RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 'W MWIWW"MWW"'"I'W'M' rHE RED CLOUD- CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebraska. i'UULISUKD BVERY THURSDAY Intend In tho I'ostoillco nt Hod Cloud, Nob. ns Hccond Class Matter MWfNMWWr ss UVA-ArbVVAV.V.V-VVV.V-V.V.V.'.V.VU,.V.VJVVV".V.".W TNE TWO PASSENGERS Dy NAPOLEON S. ZARICK. AsvssAVSSvsAAssssss7 : . Resolve to have that extra room fitted up as a bathroom Right Now Don't deny your family the comforts and convcncncc this room can give them. Our workmanship will please you and our fixtures arc ihc licit you can possibly get for the money. E. W. STEVENS fpCia . &-- : Spring is Coming! if . - - rv i arw's.rr and you want your CAR in ship-shape for the new season 'Let us overhaul it and make all the"" necessary repairs to give you a full season's satisfactory service. A full line of supplies and accessories alway on hand. Ha.vel . Buzzard Automobiles Supplies Repairing Fourth Avenue - - Red Cloud, Neb. Chicken Profits The amount of profit you will condition in which they start QUEEN INCUBATORS AND BROODERS are the most economical and satisfactory they will help you increase your chicken profits they will last longer and give more satisfaction than the average let us explain to you its many special features. Our personal guarantee goes with every QUEEN we sell. Geo. W. Trine Red Cloud's Leadng Hardware Dealer Going to have a sale? 4 ..G .- i -. i , i i, i i --o El derive will depend on the on their way thro life Let us print your bills. jaflIS-th ' S l'UIII.IHHKI! rHE ONLY DKMOCIIATIC I'AI'EK IN WKUBTKH COUNTY A Wonderful Holstein Heifer "Another Holstein Miilces ft World's Record." The press of tlio country might well keep Mint oft-repeated an nouncement uh a "statiding head," ready for nso nt a moment's notice, for tho reports of Holstein cows breaking world's records in milk nnd butterfat production have become common places. Yet, among breeders nnd dairymen, there is a never-ending interest in tho wonderful progress in scientific breed ing nnd care which these records signi. fy. There is also a rapidly-growing concern in the breed which is capable of this development. Tho Holstein-Frlesian heifer, Jewel Pontlac Segis 220201, has broken tho world's records in the junior two-year-old class of the division covering tests begun not less than 210 days after calv ing. There are two remarkable points to bo cou6;dcred in this achievement: First, she exceeded tho records of ull other cows lu her class in both milk and butter production. The former world's record of 21.01 founds of butter in 7 days was held by Flnderno Mutual Fayuo, while tho former world's record of ll5.r. pounds of milk in 7 days was held by Johanna DeKol of Hush Court. Tho record of the new champion is 17.'!. 0 pounds of milk, containing 22.07 pounds of butter, in 7 days. Secondly, Jewel Pontine Segis es. tablished her record .'l.'l: days after freshening, and had no special care during tho year. In fact, she did not even have a scruened stall, but ran in the yard with the herd, during hot weather and lly time, and was exhibit, od at the Minneapolis State Fair, where idie was passed by many thous ands each day, an ordeal which is not considered conducivo to the best re sult's, especially in the case of a heifer having the highest nervous tempera ment possessed by the new champion. She holds tho world's record for botli milk and butter in tho sixty- and ninety-day divisions and lias now brok en tho teeords for milk and butter, and the combination record for both, in the eight-mouths-after calving di vision. Jewel Pontine Segis was bred and is owned by J. M. Hackney, of Ardeu Farms, Inc., of St. Paul, Minnesota. Her siro is King Segis Pontiac Count 03900, and her dam is Do Kol Jewel Pontine 142181. Had she been given all tho advant ages usually nlforded in such test", there is little doubt that this great two-year-old holfer would have estab lished a new longtime record for her cIbss, in her year's work. It Is of Interest to note that Ragnor Wahlenburg, herdsman at Arden Farms, Inc , who developed the first seventeen daughters of King Pontine Scgls Count, with an average record a junior two-year-olds of more than 21 pounds of butter lu 7 days. m Farm Loans I can make you a farm loan nt low est interest nnd best terms to be had in tho state. Please write mo, or cnll for me at State Unnk Red Cloud. C. F Cather. m Secretary Issues Statement Washington, D. C , Feb 17, 1917. The Secretary of Agriculture gave out a statement today to refute the re port that States desiring to obtuin money for roads under the Federal Aid Rond Act, which appropriates $85, 000,000 must build only expensive roads, and to make it elenr thnt no particular kind of material will no re quired or favored by the Department of Agriculture to thedetrinient of other materials. "There is not the slightest truth in such a report," said Secretary Houston. "This Department, which is charged witli the administration of the Federal Aid Road Act, has placed absolutely no restrictions, either director Implied, upon the kinds of highways to be con structed. States may submit for ap proval liny kind of road, even an earth road, nnd'approval will be given if the const ruction be substantial in char acter, suitable tor trntUo needs, and meets tho terms of tho Federal Act To give state legislators atid highway olllcials the impression that this De partment favors only costly types of road or discriminates in favor of any particular material, results not only In sproading misinformation, but in plac ing barriers in the way of States which wish to avail tliemsolves of Federal Aid in road construction1'. Card of Thanks To the kind friends and neighbors who so willingly assisted us during tho sickness and death of our beloved father, we wish to ojtyress our heart felt thanks, also to those sending (low. ors. Ben Pegg and inmily, Brothers and sisters, A H. MoAUTHUK -wMvryyyywvWwwvwvr Out of (ho door of n populnr Rum bling hull fled 20 lintless, coatless fig ures, nnd nftcr them cninc a host of oillcers of tho law, nnmely, sharp eyed detectives nnd shrewd policemen. It was n famous raid. The gamblers hnd been caught In tho net, the gnm hllng devices, some of them valuable, Were nil conflscnted, and tho men, ex cept one, were seized nfter n long run. Tho one who escuped wns Bob Crnnc, tho owner of tho hall. In vain nil searched, trying to win the largo reward offered for his cap ture. But ho had disappeared, as if off the face of the earth. But there wns one person in the city whero tho raid occurred who could have told tho searchers whero Bob Crnno wns, nnd thnt ono person wns Nellie Hayes. Nellie wns n tnll girl, with soft brown hair nnd Inrge, blue eyes. One nfternoon nfter Bob had left the gambling hall to get n light lunch before going bnck to his evening work, he hnd decided to tnke n wnlk through ono of the pnrks. While In this pnrk he saw n horse mndly running down the long, smooth drive. Ills henrt gnve n thump ns ho saw n girl dashing heforo tho oncom ing horse. Bob mndo a despernte at tempt to rescue the girl nnd succeed ed In pulling her nwny from tho dnn ger. This girl wns Nellie Hayes, and later, when Bob first met her on the street, nenrly n yenr heforo tho rnld, he stopped short to look nt her. Ho 1hen deliberately turned nnd followed her nt i respectful dlstnnce to her home on one of the fashionable streets of tho town. Time pnssed rapidly nnd heforo long he had mndo friends with her fnther, nnd In nn nmnzlngly short time tho upper class know him ns tho sweetheart of pretty Nellie Hayes. She knew nothing nhout him, hut Just took him on trust, thinking him to he nn honest, upright num. Now, when he dodged under tho arm of n hliiecontod pursuer, and swung nu mber ono out of tho way with n blow of his big fist, he ran, more from force of hnlilt thnn nnythlng else, straight in at the half-open door of the Hayes homo. Nellie wns standing in tho hall ns ho rushed in. "Bob!" she cried, showing n little excitement in her voice, ns she came toward him with her nrms out stretched and her eyes pitying him. "Oh, what's the matter, dear?" "Don't, Nellie." he said huskily, ns he looked embarrassed Into her eyes, "you mustn't touch me now. I don't know what I'm here for nnywny, un less It's to tell you the truth. You have put too much confidence in me. Don't look nt mo thnt way. I'm not fit for you to touch, nor to look nt, nor to think of, Nellie, darling." Ho choked buck n sob before he contin ued: "I'm a bad man, and tho police are looking everywhere for mo this minute, but I had to come nnd tell you first thnt It's nil true whnt you'll see In the papers todny thnt Bob Crnno Is n gnmbler nnd n sharper, and that his business is to cheat men out of their hnrd-enrned wuge.s. I'm this snme Bob Crane," ho confessed to the only girl that he had ever loved. "I've been trying to get Into something else for your sake lately, dear, but I couldn't seem to nnd old ways nre 'Hard to brenk. So gootl-hy, Nellie, you'd best forget nhout me." "Bob," she hesitated; then she came and laid her hands on his shoulders to gaze Into his eyes. "Boh, dear, If I'll get you out of the country and keep them from finding you, will you promise to be n good mnn ns long ns you live?" He caught his hrenth. "Promise," she urged, ns she grasped him Jy the nrm. "I promise," ho said solemnly, nnd then ndded, "hut It's leaving my henrt behind me, Nellie, denr." She did not answer, hut crossed the hall and took a smnll envelope from n table drawer, (hen came and stood be fore him again. "Now, listen. From now on, Boh, you're Mr. John Edwards and you're going hack to your old homo in Irelnnd. Your rooms and passnge were taken last Frldny for to dny's boat. You see, Mr. Edwards, who bought this ticket, Is 111, and the doctor said It would kill him to go. Ills wife brought the ticket here last night and asked mo to take It hack to the steamship olllee this morning. So, Mr. John Edwards, I will hire a car Huge for you nnd tonight you'll bo safe on your way to the distant land." She drew away a little ns she hand ed him the envelope; she knew very well what would happen. Ho looked rip In surprise us ho opened It. His heart bent faster. "Why, Nellie, there are two tickets here. What does It mean?" "Mrs. Edwnrds wns going, too, Boh," she replied. "But whnt'll I do with them," he Inquired ns ho glanced nt her affec tionately with n dawning comprehen sion. "Nellie, oh. Nellie I You don't mean you you " "Of course I nm," she said. "Did you think I'd let you go nlone?" A few months later Bob nnd Nellie landed In the dlstnnt country nnd Boh Crnnc, the reformed gambler, married Nelllo Hayes, tho girl who had nl ways been true to him. Todny Bob Is tminngor of Mr. Hayes' foreign office, nnd Is plnnnlng to re turn to Amerlcn when ho has repaid nil of the money that ho won in the Kiimbllng hull. (Copyright, 1916, by the McClure Nowopa- Auto Hearse ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING (LADY ASSISTANT) ALL THE PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB. i 5 vv.v.v.v.VAv.v.v.v - AS THE MINISTER SEES IT Finds Compensation for His Efforts In Community Where Talents Seem to Bo Buried. "Why, mnn, you're burying your tal ent in n plnco like this l'" the minis ter's friend snld earnestly, almost In dignantly. "Out In the thick of things, with your abilities, you could accom plish nlmost nnythlng. If you stay on here, tho world will soon forget there Is such n fellow as Itulph Dennlston." Dennlstou smiled his familiar quiz zical smile. ."I don't believe God Is forgetting, McQulston. When I enmo out to this Httlo frontier town, fifteen yenrs ngo, I wns confident that I wns being sent. If I hndn't been, I think I should have gone somewhere else. After I hnd taught six months In tho stuffy, overcrowded, little school build ing on the hill yonder, I wns surer of it than ever. 1 knew the place needed mo, or a better man, and I didn't see any likelihood that the better mnn would come. The pupils 'took to me,' as the parents say, and I knew I hnd an Influence with them. I could point out a good many cases now where I've got results.' "The salary Is small, nnd I've had a dozen 'better' offers. They've come mostly through old college classmates, and for that reason" It's pained me to turn'them down; but well, I've never heard the order to leave from tho one In command. That may sound like mysticism to u hard-headed, prac tical mnn of affairs like you, McQuls ton, but it's very real to me, nnd yes, I might as well sny It, very precious nnd satisfying. I doubt whether u sal-1 ary of ten thousand n year would give me the peace of mind it does to know that I'm where God wants me to be. "I wou't sny I don't hnve my long-, lugs for whnt you cnll 'the thick of things.' That's unavoidable, nfter a i fellow has once known the thrill of big ' undertakings and the zest of neck-and- neck competition. But I think of It like this: When the workday Is over, I'd want to feel thnt I could face God with a clear conscience nbout this thing. I'd hnte to confess thnt I'd obeyed the heavenly vision nt tho stnrt, nnd Inter on quibbled, nnd pre tended I couldn't see It nny longer." "I don't know but you're more thnn half right," the other admitted soberly. Ills eyes narrowed upon the white school building on the hilltop, and there was n long silence. "To feel "sure God knows where to find you, be cause he sent you there nnd never gave you orders to leave that's a great thought, Dennlston." LEGAL NOTICE. In the District Court of Webster County. Nebraska. I'.lkn A. Jackson. rialnllir. . vs .1. N. Convcrso it Com)nny, .loci N. Converse, Ann K. Converse, David S. dray, Kut'iim I), (ray, Pavld H. Gray, Trustee. Defendants. Tlio nlovo named defendants nnd (iicli of Ilium will tnke notice that on tlui'iOtli day of .Innuary 11U7, Kllcn A. Jackson, plalntlll' heroin tiled her petition In tho District Court ol WoliBtcr County, Nehraskn, against snld defendants, tho object and prayer of which Ir totiiilciandconilrin the fee slmplo title and right of possession to thu (ollowluc ric scrlhcii real estate, towlt: Lot Nino (U) In Section KlKht (H) Township Ono (I) Rnimo Klovcn (11) Webster County, Nebraska. In iilalutlUiuid thnt defendants bo adjudced to hnvono rlirht. tltlo or cluluHu or to said land. You aro required to answer said petition on or bolero thu 112th day of March 11117. A. Jackson, Plalutltr, lly Krcd Mntircr, Her Attorney. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DKNTI9T OVER .STATE BANK Red Cloud a " " Nebraska 5 COL. J. H. ELLINGER S I AUCTIONEER ' ic Is now ready to place your snlo dates. Ask any ono ns to my qualifications or whom I Imvo cried sales. ludepen dent phono8on;i!). Wrlto wire or cnll Red Cloud, Nebr. ArV.WAVUWiW.VrVAVAVi i i u vAVvvwArJuvv,.VA,v,tf' Wherv the Firemen. Appea.r die inswed man' fust llioupht is one ol thankfulness that he is so. How abou your thoughts if a fmeman should ap pear at your home? The Doy Before the Fire is the day to insure. As that day may be lo-morrow for all you can know or do, it fellows that prudence would im pell you to stop in our office to-day and have us issue you a policy, O. C. TEEL R.elia.ble Insurance Ind. 155 or Bell!72 when in need of Printed Matter o! the "BetterXQuality" n Xot How Chtan H nut now aoop The Red Cloud Chief "Quality Printers : Publishers KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ROLLS DEVELOPED-'lOc NAIL V0UR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Gaurber Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory Consultation and Examination Fniis Osteopathy tlio Science of Healing by Adjustment." Given to the World by A. T. Still, A. D. 1874. OFFICE OVER SMITH SHOE STORE Hour Phones RED CLOUD.NEBR Tfc I 1 l 1 Vl T , , fj: -I K sj, V