The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 08, 1917, Image 7

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True Enough.
"What does this sentence menu,"
asked the teaeher: 'Man proposes hut
Clod disposes.' "
A small hoy In the hack of the room
waved Ills hand f rant It-ally.
"Well, Thomas," said the teaeher,
"what does It mean?"
"It means," answered Thomas with
conscious pride, "that a man might ask
41 woman to marry him, hut only the
Lord knows whether she will or not."
Girls! Beautify Your Hair! Make It
Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try
the Moist Cloth.
Try as you will, nfter an application
of Danderine, you ennnot find a single
trace of dandruff or falling hair and
your scalp will not Itch, but what will
please you most, will be after a few
weeks' use, when you see new hair,
fine and downy at first yes hut real
ly new hair growing all over the
A little Danderine Immediately dou
bles the beauty of your hair. No differ
ence how dull, faded, brittle nnd
scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with
Danderine and carefully draw It
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. The effect Is Im
mediate and amazing your hair will
be light, Huffy and wavy, and have an
appearance of abundance; an Incom
parable luster, softness nnd luxuri
ance, the beauty and shimmer of true
hair health.
Get n 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any store and prove
that your hair Is as pretty and soft
as nny that It has been neglected or
Injured by careless treatment that's
all. Adv.
Getting Monotonous.
"Hold on a minute. You'll never bo
able to sell me anything by pounding
on my desk."
"I was merely trying to drive my
urguments home, sir."
"Well, Just for the sake of variety,
and while 1 remove my Inkwell from
the danger zone, make a few passes In
the air." Hlrmlngham Age-Herald.
A Mother's Burden
A mother who suffers kidney trou
ble, tlnds It hard to keep up her dally
work. Lameness, backache, sharp
pains when stooping und "blue", ner
vous or dizzy spells, make home life
dreary. Active kidneys bring bnck
vigor, health nnd n plensure In fam
ily duties. If the kidneys nre weak
try u box of Doan's Kidney Pills.
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. II. J. Matto
Bon, 240 W. Fourth
St., Fremont, Nel.,
Kays: "I hud a dull,
liea'y actio In my
d.ick along will)
lameness. My lieail
uched, too, and I
felt nervous and
worn out. Finally
I began using
Bonn's K 1 d n o y
IMlla and wna glad
to got quick relief.
AAH T I. All tft
Bvwru uAA tnv ..,
,u?7 medicine, I wnn
bAv1. free rrm all signs
BUTV of kidney trouble."
Get Doan'a at Any Store, 60c Box
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver is
right the stomach and bowels are right
gently butfirmly i
pel a lazy liver to,
do its duty.
Cures Con
tipation, Ii
and Diitrest After Eating.
Genuine must bear Signature
If Ton havn tieen tbrcatmed or hY (1 AM.8TONH3.
lNliIOKHI'UlN.OAH ur palriR In llic right CRCE
IdawrltrforinlimbloUuokotmruriuatlon iritw
wj Bf( L I
OvK "
com. o
JpHH pills.
Wr Vfc T
House Authorizes the Arming of Mer
chantmen Evince Great Display of
Patriotism Germany Seeks Justifi
cation In Sinking of Laconla Drazll
Denies Right of Blockade.
Western Newspaper Union News Service
Copenhagen. Four Americans from
tho steamer Yarrow-dale, who huvo
been prisoners In Gormuny for three
months, have arrived hero. The) arc
Dr. John Davis, Columbus, Ma s.;
Orville McKlm. Wntortowu, N. Y.. Dr.
11. D. Snyder, Norfolk, Va.. and lUch
aid Znbriskie, ICnglowood, N. J The
four men were practically destitute.
Tho rest of the men are still held In
The men reached here with only tho
clothes they stood In and will, under
the custom of tho sen. be supported
by the British consul until It Is possi
ble to send them home. They owe
their release before tho remainder of
tho seventy-two Americans, who were
on tho Yarrowdale, to the fact that
as physicians or veterinarians, they
ranked as officers and were confined
In tho officer's camp at Karlsruhe. The
horso tenders nnd sailors, who com
posed tho bulk of the American cap
tives, are still held In "quarantine" at
the prison camp for enlisted men at
The four men left tho camp at
Karlsruhe on February 27 nnd traveled
direct to Wnrncmundo under escort,
where, after being subjected to tho
usual frontier search, they were put
aboard a Danish ferry and left to shift
for themselves.
Waslngton, D. C Germnny, In a
noto delivered to tho state department
by Dr. Paul Hitter, Swiss minister,
promises the release of the balance of
tho Ynrrowdalo prisoners on March 7,
saying quarantine regulations will
have been compiled with by that date.
Looking for Eventuality
Borlln. The prominence which
Chancellor von Uethmnnn-Holhvcg
gavo In his nddrcss to the relclistag
to discussion of relations with tho
United States is regarded here as In
dicating his purpose to prepare the
public for tho eventuality which is
looked forward to In many quarters.
Thero was much confusion of opin
ions and prophecies on this point on
nccount of tho continued nbsence of
authentic news from Washington as
well as tho reports which are being
considered in regard to the stato of
public opinion In America.
Was Carrying Out Warnings.
Berlin. First editorial comment of
German newspapers on tho sinking of
tho Cunnrd liner Laconla, justified
this latest example of German subma
rlno warfaro by suggesting It was
merely carrying out of tho German
warnings that hospital ships would
bo torpedoed.
Tho Tagllscho Rundschnu called nt-
tention to tho practice of tho British
ftdmilarty "In changing the character
of Its ships."
"Tho Laconla," the editorial assort
ed, "was on tho nrltish list of war
cruisers In 1916. If sho has now mot
her fato in tho passenger servico, this
Is ono caso out of many, whero the
English admiralty uses ships fitted for
warships one timo as warshlns. then
as passenger ships, then as hospital
Bhlps. Whether this Is dono for tac
tical advantage, or is the result of a
shortago of ships, we do not know.
"This is a typical caso of the Ger
man order regarding hospital ships."
Period of Grace Has Expired.
Berlin. Tho admiralty has made
tho following announcement:
"On March 1. expired tho final
period of grace allotted for sailing
ships in tho Atlantic. From this dato
no special warning will bo given to
nny boats by submarines."
Washington. Tho bill to empowoi
iho prosidont to arm merchant ships,
but not extending tho authority ho re
quested to use "other instrumentali
ties" in defending American rights
ngalnst tho Biibmarlno monaco, wa3
passed by tho houso by a voto of 403
to 13. Speaker Clark announced tho
voto amid applause and cheering. Op
position to tho bill had faded during
tho day before patriotic appoals from
leaders on both sides of tho houso,
and when tho roll wns called only nine
republicans, throo democrats and ono
socialist voted In the negative.
Brazil Denies Right of Blockade.
Rio Janloro. Brazil's declaration to
Germany that sho does not rccognlzo
tho submarino blockado and leavea
with Germany tho responsibility for
all nets from which Brazilian mer
chantmen may suffer in violation of
international law has elicited from
Germany a statement that tho block
ndo will not bo nbandoned.
It is announced olllcially that tho
Gorman forolgn office has declared to
tho Drazillan minister in norlln thnt
It regrets neutral interests should suf
for on account of military measures.
IDE 55.000
On His Western Canadian Farm.
It Is getting to be u long drawn out
story, the way that Western Canadian
farmers have made money. Many of
them n few yenrs ago, came to tho
country with little more than their
few household effects, probably n team
of horses and a cow or two, and sulll
dent money to do them for u few
months, until they got u start. Hun
dreds of such can be pointed out, who
today have splendid homes, well
equipped farms, the latest machinery
nnd an automobile. Hero Is the case
of A. B. Mcrrlnm, formerly of Devil's
Lake, N. D. He didn't lenve there be
cause the land was poor, or farming
not n success, for all who know thnt
country nre aware that It Is an excel
lent country. He wanted to expand,
to take advantage of the cheap land
thnt Western Camuln offers. And that
same story has appealed to hundreds
of others who have had like success
with Mr. Merrlam. Hut his story, and
he signs it, too, Is:
"I came to Alberta In the Spring of
100i from Devil's Luke, North Dakota,
locating on my farm near Dalroy.
"I arrived with six bend of horses
nnd two head of cattle and about
Sl.fiOO. Since then, I have Increased
my live stock to seven head of horses,
four head of cattle, and about one hun
dred head of hogs, a four-roomed
house, good barn with nil modern Im
provements, a feed grinder, elevator,
chopper, fanning mill. etc. I have In
creased my original capital tit least
four times more since coming here.
"From the feeding of hogs during
the last year, I had a gross return of
"I first started grain farming, but
during tho past four years I have mndc
hogs my specialty, and you may see
by the foregoing statement for 1010
that I have not done so badly.
"Land has Increased at least twenty
per cent in value during the pnst few
years, now selling for from $125 to $115
per ucre, with nominal taxes of about
$27 n qunrtcr section yearly.
"The climate here is better than Da
kota in thnt wo do not hnve so much
dry wind; the winters nre similar to
"As for farming In general, the grow
ing nnd feeding of live stock Is more
sure than the grain farming, If con
tinued year after year, and If every
farmer follows this he will bo ahead
of the grain growers In the long run.
Taking everything Into consideration,
I feel satisfied with my success In
(Sgd.) A. E. MERRIAM.
Dnlroy, Alberta. Jan. 12th, 1017.
There will be tho greatest demnnd
for fnrm Inbor In Western Cnnnda dur
ing the early spring, nnd, In fact, nil
season until November, and the high
est wages will he paid. Thero Is an
absolute guarnntee by the Canndlnn
Government thnt those who go to
Conndn for this purpose need hnve no
fear of conscription. Advertisement.
The Game Keeper.
It was the morning after tho night
before and he was not In bed reaching
for it pitcher of Ice water.
Ho was behind the bars of the city
prison nnd he gazed outside with n wo
ful look in his eyes.
"Hey. there," he shouted, ns he
grabbed the bars. "I want to see the
game keeper."
"What do you think you nre?" asked
the turnkey. "This Is not n zoo, It's
tins city prison, as you will find out be
fore you get out."
"Pape's Diapepsin" settles sour,
gassy stomachs in five
minutes Time it!
You don't wnnt a slow remedy when
your stomach la bad or an uncertain
ono or a harmful ono your stomach
Is too valuablo; you mustn't Injure 1L
Pape's Diapepsin 1b noted for its
Bpood in giving relief; Us harmless
noss; Its certain unfailing action in
regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs.
Its millions of cures In indigestion,
dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach
trouble has made it famoua tho world
Keep this perfect stomach doctor In
your homo keep It handy get a largo
fifty-cent caso from any dealer and
thon if anyono should ent something
which doesn't agree with them; If
what thoy cat lays Hko lead, ferments
and sours and forms gas; causes head
acho, dizziness and nausea; eructa
tions of ncld nnd undigested food
remember as soon ns Pope's Diapepsin
comes In contact with the stomach all
Bucb distress vanishes. Its prompt
ness, certainty and caso In overcoming
tho worst stomach disorders is a reve
lation to those who try It. Adv.
Just Like Europe.
Bacon What's become of that hotel
man friend of yours?
Egbert Oh, he's running n place In
the city.
"What kind of help has ho?"
"German waiters, French cooks, Ital
ian bell hops and English maids,"
"Is he running the place on the Euro
pean plan?"
"Sure. There's fighting among Uif
different nationalities every day."
VERSARY. WeMcrn Newspaper t'ulon Nuws Service.
Passage of organic act to organlzo
the territories of Nebraska and Kan
sas. Approved May 30, 1854.
Passage of enabling act. Approved
by President Lincoln, April 19, 18G4.
Constitution prepared by n volun
teer committee. Adopted by the vot
ers of the territory June 2, 18G6.
Admission bill passed by congress
over President Johnson's veto, Febru
ary 9, 1867.
Legislature accepted the terms of
tho bill, February 20, 1867.
Proclamtion of admj&lon issued by
President Johnson, March 1, 1867.
Ollleinl recognition of tho fiftieth
anniversary or Nebiusku's admission
to statehood in the union was given
at the eapltol Thursday, when state
oilii ials and members of the legisla
ture nssvinbloil in the house chamber,
and listened to a program that had
been nrranged by a Joint comtuitteo
from both houses. The convocation
was presided over by Lieutenant Gov
cinor Edgar Howard.
The program was as follows:
I'rayer, Chaplain Davis.
Address, Governor Keith Novlllo.
Address, "Our Emblem of Author
ity,'' President S. C. Bussott of tho
btuto historical society.
Selection, male quartet, chosen from
bouse and senate.
Address, T. J. Majors of lVru.
Address, John L. Webster of Omaha.
Selection, male quartet.
Tho celebration which really began
with tho ceremonies und parade which
took place in Omaha In October, and
wero followed with tho program at
the state house Thursday, will como
to a clunax at Lincoln Juno 12 to It,
with public exorcises of a most elab
orate character, in churgu of a com
mittee of 100 appointed zy the Stato
Historical society, assisted by a com
mittee of 100 appointed by tho State
Lincoln Commercial club. Represent
atives of that committee will hold
weekly mootlngs from now on prepar
ing an ospecially interesting program
lor the exercises.
A pageant covering tho admission
of the statu will bo ono of u largo num
ber of interesting and entertaining
features. An athletic carnival, u homo
coming of old residents and ofllcials
of tho stato and a long Hat of appro
priate programs and events aro al
roady under preparation.
The original torrltory of Nebraska
comprised 351,558 squaro miles. Out
of this vast domain thoro has been
carved tho great stato of Nobraska,
comprising 70,008 squaro miles; 16,035
of tho 104,500 square miles In Colo
rado; 68,972 of tho 150,932 squaro
mllos contained in tho states of South
Dakota and North Dakota all west of
tho Missouri rlvor; 74,287 of tho 97,
883 squaro mllos contained In tho
state of Wyoming, and 116,269 of tho
143,776 squaro mllos comprising tho
stato of Montana. Dakota territory,
organized by nn act of "March 2, 1861,
took all that part of Nebraska torrl
tory north of tho forty-third parallel,
except tho strip between tho Keya
Paha and Niobrara rlvors, which was
added to tho stato of Nebraska in 1882.
Tiro first movo mado by tho torrl
tory for statehood was In Dccembor,
1862, when Jamos M. Ashley of Ohio,
chairman of tho congressional com
mittee on territories, by unanimous
consent introduced in tho houso of
representatives "a bill to enable tho
pcoplo of Nobraska to form n consti
tutional and stato government, and
for tho admission of such stato into
the union."
Again In 18G6 another effort was
mado to get Into the Btatcs. It mot
with a stormy roccptlon, but wan
finally passed by tho senate. Its pass
age In tho houso was marked with bit
ter discussions from all parties. How
ever, tho commltteo on territories
moved that It bo put upon passage,
and tho bill went through.
President Johnson vetoed tho bill
January 2D, on tho ground that tho
fundamental condition was unconstitu
tional, and ho suggested that It ought
to bo submitted to a voto of tho pco
plo tho Sumnor doctrine. Tho son
ato passed tho bill ovor his voto, and
tho next day saw Its passage in tho
On the first of March, Prosidont
Johnson, as directed by tho enabling
act, Issued a proclamation declaring
that Nebraska had been created a
Amended Limited Suffrage Bill
Amended so as to deny the fran
chise right to womon on presidential
elections nnd In county elections, but
leaving them means to voto in city
elections, tho sennte elections commlt
teo has recommended for tho goucral
file tho Sandall limited suffrage bill.
This Is not tho measure passed In
tho house, hut may bo substltutod for
It later. Just what fato awaits tho
bill whon It comes up In commltteo
of the wholo no frlonds of tho meas
ure aro able to prodlct
ffiTf Three
Mr. Kll Lcfevre, Jr.. 854 Brush
St., Detroit, Mich., writes "I hnd
been troubled with catarrh for n num
ber of years, nnd had been taklne
Customers Always Satisfied With Results
Your Swamp Hoot hut hern fo well
flpnkt'ii of by my customem during the
pact twonty-tlnoc yearn I um Mtiidicd
tint it tuiwt I io a Hiloiitli(l kidney, liver
mid bladder ptcpurutiuii nnd 1 take pleas
lire in ircmiittieiidiui; it for mioh ailments.
Vety truly your,
V. M. TON N' Kit, Dealer
Sept 21, 1010. Lynch, Neb.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You
Send ten cent to Dr. Kilmer & Co., BitiRhaniton, N. Y., for a wimple size bottle.
It will convince anyone. You will nlso receive a booklet of valuable information,
telling nliout the kidneys nnd Madder. When writing, be sure nnd mention this paper.
Regular fifty-cent nnd one dolltir size bottlai for sale at nil drug atorca.
"Does Itrmvii owe you nny ninney?"
"Not any more than I'm willing to
pay for the privilege of not being both
ered by him."
That' the Rule Free Samples to Any
one Anywhere.
We have so much confidence In tho
wonderful soothing nnd healing proper
tics of Cutlcura Ointment for all skin
troubles supplemented by hot bnths
with Cutlcura Soap that we nre ready
to send sninples on request. They nro
ldcnl for tho toilet.
Free sample each by mall with Hook.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, DepL L,
Huston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Faint Praise.
"Has he many bad habits?"
"He must have. All that I ever henr
of him Is that he's a good provider."
Detroit Free Press.
Pimples, boils, carbuncles, dry up nnd
disappear with Doctor Pierce's Golden
Mcdicnl Discovery. In tablets or liquid.
Kvcry square mile of tho sen Is es
timated to contain l'JO.OOO.OOO fish.
Itubbcr to be used In making fish
tins airtight is needed In Norway.
Tho Quinine That Does Not
Cause Nervousness or
Ringing In Head
Bccauso of Its Tonic and Laxative effect, LAXATIVE BROMO
QUININE can bo taken by anyono without causing nervousness
or ringing in the head. It removes tho cause of Colds, Grip and
Headache. Used whenever Quinino is needed.
but remember thero 9 Only One
"Bruno Quinine"
That is tho Original
Laxative Bromo Quinine
Thla Signature on Every Box
0 AVC7Ts'
High Cost of Snowballing.
Six young hoys standing on the main
street of a suburban city, uhout to
start a snowball fight, in the vicinity
of two or three stores with large win
dows. One of tho youngsters : "Aw, wait a
minute. Let's go over to n side street.
These windows cost $100 apiece. Bos
ton Transcript.
Inconsistency of Price.
"Rentals vary much In this apart
ment house."
"And yet they must bo u flat rate."
Diet. Exercise or Death!
An eminent medical authority writes
that most of our city folks die of a thick
ening of the arteries or of kidney dis
ease. The kidncyB bewmc clogged and
do not filter the poisons from tiic blood,
nnd ono troublo follows another, high
blood pressure damages the heart, arteries
and kidneys. Usually its danger signals
are backache, pain here or there, swollen
feet or ankles, rheumatic twinges or
Bpota apjcarinR before the eyes.
"Tho vciy best remedy is this: Eat
meat but once a day, or not at all. Plenty
of outdoor exercise, and drink pure
water frequently. Hcforo meals take a
littlo Anuric, tho great uric acid neu
tralize that is easily obtained at the
drug store. When you. have dizziness,
chills or sweating, worry, or dragging
pains in back, try this wonderful enemy
to urio acid, which Dr. Pierce of Buffalo,
N. Y., discovered and named Anuric.
Anuric, more potent tlnn litliia, dissolves
urio acid as hot water doea hukot,"
for Years
IN O IVdier
medicine for It, but they did me no
Rood. In rcndlm; one of Dr. Ifnrt
mnn'a books entitled 'Winter Catnrrh.'
1 discovered that Pcruna was good
for catarrh. After I had taken only
three bottles of I'erunn I was cured
of the catnrrh. I now advise every
body troubled with catarrh to take Dr.
Hartman'a Poruna, as It is a sure
euro for catarrh.
"I-'rfends to whom' I recommend Pe
runa tell me that It Is nlso good for
headache, dizziness, and pain In tho
Thoso who object to liquid medi
cines oan now procure Peruna Tab
lets. I wish you to know that I believe Dr.
Kilmer's SwnmpHoot to be the best kid
ney, liver nnd bladder preparation on tho
itmtket. I hnve handled it for ninny ycara
nnd hnve heard not limit bat the must
favorable reports from its users,
Very truly vours,
(i. M. LYD1CK. DniKKist.
Sept. 21, 1010. Clatonia, Neb,
His Change.
"This Is a world of change."
"Yes; and, by the way, have you got
nny with you?"
Now la (lie Tlmr to Ort Illd of The
Ul7 Hpola.
Thrre'a no longer thn allRhtrst need of
frrllnir ualmmcd of your fricklii, aa IIm
prescription ulhlno double alrrnRth la
Kunrantciid to remove tlirae bomely apota.
Simply et an ounce of othlne doubla
trtngth from your drug-Rial, and apply a
llltlo of It night and morning and ym
hotild aoon aen that even thn worat freckle
hnve begun to dlaapprnr, while the lighter
nnea have vanished entirely. It la aelriom
that more than one ounce la needed to com
pletely clear the akin and gain a beautiful
clear complexion.
lie aurn to nak for the doubta etrength
othlne, na title la fold under guarantee of
money back If It falla to remove frecklea.
Sneer not nt the Imperfections of
others. It Is doubly cruel to beat
cripple with his own crutch.
Important to Mothers
Examluo carefully ovory bottle of
CASTOK1A, that fumous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that It
Dears tho
Signature of i
In Um for Over 80 Yean.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
When it comes to coddling Imagin
ary wrongs the average man Is a
faithful nurse.
Vmmd thm World Owmi tm
In Oitm Omy. mOVm
"James, what's the meaning of this
they call the I'au-Amerlcnn policy?"
"Just like u womun's stupidity to
ask such a question. Americans nro
getting panned all right, ain't they?"
Alfalfa seed, $0; Sweet Glover, 8.
J. W. Mulhnll, Sioux City, In. Adv.
The widow's mite Is used too often
ns nn excuse for small contributions.
Tho Okliihomn-Kansas field leads in
the production of oil.
HEALTHY CHILDREN cojio from healthy
a. - k mothers. And
B JtaW mothers will
,mmw IK. cortalnly be
0Wa MWbi healthy If
mmm M they'll take Dr.
L. T Pierce's Favor-
Vifc 1 ItoPrescrlptlon.
MTM A m Nothing can
W V W oqualltlnbulld-
JaV Ing up a worn
. aii's strength,
In regulating and assisting all her
natural functions, and In putting In
porfoct order every part of tho femalo
system. It lessens tho pains and bur
dens, supports and strengthens-, weak,
nursing mothers.
It's an Invigorating restoratlvo' tonic,
a soothing and bracing nervine.
Castor oil Is good for children or adults,
and .especially good for apod pooplo. A
pleasant form of a vcgotablo laxative that
Is to bo had at any drug store, was In
vented by Dr. Pierce, who put together
Muy-applo (podophyllin), aloes, jalap.
Ask at any drug store for 'Pleasant Pel
lots,'' and tboy can bo had for little money.
Thoy contain no calomel and aro of veget
able constituents, theroforo uarmlcat.