RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 4 I jl a I to s ble Warners Rest Proof i Corsets ; Standard en si Corsets iK UKK TO SELL WARNKR'S RUST PROOF .UwJ SENSIBLE IN DESIGN AND SIIAIM-- TIII2 WARNER DESIGNERS ARE SATIS FIED TO PRODUCE CORSETS THAT ACTUALLY SERVE A CORSET'S PURPOSE. USING COMMON SENSE METHODS AND REAL QUALITY TIIRO'OUT. To be sure, every Warner corset will not fit every figure -This is where our assistance is bene ficial, for we have carefully studied every model in our slock to know exactly which styles should be worn by every type of figure Every Warner's ust-proof Corset we sell is GUARANTEED to you not to rust, break or tear, Mrs. Barbara Phares BacaBaaiacsics WELCOME NEWS For 'Yellow stone Park Tourists Coitiiuctn-iiig this summer nil tourist tinnsportntion within Ycl'nwstonc Turk will In- liy automobile The U'lilH 10 puss.ingi r imi-IIiiiL were no service able during l'.H'i over the Cody Scenic It mil will he used Ihioughotit tlio park. Park tickets will cover a couipb'tc ." ihiv Inur-lii anil nut tho sumo gate will', or in owe gateway and out the other, whether via duly, (iiinliier or Vel lowstono All Park tourists, whether patrons of the I olels or the permanent camps, will ln carried in automobiles Tom in;: the Yellowstone Wonderland by iiiitmiDibili' will, indeed, be a combination ol llleieney am) luxury. ,Noth iug in the tiavel world could be moro scenic mill M.tisIA iny than touting Vol luwstom l-y automobile in conneetion with the duly scenic route. This curly news is given to the iublic that has long waited for it. Illiistrat cd publications will later be furnished on rcipiist by the undcislgncd. L. W. Wakeley, General Passenger Agent Jon j Furnuin Street, Oinalia, Nebr. aDK!E2ESai Public Sale Owing to sickness in the family, we aie going to the Pacific Coast therefor will offer at public auction, at my place I mile west and 11 north of Guide Rock, x .. mile north and 7 west of Ml. Clare. 1 mile cast and 7 south of Rosemont, 5 miles east and 1 north of Cowles, the following property, commencing at 10 o'clock, on MM d 2i v av&e p$JP & 1 i H 1 $ I 1 9 HEAD of HORSES 9 Brown marc fi yrs old w t i:i5l) with foal: gray ukut 11 yrs old vt 1 100 with foal: brown marc ft yrs old wt 1275 with foal; brown mare yrs old wt 1200 with foal; horse cult coming 2 yrs old. These are good serviceable horses, lllack mare fl yrs old wt 1:150: roan mare -1 yrs old wt 1275; bay horse II yrs old wt 1200; bay mare II yrs old wt 1150. These are good ones. 2G HEAD of CATTLE 20 9 big milk cows. 11 giving milk, other soon: 5 heifer calves: '1 vearling steers; vcarling heifer: Hereford bull coming I yr old. The cows are good grade Shorthorn and heavy milkers. If you want a good milch cow be sure to come to this sale. Hereford bull coming 2 yrs HOGS1 brood sows to farrow in latter part of May I Farm Machinery : ft McCorinick b'u.der, McC corn binder, (t-ft McCorinick mow 10 ft McCoiniick inUo, Vi 7 I Super. or drill. M'mv llentriee cultivator. 1 l-tn cussiuy nign mi trijiik' plow 1 wheel .lohn Deere lister, Dutch Uncle ruling cultivator, .New Century n.liuir cultivator, 1 Ml Canton dl-e. 2 row Flying Sweedu weedcr, '.'.row stalk cutter, : sect inn harrow, 2 section harrow, 2 I in walking plows, lumber wagon, Iihv rack and truck, top buggy, Lightning feed grinder, 'A sets work harness, set double driving har ness, set single harness, 2 1-1 Clalloway gas engine No. ! Oulhiwuy. I croain scporator, combination vUo and drill, pump jack, tools -,-. a Kimbal organ, Daniaseiissewinir iiiacliinn IllCOllsiflOnilQ-'ook stove, heater, furniture, dishes, ete. lTlIOi.CIlCHlvUUOim) K( nasosiMio. r.O gal kerosene, loo lbs Hour Pi bu potatoes. 100 liu white beed oats, seed corn, (llciiwood tolep'houe and linerlght, S doz hens, binder twine, fur ovnvoat. 1916 Model Ford Touring Car, Nearly New Kansas City Market Kansas City Stock Yards, March f, 1!H7. Cattle finished last week firm with a nut gain of 10 to 20 cents and the unni) head that arrived tod'ij -Id strong to Hi hi-hcr, top ?11.'2". Hens made new flii.hls today, 2"t to in eciitx higher than Friday, most ii i )ii lights, top Sl l.O.'i, receipts mrio. Sheep ami l.nnl.s .sold 15 -to 2." higher, heavy lambs -10 higher, lop .?l i lid, receipts OHOO. HKKI-' CATTI.K. No strictly prime cattle were in H'nled, hut the riht kind would bring SIl', which price was offered by a juicker for two loads of prime' No loaskas, whose owner is ul out ready to ship. Middle class to yood steers bring 10 to $11.12o, light weight steers $!) to $10. About 7o cars of pilp fed steers arrived and sold (jiiieklv at stronger prices, most of them "at ?10.o0 to $10.7."), some at J10.JI0 to SM.'JTi, a few down to $10. U0, pulp fed bulls $S.'2r,, pulp fed cows $S.7ri, MuU'hcr cattle continue firm, choice heavy cows last week up to $10, bulk of cows $( to $8.70, hei fers $8 to $10.70, veal calves off HO cents today, best around $11.70. STOCKKUS and FICHDKRS Receipts of this class have been short of the demand, and the market is strong and active, some sales today 10 to If, higher, fleshy feeder $10 to $I0.r0, thin feeders $RJiO to $!).7.r), stock steers $7.o() to $!, stock cows and heifers $0 to $8. A good many cattle in this division get hids from packers, which lias a .stimulating ef fect on prospective feeders, sliowing that they can turn the cattle at any time. HOGS Harly bids lo higher were promptly refused, and the market soon assumed a plane of '2o higher, some of the light hogs going 10 higher before the fin ish, bulk of sales narrowest of the winter, at $i:i.S0 to $11, top $M.0ii, that price paid late for a drove of 210 lb. hogs, quite n string hringing $1-1. Shrinking visible supply, and belief in a short invisible supply, with no foil ing off in the demand, leaves the sit uation wholly in the hands of sellers. A good many choice hogs are coming from northern Kansan and from Ne braska, but offerings from most other sections run lighter in weight. I'igs sold at $10.10 to $ today. SHKK1' and LAMMS. After a listless trade last week, with prices barely steady, the market took on new life today and sales were lo to '2.r higher on medium and light lambs, and -10 higher on heavy lambs, some weighing S(i pounds bringing $1 l.:jr. Top of $ll.(i() was paid for a four ear drove of Arkansas Valley lambs weighing l' pounds. No choice ewes were here, lop paid $11. HO, prime ones worth $1'2. Feeding lambs sell at Sl.'i.f.O to $1-1. Receipts were fioOO today, and have been running light lor ten da vs. J. A. RICKART, Market Cor. Treasurer's Statement Mavor and t'itv Council, Citv lie I ( loud. Neb: Gentlemen: 1 submit herewith statement cover iiiif receipts niul disbursements of my olllce for the period fiom Feb. (J to .M ir. (! 1017. Occupation Fund Amount on hmid Feb (' 17. ...S all S'2 Disbiir-emeiits. ;; 7:, llilanee S'.'IU.IT Vntcr Fund 1n11i111t tn hind Feb. 0 li.Vl till Disblltsei'u'llts !!. 1 on Hilanee S.p:t iier Levy Ioml " i-tmit miiI I Feb. 0 $ :ii7.:ii N ' It 'C i,' s r I) htjIllMMIIOtllS :17:m i.iui'iii' Fund -iioiint no hand Feb. 0 $ luV ll l Cilll'seUli'llts OO.'i ..s INAVALE Don f ,.iid shiedilc'l corn fodder for Chaili-j Arnold last weik. I Mr. Oiiny of Rimimiii is visil'i'g her luiighter. .Mis lii-n M.n r,r. . , A huge '(i. 1 a' tended the rugrnill , In Hi) at Mis Idckirs u schojl. Mr- tSto'ln Knued. rotumel Moti- lay eVi'blng fr..ui M mil J 111 vii.jii. I ltoy StU-Uuey and family of Kuskin, ' ivelc vnllin,! mi U'lattvu hero muihIi.v. Mr. and Mr-. Joe Tuphiiiu of Red C.oud vhltod at Irt Loolnrd's Sim 1l.1v. Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Ruby niovtd Tuesdiiy onto tint furm of Iknnaii D.ill.v. Mis. S. Harwell visile 1 lit W'omer. Kansas, with the Vanlevoit family. Friday. (iuy Siiukuey oaiiii1 up from Riiskin .iiinlay morning and spent the llisi ot the week. Miss Mablo Fetty was in Red Cloud List week having a inhering in her ear treated. Rulph Stlckuey and wife have moved into the A K. Wolejtt property bouth of 'Central". .Mis. L V. Tlioiupau:! and sou visit. ed .Sunday in Riverlon with (Jeorge Tlioinpsou and family. Ralph Stickncy aittoed to Riiskin last week and made his brothers, Roy ani (Siiy a short visit. Mis. Firl Uurwell entertained the V. C. 11. M. Thursday at which time she served a dainty luncheon Little No una Waldo has been sutler iug several days with a gathering oil her head but is now inujh better. Little Robert Hunter, sou of Mr and .Mrs. It. L Hunter, who has been quite sick for .several days is conshler-1 able better. Geo. McCrary an old lime resident and friend of luavale and vicinity is here on business and also calling on' old friends. , The All-member Rallv at the M. kI church Tuesday was well attended and en,i)od by all. DM. Supt. Linbry also held (Quarterly con loienee in the evening, home special music was given at the evening seiviuc. 1 BLADEN I I'.vb Boyd was in Hustings Tltcday. Fred Alexander was in Hustings Monday. j Mi ( ey lveihon was in Red Cloud Tuesday. I Howard Hall was in Campbell over Monday night. ' Claude Cramer was NOT in Red Clou I Sun lay. Uort McCoy was a passenger to Cowles Tuesday. Clius Hoitate and family were over. from Mine Hill the Hist of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. .. Dennis left for Sutton Tuesday, to attend the funeial of Mrs Dennis' father. Fran's Kudriia returned Thursday from .lulestiiirg, Colo , where he ha I been the past tow week's. Farm Loan Bank Will Make Loans By April 1st rttomiiKii V ' J 'in -n 4 I Yf S tr 'P"tTK Ir & Z'hJ I -VtrTJ Tv .fti. .CU. m " jV Lcaswiv1 to have that extra room fitted up as a bathroom Wight Mow Don't deny your family the comforts and convcncncc this iohii can give them. Our workmntifhip will p!cac you nntl rur f.Muies ate ll.c l.tfl tu ctn c.! bly tct for llit money. E. W. STEVENS fr f 52 L-91 - ""- eh r?'7 i 1 , if 1 ', 1 i -r-r- jtfhxZx!rA :.i : .lUJ-u LLLi ."rrtrrt .i -'.m1. rr yCsk. aPSsSt sr" RiStMSi -' y iff.TrtL.TV IF YOU WANT A I WONOHIEjlT OR A MARKER JVIade Right, hettered Right find Erected Right SEE OVERlflG BROS. & GO. Makers of Artistic Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska Uu.lM' F. firlc LL'ht Fund 120(11 SUNDAY at the Congregational Church 11 a. m. Subject "Moral Law Powerless to Change the Heart" 7:30 p. m. "Moral Law Established by the Gospel." The (ioVeriiiiieiit I'm 111 opened fur business in T wo iieiunt mi hand !'Vo. (I S 7(1111 U.-.-eipts llol.lM U.ilance K3ll.ll Lleine Lk'hl Levy I'und m01111l on hand I'Vb. ( .'lt'i.0; I I'liisfiin ins fldSliI Farm Loans l'iremeii'.s I'linrt a hand I'Vli 0th.. II il nice Amount Kt'i'i'i ,ts It tlniit e Sewer Himd I-'iiud ISIH.030 issue) iiitiunt 011 hand I'eb (1 Disbursements :ai 07 l.M.CO 171.00 nOl.'.l.'i :iuuii 10 Loan Hank 1 Omaha 011 March '. 'ml undet the title nf Imml Maul: of Omaha. The i j are auswernig a Hood of iniiiiries and ' I reparini: for making loans. It is an-! nnuueed tliut lint b ink uill be preaied 1 lo make hums by Am il 1st The 01 gaui.itiou is completed by th select-! ion of the following otlieeis and iluec-1 tors, named by the l'ederal Faun Loan j Hoard: ! rresidi'iit and Diieetor, 1). 1'. lingua, Ma-sena. Iowa; 1'resiilent and Director foruii'r (iovernor .Joseph M. Caiey, Cheyenne. Wyoming; Secretury and Diieetor, Frank (i Odell, Omaha; Treasure! and Director, K. I). Moiciim, Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Director, Warren C. linker, .Mitchell. South Da-' ni: J W-t T t M P:.. Uota; lleglstrar, M. L. Corey, Hastings. ' mm"" r,. V'J-,,C"1 "lK"" .. . Nebraska. rine Prizes to Visitors i 110 iniiiv .iuiii i mi iiii it(i uiiiiivtii I of p7r0.(H)o subscribed on behalf of the Very Important Que&ion Hear Bible Sermon. I have placed II m fnitn N mis from .January l.Vh, to I'Vbrunry 1 th The reason is that 1 ma giving tl.e low ' est rates and best terms in the state also a genuine option without a joker" attachment l'rivato fain s on hand .1. II. IUlMiv. Uiilaiice ltecapitulation Occupation Fund 5 2.l'2.i)7 Water Fund Water Levy Fund (ieneral Lleetric Lij;lit Fund Kleelrie Liu'lit Levy Fund. Firemen's Fund hewer I rs u 1 :ii7:u It'll (M J'.'U II . :w 07 171 (i,) :i:i:. s- :i;i's hi (lovernment by the Treasury Depart ment and has an capital of S'.'.OOO.OoO. Loans will be restricted to tlrst mortgages on farms operated by the owner. The interest rate will not exceed live and one half and may bo us low as live per cent. No ooiniuib slons will be charged. Loans may be made for periods of fiom tlvo to forty years and may be puid oil' at any time after llvo years. Not less than S100 nor more than $10,00.) fnay be loaned to one borrower under the law. Ten or more fanners may form a National Farm Loan Association and secure the advantages of the system ft) SE Ind. 1SS or I jSU Bell 72 ' when in need of Printed Matter of the "Better Quality tt gH W Unit t'hfdi) 3 iiut nii-i ituob Materials fur a home and four other beautiful will bo tlio gift of the I Mid-West Cement I'se.s' Association JV n J fm,J fUjpf ... (Iwt,. !. ,il....wl (I... eliv mill JT.11. 1 11C 1VCU VtlUUU VtlllCt ..,., i,, S "Quality1' Punters : Publidiets mi-.Ts.njTC'. in .tU 4-ima of Jst noY. nnnt iufnrAcf lEiKrio; ju uiuuiii nine ui i'v. .wv ..vw. w RTf. crozierI Free Lunch at Noon. Col. G. G Denny, Aufl. L. H. I lunter, Cleik. Total No Registered wnr'l outstanding. S II Florance, City Treasuier. ' Farm For Rent The w , of N. K. ', of!!:, and S. . 1. of SIM. T. 1. Kmigu lu. This tarin is known as ttieLatta farm and is 10 ' Associations are being rapidly formed miles Irani lied Cloud and about uvo and the Federal Land Hunk will fur- I indes from Oulde Hock. There is a j nih full Information, by-laws, and as sist in tlio organi.ation ot other asso cialioii9, Applications for blanks and requests for information should bu made direct to this Hank, lath Floor W. O. V Building, Omaha, Nebraska All merchants who advertise lu tills paper'are reliable and carry a line of 11 e cluuullso Unit is tlio best in town, The nrl.e.s will be awarded to the poisons who give the best name for the house and suggest tlio two best reasons for the use of cement. National Highway Day, Saturday, .March 10, will bo the climax of the week's festivities. Otlicers from all highways crossing in Omaha, and (Jov ornor Neville will speak. All material men will be given an opportunity to present the claims for their materials in building good roads. R. E. CAMP, D. C. Chiropractor ( Independent 212 ( uell Hed 101 good live ro hi ottage, well and stabl. , all land under cultivation except pas ture. I'. H llogeis. r.l',' K. St., Lin coln, Neb. See the Chief for job work. The best that can be had in the city. February Weather Report Temperature; Mean 28 deg: innxl miiin hOou 'Juth; minimum 17 below on 1st. Total precipitation and snowfall, t raco. Number of days clear 12, partly cloudy 8, cloudy 8. J Prevailing wind-N W '.) days. Dates of below zero: 1st, 1" below, 2nd, 10 below, 1th, 2 below. A dry cold month. Clms. S. Ludlow, Observer Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED tarOrrin: Ovkii Ai.iinioin's Sronn Difference, To men a man pretends ho la a food fellow; to women what a bad nan he Is. Ml 1 1 4 N "v. -S-K