nev Yo-k . Mr. J Gwynnl .xvler R. e Lntir, hit niece .... Mim Louik- cli-nlnnd Ulmky. a fo-ger Mr. Cailyslc Joins Lee Randall .doing ten years for burglar) un- I der the name of Jimmy Valentine) Mr. Maun Claik Wru. Lane, Roic'i father, on lllinoit bail". . Mr. I toward X i's n Vain II, c!uk Mr. Clareme I i.igelm Red Joclyn, a "Yegg," Valentine' Lroih. 1. , Mr. J. Gwynn I owler Bobby, RoseU brother. . ..Mm Lliabrih Brown K tly, Rote'' i.ler .. . ,Mn Collier n-Pierce illiamt. a bank clcik '. Mr. Paul 1 lagehn I' me Preienl. ACT I U'aiden'i ofneo, Ktng Sng "risen. w Yoik. AC I 11 A monili inter, rarior in ii'iciai Albany. New Yoik, I Acr, sccne 1. Assistant Cadaer's offie I' 11st Nalonal Hank, Hpnnficld, lllinou. '"ccne 2. I'tve minutes Uler. Interior cf batik. Odd Fellows Notice All members of P.eu Adlietn lodj,'e are roijiiostud to ini'et at, their hall al (1 ID Satin day morning to atteii 1 tho funeial horvlces of U10. ,1. O ( ddwoll. 15. VWHikwauiX. Georgo 1'opo, who injured his limb about three months ago, is able to be down town again. Defendants File Answer J All answer has been tiled in ili-t riot ' ,.,,, , lt, t. ,.MM,f j, in,isn,ii, vs .1. II. Huiiov nil I UfM-mi- nitii-i cih ,.is 111 UodCiOUd III winch planttlV llsl,. jldu'0lllillt flir.'UlllHI lloclllllll- ,., t,',,t ,it tin tonuest of .lt-f n liiiils and the citv pivotnm-m In-mh.W wc s nlH.u w,.,,. ,.(,m.,.iod with tin veils tin U-.I Clou 1 witti il. .iitmint in slu.j, Sl niiinuor us tn supply a Millki.nit aninunt ol wntor fur tin- 'inuinoip iiily. i.-,,. t lii, i litt oiiv .-iinl tin. l..i.ml.iiit. , n,...s woio li pav .l p.-r .lav t.ir nil iiiilotluiilo poiiml Tins was m mil ilMl ,,,in.'iits won. ilisouu'iniu-.l hi j mn 1 l:i ,ti i ill' thoiolun Minitht tJunoo ,ii,K,.s. The def.ui.laiils ull.ire in 1 1,,. , answoi that phitnt , was t.i sup ply jmi.ohu bullous ..f wai.i p.-r day ,j, ,ml , l(.x, .,..,. t!,!ltl Mt.i.uDuil.un , ttlls supplied au.l I ha mil in ii to 1 o ol any lle. The p' el W.is thi'll aliaiiilnni.cl and plaint ill an. I nispaiimr ,,f, ,,., ci, I'avui.-tiis wlneiiMi. m,k.,t uiv,. cniuiiii; It. mi h i . w. n assigned In eii'diloi s iukI i.i." w.ie Kept up until I hesc et hints w. i e y i.d. afier which tho w.ie 1 1-. n 1 1 mi.'il . A mot 'u'lir-'' W I ' '' ""' ' "" ' ' o I iinl on w hleh i he Wi Is u . i .. I.n ,il. I nml n tth.'l pin. 1. 1 ill' n i In.. 'v In. ii. intfr. -I lo the hiime. 1 u sd i m .t. .lout Hid. Miss Maude Mct'iine, ilaiiu'iitii of Mr. and Mr-. Kd MeCiuie.aiul Mr Ivl Metcall, son of I.i. Mote ( f, Sr., weie united in marrlai,!) al the Cliristiim oliuich paisoiuiKo by ltev .1 1. lichee, on .Sunday afternoon at .i .1(1 They weie attended by Mr. and Mrs. l'Yod W'allin, tin latter a sister of tho ioom I'hey will be at home to their many friends on tho f.uiu owned by Mrs Nellie Module. i$aCT.V35(TZOTifX22 - rLf, i" ilf,1 I A Jl i- - 1 In th e CJ Every maid and every matron strives to Ico'c her best on Easter Sunday. Q This year, lo a very great degree, your Spring coal or suit will stamp you as a critical dresser. 1 Buy il here you will not be disappointed in your appearance, we can promise you. Whl J rii VJ 1(1 1 i"y rf. Stylish Combine every quality of style and refinement. These splendid garments measure up to ihe highest demands of Dame Fashion smart, elegant and radiating youth and beauty. i You will find they combine every requirement of style, durability, economy. R. P. WEESNE srrtMln5r-- 'Terror, .-, -jr It WHCN YOU BUY A WATCH OR A CLOCK YOU WANT TO KNOW FIRST THAT IT KEEPS THE RIGHT TIME. OURS DO. YOU WANT IT TO BE UP-TO-DATE. OURS ARE. YOU WANT THE PRICE TO BE RIGHT. OURS IS. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT: THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEMHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist I3TC B. 8l Q. Watch Inupcctor !T2OTOT5SN5W8irrv& vrn fiAwywjeiriv Bastet ilex, uassic ancs fas Coats and Su Miner Bldg., Red Cloud, Nebraska NUMHER 1! CQAQ ibu can depend upon Our Time-pieces and Everything we sell iTO3MCTca7'OTcniw,xt iw. wiuwiuwiiB o Q Distinctive P drS Da hion trail it R CO ti