The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 22, 1917, Image 5

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Tag day Is coming.
Sam Jones spent 1'riday in Blue
Art Carpenter of Lebanon was in the
city r'rlday
IJoy SattleVi undertaker-auto heaise
in connection.
Will Robertson was in St. .loe the
lust of the week.
Bye Shepherdson was down from
Rlverton, Monday.
Don't fail to see those Mlna Taylor
aprons at Albright's.
Ed Burr of Guide Hook was iti the
city Saturday night.
Miss Frances Nolan went to River
ton, Sunday evening.
Earl MoKimmoy spent Sunday with
friends at Arapahoe.
Supt. 1'. M. Whitehead spent the
weekeud in Lincoln.
Mrs. Tom SwarU spent Thursday
With friends at IUvertou
Earl Young of Chester was iu the
city the last of tho week.
Attorney II. S. Foe attended district
court at Nelson, Monday.
aMr. and Mrs. Earl Hall returned
liome from Hastings, Friday.
Mel McCall attended the Woerner
sale near Superior, Tuesday.
Mrs. Robt. Avery went to Superior,
Monday, to visit her parents.
Rats won't gnaw harness oiled iu
Neatslenc. Get it at Fogol's.
Miss Louise Schumacher spent Sat
urday with her sister at Ifrauklln.
Dive Kaloy and Ted Harris roturned
home from Hastings, Tuesday evening.
ICO acres of good grazing pasture
land wanted with water. J. II. Bailey.
Chris Nelson and daughter, Anna,
went up to Inavale, Thursday evening.
Miss Blanche Barker of Inavale
ppeut Sunday in the city with friends.
Mrs George Van Camp returned to
Avav homo at MeCook, Thursday even-
bunon miller went to Liu-yenno.
'n:,,, ,-,,. ,.,.;,, ,,.i,,.,. i... ,..;n ,.;tit.
his sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sehwerdtsfogc r
of Ayr spent the weekend in this city
with relatives.
Mr. (Juirin of Campbell was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Diederieh the
last of tho week.
W. M. Mnupin, of York, editor of the
Mid-West magazine, was in tho city
the last of tho week.
Alex Buckles went to Omaha, Sun
day morning to accompany his wife
home from the hospital.
Glen Fearn returned home from
Hastings, Friday, whore he had been
visiting his brother, Oris and family.
Mrs. .las. Kyan went to Lincoln,
Friday morning, to visit her son,
Eugene, who is attending college there.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Canfield went to
Grand Island tho last of tho week
where they will make their future home.
Mrs. Hatfield returned homo from
St. .loe, Thursday evening, after
spending several weeks with her daugh
ter. Frank Hutchison of Lebanon, Kan
Bas, spent Wednesday with his uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Hutch
ison. Clms. Perry, who is teaching school
near Mt. Clare, spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
On Sunday, Mrs. Pegg's sous and
daughters and their families gathered
at her home and gave her a birthday
surprise party.
Mrs. Ross Owen returned to her
home at Franklin, Thursday evening,
ofter spending a few days with Dr. and
Mrs. C. E. Cross.
If you arc going to have
yourslorc, office, or home
wired for eleclric lights
let me furnish you an
eslimale on the work
also on your fixtures. I
can give you the very
latesl designs, at prices
that will appeal to you.
Plumbing, Heating
w " ' Ji
Neatsleue, 11.00 gallon at Fogol'.s.
J. H. Bailey spout Wednesday in
John Havel spent Wednesday In
Fred Fuller was down from Cowhs,
Mrs. 1!. L. Aveiy spoilt Wednesday
iu Hastings.
.Mrs. 1. 1). Walker returned from L'.u
ciln, Friday.
Roy Sattley I'ndcrtakor-Auto Hearse
in connection.
George Corner was down from Blue
Hill, Tuesday.
Mrs. E. W. Coplen spent Wednesday
iu Guide Kock.
Eil Boyle of Guide Rock was iu the
city Wednesday.
Dan 1'uinroy of Rivcrton was on our
streets Wednesday.
Eyes tested, glasses tlttod. J. C.
Mitchell, tho Jeweler.
Win. Hunt and Jn. Ryan were Blue
Bill visitors Wednesday.
Mrs, Ida Squires was down from
Cowles, Monday evening.
Grant Christy and Charley Walters
are in Lebanon this week.
Jeff Myers of Boulder, Colorado, is
visiting friends iu the city.
Lesley Graves of Grand Island was
in the city Tuesday eveuing.
Attorney A. M. Walters of Blue Bill
was in the city Monday evening.
Delaney Bros., shipped two cars of
hogs to Kansas City, Wednesday.
Miss Vernon Storey went to Lincoln
Tuesday morning, to visit friends.
Mrs. J. E. Morris of Rivortou was in
the city between trains Wednesday.
O. C. Teel undJ. A. Bradford were
transacting business in Odell, Tuesday.
Clyde Wickwirc and Tad Saunders
were down from Inavale, Wednesday,
Mrs. Flora Grilllu and son, returned
from Concordia, Kansas, Monday even
ing. Mr. Fulton of tho firm Grant & Ful
ton of Lincoln was iu the city Monday
Glen Walker returned home the
llrst of tho week from a business Hip
to Detroit.
Mrs. l'olnicky went to Lincoln, Fri
day morning, to spend a few days with
her son, Paul.
Ed Wiggins is now driving a Max
well automobile which he purchased
of Hall &. Fulton.
If you want to sell or trade your
real estate call on C. A. Setiultz. Inde
pendent phono iloS.
Mrs. Frank HutYor and daughter,
Miss Pearl, returned homo from Omaha
the last of the week.
Weesner k Koontz shipped one car
of cattle and one car of hogs to Kan
sas City, Wednesday.
Ted Harris and Dave Kaloy returned
to Hastings, Monday where they are
serving on tho Federal jury.
Klosct Klean guaranteed to remove
stain from closets. No fumes, odor or
dirt. Sold by E. W. Stevens.
Harold Coon, who enlisted in the
Navy some time ago, arrived iu the
city Wednesday for a short visit.
Mrs, M. A. Mercer roturned homo
from Gibbon, Tuesday, whore sho
spent a few days with her parents.
Mrs. Sanderson of Lincoln arrived iu
tho city Tuesday evening to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Potter.
We have plenty of good Maitland
Lump coal at S9 .00 per ton. Washed
Maitland Nut S3..10. Piatt &. Frees.
Mrs. J. H. Ellinger returned home
this morning from Oronnque, Kansas,
where she had been visiting her sister.
Bert Stickley of Guide Rock drove a
large number of sheep thru the city
Tuesday morning enrouto to Franklin.
All kinds of insertions and bandings
aro good this season. Wc wish to
close out our lino at cost. M. A. Al
bright. Mrs. Chas. Woods and family left
this week for Grand Island where she
will join her husband and mako thoir
future home.
Miss lone Albiight was called to
Omaha, Wednesday morning, by the
death of her brother's wife, Mrs. Sher
wood Albright.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Stellln returned
home from Grand Island, Monday,
where they spent a few days with
thoir sins and daughter.
Don't forgot to attend tho last mini
her of tho lecture course on March t!f.
The management needs the money ai d
you need the entertainment.
Mr. and Mrs Barry Conover (f
Great Falls, Montana, arrived iu the
city Friday, they being called here by
tho serious illness of his mother.
Tho Inavale schools are going togivo
a picture exhibit and entertainment at
tho Inavalo High School on Friday
evening, March 'J.'!. Admission J.'.o,
On Tuesday, Tiace Shorcr and Clar
once Johnston spipped ihreoShnrthoin
bulls to tho thoroughbred cattle sale
which will bo held at Grand Island.
Walter Mar-hall has decided that
life in this city was becoming to dull
for him so he hied out to Fred Hedge's
where tho hit tor will teaoii him the
rudiments of farming this year.
Powell Bros.
Smoke House
i.CVf '
rW -shafts, ra
. , . '" iZ.Vf IN;MI 'l-n
J, ?,, I4VU
T.,.iU CfM
".... Ml ....... .,, f ifltf
CIGARS that are Good
Tlic Brand Your Doctor Smokes
Most complete line of
Cigars and Tobaccos
in Red Cloud
John Grimes, of Billings, Montana,
who had been visiting his mother at
Hastings, arrived in tho city Tuesday
to visit his brother, Ned Grimes and
Most of our citizens have been pol
is'iitig tho rake handles on their prem
Is.-s this week and in side of a month
this city will look spick and span. Let
tho good work continue.
The many friends of Mrs Sherwood
Albright will be pained to learn of her
death which occurred at Omaha on
Tuesday evening. The deceased was
a former resident of this city having
been an Instructor in our public
schools previous to her marriage to
Sherwood Albright, son of Mrs. L. P.
Albright. She leaos to mourn her
demise, a husband, one son and several
other relatives.
On Sunday evening, at live o'clock
at tho homo of Elder N B Wagoner in
Gartlald pii'CMiet, occurred tho wed
ding of Miss lla.el Lipponcott. daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lipponcott.
and Mr. James Minor Kent. The
bi Me and groom aro well and favor
ably known iu this vicinity and they
will go to keeping house on a farm iu
GiirfMd. Their many friends wish
them much joy and happiness
According to Secretary Henry C.
Richmond oi the Nebraska Legislative
League, more than iifleeu hundred
former members of tho Nebraska
Legislature a r o now living. The
annual rc-uniou of the Legislative
League will bo held next Tuesday
evening iu Lincoln at the City Audi
torium and every former member of
the Legislature is uiged to attend, It
is said that this promises to bo the
biggest airuir of the kind ever hold in
the state.
Tho Orphoum Theatre will show in
connection w ith its regular picture
program on Friday night, Saturday
matinee and night Marko, the great
magician, presenting the cream of
magical creation,, lie will on Satur
day night after tho llrst performance
give away freo a real live baby to tho
party holding tho lucky number. Posi
tively no pig, animal, chickon or duck.
Sae your coupon tickets trom oacli
performance. Admission Friday night
10 and you, Saturday matinee f and 15c
and Saturday night 10 and -Oe. Com
plete change of program daily.
On Friday evening of last week the
homo talent theatrical stars presented
"The Third Degree" to a large crowd
at the local theater. Each and every
one taking part in this drama surpass
ed all previous records and deeply im
pressed tho audience with the manner
in which they played tho parts assign
ed to them. In fact the people were
so well pleased with the play that the
manager of the troupe has been re
quested to again put on this play this
evening, Meier's orchestra rendered
tho music for the occasion, which was
well received by the audience.
Young Men Fall From Grace
One of our young men has boon atk
ed to appear in police court today to
answer to a charge of "roughing-up"
one or more of .Superior's young men.
last evening. Wo understand ono of
tho hitler is wearing four stitches over
his eye as a result of tho fracas. Dame
rumor has it that strong drink and
some of the fair sex caused the battle.
Anothor citizen will probably have n
H,no to pay. having taken on an over
load of liquor while up at the oasis
yesterday, and refusing to take the
fatherly advice of Marshal Honor, con
tinued to mako himself obnoxious.
Farm Loans
I can mako you a farm loan at low
est interest and best terms to bo iiad
in tho state. Please write me, or call
tor me at State Bank Rod Cloud. C. F
Hamilton - Gather
Clothing Co.
Succcitoit to Paul Storey
Everything a Man
or Boy Wears
Rmd Cloud Nebraska
W A-Vt'AViitXtKi
As Your Mother
Used to
" -,.
A little more care when you buy your
little less regret later on. This season,
before, it is to your advantage to buy
tW n
W mi
vflf Wm
Cm lft
'$ M
Poinrlc' li'T
II.iiim- 1 I, . ,. l
Household Goods Destroyed
A house owned by .lolin Sutton, sit
uatcd just outside of tho city limits,
northwest, and occupied by Boy Lamb
was entirely destroyed by lire, on last
Friday. Tho tire is presumed to have
been caused by a defective Hue, as it
occurred at about the noon hour, and
was noticed upon the arrival of Mr.
Lamb. Tho roof was thou burning,' and
tho llamos fanned by the high wind
which prevailed on that day, it was a
matter of but a short tiniu until tho
structure was entirely consumed by
tho Hunts. A small amount of house
hold goods and personal cM'eots were
removed from tho dwelling.
Tho local lireincn icspondi'd to tho
alarm, but as tho house was not with
in range of tho water mains, they
could no nothing except keep tho
Humes from spreading to the outbuild
Will Advertise Red Cloud
Mr. Win H. Maupin, publisher of
the Midwest Magazine was present at
a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce
on Tuesday evening and to this distin
guished body read the History of Hod
Cloud which ho has prepared and will
publish in the above mentioned maga
zine, the object of which is to place
before the people fucts concerning the
advancement of the city and the oppor
tunities that here await the manufac
turer, merchant nnd speculator. Tills
magazino is one which has for subscri
bers a class of people that aro looking
for opportunities such as Bed Cloud
presentB. Mr. Maupin also delivered a
very timely address, and it is to be
hoped that benefits will be derived
from the same, as Mr. Maupin is one
of the best posted men ou the state and
national conditions.
Petition to Retain LeRoy
A petition is mukirur the rounds, for
the purposo of securing tho names of
those who favor the retaining of I'rof.
LeKoy. our present baud master whose
contract will expire iu a short time
Wo arc informed that this petition
neiiri uie siguamres oi an out, two or
tho band boys, who say thoy will
".stick with Prof, if it takes all sum
mer," also threatening to lay down
their instruments and quit if a new
band master is selected Wo are with
tho boys, as is tho majority or our citi.
zens who can appreciate what the
Brofcssor ha.s done during the very
short time he lias been with us. Mr
Lelloy has thoroughly demonstrated
his ability as it musiciun, oriranixer
and leader of a band and has labored !
IncesHintly for the success of tho band j
i nc rui-is TO TELU .EM ALU ABOUT ,
"OMAHA'S fMtOjgi.gjrtlA VISIT
Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville
lli(i Aluri Flllid with Prat ty Glrli, FgnnyCloini, Oirigui ,
, Eqvlpiii, Billllinl ScidIc Eailronmint
LftUlta MIMt MHIIRtt ttHI lit CHUM
Everybody Goea: Ask Anytody
Prevention is Heller than
because in the face of uncertain market conditions and scarcity
of materials, wc arc enabled to assure you of the high quality
for which The House of Kuppcnhcimcr is famous
Cheaper clothes this season may mean cheaper materials used
in their making used where you can't see it. But wear will tell
The Spring and Summer models arc now in Suits
And some exceptional values too,
as little as $20
Clothing Co.
"The Kuppenheimer House in Red Cloud"
Delicious Food
for Every Meal
The housewife that is careful and
economical buys at our store
She knows that when she buys from us she is get
ing fresh, pure food and that the prices arc right
We have the reputation of dealing only in reliable goods
brands that arc sure to give entire satisfaction try tlicm
When yon wan I Groceries of
Quality at right prices phone -us I
Your Money Will Go Farther and
Vote Will Be Better Satisfied if
You. Do Your Spring Buying With Us
Our full line of EASTER Novelties, Booklets
Post Cards and Napkins now on display
Mem, Boys, Ladies Union Suits J5c
New Line I ianilkerciuefs 2 for "ic
,,,, r inp
Handkerchiefs 5c-IOc
Cuilain Goods, yard 10 and 25c
Also see our line of Towlings, Calicos, Per
cale, Muslins, Voiles, Nainsook, Longcloth
Special for Saturday
12 Quart Granite Preserving Kettle
Limited one to each customer ., each
The 5c -10c
clothes, means a
more than ever
I Garden Rakes
Cnrpel Bratrr
Hcrub Brushes
n .
rami Brushes
! Dust Pans
-25c Store
On the Corner