I I. 4l4flfllHfc i KnHH k M r v VOLUME 15 fTSSSTSSSrf fl .u n intticst and whto rl will You will Buy a Piano Only Once in a Lifetime Why not Buy the Best? PACKARD PIANO Is conceded by all musicians to be one o! the best pianos on the market DRACHMAN PLAYER PIANO In a class by itself Pianos and Talking Machines CASH OR PAYMENTS Headquarters for COLUMBIA GRAFANOLA and VOCALION TALKING MACHINES. The largest stock of COLUMBIA RECORDS in this vicinity. Come in and let us demonstrate to you any time. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC THE MUSIC SHOP LE ROY MUSIC CO. Red Cloud, Nob. fnrnirrr-nrrr-MrHrriT- Revival Services Continue at the South Side Mission Preaching Sunday Morning and Evening at Congregational Church Prayer Meetings at 2 p. m. Each Day This Week All Invited to These Services THE BOND PIANO As good a Gold Bond A Newspaper That Gives The Ncrs KH CLOUD, XKKIIASKA. FEP.ll V A 11 V 15, Mill. Commissioners Proceedings Feb. I'!, I'.tlT. Tho IJn.'ii 1 of i '. uiii. oiii'ni-.sioii,M s HI- I'UI'MMIlt 1o .1 Ij'llll tlllU'llt uitha'l in i'i ins ir m'Ii' !'itli' matter nf tho clu in of the s ite nf Xi'liiri -la n.iinst Uclistcr . uilty for M lb" I," ilue Hi.' state on tin' "Old In mo Account Funil " ll wits moved In lluli itlia itml H.i'iniilod by I li units IIihI tin- Citrk be instructed i i write tin-Mitt' Awliloi iimt i it Toriti Iiiiu tliul t In-( onni wishes to settle tins Hiv'oiintr f,i tin- nniHiint nf the principal, with no inn rest iiinl Unit Uio Hoard will include litis in tlu-tt levy when made tuiil settle saute as sonii is possible. Motion curried TiK Komi (ivci'-ui-r from Unit Creek pivcttict iiipcari il lioforc lite poind and 'informed llifin that tin- county 1 1 i.i' budge one mile west and olio milt; sinlli of Luwtoic" was in Imd -shape a hi needed immediate itiienttnu. Tin' I'lctlt was instiitelcd to write t'n Nuckolls Comity Ulei'lt and' make .iri uigciucnts lor the I E 1 iilo Ooiiutiit L ' s of iln two unities to tniu't mid ni-pclthis bridge at - p. in Thiiisduy, I'Vli -2-iiu. () ('. Ti'i'l am) Geo. ,1. Warren icpie seutiug llicif rcspectae Telephone c imp mil's itppin ed luloiu tin' lioai'il u-i'i viii ions ways ami plans were dis-iMs-t'd ill regard to installing I hair pli'-ni's iiilo the I'oiirt house in some nunner tiioic satisfactory than the present way. No lu'lion was talu'ti on tins mutter at tins time Joseph Havel appealed before the Ihmid and claimed that SS2."i assessed value, which was assessed to him in lied f'loud city should be assesso I to hint in Bat in township. The tieasuror was ordered to inaUe tho necessity tiansfer. Motion made by Thomas and seconded by Knigge that the toad petition of Ilnrve Furnlnim and others for a road across eectiou ;12 1-12 Walnut Creek be granted as prayed for. Cat tied. At !i !I0 p. m. the bids for construction of hriilets for 1U17 were opened and read and it was found that the Omnia Structural Steel Bridge Co. were the lowest bidders. It was moved by Thomas and Heconded by Httbatka that the board euter into contract with the Omaha Structural Steel Bridge Co. for bridges necessary for the year 1017. Motion curried. The request of Frnnk Huffer for per mission to appoint P. II. Boner as deputy sheriff of Webster county at a salary of .f ;i00 per year was granted. Tito oflicial bonds of John Frey, W. A. Crary and Chris (iuy as road over seers were approved. Oflicial bond of J. B. France as township assessor in Kim Creole was approved. The reports of Frank Stanley and Chris Guy as road overseers were approved. Oni-lal bond of W. A. Barons as cniHtable of Potsdam precinct was appioved. Tlie following claims were allowed: B. K. 12-helinan .-f (J.yr, J. A. Silvoy Lumber Co iri.oTi ( 'has. Bun ! t 7 on I Mis, Kmma Scnvner IT) (10 Bo nil adj itiniid in Match tilth. To Our Renders Owing to the tact that the patent in side for the Chiet did not in rive this week we will be compelled to oiler you uily four ages ol leading mutter. As this mutter was no fault of ours, either tho paper house or the transportation company being negligent, we, trns',,nl nleiested. You em Hot all. ml in that our leaders will be lenient with i . ., . , ,. , is. The installment ol our story for ""-'""'.". nu-ut ...an. (.1 b.. this week will bo published in our Ml1 . '' Mr. I b-n r will piub.ii. y .e next week's issue. i Mr. and Mis. .lolniston and daugh. terof Minnesota ino visiting with their sons, Clarence and S.uu, who icbide southwest of tliis city. On Monday, .tiidge Uanuoy Issued u murriage license to Mr. Frederick ,. II. Hunker, of Itosemout, and Miss Fiedurickti Spllkor of Cowies. I. W. Voting, of Heaver City, will soil at his fin in in Furnas county, Nob. on Fi idav, February ''.', 17 head of horses and mules' including two splen did young jacks, ii and I yeats old. Si 0 bills. Flfty - tno Weeks Each Year For $1.50. Pen Many Words of Wisdom ii 'Ic in tin- I' -bt uaty i-ii. I'm' Ni 1. 1 ila T ii-i,ii . im, if of III I IMS I II i mils ti ai'lit i III .11 I i ll I ItlMI -iii'i i inii'inli nt ami nnniii'r t in in 1 1 ng by li-t i nier Wot u' vMit.fi In Mis, Ic I, (i..n, Tin fnur ii lv I. t H i 'i ii i i ni'!. i, i , J'luf, Mi'Cru iifn nf 11 i ' i -. Ml.'lll .ijV II Hi I I'llI'liC SH I .11', ; (iH Ci'lH. llili coll. U. d . i. 1'iof, Mi i'i acUrii, s.'i-i ii ; li)0 H I. liffijHi.ilMsnri. Ill -tnl tr nilff'Hhir Bill. M.pl ViS'iPlsnri, llli-l i "s pt I.. K Vjjcut. botany .and ulebia. Stmly iceniii w.nU nut only has ii helplnl it U'Ct n n tin- school but also a ilirm t Ih-lp' war.) I in educational mUaiuv iliiini t the li-xi-iii r. ' uiiinintv i enter Work" isclcni ', explain. -il by Mts. K Thome, fill . don: "lloiiie-inuiU' Play lii-oiiml A pi. ati.t'" ii Walter C. I'm teint-r ' u I v bets f Hi the manner 111 which sum' is CDl iliclnl, at n fin.nl i-nM, "t mi leht mi Hie C'll-fCCt I'sairt' id (il.llll iiiar.' l-v Dewey Adams. D'tst it; : t lur Kiii.il Schools ami the ischo.il I'.n. nde" i., Will lit utifi-, Dist .'II: Iti-inl-iii(.- t "iiiests" by limner Font.. Dist. 1; "Out tM'Imol tiupiovt iileiil Club" by l-'ern Hull. I) st. :.:: Mow I Teach M ii ii ii tl I'r. tintng ill Iviirul Nchii'ils' by I veil llobiiisotl. )is. 17; "Teaching Xiitiiii'Mmly" by Helen .IoIiiimiii, Dist. (ill, tire subjects that me handled in ll M'iy tine inaiinet', and beat' evidence to thefact that our uistt ucloi.s arc show ing a decided iuteiest in their work ami the advancement of the education throughout the entire county. Banquet Theatrical Stars Tho home talent stars who played Because I Love You" lor the benefit of the Uoyal Xelghbor.s, at the local theatre, were tendered u three course luncheon on last Tuesday evening, at tile homo of Mrs. Ida Marshall, by the local lodge. Covers were laid for four teen, the cast, twelvo in number, and Miss Vera llatlield, thoir prompter and Miss Klslu Detriek, who was in ohargo oT the ticket reset vution board at Cook's Pharmacy Owing to the illness of her grand father, Miss Hatfield was unnblo to be in attendance. Miss Kailey was also absent to a reception given in her hon or by a number of her friends. The color scheme of red and white was carried out and the decorations were very appropriate for the occasion The cointnitteo in charge were Mes dames Geo. Hall, Hines, Marshall, Wert Stevens, and Hyatt who are now receiving tho congratulations of tho guests. 4th Number Lecture Course Ii is the common consent of the ctit ics nf the Lycuuni Platform Unit no mini of lucent jcurs lias iichieieil more In iliiitnt success or met with higher favor in the estimation of Lecture I'nuise patious than has Thomas liiiinlis Ii'letcher. Mr. Fletcher is eminently ft t cm I by nature for his elinseu profession. He has the personal gifts nf tho great ora toi With keen black eyes, with a iimfii-lnu of jet black hair, with tho face nf im Ldwin I'linth and with a powerful and intgnetie voice he holds his ntnlienues iih no other orator lias been able to do -nice the days ol llet-ehi r, Phillips nod i.iady. Mi . Fletcher lt profound, Keen and eonvin ing lie iil Ueep you iumi.m- live- iiii ul the loll. m ug Tiadeu-ies f till I'll piepai'ed, 'the Al.n l I iImiii nf Foo -nr The Moilein ilinlas. At the Orplieinn Theatie Fed. "JO Church of the Brethren (One block north of Lincoln Schoo ) Sunday school at id a. m. Clashes for all. Preaching at 11 Theme. 'Faith's Vision of our Heavenly Al lies." Subject lor the sermon at 7:110 p. m , "iShammah and Ileuaiah". Pray er meeting each Wednesday night at the church. Welcome. II. F. Caskkv, Piiator, 7rnxN I On Time Ik TO BE RIGHT TIME PAYS. THE BUSINESS MAN RESPECTS THE MAN WHO KEEPS HIS ENGAGEMENT TO "THE MINUTE." TO BE "RIGHT ON TIME" YOU MUST HAVEiA GOOD WATCH WHICH KEEPS THE RIGHT TIME. TO GET A GOOD. ACCURATE:,,TIME.KEEPER"COMETO THE STORE THAT KEEPS THEM-AND GUARANTEES THAT THEY WILL KEEP CORRECT TIME-COME TO OUR STORE. WE TEST YOUR EYES AND FIT YOU WITH THE EXACT GLASSES YOU NEED. COME IN. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT: THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. B. H. NEW Jeweler and 5PC. B. & Q. Watch Inspector Standard Sensible Corsets E LIKE TO SELL NKft corsetS BECAUSE WE FIND THEM SO KaJJ SENSIBLE IN nRRTniM amp. chapp- THE WARNER FIED TO PRODUCE CORSETS THAT ACTUALLY SERVE A CORSET'S PURPOSE. USING COMMON SENSE METHODS AND REAL QUALITY THRO'OUT. To be sure, every Warrior corset will not fit every figureThis is where our assistance is bene ficial, for wc have carefully studied every model in our stock to know exactly which styles should be worn by every type of figure Every Warner's Rust-proof Corset we sell is GUARANTEED to you not to rust, break or tear, arbara itiMaiaaiiBaaat The Hamilton - Cathor Clothing Co. Saecetiort to Ptul Slorer Everything a Man or Boy Waars Rmd Cloud Nebraska NUMBER 7 Correct Optical Goods Optometrist mt WARNER'S RUST-PROOF DESIGNERS ARE SATIS. R. E. CAMP, D. C, Chiropractor ( Indupei ( Bell Ke pendent 212 i Phones Red 101 Farm Loans I bavo tho cheapest rHtcs and boot option in tho state, with several plans to chooso from. Solo ugent for Tro vott, MattUA Baker. J. II.Uailkv. Warners Corsets Pbares