RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Eat SKINNERS Macaroni !IS SELF IttioVe SKINNER'S Macaroni 117 4ljo larAosr vnacaroni -factory 117 Anjerica and I aii) very particular l;ow 1 117 alto ir All Apod Grocorc .sell lk iwo JarAc rackaoos H( 25 aLw -f IbbbbbbbbbbbJ R' IbbbbbbbbbbbI jffjirtjPK jv j w ml J if X I t. 'mar ' ' I CU2 tAy Jlijn ruri Cut clown Tr;e Ji)) coctoF iTZXL' JiecillI or your Tarouy dv jorvim 01lJTPLn4i -lacai -orji arjcl SparjeTri two orxljree Tinjcs aweol Children I0V0 ir aijcl ftriVe oi)iT.lristbeLesrPoj5iUeiooclior amura lMsliV vSfev ?fclt(l PI ! KMTfSlri nmnriiniT ff.'--nrji-vl -yv 3 imT-3I?S-?)IV TlT 7 H """' - 11 A PA II II III vVCcrI5:n7J (sXS 3HJ Amblguouo. "My Jiuslmnd's n brute," sobbed the pretty bride. "Whnt has he done?" asked her sym pathetic friend. "I told him todny I had n letter say ing mother was 111 and couldn't come to visit us." "And what did he do?" "He said he said he hoped It was .toothing trivial." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOUIA, that famous old remedy ior Infants and children, and see that It Bears tho r ZZSZ Signature of (JtaZ4UcJUt In Uho for Ovor 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Found Her Out. "I found Mrs. Smith in when her maid said she was not at home." "So you found her out 1" Universal Service. Certain-teed stands for universal service. In every part of the world you will find Certain-teed products "doing their duty," in all kinds of weather and under all conditions rendering Uni versal service of the best kind. Certain-teed Roofing gives Universal Service to all who use it. For factories, office buildings, farm build ings, garages, etc., CERTAIN-TEED is the efficient roof. It costs less to buy, less to lay and less per year of life. It is light-weight, clean, sani tary, weather-proof and fire retardant. For residences CERTAIN-TEED Slate Surfaced Shingles have all the advantages of CERTAIN TEED Roll Roofing, plus artistic beautyA CERTAIN TEED is guaranteed for 5, 10 or 15 years, according to thickness (1, 2 or 3 ply), but lasts longer than the period of guarantee. If you arc building or need a new roof, it will pay you to investigate CERTAIN-TEED before deciding upon any type of roof. Sold by leading deal ers all over the world at rea sonable prices. 1 iw jueAH CERTAIN-TEED PRODUCTS CORPORATION General Roofing Mfg. Co., Gregg Varnish Co., Mound City Paint and Color Co. New York Chicago Philadelphia St.LouU Boitoo Cleveland Pittsburgh Detroit Buffalo Sap FrancUco Milwaukee Cincinnati NewOrleana LoaAngelea Minneapolis Kaniai City Seattle Indianapolli Atlanta Richmond Grand Rapid NathvlU Salt Lake City DoeMolnas Hoiutoaj DoJutb London Sydney Havana Y SiAnaniro Ir on ovtary Package of SKINNER'S Macaroni I will 501) J fi be mm nil C00K Bool rco to every woinnn reader oP rlis paper 5oi)d for your Copy Today vy Oi) oJi Paclo m, liVigA and PreserVo Tl;o Woman Judges in Queensland. Woman Justices are sitting in the present session of the high court at llrisbniic, Australia, for tho llrst time in the history of Queensland. Alfalfa seed, $0; Sweet Clover, $S. J. W. Mulhall, Sioux City, la. Adv. Shocking. Aunt Sarah (horrified) Good gra cious, John, what would your mother suy If she saw you smoking cigarettes? John (calmly) She'd have a fit. They're her cigarettes. Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription miikea weak women Btrons, sick women well, no alcohol. Sold in tablets or liquid. Adv. A little truth goes a long way if it Is stretched. Nothing Jolts n woman's sweet and trusting disposition like marriage. Certain-teed Paints & Varnishes give Universal Service because they are good, dependable products, honestly made from high grade materials, by ex pert paint men, and guaran teed to give satisfaction. Mixed by modern machinery which eliminates the uncer tainties of hand mixing and insures absolute conformity to the expert's formula on the label. The extensive or ganization for selling and dis tributing all CERTAIN TEED products reduces costs to ?. minimum, and makes it possible to sell CERTAIN-TEED Paints and Varnishes at very rea sonable prices. Whether you do your own painting or employ a painter it will pay you to insist on getting CERTAIN TEED. Any good dealer can supply you. If he doesn't carry CERTAIN-TEED he can get it for you. G PENITENTIARY LIGHT AND POWER 8ELLE TO OTHER STATE INSTITUTIONS BOARD GREAT BUSINESS Items of General Interest Gnthertd from Reliable Sources Around tho State Houso WVMett) Net'i1W'r Pii!n Npm ,"ervlre. Charging each state- Institution for tho electric light service which its penitent Inry power plant provides is the plan of tho state board of control for putting that plant on a self sup porting basis. Tho service lights tho Lincoln hos pital for the insane. Orthopedic hos pital, the capitol building, the govern or's mansion, the homo for dependent children, in addition to the penltvn tlary Itself. Vouchers have just passed through the hands of the state auditor show lag that the hospital for the iusauu has paid out $;i,457.1!0 for hcrxlcc since April 1. litlt!. Tin1 charge Is at tho rate of 2 cents a kllowat. Outside of the strictly business end of the enterprise, the charge might be (ailed by some a case of robbing lVter to pay Paul, since all state In stitutions are under the state board of control. In the ease of tho hospital mentioned, the cost of tho lights arn transferred from the asylum cash fund to tho cash fund of the penitentiary I'ndor the new plan, tho board of control has asked the legislature to reduce the penitentiary appropriation about JL'O.OOO for the biennium on the ground mat the power plant can pay its own keep It takes nothing from the other institutions since they would otherwise have to pay for tholr lights, probably on a higher basis. Echo of Capitol National Failure. Appointment of three members of each legislative house to investigate tho desirability of suing the directors or the failed Capitol National bank of Lincoln for slate money Involving tho nmount of $300,000, lost when that Institution went under, Is asked In resolutions Introduced In tho houso and senate. The federal supremo court decision has held that tho direc tors nro liable In their personal and individual capacity for all damages and the object of the resolution 1b to dctermlno tho willingness of the stato legislature to report the "amount of litato loss and tho probability of re covering the same." Passes Federal Aid Bill. Tho house In committee as a wholo has passed houso roll 722, which nc ccpts the federal good aids. Tho bill lovies .05 of a mill for threo years to meet tho requirements of tho fed eral net granting aid to tho states in the building of permanent highways. This Is tho end of one of tho hardest fought issues In tho houso this ses sion. Insurance Board Did Big Business. Tho stnto Insuranco hoard did a ' $150,000 business in February alono and Us ledger still shows a balanco duo from insuranco companies of $100, 454.30, according to tho monthly state ment JiiEt Issued by Insuranco Com missioner W. B. Eastham. It is tho biggest February business In tho his tory of the department. During tho quarter ending February ,oot!,l0.lJCpa.r,tI!,e.nt ,"JcclvC(I ,n ca8h $93,927.42, which b distributed among tno iouoxving ninus in tnis proportion: school fund, $2,88G; cash fund, $3, 354.58; general fund, $87,080.84. From the 103 companies In tho stato tho department has $140,24G,29 In taxes charged, of which $84,242.09 has been paid. Soy Figures Disprove Statement. While charges havw been made that appropriations of tho 1915 loglslaturo exceeded $9,800,000 and Increased amazingly over tho appropriations of tho 1913 session, figures given out by the stato assessment board show that but $0,300,000 waB raised from tho taxpayers for tho blennlum of 191C and 1916. A commlttco comprising Wilson of Dodge. Adams of Dawes nnd Chappoll of Kearney appointed last week to investigate rumors that stato officers ami memners or 1110 icgisiaturo havo been receiving freo telophono servlco and that tho telophono interests are using freo servlco to dofcat tnlcphono legislation, has not yet announced n meeting. It Is understood tho records of stato ofllcors aro to bo investigated with tho end In view of ascertaining xvhether such ofTlcialB aro using tele phones for prlvato purposes and charg ing tho expenso to tho stato. It Is charged that tho sifting com mlttco ns proposed In the upper houso would contain only ono prohibitionist. If thnt Is true, say tho drys at tho other end of tho capitol, thoro may bo somo grounds for nn Omaha lltpior merchant's going on tho assumption that tho penplo xvlll bo allowed to stock up tholr xvlno cellars prior to May 1. If property manipulated tho prohibition enforcement bill could bo held up by tho sonata sifting com mlttco until tho drys had agreod to strlko out tho provision regarding tho nmount of boozo on hand when pro hibition takos effect AUTO TOLL ROADC Hnve Sanction of Lower House of Legislature. Auto toll roads throughout the more , lhlill settled parts of NeluasKa are an inunt'illute posslbillt.s as the result of action by the house in approving the Peterson Jackson bill. II It 710. 1 to allow corporations to "la out, lo- ! cute, (oiiMiiu t, furnish, maintain oper ate and i iy hard surfaced toads for' the transportation thereon of ti eight, j cxpn s.s and passengers by means of ' auto elileivs" I I'nder the pioposed law sut h toipo ' rations ate to lie given the tight oJ etnltii'tit domain, subject to the same tegulations as thoM gowtniiiK the nillwiiy lompaiiles, which im-aus that they 111:1 v take possession of as much real es-ate as Is necesMiir to ptovlde for their roads, tat'on and work shops While It is undet stood that. In the event of the passage ot the lull, the llrst ptoject undet taken would be to build a road ft mil Omaha to l.lmolu, it is uho lnllied by some that mil h projects i until be carried out with success between other cities in at lous parts of the state. Tlie action of the house In approv lug the Peterson. lackson toll toads bill ma result In their establishment in attous portions ol the state, par ticularly in the eastern section State Dank Deposits Increase. Deposits In state banks of Nubrnska for die last three months increasi d ti.dt',4 L'Ti: -t I, in spite of lluancial predictions that the tide had reached its height This is accotillug to the abstnn t of tho condition at the close of business February lit, made public by Acting Secretary Johnson of the state banking board. This Is the largest iuarteil in crease it is said, on iccord in the of lice of the banking board. The total deposits In the Sit! banks reporting amounted to JlUl.r.'.n.SOlMO. distributed among KJ'J.ltSl depositors Tho total at the previous call was $105,000.(100, and six mouths ago $140,000,000. During the year 1010 the number of the new state banks was only Increased by thittytwo. Sinie the decision of the Nebraska supreme court In l-'cbruaty denied the right of tho state hanking board to withhold or reject charters ot appli cants, the number of state banks up to Saturday afternon hud been I111 reused to 870 Only S-P5 were in operation, however, at the time of the rVbrunrv call. To Amend Compensation Dill A bill amending the xvorkmt n's com pensation law has hvun reported out by tho house committee on labor and placed on general tile. It is II. It. 525, and hns been amended to include) tho main provisions of two other bills, H. II. 44 and II. It. 182. In general, tho effect of the amended bill is as follows: 1. Allows an Injured employe, or In case of death, his personal repre sentative, six months time after the injury in which to decide xvhether ho will accept compensation under tho laxv or bring suit for damages. 2. Raises compensation lor total disability or loss of members, from one half to two-thirds of weekly xvagea continuing for specified periods of time. 8. Reduces Initial non-compensatory period for minor injuries from txvo xveeks to one xveek. A bill foi bidding employers to do duct from tho wages of their employ- I cs, tinder nny circumstances, was killed by the labor committee. An appropriation of $20,000 for pay ing tho railroad fare and other ex penses of Nebraska civil war veterans to VIckBburg for tho memorial anni versary celebration to bo held at tho national cemetery thero this year has I been reported out by tho finance mni00 of tbo houso. This was .1 om- lone over the opposition of Chairman Hies clck The hill Is one that Messrs. Jacobson and Fred Johnson Intro duced. Its supporters have been mak ing the sentimental plea that this Im probably tho last opportunity tho stato will have to do anything of a substantial nature for the civil wnr voterans, owing to the rapidly increas ing death rato which Is carrying them off. They have madu a partial can vass of the houso members and nro confident of pusslng the bill. In tho list of bills reported out In the house Is onw from the labor com mittco providing an eight-hour day for all occupations save farming. "Measures to prevent "monopoly con trol" of farm products are recom mended to tho legislature In a report ' flicd by the special committee ap session. Chief I pointed early in the cierk Potts started to read It, but tho houso grow rostlvo after ten or fif teen minutes and nn effort was mada to sldotrack tho document. Thereupon Mr. McAllister, chairman of tho com mittee and author of tho report, camo forward and began reading it himself. Ho xvas Interrupted by a motion lo order It printed In tho Journal. Senate Passes Landlord Bill Adjutant General Phil Hall of tho Nebraska national guard has an nounced that ho will urgo the xvar department to establish a summer ! training enmp for civilians at the rifle f rango grounds at Ashland. Theso grounds nro a government reservation, "Ashland 1b an ideal plnco for sum mer camp work," said General Hall. "A continuous enmp could be main tained through tho summer not only for Nebraskans, but for men from other states. I liopo to get sufficient funds to mako badly needed Improvo monts which will mako tho grounds still mcro eultablo for tho camps." Keep It Handy Word off attacks of grip, colds nnd indigestion by timely medication with tho thoroughly test. hI and reliable remedy of tho Araerl. can household PERU1MA It's tcttcr to be safo than sorry. Mimy n lotut rjtl of illstrrMlnil AlcXnrM mlilht hnvo turn iitwrnted If this proved rcmrdy lirul tx-on trvitteJ to In ttip (lft Mnfid. Any nrUclr that lint tirrn cMU Irntly utcii Inr neatly tmir n rrntury has rrl lit value. Tnlilet form it yuudetlreil. At your drawisn. THE TIWHK CO. ONUm, OV Supply Depot. "Wombat serin- tn I" Kettltig He It fast, hat's In- up tn1' ' "1 bellce he's running a sen Ice station lor fountain pens." GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Few persons can be sick who ne j Green's Aunust Flower. It has been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered .stomach and Inactive liver, stub as sick headache, eonstlpti- , t Ion, sour stomach, nervous Indices. , Hon. fermentation of food, palpitation , of the heart from gases created In the stomach, piilns In Hie stomach, and many other organic disturbances. August Flower Is a gentle ItiMitlve. regulates digestion, both In the stem neb and Intestines, cleans and sweet ens the Moiiiiich and whole alimentary canal, and stimulates the liver to se crete the Idle ami impurities from the hlood. Try It. Two doses will relieve you. I 'sod for fifty years In every 'town and hamlet In the I'tilted States and in all clvlli-zed countries-. Adv. Nebraska Leads the World. Now that Kurnpcun production has been shut off. Nebraska leads tho world In the potash Industry. Died of Premature Old Age! (BT v. m, rn:ncu, ai. d. IIoxv ninny times xve hear of compara tively young persons passing uxvny when they should have lived to be 70 or 80 years of age. This fatal xxork Is usu ally attributed to the kidneys, as, when the kidneys degenerate. It causes auto intoxication. The more Injurious the poisons passing thru the kidneys, the quicker will those noble organs be de generated, and the sooner they decay. To prevent premature old age and promote long life, lighten the xxork of the kidneys by drinking plenty or pure water all titty long, and occasionally tun ing Anurlc (double strength) before meals. This enn be obtained at drug stores. Anurlc will overcome such con ditions as rheumatism, dropsical sxvell Iiuih. cold extremities, scalding ami burning urine and sleeplessness due to constant urlslug. Practical War Economy. Soft collars and "olllce overalls" for men, dark blouses and citrtalnless par lors for women, are all on the pro grant of Knglnnd's "save the laundry bills to help the war" campaign. In cidentally, the authorities are pointing out that xvheti the hands ami lace are washed carefully, the loxvels do not haxo to be laundered so often. I?e careful how you give advice, somebody might take It. The Quinine That Does Not Cause Nervousness or Ringing In Head Because of its Tonic and Laxative effect, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the head. It removes the cause of Colds, Grip and Headache. Used whenever Quinine is needed. but remember there is Only One "Bromo Quinine" That im the Original Laxative Bromo Quinine Thim Signature on Every Box r IJrMmm. MjW W In Onm amy 0 . S j&rtrvts' Farm Hands Wanted Western Canada Farmers require 50,000 American farm labourers at once. Urgent demand sent out for farm help by the Government of Canada. Good Wages Steady Employment Low Railway Fares Pleasant Surroundings Comfortable Homes No Compulsory Military Service Farm hands from the United States are absolutely guar anteed against conscription. This advertisement is to se cure farm help to replace Canadian farmers who have en listed for the war. A splendid opportunity for the young man to investi gate Western Canada's agricultural offerings, and to do so at but little expense. V Only Those Aooustomod to Farming Nood Apply For particulars as to railway rates and districts requiring labour, or any other information regarding Western Canada apply to W. V. DENNETT, Room 4, Beo nidp;., Omaha, Near. Canadian Government Agent -j j 1 W 'I ii '- ''II' HW Alrblup Losses In Europe. An idlli ml r- npii iilm tf ti in Merlin of the stiitMim of nli'-lilp losses dur ing the year 1!MC Indlcnies that tho Cermatis lost 'J J I machines and their opponents siicrlllced 7s. The bulk of the lossrs en In it It sides was III tllO West, where the (ieriunns lost 18t airships ami the Imgllsh and French 7,'l!t. it Is declared. A busy man talks but little, body nexer steps talking. A busy- The first sneeze is the danger signal. Time to take CASCAI1A QUININE The old family rcmctly-ln tablet form- Mile, sure, fy to tiike. No oplntcs, no unpleasant after effects. Cures colds tn 24 lumrs-CJilp In J days. Money back If it fails. Get tho (jenulnc box with Ked Top nnd Mr. lllll's picture on It 25 cents. At Any Drugstore For Hang-on Coughs, Colds Omaha, Neb. -"All of last winter I was Just about clown and out with n heavy cold on my lungs that the old fashtonetl home remedies I bad been necustnmed to taking did not seem to touch. I xvitH Just about to send for the doctor when my brother advised me to try Dr. Pierce's (Joltlen Medical Discovery. I only took the one bottle, but It certainly did give me wonderful relief mid I believe saved me from n siege of pneumonia. My people luivo used Dr. Pierce's remedies for moro than twenty years ami consider them to be most reliable." MRS. CORA 13. JOHNSTON, .M00 I St. If you cannot obtain Dr. Pierce's, flohlen Medical Discovery at your dealer's, send $1.00 to Dr. Pierce. In valids' Hotel, IlufTnlo, N. Y., and ho will mall large package of the tablets, or send fit) cents for smaller size. No alcohol or narcotic, l'urely herbal. Ingredients printed on wrapper. A Drawback. "A nhfitogruiihcr has one business dlsadxaiitage." "What Is that?" "He has to lake every customer Ids face value." at One squeeze llulsltes u lemon, but It only gets 11 girl Interested. t'niitontinont Is a virtue, but even In the mutter of virtues one should be- -ire of (outlterfells. Ummd thm World Ovw Im Curm m Oold o AC m n