The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 22, 1917, Image 4

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Cream Separators
When you buy a cream separator you want the
best machine you can get for the money, don't you?
Well, then, just listen to this proposition:
Before you order a "mail order" separator write
to the concern and tell them that you want to try
their machine out against a Do Laval, with the priv
ilege of sending their machine back if you decido
that the De Laval is bettor worth what we ask you
for it than their machine is worth what they ask.
That's absolutely fair, isn't it?
We'll bo glad to furnish you a Do Laval for such
a trial any time you like and let you be tho judge.
We are glad to make this offer because wo
know that the De Laval will givo you better
service and cost you less in the long run than
any other machine you can buy, no matter
what the price.
If you already have a mail order1
geparator, or any other for that mat
ter, which isn't giving satisfaction,
wo have an exchange oner that
we believe will interest you.
Before you boy a Cream
Separator see and try a
Your Hard
ware Dealer
IVIade flight, Lettered
flight find Erected flight
OVEltfliG BEOS. & GO.
Makers of ArtistlclMonumcnts
Red Cloud,
Sunday at the
Congregational Church
Subjects for Discussion
11 a. m. "Why Do All People Sin at Dawn of
Moral Agency?
7:30 p. m. "Should the Church Favor Universal
and Compulsory Military Service?"
Every patriot and student of History
should hear these addresses.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
hS ? ?.'"
inttrtd In tlic I'ostoftleo nt Hid ( loud, Neb.
an .Second L'Ibhh Matter
Hite whs lu
Hustings tills
was iti Trenton laht
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(WorlT Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
E. S. Gaurber
C. II. Miner Dr. S. S. Deardorf, M. I). t
Manner Veterinary In Cliaro
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
l'UODl't KltS-
Anti Hog Cholera Serum
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Wire or Phone at Our Expense
I). S. Veterlnarv License No. 45
Dr. A. E. Boles
Physical Diagnosis Labaratory
Osteopathy tho Science of Mealing
Ijy Adjustment." Given to the
World hy A. T. Mill, A. I). Is? 1.
310HT I'iiomis UFA) CI.orn.NKUK
Dr. R. V. Nicholson
BSTOri'iri: Ovnu Ai niiioiii' Sioiii:
Belter Kodak Finishing
And Developing. .:.
A Full Line of Supplies
Stevens Bros,
R. E. GAMP, D. .
COL. J. h. ellinger::
Isnow read) to place your hale dates.
Ask nii. one ns to my iiuallilcatlous ,
or whom 1 ha eerltd sales, liidepcu
dint plumH uii;i!'. rltt win or call "
KnCiou, Num. JJj
Independent -1-
Dell Red 1G1
Red Cloud a a Nebraska
An Exceptional Offer
.SpeiiUin of ImiKiilnsln reading mat
tor, the ClIiKr 1ms made arrank'omentH
whereby you may receive the best bar
gain that has been offered In the
uotuitv. In fact in tho entire southwest
part of the btittu.
Think of It! Four publica
tions for tho price of one!
To nil subscribers who will .settle
their old score witli tho Cllinr and
place themselves on tho paid in advan
ce list, and all newsuhscribots, wo will
give tho following publications, for
ono year, for tho .small sum of $1 fio:
Tin: Ki: Ci.oi'D Ciiir.r, containing
all tho live local news of interest; Tin:
HfltAl. Wki.m.y, Kiviug you state and
nutloiiul news, news of interest to tho
fanner, cartoons that will interest tho
little folks as well as the;
The Coiin Ui:i.t Fahmer, containing
articles of Interest for the farmer,
stock raiser and poultry fancier, by
authors of national fame, and Tun
Household Joiminal, a publication
containing up-to-date fiction, the new
est styles, helpful hints for the city
aud rural housewife, also departments
that arc devoted to farm and garden
Do not lot this opportunity pass to
socuro these valuable publications, as
tliis offer is made for a limited time
only. If you cannot call at our olilee
send us a cheek or money order for
this amount and wo will place you on
our list for these four papers, and re
member the cost is but SI.'O. Don't
delay, now is the time
Thirsty Citizen Dissapointed
Several weeks ago a solicitor for a
Catholic newspaper was in our midst
and while in our city had the misfor
tune to loose a grip containing prayer
books and other catholic literature and
inserted an udvei tiscmeiit in one of
tho local newspapets, in hopes that he
would recover the sumo. The gentle
man had made the trip via auto from
Campbell and thought that he had lost
the grip cnioutc.
Later it was learned that some party
in quest of stimulants had taken tic
grip horn the car at the garage and
upon learning the true content') of said
grip was not gentleman enough to le
turn it Marshal 1 loner was notilled
but upon reaching t lie building in
which the grip had been placed found
that several boys had already been
there and taken the books out of the
grip He at once interviewed the boys
aud was successful ill recovering most
of the property.
It is indeed to bo regretted that
while in tho pursuit of his duties a
gentleman cannot come into our city
without s'-mo member of the "under
class" stealing Ids baggage. Any one
that is not capable of distinguishing a
gentleman solicitor from an illegal
boozo peddler, should, If apprehended
1)0 given a term in the county juil dur
ing which time he would havo an op
portunity to study human nature.
Corn Raising For Boys
Hoys who wish to raise corn under
tho direction of experts at the Univer
sity of Nebraska may do so by enroll
ing as members of the Nebraska Hoys
and (iirls Club conducted by the uni
versity agricultural extension service.
Membership in this club is sonllnetl
to boys between 10 and 18 years of age.
The extension service provides inform
ation about corn growing, record
book, report blanks, etc , that are nec
essary to carry on tho work.
Each boy or girl who finishes the
work of this project, no matter how
great or how small the yield of corn
may bo, receives a Certificate of
Achievement, which may be aeceptul
in lieu ot school work. Besides this,
tho youngster who wins tho champion
ship of his county (this applies to Till
counties oul, ) receives a free trip to
the State Club Congiess. Further in
formation may he had upon applica
tion to the I.ueiision Sol vice, Univer
sity Farm, Lincoln.
"Bill" is NovTan Editor
Among the many exchanges arriving
at our oil ice during the past week was
the DImiii County Advocate, a weekly
paper published at l'oncii. Nob. (In
the editorial page of this publication
appeals tho names of V M. Wright as
editor and 1. N. Adair, business mana
ger. Mr. Wright, hotter known to his
friends as "Hill" was a former l evi
dent of this city having attended high
school hcie. During this tlmo lie took
an active part in the compiling and
publishing of the High behool Annual,
a very neat .Hid attractive booklet
The Advocate is a gooil exhibit ot botli
editoiial and mechanical work and
I'onca has a paper of which it may
well feel proud. W.e join in with the
many friends of "Dill" in wishing him
success in his new venture.
,H. II.
item McCoy
Elinor Uont wos in lllue Hill last
Claude Cramer and family were in
Itcd Cloud Sunday.
Mrs. C. A Hawley was over from
Ulue Hill Monday night.
Misses Margaret and Rosalie Drydeu
were in Hastings Saturday.
Fred Alexander and W. II. Jennings
were in Grand Island tho first ot the
Amos Vamo. of Central City, visited
at tho homo of H. .1. Solomtin this
Mrs. August IJangcrt, of Lawrence,
was visiting her sister, Mr. John l'lol
and family this week.
Mrs. Henry Uest, of McCook, was
visiting at tho home of Mrs. Kiuinii
Tiirnbaugh this week.
Mr and Mis Hughes of F.dgar. were
visiting their daughter, Mis. V. M.
Liottom, the past few days.
Mrs .1 E t'ridil and son. Crelghton,
returned home Thursday from an ex
tended visit witli relatives in David
L Kpaur and family were visiting
relatives in Hladon last week, leaving
for Litchfield tho latter part of the
Mrs. Snmnul Harding returned to
her homo at Dorchester the first of the
week after a visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Wm. Johnson, of this place.
Misses Anna and Vesta Hubatkn,
Iva aud Fern Hall, Anna Soucok, Gil
ah Tiirnbaugh and Ethel Peterson
wore in lllue Uili taking teacher's ex
aminations Saturday.
Call for City Convention
The Independent voters of Red Cloud
arc hereby called to meet in the court
house on Friday evening, March 123, tit
S o'clock, for the purpose of placing in
nomination candidates for city ofllcers
as follows:
Ono Mayor.
One Clerk.
One Treasurer.
Ono Kngii.eer.
One Police Judge.
Ono Councilman 1st ward.
One Councilman '2nd ward.
Two Members of School Hoard.
II. NErEHIiniltJ, Secretary.
We are in tne market for 100 to 1:
pounds shouts at market price deliver
ed at Solum Plant. Will pay for de
livery to plant. C. H. Miner Serum
Notice of Finnl Report.
In the (utility Court ol Wcbsttr count v
In tin mattir ol the (.stale ot DaId I.,
(irnat. du iaid.
All pi rsous lnttrtstul In said otnti, arc
hiriln, untltkd that the Administrator has
llli d hen in a Dual account and ri port ol his
adinlulitratloii. and a petition lor the linn1
m tth mint ol such account and re port, aud
(or nihereeof distribution of tho risldtieot
said (state, and (or the asslimuunt ol the
n al ( state In IihiuIiik tin n to. aud a dlseharue
Iroin hi-, trust, all ol uhlcli said miittci1
havchieu s( t tor hearing hcfniesnld court
on tin tit Ii day ol April, 1SU7. nt the hour ol
10 o'clock, A. A I .when all persons Intiristul
may apptar and eontisl the same.
Dati d this .'1st day ol March. 1'JIT.
si.w A. I). KiNNiii,
County Jiiile.
No Eggs, Milk or Butter
The following recipe shows how an appetizing-,
wholesome cake can be made without expensive
In many other recipes the number of eggs may
be reduced one-half or more by using an ad
ditional quantity of ROYAL Baking Powder,
about a teaspoon, in place of each egg omitted.
1 cup brown sugar
1'. cup writer
1 cup ncecJpil raisins
9 Mir.roa It.nn
I'd cup bhortinlnc
1 tenpoon nutmrc
Henspoon cinnamon
'A trispoon salt
2 cups (lour
5 tcatpoons Roynl Iialilne Powder
The old method (fruit cake) called for 2 encs
DIRECTIONS Put the first debt Ingredients Into snucepnn and boll
three minutes When cool, ndd the Hour (mil bnklnc powder which huve been
tilted toRcther! mix well Unke In moderate oven In loaf pan (round tin with
hole In center is best1 for 35 or 40 minutes Ice with white Icltij.
Qocklct of recipes which economize In crcs rind other
expensive Ingredients, moiled free. Address Royul
Uuklnt Powder Co, US William Street, New Yoi...
Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes,
adds none but healthful qualities to the food.
No Alum
No Phosphate
Farm Loans
I have placed Stft.ouO.Oo in farm loans
from January l.ptth, to February luth
G. Ohmstode was up from Guide '
Rock, Wednesday. Mr. Ohmstede in-'
formed us that he and his wife expect
t i 1inv llnvt tt'i.nlr flit P.wllfi iwlc Pull
s.V'.,w...w..wi. w. a.vt..,,. .v..;, ui... ,.,. 14, . t.. I.. -!,.,
frirnht for mi !iwlillnlt. vilf I i " reason it nun i inn Ki iuK me iuv
rornla, fot an indeliiiite lslt. est rates and best terms in the state
Mrs. II. Thomas went to Lincoln, also a tfenuino option without it
Wednesday, to visit her daughter, Mrs, "joker" attachment Private funds on
J. E. Jarboe. hand J. II. HlLr..
Notice of Final Repoit.
County Court ol Wihstir county,
the i state ot Adam
Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse
III till
Nt hraskn.
In the niatli r ol
Morhart. diccased.
All persons inttnstcd In said istato are
hereby notilled that I. Hurt I,. Morhart P.(
etitor has tiled lurtlu a tl rial account anil
report of his administration, anil a petition
for the Ilnul settlement ot such account and
report, and (or a dieree ol distribution of
the risldue of said estate, and for the assign
mint ot the rial estate belonging thereto,
and a dlsi'liurue from his trust, allot which
said matters have been set lor hearing before
said court on thcMth day ol March, 1017, at
the hour of II) o'clock, a. in., when all persons
Interested may appear and contest the same.
Dated this 14th day of March, 11117.
Iskai.J A. 1). Ka.nnkv,
County Jtidue.
Publication of Summons
'lo miiuttcl SlitiH, Alciuiiel Sims, A Is In II.
Sims, WalterC. Sims, Mrs. Walter CSlnts, hlH
wile llrst real iiamo link noun, Alden V
Sims, Carl C. Sims, Frank V. Sims, Mrs.
Crank W. Sims, his wife llrst real name un
known, Kild Slum, Ida K. Cleiului;. Ilert
I'lemlm; her husband, Kdltli llinry, Mr,
Henry, her husband, tlrst real name tin
known, (irace 10. Elliot, Mr. Klllot her hus
band llrst real mime unknown, l.ols Wilson,
Mr. Wilson her husband llrst real iiatnt un
known. Ira (ilenu Sims, .Itillna c. Sims
Ciauk Hanson, Mrs. Crank Hanson his wlft
llrst mil mime unknown. William W. slms
.Mrs. imam W. Sims his wife, llrst nal
mum unknown. Dottle llrowu, Mr, llrowu
itei h u-.ii.nul. llrst rial name unknown
1'iuui i Marsllle. Mr, Manllle lu r husband name unknown, non-resident di
Ii iidauix.
"muuiii taku notice that Willlatu P. -Mm
and l.uilla Mius lil.s wile as plalutlilb hai
illida pitltlou and comiutiHid an at. linn
nualiiM ion as deleudauts lu tin District
Court uf Webster county Nebraska tin oh
Ji ct and prajer of which are to obtain tin
Jtnlumi ut of said court eoullrmlnu the tltli
and mti rtsts ot said plalutltlH anil duleud
ants as set forth lu said petition as owners
anil tt mints In common ami hi Irs of l.tiaima
Sit tli. deceased In the following described
rial i stale lu Webster Count. Nebraska to
w If I nt No. one ill and the North ten ill)
fid of lot number two rJ lu lilock ili ) ol
Vaiici Miildttiou to the Nlllltueol (ilildi Lock
accordlin; tothe rieorded plat tin not, and
for partiilou ol said premises or a suit ol tin
same ami division of the proceeds II partition
eauiiot ( ipiliahly be had,
" on are rciiilud lo answer said pitltlou
now on lileln theolllie ol the ('Ink of said
court at Kid Climtl, Nibraska on or bolort
April il. ma.
Hand March S, 1UI7,
William P. Sims, ot al, I'lalntllls.
I .1, W. linen
I I,. II. lllackledKu
Thilr Attorneys.
I Perhaps you've found a house J WTfyfT
fes-'H"" yu le exccPl fr he flcois. T(tfx
BrSS , K Now that's a simple problem J fegjf
jailfelffispi I once you've seen the complete )aK. I iwfflWR
jSy line of linoleums we're showing (M-H rfH
The Musical Entertainers
Last Number of the Lyceum Course
At the Oroheum, March 29
These 3 attractive younj? ladtei present lo Red Cloud audiences a laoed
program of tinging, reading, diameter stunts, solos, luos, piano and violin
playing. Each 11 a distinctive artist in her line. Don't (ail lo attend.
Bi Musical Entertainment