The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 15, 1917, Image 2

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Spring is
Rod Cloud, Nobrnaktx
Entered In tho I'oNtnlllrf nt Hut ( loiul, Neb.
n Ht'cond Clans Matter
Federal Money for Dirt Roads
and you want your CAR in
ship-shape for the new season
Let us overhaul it and make all the
necessary repairs to give you a full
season's satisfactory service.
A full line of supplies and accessories alway on hand.
Hacvel O. Bvizzard
Automobiles Supplies Repairing
Fourth Avenue - - Red Cloud, Neb.
Stock Sale
At Frank Starr's Sale Yards
Wednesday, FEB. 28
Commencing 'at one o'clock
2QO Head of Stock 2QO
Horses, Muloa-Smn black mules (J yrs old wt 2200. black mare Dyr
old wt 1000, buy driving-riding horso 8 yrs old wt 1 100, i head .1 nud 1 r
old, thorobrcd Shetland ponies.
Cattlo 7!i coming yearling itml 2-yr-old stoors. fill coming V" ling and
2-yr-old heifers, 21 head young cows, some in culf balance by i- i'e, 2,-ilioad
weanling calves-Cattle are good quality, in good flesh, sold in ftioii(l loth
Ono Registered Shorthorn Bull.
Roland China Sows1'2, bred to Poland Chinu boar, eligible to reg'y
TERMS: Ten months time at ten per cent interest
J. H. Ellinger, Auctioneer
W. A. Sherwood, Clerk
Miner & Steward
Public Sale of
LiYe Stock
As I intend In mate i uill olter nt Pulilic Aucliun, my perianal propeity, on tin- Golile
ranch. 1 me eait, 4' ; miles soiilli ol Innvalc and 4'j mile south, 3 inilej west ol
Red Cloud, commencing al 10 o'clock, on
Tuesday, Feb. 20
Horsesgrey mare in foal to jack. 10 yrs old. wt 1500;
black mare in foal to jack. 0 yrs old. wt MOO; brown horse
coming 3 yrs old. wt 1100; saddle pony 7 yrs old.
MulCS Team of good mules 9 and 10 yrs old, wt 2500;
4 molly mules coming 3 yrs old.
.. Cattle 43 head of White Face cows, 3 yrs old. all safe
in calf to registered Hereford bull: 34 head of White Face
calves coming yearlings, steers and heifers, These calves
are from Moonlight Keg. No. 313409. liull will sell at sale.
Hogs 5 sows due to farrow March 24; 19 head shoats
wt from 100 to 125 pounds.
Machinery, Ctc 2 mowers, 2-row John Deere llbter, Canton ','
row weeder, 1. & O. 2-row cultivator, P. & O. 2-row stalk cutter, riding
cultivator, 2 wagons, Docring truck binder in good condition, (Superior
press drill 12 runner good as new, disc. 10-10, 2 or 3 sets work harness,
about 10 tons prairie hay, .'100 bu extra good seed oats, lOOOJbu corn, 0
bn cane seeds.
TERNS: Ten months time at ten per cent interest
Col. J. H. Ellinger, Auctioneer
S. R. Florance, Clerk
Lunch by Ml. Pleasant Aid
Edw. Fey
Graded earth roads will be accept
able to the federal government for a
pint of tho congressional good roads
appropriation, according to a telegram
lrom Ij. W. l'age, diii'Ctor or roads of
Washington, I). C, in response to a
quoiy from Lincoln.
The query sent Mr. l'age was: "Will
your depaitinont rule that earth roads,
giaded to line, section and Mirfttcoi
with good drainage and permanent
substructure- is substantial construc
tion entitled to receive measure of led
eral Aid'.'"
This was the answer; "Type of
road determined In each case by con
ditions. Graded earth road is accept
able if conditions win rant anil improve
ment is substantial as required by
According to B. A. George, good
roads booster of Lincoln, opposition to
Fcdoial aid, based on tho assumption
that roads built under it must be hard
surfaced, paved roads Is unwarranted.
"Tho telegram establishes that fed
eral aid is available for any character
of construction down to dirt roads, if
grading and construction is substan
tial in character," Mr. Georgo asserts.
March Jurors
Tlio following is the list of jurors
who will serve at tho jury term of Dis
trict Court which convenes on March
Stanley Woodward
Ira Wolfe
John Anderson
Fred Clattc
Wm. Toap
A. 15. Crablll
Win. Kyker
C. L. Wick wire
Frank Ailes
L Pelsiger
G. il. Uasobrook
J. T. Lacy
Chits. Schultz
James Buckles
Walter Portnter
Dick Lampman
G.N.ltlankeubaker Harry Cramer
Henry Waterman John Deal
Clarence Wilson Uufus Doughit
August Briukman J. M. McCalium.
Sheriff Iluirer was in Guido Hock,
Mrs. Malllck and daughter returned
to their homo atCowles, Monday, after
visiting relatives In the city.
light' Hearted
In tho lightsome love-making
days one pair of bright eyes is
Illumination eummh. Hut in the
prosaic afterward, when comes
tho problem of more light, better
light, and cheaper light tlfen
you should get
Mazda Lamps
Thej give iu three t mo as
much light a the uhl-Mjb eat
Um lamp fur the same amount
of elect i .citj. Get the full bene
fit of this saving by putting an
Lnlsits Ma.ha in every lamp
socket in jour house.
See my complete line
E. W. Stevens
Red Cloud, Nebraska
When the
Firemen Appea.r
the injured man' first thought it one of
thanldutness'that he U io. How abou
your thoughts if a fiireman thould ap.
pear at your home)
The Doty
Before the Fire
it the day to insure. As that day may
be to-morrow for all you can know or
do, it fellows that prudence would im
pell you to slop in our office today and
liae us issue you a policy,
Reliable Insurance
Doings of The State Legislature.
( The past week has been one of con
siderable interest and many commit
tee meetings on various bills, have
been held. Prominent among the
measures which have received atten
tion and have passed one branch of
the legislature is that of partial wo
man suffrage. This bill has excited
a large amount of interest and many
petitions have been presented, both
for and against its passage. In the
Senate Friday when the matter of re
ferring the bill to a standing commit
tee, was under consideration a wordy
warfare developed between Senators
Howell and Moriarty of Douglas coun
ty, in which some of the bitterness
that developed in the early part of the
session was revamped anil as a re
sult an official protest was made over
the charges of the senior Senator
from Douglas county. Another im
portant measure has succeeded in
weathering tho storm and is now
through the House of Keprcsenta
tives and in the hands of tho Senate,
is that of an appropriation of $80,000
t'-r a hog barn to be erected on the
state fair grounds. The bill as origin
ally proposed carried an appropria
tion of $100,000, but this was reduced
to tho first amount stated above. Many
public hearings have been hold by the
committees and within the next few
days a general grind of bills on the
general file will be had in botli the
House and Senate.
On account of February 12th being
a legal holiday, no session of the leg
islature was had, hut many of the
members residing at a distance re
mained over and looked after some
of their personal correspondence and
social affairs in and around Lincoln.
While this is tho case, there were also
those who took occasion to go to their
homes for the first time since the
convening of the legislative session.
Hearings by the car shortage com
mittee have been going on regularly
and joint committee of tho House and
Senate are having the testimony ot all
witnesses taken down by a stenogra
pher. I he report will be a volumin
ous affair and will hardly be ready
for consideration by the law makers
before the first, of March. Never
in the history of Nebraska has there
been a time when the car proposition
affecting shippers of grain has been
in so demoralized a conditon and so
thoroughly unsatisfactory to both
shippers and the railroads as has been
the case for the past three or four
While the shippers of grain have
had a good excuse for complaint yet
it is also a fact that western rail
roads and superintendents have been
driven to desperation by their inability
to got cars returned from eastern
The committee bill for the enforce
ment of the prohibitory amendment
which was introduced in both House
and Senate will be printed and ready
for distribution by the middle of the
month. The House has already re
ceived five hundred extra copies of the
measure but the demand for tho same
was so great that the supply was en
tirely exhausted within one hour. In
addition to the regular five hundred
copies issued to the Senate, there has
been a special order made upon the
printer fni fifteen hundred additional
copies. These will be sent out over the
statue in equal proportion to each
senatorial district.
One method of shortening the ballot
as well as providing for a direct vote
on president and vice president has
been presented in the House and is
backed up by some of the strongest,
members therein. It is known as
House Roll No. 103. The plan is to
have tiie voters cast their ballots upon
the choice of president and vice-president
and that thereafter the Gover
nor would appoint Presidential Elec
tors of the same political faith as the
candidate for President, who received
the majority vote.
School legislation interests every
voter and tax payer in tho state, and
while it is true that many good laws
have been enacted in recent sessions
of the Nebraska Legislature, there is
yet a demand for further revision. In
consequence of this condition the edu
cational committees will within a few-
days, report out bills that concern
all parts of the state and which will
no doubt be of considerable benefit
to some of the districts which are
numbered among the smaller ones lo
cated in the central and western
A bill by Senator Sandall and which
we referred to in a previous communi
cation contains the following para
graph regarding amendments to the
primary election laws; "At the gen
eral election held biannually there
shall be elected by tho voters of each
political party, a party chairman for
each County in the state, who
shall be ex-officio a member of
tho state party committee and
shall be entitled to cast ono vote for
each one thousand votes or major
fraction thereof, cast in the county
by said party for the nominee in the
state the highest votes for elector
at tho last nrececdinir presidential
election. Nominating petitions for
county chairman shall contain at least
ten per cent of tho vote of the party
last cast for presidential electors. Par
ty committees for each county, con
sisting of one committeeman for each
voting precinct in tho county shall
be appointed by the county chairman
by and with the consent of the party
candidate." These changes are re
ceiving approval at the hands of many
members in both House and Senate,
and it will not be at all surprising
if the election laws are amended in
accordance with the provisions as set
FEB. 17th
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The Pride of the Clan
Matinee 2 .10, admission 10 20
on sale at Cook's Drug Stoie.
Night 8:00, admission Seats now
s t :
Sin wriV I,,US '- "i -w - t9Lvim Vrr "
- - teTvi --! -Ksi - m v. 3 MJP l1 :
." X ZuM?WEfr--rMMMmZJI Til IYnr' fuTIMi MBT ,1"'tj-i"M,.';c2
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Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse
Attemps To Swindle
A trade journal ot recent issue con
taiued an article pertaiu'.ug to the at
rest, at Pocatello, lilaho, of Miit .1
Kinkiule, former thlrd-triek operator
at the local station, for an unsiiccess
ful attempt to secure funds from a
bank at that place by forg-d telegrau s.
Early In Docenibor ho called at the
bank and displayed a Western Union
day lettir addiessed to ti i til at a hotel
at Hint place, lr lead, "Call at the
I' National I'.ank of l'ocutella tor
money." While at the bank a tele
gram addressed to the latter was le
eched, -'Please honor licit J. Kinkade
check for $1 JO, we will protect ."signed,
Webster County Hank, Red Cloud, Ne
braska, Cashier." The olllce of the
Western Union at that place, learned
that the telegrams Veie forgeries and
notified the bunk, who, under pretext,
detained Kinkiule until the arrival of
the sheriff. The prisoner confessed
t io telegiains as forget ies, and stated
t nit he was compelled to do tins tn cr
d T to raise money to cover his hotel
The Coming Big
Advertised Letter List
The following is tho list of unclaim
ed letters at tho post office in this city
far the week ending Fob. 15, 1017:
.7 H Anderson, Hums Arnold, Mrs.
Etta Hrisco, narold Dole, Alice Hip
bee, Hoy Reynard, J. P. Ulsoho, E. L.
Rltter, Roods Feed Storn. Loulro Soar
son, (!oo. Smith, Ellis Shoeman. W. J,
Tlley, Elmo Whitnev, Mr, and Mrs.
Ray Wilson, Mable Walters.
If not called for before March 1st
they will bo sent to tho dead letter
11 (J. Lktsun, P. M.
Thursday f Feb. IS
Helen lltdiiies in the (ireat U. R dianm
The Manager o the B. 8c A.
Admisssion In-Lie
Saturday, Feb. 1 7
Mary l'iekford, in
The Pride of the Clan
Mat 2:30, lO-'.'Oo Night s;00, 10-2.-.C
Saturday, Feb. 24
The Life and Last Perform
ance of Buffalo Bill
Mat. 2:f)0, fic-10 Night 8;00. lOl.'c
1 !.. . ."
Uses of Troubles.
We shrink Instinctively from trou
bles, ns wo shrink from hard and
painful tasks; wo cannot escape tho
suffering they bring; but wo decide
whether they shall weaken or strength
en us. It lies with us to recelvo them
ns enemies or as friends. They offer
ua fortitude, patience, courage,
strength, growth or coyardlce, bitter
ness, despair ; wo cannot prevent them
from coming to tis, but wo can decide
whether they shall help or hinder us
Jn our life purposes. Exchange.
New Moral Codes.
Andrew Lang, the Scotch poet, critic
and satirist, reserved his most deadly
shafts for tho founders of new re
ligions and npostles of new moral
Newfangled religions and newfun
pled moralities ho knew must be false,
for any apparently novel truth which
they contained turned out upon clos
er examination to be us old ns human
society Itself.
Monday, Feb. 26
The National Feature Enterprise Co,
featuring Henry Wathall in
The Birth of a Man
Yon will all remember this great
star who was featured in tho Birth of
a Nation also a 12 ploco symphony or
chestra will accompany this eight
thousand foot of moving picture,
Admission 25 and f0c.
Ind. 155
Bell 72
when in need of
Printed Matter
of the "Better Quality"
U Xol How Cfttrti)
3llut Hon (,OOI
The Red Cloud Chief
'Quality" Printer : Publishers