RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i A i A 9 I t V v SYRUP OF FIGS FOR A It is cruel force nauseating, harsh physic into a sick child. Look back at your childhood days. Remember tho "doso" mother insisted on caster oil, cnlomel, cathartlCB. How you hated them, how you fought against taking them. With our children it's different. Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply don't realize what they do. Tho children's revolt Is well-founded. Tholr tender little "Insldcs" aro Injured by them. If your child's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, give only dell clous "California Syrup of Figs." Its action is positive, but gentle. Millions of mothers keep this harmless "fruit laxative" handy; they know children lovo to tako it; that it never falls to clean tho liver and bowels and sweet en tho stomach, and that a teaspoonful given today saves a sick child tomor row. Ask at tho store for a 50-cent bottlo of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on each bottle. Adv. Sky Splitter. Marcy, the highest mountain In the Empire ntnie, wus named In honor of Gov. William I,. Marcy. Its Indian name 1b "Tahiiwns" (he splits the eky). OLD PRKCRiPTKlN FORJVEAK KIDNEYS A tncdicinnl preparation like Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, that has real curative value almost cells itself. Like an cndlcta chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefited to those who arc in need of it. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is a physi cian's prescription. It has been tested for years and has brought remits to count less numbers who have suffered. Tho success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the fact that it fulfills almost ev ery wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder diseases, corrects urinary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. Do not suffer. Get a bottle of Swamp Root from any druggist now. Start treat ment today. However, if you wish first to test this peat preparation 6cnd ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Utnghamton, N. Y., for a ample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. SPREAD OF AMERICAN TRADE Far Corners of the World Look to the United States for Expert Aid and Advice. American genius is triumphant, Gl rard writes in the Philadelphia Tub lie Ledger. A United States firm has arranged to light the office of tho president of China with Indirect elec tric light. Australln has sent for -10 expert American workers to teach the men in kangaroo land how to make glass. The first motortruck ever seen In northern Honduras was recently sent thero by an American firm. A Boston manufacturer was Induced to go into Canada to Instruct our northern neighbors how to make toys. I am reliably Informed of an extraor dinary use being made of the Ameri can malls by a New York factory. This concern had contracted for u large number of railroad lanterns for Rus sia. To save time nil these lnnlerns aro sent to San Francisco by parcel post. These are merely a few satnples to show that If Kuropo does not snatch from us our world trade after the war, Europe nt least will know that It has been In u light for it. Rrnokflcld. Vt., enjoys the distinc tion of possessing the llrst library or ganized In the state. Don't prolong a quarrel, hnnl light and then quit. Make one Foods Are Increasing In Price But you can still buy Grape-Nuts at the same price. This staple cereal in its air-tight, wax-protected package will keep indefinitely, yet is ready to eat at a moment's notice. Grape-Nuts is full of compact nourishment with a delightful wheat and barley flavor. The Most Economical of Prepared Cereals hur BOWELS !PASS BDHE DRY BILL BUT THREE VOTES AGAINST PROHIBITION MEASURE AMENDED CORPORATION BILL Items of General Interest Gathered from Reliable Sources Around the State House Western Newspaper t'ninn NV Service Threv votes were recorded against tho "bone dry" prohibition bill on Its Html passage by the Nebraska house. Two of them were cast bv n i tubers of the Douglas county delegiitku, Messrs. Kevgan and Schneider Tho third negative voto wus b M-yscn-burg of Hutler. The bill received ninety vote and was doclared passed with the onuig oncy clause. The absentees were McBsr. Hehrens, Cronin, I.eidlgh, Mears, Trumble and Waltc. Of these, MeEsrs. Cronin, Trumble and Walte were tho only ones who bail been marked absent on the morning mil call, tho othorb having been in their seats earlier in thu forenoon Mr. Koch wa3 In his seat when tho prohibition bill came up, but i!e lined to vote on it. Although his nanu was called scvoral times, ho did not re spond. He and Mr. Hehrens, who was absent nt tho time, aro from Cuming county, which is known as one of the strongest anti-prohibition counties l.i tho state, having a largo foreign popu lation. Mr. Mvyscnburg explained his oto against the bill by saying it was not tho kind of a measure tho people vot ed for last fall. Mr. Richmond voted for it, notwithstanding his belief that it is not in accordance with tho wishes of a majority of the people of Ne braska. It being the only measure bo fore tho legislature making tho dry amendment effective, ho suw nothing else to do. To Amend Compensation Bill A bill amending tho workmen's com pensation law has boon reported out by the Iioubo committee on labor and placed on general Hlo. It Is H. II. 625, and has boon amended to Include tho main provisions of two other bills, H. II. 44 and II. R. 182. In gcnvral. tho effect of tho amended bill Is as follows: 1. Allows an injured employe, or in case of death, his personal repre sentative, six months tlnve after tho injury in which to decide whether ho will accept compensation under the law or bring suit for damages. 2. Raises compensation for total disability or Iosb of membors, from onohalf to two-thirds of weekly wages continuing for specified periods of time. 3. Reduces Initial non-compensatory period for minor Injuries from two weokB to one week. A bill forbidding employers to de duct from tho wages of their employ es, under any circumstances, wa killed by the labor committee. $50,000 for Prison Industries Fifty thousand dollars will bo al lowed for Nebraska penitentiary in dustries, under certain conditions, if tho Lancaster appropriation bill, as It now stands, passes tho legislature and tho governor's hand. Tho provisos at tached to the bill make tho $50,000 available for any kind of prison In dustry, except the manufacture of brooms, but require that all prison made goods shall be marked as such. Since tho abolishment of tho contract syBtem of prison labor two years ago, tho broom industry at Lancaster baa been gradually done away with, until with tho removal entirely of the fac tory of lessees from within the prison walls this winter, the only work dom thoro now is straw sorting. No Temperance Day In Schools When a bill Introduced by Repre sentative Mills to require the observ- J anco of "tompernnco day" in tho pub lic schools came before the bouse It found few friends. Tho svntiment was that there aro too many special days now. Mr. Flansburg remarked that II. R. 70:? (tho prohibition bill) establishes 305 temporanco days In the your, nnd ho saw no need of speclul legislation for any ono day. Wants Enforceable Antl-Clgaret Law Reprosontatlvo Dorsoy may remove some objections to the cignret stat uto which ho seeks to got through the legislature by amending it to provldo that no youths under 21 years shall c .u iu ,,..... "6c ... this state. The present draft of tho in bill sots tho figure at 18 years. The thing about the bill which appeals to men of a practical turn of mind Is that It is enforceable and offers a so lutlon to a problem which hns worried many boy-workers In the paBt few yoars. Will Ballot by Mall I Lino officers of the Fourth N'obras- I ka regiment will ballot by mall to J chooso majors of the First nnd Sec ond battalions, tho voto fo bo can vnBsed at noou, March 13, nt tho office of the adjutant general in Lin coln, Major Ilonnlng F. Elsasser of tho Flrit, has been elocted lieutenant-colonel of the regiment; tho com mission of Major Ivor S. Johnson, of tho Second battalion, has expired. WANT TO AD.'OUt n !,.'. 1 Think They WIM be Needed nt Home fcr Spring Work rami' i mi'iiKri ol the legislature ate beginning to talk nl out the tunc of adjournment Representative Heis tier would have tho two houses ad 1ourn about Atiril 1. whether thc had finished what they wanted to do or not He said that others were discussing the quest Ion and he looked j for a movement of that kind to bo started in a thort time, If the lino weather continues. To consider all the bills before It, it would take the leuUluttirc until July. No effort will be made to do this. The general llles in bulb ' houses, upon which are placed all the bills that pass the gaiin'let ol the committees, are well lllled Two or three weeks would be neccssnr to clean up the house calendar alone, nr.d there are several hundred bills In the bands of the committees. This condition will force a sifting coin- i mlttec early in the month. Are Guests of Omaha Members of the legislating officials of the executive departments of the state and some of their wives were guests of Omaha last Friday The' special from Lincoln, bearing 1.15 of them, arrived at South Omaha at 11 o'clock In the forenoon Gover nor Neville was a membei of the party. General Manager Hiicklngham of the stock yards, took tho party in tow, piloting the vlsitois thtough the yards and packing houses and giving an automobile ride about tho South Side At noon luncheon was served at the Live Stock ICxcbango restau rant. In the afternoon the parly took In the auto bhow as guests of tho Omaha Automobile Trade association. In tho evening the Commercial club gave a dinner to the visitors at the club rooms. Favors New Wing to Capitol Tho holism finance, ways and meanB committee adopted, without a dissent ing vote, a motion inai u op mo sense if tho committee that Richmond's bill. H. R 1. be reported out amended to provided for a two-thirds of a mill levy for the next two years, the proceeds :o be expended In building a new vast iving and in pnylng for the pencil iketches for a completed structure. Tho bill will carry the present rec Dmmondatlon for tho creation of a -npltol commission, composed of the governor and four citizens to bo named by him, which will adopt the plans for the new structure. To Conform With Gerdes Law. Resolutions to require tho examin ing board of the state board of veter inarians, who aro paid tho fees of their sxaminations as salary, to turn their fees over to the state treasurer were passed at a meeting of the state board. This board is mado up of Governor Neville, Secretary of State Pool and State Auditor Smith. The board hold'! that this requirement is in conformity with tho Gerdes law. February Warrants Total $327,194.48 State Auditor W. H. Smith issued state warrants In February amount Ing to $327,l!i4.48. The amount of wnrrants Issued In January was $7.1!t 422.74, making a total of $l.$fi.ri.fil7 for two months. Tho lire commis sioner's olllce drew on tho slate treas ury for $1,097.84 to pay the expense of that department for tho month of February. Over $10,000,000 Bond Investment Over 10,000,000 of Nebraska's funds aro invested in bonds hearing 3 per cent Interest or better, State Treasurer Hall has announced. This is the first time in tho history of the state the bond Investment has passed the $10,000,000 mark. Tho state's cash balance was $1,302,241. 05 at tho close of business in Feb ruary. Usury Dill Approved. Representative Real's bill to limit ntercst and commission rates on oaus, designated especially to relieve, oonovvvrs in western Nebraska from .ho exactions of usurious money lend rs, was appioved by the house .a committee of tho whole after a lengthy Jebate. Tho house railroad committoo con sidered Mosoley'B bill, H. R. 374. which makes trespassing on a railroad right-of-way a misdemeanor and will amend it before reporting It out. Tho bill is intended to prevent the use of , ,rncks nji roadbeds by pedestrians i nn,, lhft ilimnln nn ,, ,lff f !iru ,lV boys. Tho flno is $10 or thirty days in Jail. It is also aimed at the I. V. W.'s. Tho bill makes every agent and section foreman who is a citizen a spocial deputy sheriff to make arrests, Farmers adjacent to right of way wll bo exempted from tho bill. Cannot Collect Tuition Private or parochial schools cannot J collect trco tilgli school tuition nor can thoy receive money appropriated for normnl trnlnlng In high school. This Is tho substance of an opinion given by Attorney General Willis 10. Reed to Statu Superintendent W. II. Clemmons at tho hitter's request. Tho statutes governing matters of tuition ami distribution of normal training funds, Mr. Kei-d points out, are only broad enough to Include free public high schools in tholr Jurisdiction. Miumtional SiiNparScnooL i Lesson 'Hv n O HKM.UKH Acting Pirn-tor of Siitulnx School I'ourst! of Moody Hlble Instil. itc 1 . intern ten. Wrstrrn No w mm pi r t'liloti I LESSON FOR MARCH 18 JESUS SAVES FROM SIN. l.P.SSON TKNT John k 12. 3I-?7. 6G-!A (It, a. I i ntlre rhaplert CMUi:N TT..VF If the Hon therefore Mmll make you dee, i- nlmll lie free In-(lictl.-Jiiliu k.SG. Teachers should sketch rapidly In n chronological way the events in the life of our Lord. (See mi good harmony) nnd show t lut t this lesson belongs to the period of the Galilean ministry of Jesus when he had gone up to Jerusa lem to attend the feast of the labor naele (John 7:l-.rrj). Let us be sure to load our guns with temperance urn munition, be familiar with facts, take careful aim, concentrate all we have to say upon one definite aim, ami then pull the trigger e. g. be sure to shoot a temperance charge and make u tem perance application. I. The Slavery to Sin. Jesus' previ ous references to water (('lis. -I and 7) mid to bread (oh. (') were occasioned by outward occurrences; so with this reference to light. In the treasury (v. i!0) near to Jesus as he spake were two colossal, golden lamp stands around which when lighted the people gnth c red with rejoicing. Amid the blaze of this Illumination, Jesus eelalms; "I am the light of the world." What Is more beuellcent than light ns it re veals, cheers and brings life, health ntiil happiness to mankind? Without light there Is no vision. Without Jesus there Is no spiritual wisdom. Without light we know not whither we are go ing. Without Jesus we grope In the darkness. Kvery ray of light, of truth, of holiness and love comes from him, for God Is light, unci In him Is no dark ness at all (I John l:1.r). Some think that these words were occasioned by the onlookers, seeing what Jesus had written In the sand (vv. 1-11). The first step In the slavery of sin Is blind ness; the second Is habit; and the third Is that of absolute slavery (Prow r:22). Jesus was the Incarnation of I lie light of God. We cannot con ceive of Jesus making such an asser tion an tills, ami being merely a good man. II. The Possibility of Freedom (vv. .TI-H0.) These words were spoken to "those which had believed on him," mid ns the result they were to know tho truth, and the truth should make them free. Knowledge and liberty come from a continuance (abiding) in the word of God (John M:lf; MM'J-l.'i). Many men reject Jesus Christ because they claim they wish to have their liberty, and by bo doing they lose their liberty. A dis ciple Is a learner; Jesus Is the teacher; the entrance examinations to the school of Christ are the simple nnd necessary condition of believing or ac cepting him as Lord and teacher. The scholars nre all the disciples who con tinue tinder his Instruction. The ob ject of the schooling Is to make per fect men, "unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ" (Kph. 4 :'22 ; Col. 4 :12). Christ's school Is not only In the church and In the Sunday school mid Young People's society, but It Is everywhere, In the home, In tho office, at work and play ; wherever ono Is trying truly to live according to Christ's will, he Is In bis school, nnd that school Is open both day ami night; there are no vacations unci no recesses. The text book Is the Rook of books. We need not argue as to the necessity of sin, but realize the fact that all aro under sin (Rmn, f:l'2), but being un der sin does not necessitate our abid ing there, nor Is sin necessary to our being. This freedom hero Is from sin and the love of sin and the curse and the penalty of sin and the bondage and corroding care of sin. It is also mental freedom, freedom for Christian ac tivity. A knowledge of the Kngllsh Illblo Is a liberal education, and brings true liberty to those who are thus edu- rated. As contrasted to that we have 1 the slavery of sin (vv. HI, I!0). Tho ' drunkard Is a slave because be Is re J strained from doing what he knows ho I ought to do. Ho cannot even do wrong I freely for his conscience constantly up I braids him. lie is a slave because ho Is compelled to bear tho consequences of sin against his will. Tho way of escape (v. .'!(!) Is through the son: "If tho son therefore shall make you free, ye shall bo free Indeed." III. The Authority (vv. fiO, 58). Tho Jews took exception to the words of Jesus (.'H-fifi). When did Abraham seo Jesus? Read the 38th and llUh chapters of Genesis, and we find that one of tho three who visited Abraham was differ ent from the other two, and remained behind while1 two went on to Sodom. The ono who remained was tho Lord Jesus, Jehovah appearing In human form before bis later incarnation as Jesus of Nazareth. "I Am" Is tho nmno of Jehovah. Jesus hero takes that name to himself. There was a time when Abraham came to bo or was (v. f8), but there was no time when our Lord over cunio to bo for he Is the eternal "I Am." Relng thus one with God, he haB tho power to bet men free. Wo have In this chapter the plcturo which Jesus draws of the chmacter of tho devil ns the enemy of mankind un der two aspects: First, ho Is a mur derer (v. 41). No war has slain what Intemperance (ono of ills favorite Instruments) bar slain. Second, he is u liar, ?mm MS to farm laborers Offering 160 Acres Hands. to Farm Canailii today, with the great lie I uiatitl that Is made upon it lor food I sum's, ilnds Itself almost In the throes of a labor famine. A novel menus of 1 solving the problem has been evolved by thoCniindlaii Government at Ottawa I on Wednesda.v last, when it was tie- elded to pnietleall.v bonus every farm ! band going to Camilla, bv giving hlin I WO acres free as a homestead, and to allow the time be would be working out for, the good wages ofl'oicd, to count as icsldciu'c duties on the homestead. Western Canada has been a big pro ducer of grain and It is estimated that theie is a shortage of over thirty thou sand men. necessary to produce an av erage crop in 1!M7. This shortage has been caused b.v so maii.v .voung men having left the limns to go to war, and It Is essential to make an unprecedent ed offer of this kind, to till their places on the laud at once. It has been required In the past to do tluee years' duties on homesteads to get title, but mi additional Induce meiit has been offered b.v practically reducing this term to two years. As explained by an official of the Cumuli an Government. Canada's need for farm laborers Is Intense, ami excep tional inducements are being offered to get the needed farm workers tit once. A farmhand will make his en try for one of the RiO-acrc farms, sat isfy the Government thnt be Is work liig for a farmer nnd thai lime will ap ply as residence on the land Hied for, Just the same as If he was actually living on It. Advertisement. Do Tell! lie-So you let Lieutenant Topple kiss you? She Yes. Mow do .vou know? He I heard him brag he'd smelt powder. SS-S-SftSrnTJ'Knl to gftNct rnntentalSPluidDraohid Ti7. lif.Y?llL?iL-4 ji- i ALGOHOL-a I'll" ". S Jlnt11hcSlomadisnndHciOTbrfl j Thereby IVomoiin Diction IchccrfulncssanillteslXootau! 'm m ncithcrOnum.Morpmn.'-, xm ml Mineral, not ij"-- jktafoiiDcSAMmrni m Pumpkins' Air trmna JbcbUtStto ymttrjmnntnr m A hMnfiil Remedy for Constipation and Diarrhoea., J-SfiT. fft ami mtriww" -- T.t!UfivSl.KKP 4.r,fl; SK rosutUntS thettfrwnjt!nf'anCf &w ri? wj fac Simile S.nihot VttcXHA. S5S if TitEiVrAvaGoMPAMV. NEW WBi Exact Copy of Wrapper. Sec If Your Diamond Is Genuine. licru Is a test that can b made when a diamond is quite clean nnd dry. Place nn I he Mirface of a diamond a tiny drop of water. Now take a needle or pin and try to move the drop about. If the diamond Is genuine, experts Miy, the drop can be rolled Intact. On the oilier hand when the pin Is an Imita tion tho water .spreads directly It Is touched with the needle point. Whore a man's hair Is ashy jra.v may be owIiik to the fact that he had money lo burn nnd burned It. Wise men lire those who lcet other people from eel tine wls"' t them. Sudden Death Before an insurance enmnnny will take a risk on your life the examining physician will test your water and re port whether you are a Rood risk. When your kidneys get sIubrIhIi nnd clog, you Ktiirer from bncunciie, sick headache, dizzy spells, or twinges and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and gout, or sleep Is disturbed two or three times a night take heed, before too late! You enn readily overcome such con ditions and prolong life by taking tho advice of u famous physician, which Is: "Keep tho kidneys In good order, avoid too much meat, salt, alcohol or tea. Drink plenty of pure water and drlvo tho uric acid out of the system by taking Anurlc, in tablet form." You can obtain Anurlc, double strength, at drug Rtores, the discovery of Dr. I'lerco of invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. ' fcCi'Ci i ay mr 3aw, rt fso9 IKKi&MuPlV77?v In the Promotion of Health It is imperative that you keep THE STOMACH NORMAL THE BOWELS REGULAR AND THE LIVER ACTIVE ToThatEnd Try HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters I 1 1 IKi'KljJ STOPS LAMENESS from n Houo Spavin, King Hone, Splint, Curb, Side Hone, or timilit trouble anil gets horse going ound. It acti mildly but quickly and good re sults arc Uvting. Ooca not blister or remove tho hair and horse can be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with each bottle tells bow. 2.0() a bottl delivered. Horse Hook 9 M free. AHSOIiniNK. JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings. En larged ('.lands, Wens, Unlives, Varicose Veinsf heals Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell you more if you write. 51 and $2 a bottle at dralrrs or drU.ftfl, IJbfrtl trial bl le lof J0 lumps. W F. YOUNG, P.O. F.,3tOT(ir,ptaSt .Sprlngflstd.Mist. PATENTS Wilt lion K.Colfimnn.Wash liitfton.HO. Ilookntrnn. High rm niinrnnci-a. lll result. "ROUGHonRATS ih outdoors. n!a"niiS. Avoid oiH-ntuont. IMHIIto l.Ut'r AMloniachrnmndy (So (Ml) Ksnlt sura: hoinn rmnrdr. Wrlt todtr UlblMi RintJr 211 S.Dtut-tre St-CUcm W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 11-1917. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THtOINTUOMMNY. N(W VOKN CITV. Good Way to Test Diamonds. Suspected dliiiiionds are frequently tested by placliiK theui between two coins ami pressed bard with tho lingers. It Is said to bo Impossible to make the smallest Impression on a real dlaniond. but, In tho case of a pasto article, the edes may be crushed. Tho effort can be discerned by a critical ex amination with a lens. Alfalfa seed, ?fl; Sweet Clover, J. W. Mulhall, Sioux City, In. Adv. If matrimony dnosijlt make a worn an wise there Isn't nn hope for her. It Is easier to renew a good resolu tion than ti PO-day note. Doctor Advises Herbal Tonic for Women Council Bluffs, Iowa. "When I was going through middle life I became all run down, was very nervous and suf fered with severe pains in my back. A doctor advised me to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription which I did, and it brought me through in n strong, healthy condition. I have always used the 'Pleasant Pellets' nnd found then to be a splendid regulator of the stom ach, liver nnd bowels." MltS. MARY MORGAN, 180 10th Ave. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are th original little Liver Pills. These tiny, Htigar-coated, antl-bllloiis granules thu smallest nnd easiest to take. Mado up of May apple, the dried Juice of the lenves of nloo and tho root of Jalap. Almost every drug store In this coun try sells theso vegetable pellets as well (ib Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and Golden Medical Discovery. XrvVat ill