RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF A PUBLIC SALE! As I am leaving the farm, I will sell at Public Auction, at my place ! miles south and 1 mile west of Inavale the following property commencing at 10 o'clock on Thursday, J? eh. 22 HEAD of Team sorrel geldings, 11 yrs old, wl MOO; team black mares G yrs old, vt .'WOO, with foal by jack; sorrel horse, yrs old wt 1200; brown horse, 5 yrs old. wt 1200; team ponies, 7 and 10 yrs old, 2 yearling mare colls. 46 HEAD of CATTLE 46 10 milch cows, all giving milk, most of them fresh, in Sept.: 10 stock cows; 10 spring calves: 2 small calves: 2-year-old heifer: yearling heifer: 2 yearling steers; 11 fall calves: U-yr-old White Face bull: 2-yr-old Durham bull Farm Machinery of all kinds, Feed, Seeds House Hold Goods and many other articles TERMS: Ton months nt ton per cent LUNCI I ON GROUND Fred Kollj, Auctioneer George Monow, Cleric AVE WILL Al'riiKCI ATIO A SIIAUKOF VOl'll COM LORD E R S P1ATT&FREE5 Giving Away This Auto Ford Runabout, two passenger, four cylinder, twenty horsepower Nebraska Ruralist Formerly The Independent Farmer, in conjunction with the Nebraska State Journal In kIvIhr It away In ii Subscription Contest, open to all. You nro ollRlblo; your neighbor is eligible. Tliero are no HtrlngH on the proposition. Get all the subscriptions you can for the follow ing papers or combinations, between Feb. 1 and Feb. 28. The one getting the most points wins the auto. When the contest is over you will probably bo surprised at the Hinall number of points winning the auto. You Get Paid tor Your Time whether you win the auto or not. All .subscriptions nuiM be paid cash In advance and we allow a per cent for jour time. Subscriptions taken in Lincoln and suburbs do not count. Here is What You Are to Sell Nebiaska Hurallst, one year ? .f0 counts 1 point Nebraska, tluee jears Lincoln Join mil. bully only, thruo mouths $1.00 Nebi aska Hurallst, one year DO Hotli for only $1.25 counts 'J points Sunduv rttato Journal, throo montliB 50 N.lna-ku ituraltat, thruo years $1.00 liD'.ii for only $1.25 counts 3 points LiiHiiin journal. Daily only, ono your $4.00 counts 1 points Lincoln Journal, Pally only, one yoar , ....$4.00 Niliia l..i KuvalU, three jeais 1,00 Hoili for only 94.50 count h 5 polnta imi! .mil Sunday Journal, ono year $5.00 counts 0 points bwlv and Sunduj Journal, one year Nrbrnti.a RurnliM, three yearn Ruih for only $3.50 counts C polnta A Combination to Fit Every Need To the man interest cil in I'lirinitiK ,mu can sell both The .Journal unci the Jiitnilist. To the man who already takes the. liurnlist you can sell the .Journal. To the man who already takes The you can sell the Huralist. You Can Win This Auto Start Now! Address all orders or requests for Information to Contest Dept, State Journal, Lincoln, Neb. HORSES 10 B. F. Points $1.00 counts Ii points $5.00 1.00 INAVALE Mrs S llurucll was in lied Cloud, Hut unlay. Hli Mioiik ami Dr. Myeis atilootl to Ilustiiitc. Monday Wi i Nmiii hlilnpi'd in two ur lb ear f e.ilt ! this weelt . Itlnlilk'e his iiistullud a soda font) t (i hi iii lilsdrun store. Mrs i ; .mi (Miiioted and duiihtuiH w nt to Niiimiiec, .Sunday. .-t-r Much were shipped lloiu llcle n'lduy In Kansas City. (' l.tlnliltfo's puieiiln hiivu moved in to the ( hri.siiun church pui'soniic. ill llnsiinu's lomled his ear 'I'ues day ami will iimve in lJumilii, Nohr Mis Matklns who has been quit s ! with lugrippc is eonsideiable iieMcr Mr and Mis Clias lluuti-r u-turned I be lust nt I be week from their south ern I rip. Mi. ('. Hiii'kqsh w'uiit. to lied Cloud last Thursday to spend a few days with relatives. Mrs. .Jeffery ntiil Mis. ny Copley went tn Lineolii last Thursday to visit relatives and fi lends. Win Topliiuu and family and (iuy It.olor and t it tn i I v autoed to lied lmi., Sunday afternoon. ' u n I. y lSnuie;hton and wife went to Uiiii-iii. sitiirdiiv nitfht. They u i til in' I Inline Siilitlity evening. Ljle Leiitiaul lias the inisfoiliinc to i mi a i e-illu in his knee Monday and in- tukou to lied Cloud to hen n clucliir Mr. anil Mrs. Hi Dunn went to St Joe, Sunday, to buy spriin,' and Mini-HUM- guilds fur his store. They return ed hntuc Wednesday. Jnliii Deliiiiiiiier letiirnud home fi'iin Iv'ivti ton, Mnndiiy, where he lintl been helping his son, l-'rutih, load his ear piepuriilory tn moving to Colorado. DLADKN (Hey Iverson was in llivertoti Miitur- I ii J". Tracy Kiim.son was a ptissotim-r to Omaha, .Mon lay Ciumle ( latin -r ainl family were in lleil t'lmid .Sunday Mis. A ). Kmits.m visited rolalhes in lied (Jlotid the llrstof tlio weelc. Scl Aiideisn-i, (!. . Piudpu, mid i I v 'son left foi (iinaba .Mmidny. II I llnnii. uirh eiuii' down t'r I. ur 'n.s.iim.i.ij forashmt viMt ai ' le 'in' lieic. tJieii Cai lisle of Lincoln was a gini at the homo of lt-v. and Mi.s. O T. Monte the of the week. Kenneth 1'iel nf Utile Hill was a visit i at the home of his iMuilfnthcr, .1. (' Clailt the lirst ol Hit- weeh Mrs. W. 1!. framor of lied Cloud wlio lias lii-en visiting relathes hen the past week, returned linino Minday. Miss ISt-riiieu Tucker was called home .sun lav. to the bedside of her Inother who is datiKcriiiisly ill. Miss Tucker eonii s fioiu llolbiook. Mrs Itla Met'luro nf linker City ar rived lieu- Mniitlity whire she was call ed to the bedside. if her mother, Mis. Win. lint ton. who is seriously ill. KANSAS PICKUPS (I'rinii Multh county) Little Hurry Dunning quite siolt with scarlet, fever ICarl Abbott puiehased a team of mules at a sale lust week. Mrs. Mill.-r visitnil witli Mr-. '1 s. Spin rier in Leliaiit'ii last Monday. Mrs. K K. Spurrier spent Tuesday attenioon with the I) K. liiewell family. Mi. ami Mrs. Tniu Heath of Canadian, T. .is, are visiting relatives in lids vicimtj'. U.ij .s.miiker ami wife spent last wii-i. visiiing relatives m and near Hut r Oak.: Mr and Mrs. H. K. .spurrier and F M. llfiuMi atti-iiileil I'lnis. .Slmiiker's sale east of 1 tu ft Oak last I'liuistlay. i; n Spun ier and l-'ruil Urowu pur ehased some. I'dIiiikI (Jliintt Iiok's at Smith llros'. sale near Superior, N'ebr. Itevival int'etiiigs are still in pro giessatMt Hope, having big uumds ainl oud intii'est tuaiiifebted. Lot I ho good work go on. We noticed I'ny Upp over at the leri'v Dunn pl.iee putting up siuves last Fiid'iy. Dnu't forget to get the flgari and canity, l'ay. Floors In Hog Houses For the hem lit ol farmers who lum sows that will furrow in early spring, tin- ugricultiiral engineering depart ment of the state university offers the suggestion that plank tloors built oil' the ground are several degrees colder than masonry tloors built on the ground. Uanldng the hog house or using a great deal of bedding will inaUe a plunk floor much warmer, DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OYER STATE BANK Red Cloud a ' ' Nebraska Kansas City Market Kansas City Stock Yards, Feb. 12, 1017. Steers showed weakness after Tuesday last week, 10 to 25 lower in some cases includmir stackers and i feeders, butcher grades steady. A sup u,(. i ply f 1'iOOO today sold .steady to 10 I lower, as computed with the close of last week, no choice steers lu-ie. ton SHi.XO. Hojrs sold strong with the ad vance of last week, receipts MOO0, top $12.-1(1. Sheep and lamb.- sold 10 to 2f higher. at a new high figure, 511. Ilcef Cattle. Prime steers .-old at $12 la-', week, and would brinjj it today. The best natives heie sold at $10.80, soni six ty day Nebraska catt.'e at $10.2fi, warmed up steers hrouchl $10.7fi, 1211 lbs. average, which is 10 cents, above a week ai'o for sleets from that feed lot, Other pulpers sold at $10 to $10.(i0, from Northern Colora do. A string of Arizona steers weigh ing 12.'!:! His. sold at $10.15. Cows sell up to $'.1.50, bulls $8.i(), odd head at $!l.2f), veals up to $IH.2r. Smaller re ceipts are expected balance of the , week. , Stackers and Feeders Stock steers sold up to $8.70, feed-' crs $!).7r,, bulk of the transactions HO cents to a dollar under these figures, the market steady with the close of last week, and In to 2" cents under a week ago. Tops on both stock cattle and feeders a year ago were around $7.S.". Kxtdcnie cold weather has kept buyers away for a week. Hogs Hogs made a gain of :!." to fiO cent" last week in spite of a break of 10 to lf cents Thursday. Trade was aetho all week, and indications point to firm markets ahead. Ileavv weights at, $12.10, medium $12.::.".. lieht ST! 10 I bulk of all sales tn $1..").". prices in effect today, averaire hh'he-t on record here, although $12.10 top was reached last Wednesday. A good many hogs are being slnpp.-d in by packers from other markets, heinii.'i of sliortage here, and there aie rather' liberal receipts here from ilNtm-l points, 12 ears here today from Colo rado six loads of which weighed 17 , lbs. and brought $12.l.", and 12 cars' of pie-s and ligh hogs finin Ari.ona here Friday, at $9.00 to $11.."0. Sheep and Lambs ( Lambs regained almost all their i loss of last week after Tuesday, top selling today at $1 l.ii.1, otil .' u-nt-under tops last Tuesday, and 2 cert- ' above tops last Friday, lvses soli at $11. 10 cents above best price last week, but not quite the limit of the! market on ewes. Wethers at sll.2"i and yiarliitgs at l$ were other high sales. Feeding lambs at 'si 1. 50. 7!! lbs. average, more properly c,l!ei! shearing lambs, set a new high u- ! cord on that class. , LEGASL NOTICE. In tin: District I'onrt of WelistcrVeunty. Wrhraskti. Kilt n A. lui'l.Mia. I'lnlntlil I. N. Ciiiii-rsc ,, company, loci N. ohm rsp. Ann I-:. coituTM', HaMil s. i.ra, I timmat). (iray, Davlil m. liray. I rustic. Defeiulaiits. 'I'liealiovenamiil tlereiiilants ami eaeli of lliem will lake millio that on the iitli May of January I'.HT. Klleu A. .lat-ksmi, iilalutllt lii'i'ilii lilt it her petition la the District Court of Webster t oiiniy, Nebraska, against nalil (li'feiiitants, thiiotijeet ami prajcr of which Is totiilcl mill confirm the fee simple title ami rlttht of possession to the follow Im; le sci'llieil real estate, tow It: Lot Mm D III -Mctlou I'lisht iSi Township One ii- Itamje l-Ileveu ill) Webster County. Nelirnska. la plalatlll'aml that ilefemlants be attjiulucit to haeno rlht. title or el-ilin In orttwiltlluml. You are rctiilreil to answer satil petition on or In-fore the l'Jth ilay of March nil". Ki.i.hN A. .'I Kso.n, IMiilutlir, lly l-'ieil Maurer. Iter Attorm. Notice of Final Report. In the County Court of Webster county, Nebraska. In the mutter of the estate of Mary (inulitle. itcccaKcil. All persoiiH Interested In Hahl estate are hereby notllletl that the Administrator with will Hiinexeil has 11 led herein a lllinl account ami report of Ills administration, ami a peti tion for the llnal settlement of Mich account ami report, ami for a decree of distribution of the residue of said estate, and for the as signment of the ical estate beloimtim there in, ami a discharge limn his trust, all of which said matti rs have In en xct for Inuring In foresaid lourton the tilth day of l'ibiiiar. 1'ilT, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m.. win u all pi rsoiislnteu.sted may appear and coultst the same. Hated thlsiiut day of .lanuarj . HUT. IslIAI.J A. D. i:si , County .ludi-e. No1ir.R To Creditors In the County Court of Webster Coimtj . , Ntbl'Hska I In the matter of the estate of A. 1. Mi Mur- lav Heceased. i (lulltorsof said estate will take indict, j thai the time llmlle.l for presentation audi nihil,' of claims nualast said estate is August mill. 11)17, ami foi Ihu payment of dibts Is .I'liiuaiy l'Jlh. I01H. that I will sit at the i oiiu- j ty court room In wild county on die huh dav . -I I'eliruary UT, toeamiiu-. Iiciraml allow ail claims duly lllid which are a ilrsi or m i oiet Ilea ii i o i said estate, and on tin- 17th d it of Siitfiul. I-U7, lo cMimliic. I'tar. alhrn and adjust nil i l.ilmstiml obu el ions of i m r al i reilttoiH diilv llled. lMteil this lit Ii da of .1 tin ii it i I UT, '-..III . Ii. I! NM ' - 1 i mum Indue. ' Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED;:; ;?VO.iiifi: Ovmt At nuKiui's Stout: ' WJW.V.V V.Vm Wm". WJUWWb COL. J. H. ELLINGER AUCTIONEER Is now ready to place your sale, dates. Ahk any one as to my iiuallllcatlnns or whum 1 havecrlcd sales. Indepen dt'iit phoiiuS oajlt). Write wire or call Red Cloud. Nkhr. t RUGS lrS:a':'& iWcCT'i Hzfvrrvi ? t3&r fwwm mm ti i);f414 mm ftw rVi st ck t f Rugs a e now airivmu for Spring. Our - line is complete in all sies and quality from thesmall 27x51 inch nv to the large 1 1-3x12 ft. si.e and our prices are rit'hl. Come in and let us show them to you. "Wo also hae a jj I line of Linoleums to select from. litui'' U JL Mb Licensed Embalmer l UCENSLD l KANS caaacssi: S35S2SSE IF YOU NT PPME IVIade Right, Lettered Right And Erected Right SEE OVERING Makers of Artistic' Monuments Red Cloud, THE BIG EVENT HAS HAPPENED! FREE 640-ACRE WYOMING HOMESTEADS The long-wanted tilU acre Homestead Act is now a law. It permits appli cation for these homesteads in the grass covered livestock area of Central and Northeast Wyoming. You can reach this tuoa either over the lJurlington's main line via Douglas for County or via Uptou, Moorcroft, Ulllotte or Cloiiriutiiit for Xortheast W vnm!ng. Inquire early and go early. This area contains largo bodies of excellent grazing lunds from fifteen to fifty miles from the railroad. Write meforuliniilur of information and instruc tions, which will tell you exactly what to do without loss of time to apply for a stock-raising ami dairy homestead. You can secure one of these valuable mile square homesteads in a region established and well known as the perman ent livestock area of Wyoming. It is my judgment that practically all or the desirable grazing and agricul tural lands, will be applied tor in l'.M". We do not ailver ise these lands for the purpose of creating passenger travel. We consider it our duty to advise yon of tins opportunity ami to tell you that it is the last chance you will have I1BL i L"" ' s FOR 3s ACRE TRACT on 4th Ave, 9 llcc::s west of Webster St., 4 blocks from the Lincoln School 1 STORY FRAME HOUSE 26x38, containing 6 rooms and bath l.ieetric illy lilitetl, pivssuii' system of sti.ip y with inotui tlrivcn pttiiip. Model u plumbing Cicinil cellar ami I'tiniici- rontn timlcrncath. Poultry house S.n'I-J-iuh- ul the HKVl' ION'S rilL'CTKD poultry houses in the country. Hum '3'v't" with larjfO hay uiuw. tiius, stalls, etc Nice YOUXt; OIlCIIAUD f i berry ami plan Plenty of HIADK Tlli:i:s. AN IDKAIhl UMIHAN IlOML : Will make you an attractive price on this property if taken before March 1 !: Ed. Hanson Owner, Red Cloud, Neb. All Sizes q: a tti a W n'Jt uIlH UM -:- Furniture Dealer - b aH NfJlRA.SkA z J CSSS2Ri2a ?S5aS2SSSSB WANT A OR I JJARKER BROS. & CO. Nebraska b!' S. B. Howard, Immigration Agt C. B. & Q. Ry 10(11 Minium St. Omaha. Xebr i a i i SALE NRffli 4 s t I 1 VA".V.V.V.V.V.V.VSV.V.V.V.SV.V.V.V.V.V.VaV.V.VVW