The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 22, 1917, Image 5

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Nentslene, 1 00 gallon nt FoRel's
Ilobt. Avery spent Friday in Ilnst
iiiRf,. A. Scott spent Veclnodiiy In Hint
D. It. lluhor went to Denver, Sunday
Or. E. 12 Lollnr spent Monday
O. V. Lindsey spent Tuesduy
, Henrv Ludlow spent Tuesday
I31uo llill.
CllHord I'opc spent Saturday
Guide Rock.
Roy Sattloy Unricrtnker'Auto Hearse
in connection.
Louis Powell of Burr Oak was iu the
city Saturday.
Harold Drake of Ksbon was In the
city Saturday.
John Rose of Blue Hill was iu tho
city Saturday.
Miss Inez Fetty was down from Ina.
vale, Saturday.
Mrs. Chas. Steward wenttoRtverton,
Friday evening.
Mrs. Wm. Overleose spent Wednes
day in Hastings.
Mrs. Frank Mcintosh spent Wednes
day in Hastings.
Chas. Gurncy was in Kansas City the
first of the week. ,
Charley Woods was in Grand Island
the first of tho week.
George Harris was In Kansas City
the first of the week.
Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J. Q.
Mitchell, tho Jeweler.
Vincent Johnston returned to Man
chester, Wyoming, Monday.
Rats won't gnaw harness oiled in
NeUslene. Get it nt Fogel's.
Mrs. Morton Smith went to Superior
Tuesday, to visit her brother.
Attorney Bernard MoNcny went to
Lincoln, Wednesday morning.
Mrs. J. A. Bradford went to Hast
ings, Monday, to visit her parents.
R. G. Runchey of Grand Island was
visiting friends in the city Wednesday
J. C. Mitchell went to Omaha, Mon
day, to attend the Jeweler's conven
tion. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morris of River
ton spent Sunday in the city with
Messrs. Bivens, Pundt and Giger of
Guide Rock wore in the city .Monday
evening. " ? ?
Charley Bald wlu returned to Cowles,
Monday, after visitiugja few days in
the Bity.
MV. anrrrr
the last of the week In Supelon-with'
her parents.
Mrs. P. A. Jernburg and daughter,
Mrs. Roy Robinson, spent Wednesday
in Hastings.
Mrs. Ed Fearn went to Hastings,
Wednesday, to visit her son, Oris
Fearn and wife.
Frank and Hurley Storr were trans
acting business iu Grand Island the
first of the week.
Ed. Crafy and Chas. Borglleld of
Guide Rock were transacting business
in the city Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Starr of Lebanon
spent the weekend with their son,
Frank Starr and wife.
Homer Fetty and the Misses Y'Ola
SA-attzand Eliznbeth Overman autoed
t Hastings, Saturday.
Mis. Henry Black of Casper, Wyom
ing arrived iu the city Tuesday to visit
her mother, Mrs. Groat.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. U. Kaley went to
Omaha, Monday morning, to attend
the Clothiers' convention.
Vencll Vavricka and Frank Soucck
are driving new Dodge cars which they
purchased of the Red Cloud Auto Co.
Miss Gertrude Coon, County Super
ntendent, went to Lincoln, Wednes
day, to attend an educational meeting.
Tuesday, Mr. Walter Rasserand Miss
Anna Sommerhaldor, of Guide Rock,
were granted a marriage license by
Judge Ranney.
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Robertson return
ed homo from Lincoln, Wednesday,
where they spont several months with
their daughters.
Joe Crow, Ernest Losokvo, Roy Fit,
and C. Couley are driving new Ford
cars which they purchased of the
Peterson Garage.
Henry Schriuer, of Franklin county,
and Mrs. Ida Taylor, of Smith county,
Kansas, were united in marriBge by
Judge Ranney on Monday.
Buffalo Bill and lOl Ranch Shows
combined at the Orplieum, Saturday.
Matinee 2:30, admission f and 10c;
night 8, admission 10 and 13c.
The Celebrated Playets Film Co.,
offets Henry B. Walthall iu "The Birth
of a Man" 8000 feet of motion pictures
at the Orpheum, Monday, Feb. 20th
This company carrys with this wonder
ful production a concet t band Sym
phony Orchestra of twelve artists.
Admission 23 and 00c. Notice the add
elsewhere in this issue.
Come to Red Cloud nnd do your trad
ing. ' J icob reteren spent Friday in Has'
lugs l'l.ive Grlcc was on the Mck list this
Harry Stroup went to Guide Ruck,
I. K. Yost was in St. Joe tho first or
the week.
A good driving team for sale or trade.
Pat Kellett.
Roy Sattlcv, mulct taker-auto heatsc
iu connection.
Mr. Htid Mis. It. L. Aveiy went to
Dlllcr, Monday.
Alf McCall was in Kansas City tho
lint of the week.
Lloyd Turner of ltiverton spent
Sunday in the city.
Louis SchulU spent Sunday in Guide
Rick witli relatives.
Phil Shorwood spent tho weekend
with friends at Lincoln.
W. L. Weesner returned home from
L'ucoln, Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jeuson returned
home from St. Paul, Friday.
Mrs. A. A. LeRoy returned homo
from Hebron, Friday ovening.
Prof. Ilaird spent tho weekend with
Ills parents at Formosa, Kansas.
I. W. Edsor. of Oxford was In the
city Monday visiting his son, Will.
Ward Tower of Oxford was the guost
of Mr. and Mrs. O.J Ktiiloy, Sunday.
Miss Louise Shuiuachcr snout the
weekend with her parents at Orleans.
Barney Sutton left Thursday morn
ing tor Peoria, Illinois, to visit t da
tives. Sunday. John Yost and Wes Throck
morton each shipped n car of cattle to
St Joe.
Tho Nebraska Press Association will
hold a business meeting at Lincoln
Roy Rutledge of Inavalc was iu the
city Saturday enroute homo from
Attorney E. 0. Caldwell was In Sup
erior Monday, looking after some legal
Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Schwerdtsfeger
returned home from Omaha, Friday
Miss Edith McKcighan, Clerk of Dis
trict Court, spent tho first of the week
in Omaha.
W. G. Hamilton went to Omaha, Fri
day evening to attend tho clothier's
Jacob Whipkey and Mrs. Frank El
liuger returned homo Friday evening
kfrom Beatrice.
Will Hoffman and Ralph Harrington
ntteuded the basket ball game at
Cowles, Saturday.
iS fl
J?jclduy in city with her brother, John
Havel and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beers of McCook
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs Al Beers.
If you want to sell or trade your
real estate call on C. A. Sohult.. Inde
pendent phone 2o8
Paul Robertson returned to Blue
nill, Saturday, after spending a few
days with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Oatman enter!
tained a number of their friends at n
dance Saturday evening.
Kloset Klean guaranteed to remove
it urn from closets. No fumes, odor or
dirt. Sold by E. W. Stevens.
We have plenty of good Maltlaud
Lump coal at 80.00 per ton. Washed
Maitlaud Nut 89.50. Piatt ic Frees.
J. 11 Hamiltou aud sou of Guide
Rock went to Omaha, Friday evening,
where the former will consult n spec
ialist. Henry Ludlow of Oklahoma City ar
rived In tho city Sunday evening to at
tend the funeral of his father, S. V.
Miss Grace Sherer, who is teaching
school near Itosemont, spent the week
end in the city witli her mcthcr, Mrs.
Clara Sherer.
On Monday, Judge Ranney granted
a marriage license to Mr. William Karl
Mansko and Miss Edna Kruger of
Adams county..
Mr. aud Mrs Chas Amack, who had
been visiting relatives here toturned
to their home at Wheeler, Kansas, the
last of the week.
Misses Florence Johnston and Nettie
Sptiuger who ore teaching school near
Rlvorton spent the wcekeud in the city
with their folks.
Tho last of the week the Mi&tour.
Valley Oil Co., received an auto truck
which they will use to deliver oil and
gasolene to their many customers.
James Loy, who had been firing out
of Oxford, was In tho city Friday on
route to New Castle, Wyoming, where
he will fire an engine out of that city.
There will bo a big wrostllng match
pulled olf at Inavalc this evening
Vernon Zeiss will tako Earl Shumaker,
of Bladen, on for a tussle. Go up and
boost for Vernon
Clare Wolfe, Clarke Crow, Roy Fits'.,
Chas Arnold, Ernest Lost-Ice, and C.
Conley wont to Omaha the last of the
week and drove baok new Ford cars
for the Peterson Garage.
Powell Bros.
Smoke House
rVVkP ,,,,,m lf' trft. m$jJvP
CIGARS that are Good
The Brand Your Dodor Smokes
Most complete line o!
Cigars and Tobaccos
in Red Cloud
Jas. Mcintosh was iu St. Joo tlie first
of tho week
Ed Burr of Guide Rock was iu the
city Tuesday.
Fied Coibett went to Suporior this
morning to attend n sale.
Mrs. Fred Wlttwer spent Wednesday
with her daughter, Mis. Art Robinson,
at Guide Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Whltiiker nnd
her mother, Mrs Hosincr, autoed to
Hastings, Saturday.
Mrs. Alf Saladeu entertained the
second division of tho M. E. Ladies Aid
a', a quilting bee at her homo Wednes
Mr. aud Mis. Bcu Rasser departul
this morning via tho Ford for Gillette
Wyoming, where thoy will make their
futuro home on a farm.
We arc in the market for 100 to 125
pounds Shoats nt market price deliver
ed at Sorum Plant. Will pay for de
livery to plant. C. H. Miner 3erum
On Saturday afternoon, Miss Elsie
Dietrick, the popular pharmacist at
Cook's drug btoro, had the misfortune
to fall and sprain hen-wrist while com
ing out of tho State. Bank.
Tho young people 'who put on the
homo talent play "Because I love You"
...'cided to cive another play in
the near future au.1 Mie title of the
play will-be "The Third Degree" .
Saturday evening, Attorney L. H.
Blacklcdge packed up his old trusty
shot gun and hied up to Napnnec
whore he spent Suriday with some of
his friends in the pursuit of game.
The following shipped stock to Kan
sas City, Sunday: Weesnor & Koontz,
two cars of hops; Dolaney Bros., one
car of hogs; George Harris, one car of
cattle nnd Chas. Gurney, two cars of
Annie Abbott "The Little Georgia
Magnet". What docs she do? Lifts
ten men and ten men can't lift her, 100
similar feats. Also a Blue Bird Photo
Play "A Stranger from Somewhere" In
r acts At the Orpheum, Friday night,
Feb. S3d. Admission 10 and 35c.
Harold Gilbert, narold Drullnei'
Howard Kuley, Ralph Nuwhouse,
Ernest Barrett, and Tracy Druliner
who compose the High School Basket
Ball team went to Cowles, Saturday,
whore they played tho team of that
place. Our boys won the game by a
scoro of 2(5 to 1 1.
We will offer a little free advice to
the young men and young ladles who
read this paper. Never marry until
you are certain that single life is u
failure nnd under no circumstances
marry until you find some one who will
have you. Be sure you are right, then
go ahead. Boys, lomember that a girl
rigged out in ribbons and paint may
look good enough to eat; but that
smile however, may bo made to order
and come off with her best clothes.
Bom, to Mt. and Mrs. Will Boren,
.Saturday morning, an eight pouud
daughter A glance at Will's face as
he camo to town much earlier than
usual, told the story. It not only re
lleoted In his face, but tho rapidity
with which lie walked convinced all
that ho had one more to provide for.
Mother and daughter doing nicely and
the sunshine brought into tho home by
this little uew arrival, will more than
compensate the father for a little ex
tra "hustle." It is now Grundpa and
Grandma Boren it you please.
Hamilton - Cather
Clothing Co.
Suctmori to Ptul Storey
Everything a Man
or Boy Waara
Had Cloud Nebrka
C S. II, Kl.or is homo from Lincoln
whoie he had been visiting his sou and
Jack Venn arrived Wednesday even
lug from Oklahoma City to attend the
funeral of his father
Mrs. W. II. Thomas left this morning
for McPliorson, Kansas, to visit her
daughter who Is sick with the measlc,
On ace unit of falling health Row
Caskoy, Pastor of the Brethren chtiich,
has decided to discontinue his appoint
ments at tho Brethren uhurch for the
pivsont time. Sunday School at ten
o'clock each Sabbath morning.
On Wednesday afternoon, nt the
home of Rev. M. W. Hummel, Mr. Wal
ter Rassor nnd Mies Anna Somtuerhal
tier were unitoH In marriage by this
venerable gentleman Tho youi g
couplo will go to housekeeping iu the
new residence on their farm northenst
ot this city. The Chief along with
tholr many friends extends congratu
On Monday evening about 7C mem
bers of the Odd Fellows' Lodge turned
out to the regular meeting of this or
der, and spent a most enjoyablo even
ing. After lodge an elaborate lunch
eon, which had boon prepared by tho
committee In charge of the occasion,
was served and to which all present
did justice. The remainder of the
evening was spont in playing cards nnd
social chatter. The to wore several
visiting brothers from tho surround
ing towns in attendance who helped to
iiiake this occasion one long to bo re
membered. Farm Loans
I have. placed $15,000.00 in farm loans
fioin January 15th, to February lfith
The reason is that I am giving tho low
est rates and host terms Iu tho stato,
also a getiuino option without it
"joker" attachment Private funds on
hand J. II. Baim'.v.
Lyceum Course For 1917-18
A Lyceum Board of two members
from eaoh class, in High School has
been selected by the btudonts to ar
range for and manage a Lyceum
Course for the coming year. One list
of entertainments consists of the Shu
berts, a musical entertainment, Mr.
Paul Barnaby, an Imporsouator, the
Cambridge Players in Drama and
Musio, Dr. Herbert, a lecturer and the
Hawiians olfoiiug tho peculiar music
of their country
The course is to consist of live num.
bets, the above or one equally as good,
and will not be undertaken unless we
can secure cnougu pledges to innuc
sure of its success. Season tickets will
cost 91 .o oacu anil pieugos ior same
Arc snw being token by the members
of the Lyceuui 1'ntrd consisting of:
Ethclbert Johnston, Helen .'."'right,
Gladys Keaglc, Paul Throne, Alveua
Renfro, Velnin BeeJey, Floyd Provost
Chairman, Margaret Miner Secretary.
Believing the Lyceum course is es
sentially edncatio lal and that tho
school should have tho fullest advan
tage of its benefits, I am hopeful that
tho public will lend its support to this
movement on the part of the pupils.
... . ...
P. M. Whitehead, Supt.
Old Jokes In New English Garb.
On the theory that In war times hu
mor Is needed more -than ever, An
Rwers, the London weekly, Ventures
Jokes In every number. Here lire it
few paragraphs, some of them old-time
friends on this sldu of tho water,
which It offers ns luugh-getters:
In n holiday gift store the clerk
asks: "Are these gloves for your wife
or do you want something bettor?"
Patron "This meat Is like leather."
Walter "Yes, sir; It Is saddle of mut
ton." Wife "You looked nwfully foolish
when you proposed to me." Husband
"Not hnlf us foolish ns I wns."
Author "Where nro the cuffs I took
off this morning?" The Author's wife
i "I sent them to the laundry." Author
("Heavens, I had the plot of n grent
novel written on them."
Lawyer "Don't worry; I'll see that
you get Justice." Client "I am not
hiring you to get Justice, hut to win
tho suit."
Woman (nt tho door) "Are you
seeking employment?" Trnmp "To
he truthful, no; you can't make work
pound nny more Inviting by using u
word of three syllables."
U. S. Fire Equipment Worth $5,000,000.
Tho forest service now owns Im
provements valued nt more than
?5,!I00,000. Their construction hits
been pushed as rapidly us nvallnhlo
funds would permit, and tho rangers
have nlso done a great denl of Im
provement work during spare time.
There are now 2,528 miles of road,
1212,124 miles of trull, 20,030 miles of
telephone lino and 1,000 miles of fire
break, nenrly 2,000 Held headquarters
and n quantity of range Improvements
which facilitate the administration of
grazing business. Washington Star.
Beginning to Appreciate Chestnut.
It Is said that Knghiud Is gradually
learning to appreciate tho nutritious
value of the chestnut, where It Is
chiefly used for stiilllug nnd In the
preparation of vegetarian dishes. In
n large quantity tho chestnut does
not make n cheap vegetable, but In
flesh-forming Ingredients they excel all
other vegetables. The Italians use
the chestnut to give the flavor nnd
strength to a variety of dishes.
Mr. and Mrs Tuck Amaok nro
Ing to the country today.
f: Time Now to Buy Your Shoes S
: from Present Day Prices at Our Store
;: mens work
land Dress
LESS than the PRICES
Ruling Today in Most Stores
fT These prices are based
U which arc $1 to $3
Supply Your Shoe Needs Now
I Our Spring Hats and Caps are in
Stop Losing Chicks With Cheap Incubators.
Luck with clucks starts with the incubator. If it is a good one,
properly heated, properly ventilated, nnd properly regulated, your
chicks will start off with vitality they won't come out of the shell half
dead and totally unfit to start on their way through life.
QUEEN INCUBATORS are built with double Redwood walls lined
with corrugated strawboard for insulation; puro cold rolled copper
heating system with all joints and scams locked, hanfmercd and
soldered; self-supporting trays; two walled, asbestos lined, metal jacket;
John Ilowrn
of Colorndo Poultry Knnclprii' An
oclftllun, uroto: " nnwoti tli
writer Inatullnl a OUKKN hh n
pxporlmcnt, mid found Hint It
liatclxil IS Vfr cont better thtn
KaatiTii iniiUo machines mid II pr
cent licltiT tliiui any mucliltio
built In tlin WfKt. All or thn mil
chlnra were run under exuclly tbo
vauiu I'uiiuitinun, ' l l
7". t- r-
fOur personal guar
ftiltcc and recommen
dation goes with every
QtfKEN inachino vro
so)I, and wo keep a
i . ' i.
utock on our floor for
your personal Inspcc
Hob and can supply
jou with anything in
the QUEEN lino.
- m..&w ;av
Geo. W. Trine
Red Cloud's Leadng Hardware Dealer
To be sure, every Warner corset will not fit
every figure This is where our assistance is bene
ficial, for we have carefully studied every model
in our stock to know exactly which styles should
be worn by every type of figure Every Warner's
Rust-proof Corset we sell is GUARANTEED to
you not to rust, break or tear,
Mrs. Barbara Phares
Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville
tlli Altm Flllid with tt illr Olrli, FiuinjClotM, BuiMH
Eqtilpiii. Brilliant Settle liilrotnul
Everybody Qotn Ah Anybody
, s
on October purchases
man loaays prices
.1 1
CtothinHo. I
safety lamp hanger; and
many other points that
make them vastly superior
machines. The QUEEN
will last many extra years,
and give the best of satis
i fiction always.
Doblffeer natcnea
of stronger, heal
thier chicks mean
Ask Us For The Free
QUEEN Catalog
Red Cloud ' ' ' Nebraski