RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 8 CATTLE SALE THURSDAY, MARCH 22 Commencing at 2 o'clock sharp At the L. C. Cone Farm in East Guide Rock 8 8 8 8 Sale Inder Cover If Stormy 100 Young Cattle Here is an opportunity to get calves out of grade cows and registered bulls A -1 ...111 La rrltmn fllA KlliraV lATnn a cnance win uc given wc jw " m wants them in carload lots, also the buyer (i who wants a few. 22 are high grade heifers; balance are high grade steers. All are young stock and thrifty. Not a runt in the bunch. Terms: 10 months lime at 8 percent interest L C Cone & Son R W McCallum t Sell SHORTHORNS Sells HEREFORDS G Col. G. G. Denny, Auct. S. G. Somerhalder, Clerk Jl BHaa IF YOU WANT A I POTENT OR ft PARKE Kg O THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebraska. HUUIjISUIOD HVERV TIIUKSDAY Cntcrcd In the l'lislollltu nt Hid ( loud, Nth as Htcond Claim Matter A It. M(AHT1IUH l'uiii.iHiir.ii rtlli ONLY DKMOUKATlC I'AI'KU WKII8TKH COUNT V IN BLADEN iti-v i: last week. Itarilngt'iii was in Oei.eva JVIade Right, Lettered Right And Erected Right SEE OVERING BROS. & GO. I Makers of Artistlc'Monumcnts Red Cloud, Nebraska Do You Want The Truth? Then hear the 2 great themes Sunday at the 11 a. m. Did the Gospel Re peal the Moral Law? 7:30 p. m. Can Man Inherit Sin? Special Music COME CHRISTIAN CHURCH J Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Gaurber Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Laboratory CONHULTATION AND KXAMINAIIO.N Kltl'.K Osteopathy tlio Science of Ileullnp by Adjustment." CJlveu to the World by A. T. Still, A. 1). 1ST I. tFFICE OYER SMITH SHOE STOKE Hour l'H0Ni:s UK!) CI.Ol'D.NKim l'. II. Mini r Im. . . Ii:irdir(, M. I. Maniiii' r Vituiiiao miliaria' C. H. Miner Serum Co. -I'l.'iiu i ;s. Anti Hog Cholera Serum Clftt.l. Nturaska Wire or Phono n Our KMiunsc U. S. Veterinary License No. -ir KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ROLLS DKVKI.OPKDr 10c NAIL YOUR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. VW.'.W.V.W.V.V.V.V.V.W. The Value of a Life Hy special arrangement and through the courtesy of local Mtdcrn Woodmen, the Orphoum theater lias booked two reels of motion plettiroH, featurlitf George Gray, !u h trtio and realistic film h'.ory of his part in the present war not of bloodshed but in the fight against and coii(tiest of that menacing monster of the human flesh tuberculosis. Gray is one- of the mil lion members of the Modern Woodmen of America. Discovering that he is af flicted with this disease, lie takes ad vantage of the comforts, care, and cure of the .Sanatorium owned, maintained, and operated by that Society, free of charge to its members. For several years that fraternal institution has thus actively and effectively cooper ated in the world-wide movement ad vocated by tile Red Cross and medical authorities, to stamp out the dread "white plague" and Gray Is tho bene ficiary of this Woodmen life-saving station. It is an intensely interesting and heart gripping story of the leavo taking of wife and children Weak in body and hopeless in mind he journeys to the beautiful Hochy Mountain ro gion near Colorado Springs, Colorado, where, in the rarifled climate and con stant sunshine, at an altitude of 7,000 feet, ho is destined to spend nine mouths at the foot of Mount Cedar, in the care of the most modern Sanato rium in tho world His experiences in "chasing the cure," his absolute rest from all cares and labor, his gradual return to health and strength, his lnlti's" among the fragrant pines and over the rocky trails of tin U. S. forest reserve, leai-d by and adjoining the Sanatorium, result in hi-, ual lotuin t) family and friends, victorious over his inn "l lie Value of a Life" is a Uii tiling and dramatic story and uli- siluti'ly true as well; indeed, Unit's enei uuii' lias been duplicated bj lu-aily :i nun of his fellow Neighbor-, who have already enjoyed the benefits of th- justly celebrated in-titutlon This film is piottoiinced by competent authorities to be. otic of the very best in this age of highly developed motion pictures, ami i-in such gieat demand that it can be booked for only one day and night ill each town or eitv. It is a rare opportunity one can not ali'ord to miss. At tho Orpheuin theater, on Maicli -0 Also a live reel Paramount Pic tine. Admission, r, and nic Home Talent Play At The Orpheum 'Friday Evening We have received a tip from one be hind tlie scenes that the four-act drama. "The Third Degree," to bo piijcil by local homo talent at the Ot pheuui on Friday evening, is going to be i-ou better than any play that has been ullered t i the public. Tho plot involves many thrillinc cent-, which will hold the attention of the audience from the time the cur UiiiiN rung up until the final word is U'tered. We could enumerate iniitiv inteiest mg tilings which will take place due mg the peitoriiiance, but it would not In-as interesting tor you to lead our meager description as it wilt be for .Mm to seo the product ion, as this play will bo produced by some of the- ery best talent in the city. Those assuming the various roles need no introduction to the theater going public as they have on si-vi ral occasions, previously, demonstrated their ability to handle any part- as signed to them m either comedy or heavy drama. If you have not madu arrangoiiiouts to witness tills high class production it would be well for you to make your -i it le-orvatious at once. Following is the tiua .lell'ites Mis. Howard .ItlViies. .Peal I Mct'onUi-y Howard .lelVries Phil Sherwood .John linker and Isaac Thomas were in Hastings Miluiduy, Mrs Jones William? wns n passeir ger to Hastings Tuesday. Mrs (!. P Gather left for Salilia, Kansas Tuesday morning. Archie Davis left, for his home at Ft. Laramie, Wyo., Monday evening. Clarence. McCoy and family of Atkin son were in town the first of the week. Mis-es Lottie and Delia Ross wre In Campbell over Saturday and Sun day. Peter fjnirin of Campbell was a visitor at the Win. Keillor home last week. Capt. Roy Hogate and family wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hogate Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis lilauch of Cowles were visitors at the Ed Blanch home last week. Mrs. Stanley lireitwoiser and son were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Horn Thursday. Roy and lloulah Howling were hero from Stockton. Kansas, visiting friends and relatives tho past, week. Claude Cramer and O. L. Lindgren were looking at land near North lHatte tho last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. .1 A. Jacobs of McCool were visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs..!. L. Ashtnore, the past week. Mrs. 0. Iverson and Mrs. C. W. Cow ley were visiting at the home of their mother, Mrs. W. It. Cramer, in lied Cloud last Tuesday. Mrs. J. R. Mattock and John Knou left for Burlington, Iowa, last week to the bedside of a brother who is ser iously ill at that place. Receipts of Poor Farm The following is the receipts of the Webster County Poor Farm for the year ending March 1. 11)17: Saves Eggs Royal Baking Powder makes it possible to pro duce appetizing and wholesome cakes, muffins,' cornbread, etc., with fewer eggs than are usually required. In many recipes the number of eggs may be re duced and excellent results obtained by adding an additional quantity of Royal Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, for each egg omitted. The following tested recipe is a practical illustration: SPONGE CAKE 1 cup sugar M Cup water 3fBE 2 teaspoons Royal Hulilnc Powder 1 f up Hour 1 teaspoon salt Jh cup cold water 1 teaspoon fluvorli.c DIRECTIONSt-noll suRnr nnd water until syrup spins n thread nnd ndd to tha Mlmy beiiten whlteB of eggs, bent inc until the mixture U cold. Silt tocether ttirco limes tho flour, suit nnd bnMni: powder; brut yolltB of ecus until thick; odd n little t.t n time flour ml mure ond ecu yolks tilternately to whlto of cjrtj mixture, stir ring nfter each addition. Add 'u cup cold water ond ll.ivorini: Mix lightly ond 1m k j in mudirutij oven one hour. The old method called for 6 eggs and no baking powder BAKING POWDER Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes, adds none but healthful qualities to the food. No Alum No Phosphate Wheat J2.".7:! P. Ilos 1 ..01115 Cattle ITOIISI rG?;i.:i U iii II Thnm;i-. i lit.iul s,,i,iit, '. poor Fat iii ('.mi- Lis lliilmtku ) lull tee Co. lioatd Notice to Deputy Assessors Of Webster CGunly lied Clou l.Ncb7. March II. l'.17. There will be a meeting of Deputy Assessors of Webster County on March JO. 1017. at I P. Couity Assessor's olliee. Your presence is required. ISu-i-tiess of importance to transact. ('.. W lluininel, (.oitnty Assessor. Koticc of Final Repot t. In the County Court o( Webster county, Ni'iuaska. In the m.'ittrr ol the t statu of Attain M'llhtll t. lUl't-!lll. All persons linen Hii-il hi valil I'stntc an In reliy iiotlilnl that Kllu-it I.. Mnrhnrt l-:u- i or lias ah it hen in a iln.'U account ami ti .nrt r IiIm, niiil a petition lor the Until "i ithinint ol such account ami ri'H.rt iiixl lor a iliern- ol allst rlliuilim ol thf rcMilm- ol Miitl I'Ntati'. tunl for the asMmi mi-ill nl the rial mtnte lirliiiuilnu lluiilo, ami a illKrhnruf from IiIh trust, allot which Kild inniti rs imw In i ti m t or Inuring liituu s u.l in irt on tin i,li .lay ol M.ireh. IlilT. a Hi. hour o( l ' i j ...I u. a. in., w In n all pi rins In'i n mi it iu:i :i '. ir ami i oiiti st the saim . Hull. I this Dili .1 i .,( l in I.. I 1 1 T. si. m.) ,. i i: n s i . o ma v I uilue. Publication of Summons 'lo ma inn I sit,,,. Alt nun I Mins, Alslu II. S ins, Walli r f. sluis. l rs. V alti r i . .Mins, hls will' Hist it :il iiauii' uiil.uowu. Al.liii . sums, I ail i . s-inis, I lauK . MuiH, .Mis I'rank V. Mins. hlh wilt Hist rial name un known. I ilit s,us. Ida I.'. I li inliu. Ih it ni'iuiiiK In r husinmi, luuth lliury, Mi. Il.iiry, her l.ii-naml, llrst real iiauii1 uu known, lirai'i- I'.. I'.lllot, Mr. I.lin.t her luis liiml llrst mil uiliue unknown, l.ols W'IImiii. Mr. W'IIkoii hi r Inisliaml llrst real iiauii. uu knowii, Ira Mins, .luliua r. Mms. 1'iauk llausoii. Mis. I'rank llaiisou his wlli . Hist real mum- unknown. lliiatu W. Mms. Mrs. William W. Slnis his wlli-, iirst mil uiliiie tilikliow n, Ilnttle llrowu, Mr. Ilroun In r hiisliamt. Hist it til name uukiiowii. l.iiumi Maivllli'. Mr, Mnnllle In r luisbaiiil. itrnt i t-al iiiuue iiiikiiiiwa; non-risliltiu ilt ti mianis: ou will tnko m.llie ttuit William 1. Kims Hint l.uellil Minn his wile an ltiliitlll. hint n. iii n in iiiioii ami t'oiiiini ui til mi actlnn ii.iilnut )iiii iih iii limliiulK in the lUhtrlit INAVALE . H. hawson eartied mail for C. Pierco Tuesday. Section Foreman ltrotiKhtoii moved to lliverton Friday. Mr. Iiiidd iho has b.'cn ipiite sick is eonsiderably improved Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Siivey autocd to liloomine;tiiii Thin sihiy. M. K l.mliis Ail met Wednesday tit Mrs Millets on business lien'n Itlunt nf (Soide Ilock visited wnli Ivlward Wiisuii huiiiUv Iionald Mnriwi-il went to Kansas tty Minday with his fat huts catt e M. Fnrnh m ivtiuni'.l front lCa-isas Citv Tii'silh ihcre ho had been for sfvi'ial ilav s. I .lolui Itarker whs ouito siel; with heart trouble- Moiulay and'Tuesday but is tinproviii),'. Me.silnnies Iloit and I'M (Irossinan at tended t i.o siiudav ehool Convention at lllue Hill Tuesday. M'.ss Wealhets. Principal of the Ilia vale lii'li school attended the conven tion at ltlue Hill Tiie-day. Clarence Heed and wife of lluide h'oek w-i-e citilmc; on their aunt, Mrs. Smith, Tui'sdav inornine; (' A Waldo and wile took their 'au liter, Xoriiia. to Hastings Weill es dtty for medical treatment The Union C. E. will have a social at Hunters Hall Saturday night. Admis sion Kiti. Everyone invited. 1. N'esbit of Galveston, Texas, uame Tuesday niyht to visit his daughters, Mrs. Nelle Hunter and Miss Ila.el 2s'es bitt. Mr. and Mrs Claude Pierce and Mrs. II II. Ilohliedge attended the Sunday School convention at Mine Hill Tues day. Mrs. I. W. Thompson and -0n left ThtiiMlaj for their homo at Billing-, Molilalia. I Jiiy (Sinker and wife accom panied them as far as Aurora. Mt-sdiitiies Strong, siivey. and Irons and Misses Xmbitt, Ethel Stlckuey, laud Inez MiieUatuI attended tho con vention ut U.uo Hill Tuesday. Adurlisnl letter list The following is the list, of nnola'.in- ed letters at tin post cilice in this city for the week ending Mar. in, 1017: I.. W. .MolV.itt. ltev. Father and Miss Murphy. I!. F. Scott, F. U lliley. If notcalled for before March 20th, they will be sent to tho dead letter olliee. II C. Li.Tsox, P. M. tist: ,i i. nit ol hkter o.iiiilv .vi lira sk a the Hazel Saladeti ' ' ' ami rair o uhlfli an lo 1. 1. lain tin .1 uUllll'lll Ol htllil I'llllll l i.ulll III Itlu till tut. unit inti rtstH ol Htiiil plalnlliu ami ili-dml-uniM intst I lortli in Mild piiltlon as ouiuih lioivai'd ilell'lies, St',. . . I!iissi Aliltick and tcntinw In coinnioii ami hi Irsol l.iianna Cintiiiii niin too Y.ii-imn ".ttlev ilinamil In the follow Im: .1, Kirlhul Unbelt Indenvood. ...Harold Driiliner! S.n-gfiit Maloney .... Everett Stronp Kieltard Mrewstcr Lloyd Iliuos Mr. Jones tJeorgo Ovcrlee c Dr. Ileiiisti'in. .llichmoud Lippencot'. Naturally Indignant. "DUl you tell your troubles to a po liceman?" "Ych," Hald tho man who had hern robbed. "And I tell you that policeman was indignant. Tho hold-up man hadn't even asked his perinlBslon to operate on his beat." DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OYEK .STATE BANK Red Cloud ' ' ' Nebraska : col. J. H. ellinger:. dp CAMP. D. f . li AUCTIONEER J ; Ki Li llfir f ! t J. Ahkiuomu uk t. in .MiabicatMUH Cll 1 rOpTclCtOr B or uIiimii I hti i t nut hitli-v Imlt u a J I ill lit I tint lii K im I 'l. l m vvtn m rfi11 I .-... -..-.. ,-. ( . i- ( 5 WrW Hi I) Ctotn, Ni UK. ( Independent '2'l PI,0nCS uellRcdiai u .11 entiili-In Wi'listt-r Coiiut . Ni l.i.isktt lo wit: l.ot No. otiL' ih and tin Si.iih tin ,1 ti'.t ol lot n u in hi r two i, In ll i irk II m ' ol Ytiuc'i-'hiuliUlliiii to the Nlllaai llo k in-rordlu'4 loihe rn'onkd plat tin rml. and lor iartltlou ol Mild prrntKis or a stili of tin t-tliucniitl iIInUIoii ot the priHedlf parlltlnn cannot eqiillalily he had, Vouurureiiilred to answer said pi lltlon now-ou tile In the olliee ol the Clerk of said court at Iti-d Cloud, Nebraska on or before, April-It, 1UI7. Dated March K, 1!I7. William I'. SIiiik, ct al. I'liilntllls. I .1. W. lireen I I,. II. Illaeklutue Their ttnrntyn. C Are You J. Moving this E i t'y '-"- Perhaps youc found a house -WXIvSJ .- -J(V1 J'011 1'e except fcr the ficots. "fcXA fenjU Now that's a simple prcblctr. rt- 4r;f jZZ&k smmiiwiil ence you'e seen the ccmpletc ); '! KM MgV ''nc linolc-f"s we'i-' showing (LvA j!M ?lf$'lBl - a suitable paltern for every v 1 1 liMMM yMvnM rccm. Ccmc, see ihcm. lVnWnsSOTl ilfl Roy Sattley M cS:(Trl FURN'ITURE DEALER OT I lly Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED S'-Ornci; Oven Ai.iiitiaur's Sioue UU St. Patrick's Day Dinner and Parcels Post Sale SATURDAY 11P.M. I. 0.0. F.HALL The Ladies of the Christian Church will be glad to see you If you are hungry, come JI nc 1BBU IE