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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1917)
R'KD 0 1 OUD, KEBRAgKA, CHIEF SEVEN MILLION ACRES Of Free Homesteads in Wyoming You Can Make Application Now! Character of Land: I'Ynss o vurod grazing hinds in Wyoming north of tlio l'l.itto Ilivor mid east of tin- Hlg Horn Mountains. How Reached: Over the Ilnrlington'rt Coiitrnt Wyoming main line via Douglas Casper or GUmiiIo. and also hy the Utirllngton's Alliance Shutiiliui main lino for Northeastern Wyoming. How to Qot Title: Three year.-.' residence require! with llvo months' vn- catloneueh v-:ir I'eriii incut improvements' toitlio value of $1 '.Ti peraoio required. Final proof within llvo yums. Kvsldcnec taken up within Mx months of the datn of llllng. . When to Go: (. curly this Spi lug If possible; yet the area is largo and will oirer an e.oellent" eholee as late as the Hummer. Information will he readily furnished applicants either by the United States Lund olllees at Douglas Sundance and lltillulo, Wyo.. or by me. Send at once for our clrcuhii of inform ition and guidance. It tells you exiieMy what to do S. B. Howard, Immigration Agt C. B. & Q. Ry 1001 r'uruum St. Omaha. Nohr INAVALE .A. V, llaitwell .shellod i-orn Monday. Ill Di.nn went to IMooinington Mon- Crooked Creek One woir was killed In the hunt on Tuesday. Prank VuvrleUu was In liluo Hill. diy. Jim Arno d in Oni ilia the last or J'iO wpi'h. olin.. i tended 13,1. I-wJ Ami (Jurney is liuiuc from a visit at sale Tuesday. Iloy Rut ledge leturned homo Hatui clay fronl his uastciu trip, The M. H. Ladles Aid met Wcdiies Cuy to hew for Mis. Nolle Hunter. V. J Vance went to Hastings Mon day morning for medical treatment. II. II. Holdiedge and Will Topham utoed to lied Cloud Tuesday evening. Rev Murlcss attended the convi n tion at Illuo Hill Monday and Tuesday. Haturday. A Ml (ill I' j Hostou, Mass. A. D. Pernio has .sold Ills farm to John llarphain. Dull Ituckles has eoinploted the erec tion of a now homo. Jus. iluekles bought a team of horses at Starr'H sale Saturday. Mrs. Minnie Washout spent Sunday with her ststor, Mrs. Ilort Tennaut. Little Iloberl. Harris has been quite hick the pu-t weHt but Is belter at this Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hunter onjoyed a writing 3 tort visit in Hastings tho first of the A sistor of Mr. Colo also a brother of Mrs. Kariiham is hero niahing a shoit tlsit Miss l'.inline Slrobl has been confln oil to hor home the greater part of the we-'k from sickness (ieo Eugeltmrdt and family are Mrs. (Until Olmstodo and daughters', m,,vil,K ,,u'ir lol(i'ings to their new BLADEN Tracy Rntitsott was In Red Cloud Sunday. Will Dynes was In Hastings tho first of I he week. V. A. Mall was in Hiddngc tho last of the week. llogato was over fiom Uliio Hill Moiulay. UH. l Welsh or Ultie Hill w.i In town L'lidny evening., Francis Sullivan and Harry Robin son were in Campbell Sunday. Win lluschke and Tied Chnmjiorhilli were in Blue Hill Wednesday. Tied Mnrey was a passenger to Hus tls I he hitler part of tho week. Mis. 0. D. Sunsell and son, Hubeit, leturned from Unttloy Satuiday. It. I' Essert made, a business trip to Omaha Friday evening returning Mon. day. Oley Iverhon, Wallace Anderson and Sol Anderson wore transacting busl ness in Hastings Saturday. Mrs. .1 E Uridll and son, Croighton, left Friday for David City for u visit with tho parents of Mr. Uridll Al bert Wegiuann of Tiiiiidad, Cal., has been visiting at the home of hisj brother, Win. Wegmatiu tho past fow days Miss Minnie llichisott returned ficm Omalia the last of the week wheio si c hid been making purchases for tl e Kropp Moichantile Co. Mr and M rs. Frank Spenec and daughter, Myrna, returned Siiturdny fiom an oxtondod visit with relutlvis in Arkansas and Missouri. leturned from Nnponco on Friday of home near Blue Hill last week Miss E'hel Stlekney who has hocn nnable to be at the store for hovoral flays is much bettor. Mr. I.Oieko and C. Con ley drive Some new Fords from Omaha the lat ter part of last week. Geo. Morrow went to Omaha Monday for medical trealntont. Ho was ac eompaulod by his wife. Ester Morrow of lllvortoit onmo down Tuesday morning and attended to tho bank during Mr. and Mis. Mor .row's absence. Sirs Walt Hastings and son left Monday morning for Dunning, Nebras ka, to their new home. Mr Hastings vent several days ago. Mrs. Nelson Hayes returned homo Wodnosday from Harry Topham'h where she had boon taking care of the now boy. U. II. Miner Dr. S. S. Diardorf, M. P. C. Manager Veterinary la I'linryo C. H. Miner Serum Co. -IMlOnUCMMtS- Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud, Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Expense I), S. Veterinary License No. 45 Omaha Farm Loan, Bank Stock Well Subscribed With Slh.OVO stock sold, thesubscrlp tion bookh to the Omaha Federal Faun Loan Hank were closed February 15. No effort was mudo to sell tho stock, though business men acquired hold ings in tho b:inU, The Faun Louu llouid expressed itself as pleased with tho Interest displayed In the Omalia hunk and predicted that it would Le one of the important banks in the sys tem. Of the I'.' hunks, Omalia subscrib ed one thud of the entire amount. Inasmuch as the slock goes' with loans, it i.s tile desire that this Mock shall bo absorbed tiy funnel's who hao 1 inns with the bank. The Farm Loan lloatd wants tho hank to be a farmers' bank and wants them to eventually control (ho stock. When the bonds aro offered for sale, the interest in the bank will asseit It self. These bonds will bo the best so I'urity imaginable an I there is not the slightest doubt tliat they will be ab sorbed as fast as offered. Wo havd a party with SUM), who wauls to buy a tarm within ten utiles of lied ('loud, mu-l be worth tho money, what have you to offer? Ilriciii-iix A: Sai.adkn. COMING TO RED CLOUD Orpheum Theatre ,- ji J i? L- nn lviuiiuay, lcuiutiry The National Feature Enterprises Featuring HENRY B. WALTHALL IN The Birth Of A Man Eight Thousand Feet of Moving Pictures Carrying With This Mammouth Production Our Own Uniformed Concert Band and Symphony Orchestra of Twelve Artists , Giving Two free Band Concerts Daily If You Are Lovers of Good Pictures and Grand Music Don't Fail To See This Wonderful Production As Henry B. Walthall Is The Great Star That Was Featured In Tire Birth Of A Nation, And The; Birth Of A Man Is The Most Gripping Production In Years A Big Guaranteed Attraction. ADMISSION: x " i,Ai-fATAiAiAiiii-if-if-i-irihsf.AlfsfiA y?w?wfi HMHMHMMMMHnMIMnMMMHWl V A WONDERFUL DANCE By EARL REED SILVERS. It ? Children 25c Adults 50c vsrvv "Vhoc girl nri' you?" "Your."." "Are you sure?" "Sure." "Positive?" 'Tos-i-llve." "Whose eyes mo those?" "Your."." "Whose lips?" "Vouch." "Show me." A crescent) moon pushed INr-lf over the edge of a sliver-tinted elotid. and peered down upon tho porch of the Country club. It wiw two Inures nes tled In the shadows; mid then discreet ly withdrew. Neither of the figures moved. From the dunce Hour came the sound of soft music Then the hoy he was only a hoy, twenty-two iiml Just out of collect spoke again. "I'm crazy, crazy about you," he Kiihl. "Are you sure?" It wus u glrly's voice that nn swered ; u voice that reminded one of far-off sliming In the depths of a (ireain forest. "Sure." "Positive?" "Pos-l-tlVf." A long moment chipM'd. "And I'm always going to be." he mhled. "Always mid always." The miMe died away, Minifying tho end of the dunce, uud footsteps mound ed on I he stone porch. The two peo ple In the shadows became more ills, tlnctly two people. A moment ago they had resembled one Indetermin ate hulk. "Hae you I lie next dance with any one?" the boy asked. "Xo." "Then we can keep on sitting out here?" "Yes." She paused a moment. "1 want lo tell you something." "What?'- "I'll let you know In just three min utes." The music started again and the peo ple silting near by passed through the doorway. The two were alone again, so nobody but the girl heard what the hoy hud to say. "I Ioe you," he whispered. A pair of round arms encircled his neck; cool, white arms which he had dreamed about for ages. The girl was silent for a moment he fore she spoke. "I hate to spoil this wonderful, won derful evening," she said, "hut 1 must do It. 1 simply must tell you some thing." "What is It?" "It's about Arthur Thorp," she ex plained. Her voice wavered a little, "lie and I have have known each oth er nil our lives. We've been very, very good friends, and it's been gen erally understood that we would he married some day." "You haven't promised him, have you?" "No. We never said much about It; but all the time you were away at college we went together steadily, and and he's been saving up." "P.ut if .miii aren't engaged to him It's all right." The hoy moved for wind Impulsively. "I love you," he said. "I know, dear." She placed her hand on his arm. "Hut don't you see that I must tell Arthur llrst? It's only fair to hint; and If he and If he should take It In the wrong way, I suppose that that I shouldn't become engaged to you." The boy looked wistfully In the dis tance. "I guess It's the only thing to do," he s-uid. "When are you going to tell him?" "During the next dunce. I have It with him." "And how shall I know?" "You'll know by watching us. As soon as the music starts, Iihall tell him thnt I I care for someone else. If he holds me to my half-promise, wo will go home. If he doesn't and every thing is all right, Arthur and I will dance the encore together." The music censed, and she arose. "I am going now." Through the window the boy saw her meet the other man and smile Into his eyes. After what seemed an eter nity of waiting, the music started for the next dance. As the moments sped on, It seemed to the one waiting on the porch that the suspense was just a little more than he could hear. And as he waited, the two upon whom his thoughts were centered sat together In another room. "Arthur," the girl said slowly, "I know now that 1 can never care for vim the wav you want me to. There's .someone else you know who he is mill I love him because he says won derful things, and because well, Just because . . " Tor a moment the "other fellow" dropped his head In his hands. Then he squared his shoulders. "I understand," he said. After a brief silence he led her Into tho main room and danced the very best he knew how. Tho boy on tho .porch watched them for a minute or two. Then he went to the swinging couch, where he lis tened with eyes dosed to the rhythmic notes. And although ho wasn't danc ing, It was the most wonderful danco he had ever known. When the music died away, tho girl came to where ho was waiting In tho bhailows. (Copyright, 1916. v tho McClure Newspa oer Svndlcau.) RUGS All Sizes mm Illii OUR stock of R.'jgs arc now ai riving for Spring. Our line is complete in all sizes and quality from thesmall 27x5i inch rug to the large 11-3x12 ft. size and our prices are right. Come in and let us show them to you. Wc also have a good line of Linoleums to select from. ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer -:- Furniture Dealer IV LU-tilNStU liN KANSAS AND Nh.UK ASK A il IF YOU WANT A I POTENT OR A MARKER JVIade Right, Lettered Right And Erected Right SEE OVERlflG BROS. & GO. Makers of Arttstlc'JHonumcnts Red Cloud, Nebraska I IMPORTANT QUESTIONS for Discusson Sunday at Congregational Church 11 a. m. Is Perseverance a Condition o! Pardon? 7:30 p. m. Infant Regeneration If you would like to know about the questions ' Will Backsliders he held for Cld fin?' end 'Does Water Poured on the Head of an Infant Save II' then HEAR THESE SERMONS FOR SALE 33 ACRE TRACT on 4th Ave., 9 blocks west of Webster St., 4 blocks from the Lincoln School 1 STORY FRAME HOUSE . 2638, containing 6 rooms and bath Lloutriciilly lighted, pressure system of vvnter supply with motor driven pump. Modern plumbing. Good cellar and furnueo room undomenth. Poultry house 8.:)2-one of tho HI3ST CONSTRUCTED poultry houses in the country. Unrii 20xfl0 with largo hay mow, hlns", slulls, ote Nice YOUNO ORCHARD of cherry nnd plum Plenty of SHADE TREES. AN IDEAL. Sl'BERRAN HOME. Will make you an attractive price on this property if taken before March 1 Ed. Hanson Owner, Red Cloud, Neb. WUrtVV-Wi'WyVV-VAV.V.VAVWiVWWiWAMWWVAV.VWrtMrt SV- I i V I 1 I: tf , J?J ff . (