SV At VJ - - ..... ,HgragygieSgS-agS3r xnrjton. -,-wre j - - , - BB!!girg-fligy2t-,7rrffrl n. 4 NcHSpaper That filvcs Tltc News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME .15 K13D OLOUD, XKKItASKA. riUURUAKY 1,1017. NUMBER 5 I i nni iiiiiiih i i imr iwihihiiiii nm m miini iimi "ill i ' ' mum iiinnimiiiiiiimniniiiW.liiM imuu i Maw mmtt&JmssBBEm - WSSSk oare Money is S t EuHHStiS Dangerous Money B JK iPTPa DIVIDES liciic n temptation $j 1 W iais!9 D to tlHMMlinillltl Willi IllfllllllCt'h KM DIOffiiM life ikiul lituli it is tin:"' r.tablo to fra , W UPw KLTWJiVAuYtrol .. .....1 ttfitti ii tlin iitmiill ti Ki I jUt 1 -HEMoS iiy. Put your money where it wj HK -I - keS wi" "r't r 'o,i-"w'u,,v ii vv' r B flSREHn I lis 0!U" i",,,'u;,t ,in(l wlR,re 1l u'11 k3 Ht 1"W1B1 E 9 be safe for you until you want it. Jpj i 1911 ffii Webster County I 'BiS Bank ?K t .?! fc You W7 Biy a Piano Only Once in a Lifetime VKy not Buy the Best? PACKARD PIANO Is conceded by all musicians to be one ot the best pianos on the market THE BOND PIANO As good a Gold Bond I I S DRACHMAN PLAYER PIANO In a class by itself Pianos and Talking Machines CASH OR PAYMENTS Headquarters for COLUMBIA GRAFANOLA and VOCALION TALKING MACHINES. The largest stock of COLUMBIA RECORDS in this vicinity. Come in and let us demonstrate to you any time. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC V y THE MUSIC SHOP LE ROY MUSIC CO. Red Cloud, Neb. : Special Program and Sermon Sunday Night 7:30 P. M. Congregational Church The Senior Endeavor will give a Special Program inconnection with Sunday Night Sermon Subject; "Success, and How It Happened." Bring Your Bible to Church Sunday Morning and see if the preacher knows what he is saying. Ill Need of a Band Stand Our estecme 1 friend, l'rof. licitoy, iif'iniis us thai liis ninv band is male we jrcat strides toward snivels ami t ' the senior band is likewise inak- Home Talent Play Program Tin li"ino tiilunt vaudeville tci bo given nt tlm Orpliouni theater on Fri day, l'j'ruiiry Slid, is something on tlroly dllti'ii'iit from the average run FnsBsniwm&mittsmwzMWdMm&vri vcr&i sl'Ahi- ti'ir much progress. Souk of our loyal of home talent plays, as in tho pro- ', cl'lzons have been usking each oth- gram is to bo found n very eoinplito l-....... i. . ... !.. I ! .. , 1 .. ..... ....... I "M... I IT MI1IILS MIC W-e III MUVIMIT it IlillUI, ' iinniii t iikmi i ui CIIIUI llllllllU'll i.-i I liu as wo nuver lienr llioin jiliiv'.'" In answer to this quostion tlio profussor wislies to rumiml tliese people t hut lie and bis boys do not exactly relish tho tilea of stationing themselves on a street corner, when the mercury is hovering around the 'ero murk, and that if they did he fears that tlio audi ence would be rather small On -ever-al occasions they have had the oppor tunity of hearing the boys render some very choice selections at the local theater and wo will venture to say Hint these fault-iludcrs were not in cluded in the ranks of those who cheerfully laid down their two-bits at the box olllce. lie further wishes to impress on the minds of tlio public that during the summer months when he and the boys aro ready and willing to entertain the citizens with free music that, it would be much to the credit of the town to have a suitable baud stand, it would not only be more-convenient for the boys but it would also show the people of our neighboring towns xnut our citizens appreciated the efforts of tho musicians. A very suitable bund stand could be erected on the Fourth avenue and Webster street corner which is now graced by the presence of the fountain. Since the city uunuot see its way clear to utalize this fixture, why have it oc cupying n prominent position. The liiind stand could be erected over this fountain and used until such times as the city fathers soo lit to put the fount ain in operation. very pre-i'iieo, there, of lVof. licKoy and his orchestra is a guarantee Unit you will receive your money's worth, in music alone. The piMi-eeds of the entertainment is for tin- benefit of the High School Athletic Association, and if you are in terested in the physical wollfaro of the present generation and those to follow, you now have an opportunity to fur. ther the interests of the same. Fol lowing is tho program for the evening: Selections LeKoy's Orchestra Lilliputian Kntertainers . in Dance ami Song Five-part Photoplay "The Murder or Maclleth" Novelty Artists-iu the latest song hits The Oriental WonJiir-ln I Muck Manic Girls ASIcetch Characters: I'uui. .l'rcsident of Spinster's League Kate A llackslider Vi Who Wants To Ho L'urcelle An Ambitious Spinster Kdgur Holt ....Chief Plotter Against the League Harry hoot Ills Accomplice Janitor, Messenger Postman Living Sours Cup aud Hells DeWolf Hopper Mlnstrois from tho Southland H. S. Holcomb Dies Harmon S. Holcomb, a brother of Mrs. Mary Arnesop, who hud beon making his homo with her for some time, passed away on Monday night after a lingering illness. The deceased was born in Limn, Indiana, January u", ISirt and was 74 years and 21 duys of ae. Ho wus one of the pioneer settlers of Webster County, a soldier in tho Union army uuring tho civil war and was a printer by trade, having worked on one of the leading papers in Chicago as well as several of the weekly publications in this section. lSeiug of u quiot and unasuming dis position he won the friendship of all with whom ho cume in contact. Ho is survlvod by ahister, one broth er and several other relatives. As yet 1 arrangements have not been completed for the funeral services. Was Worth The Price The "lllrth of a Nation", presented at the Orpheum on lust Thursday Aud .Friday was one of the finest entertain ments we have ever had the pleasure , of witnessing. The four performances y Real Estate Iransfcrs. Compiled by B. V. Stewart, Attor n ey and Hooded Abstracter. American Central Inv. Co. to Ar thur (5. Uatner, wd, nw 19-1-11, sw!i 0, n w. and nw 1 5 in 4 Vi G William Uoll to. laoob Oo'.l Sr., 'wd, e'i nJS mvj;f'.!ii l-tt :slC0 Charles A. McGinulsto Kdgar II. Mctilniiis, qcd, (! lut, lots .1, 1, blk '2, Ricliardhou's Add to lied Cloud 1 August Hroseh to Hussel W. Shields, wd, se II.'S.J 10 and nK no4 4-310 12000 Katie Siebrass to A. F Siebrass, wd, lots 1, 3, .'!, lSusch Sub Dlv. Hohrors Add Ulue Hill. 3500 lSenjiiinin F. Mizer to Wm. J. Klrkpatriok, wd, 40.1 acres COOOO Viola A, Dayton to Kdgur Bonn, wd, la'int. cj swi 18 and ueJi nwk-, 191-9 Dorthu Jookcl to Bean, wd, Mint, oi swH 18 and nof swj..i 19-1-9 2100 Alex ltiicklcs to J. D. Buckle, wd, w'jjse.U i:j.3-11 1333 It W. Cluwson to Charles lllo buum, wd, lot 10. Blk. 1, Cox's Add Hludon 3000 Loulsu Ailcs to Mindeu I). Cop- . len, wd, lots 10, 11, 13, Blk. 25, Ked Cloud 1910 J.T. Beltman to W. H. Lee, wd, lots .1. G, Blk. 4, Inuvnle 2500 Russell W. Shields to Thomas McClure, wd, soj-.f 331-10, njtf neK 1 3-10 2400 were given to packed houses, the lost B Qi Caldwell to A. II. Hoffman-, show on L-riday night drawing such a, Rfro's d. Inta 13 to ir.. blk. 0. -' --- - --- ---. v 180C0 Ifit-im r.nilril illflf npmi cifirwllnt. nrn ' UtJV UIUMU VI...V l,l.t4 dVUIlUIIj IUUU in the theatre was at a premium. While the price of admission whs above the average, the quality of tho show was ulso above the average, nnd was well worth the price. As yet wo lmvo not heard of any one that lias re greted tho amount paid to see this grand picture play. The symphony orchostra which whs ' Iflnl iifltwl t,i tlilci aliriit- Irinmt .wl.l.wl ' the finishing touches to each perform manco, as the muunor in which they rendered the music, especially written for the pictures, wus nothing short of mnrvclous. Tho managers of the Orpheum aro to be complimented on their success in securing such a high olttss entertainment. Farm Loans Piatt's Add Ked Cloud Albert M. Slmorson to William H. Patterson, qcd, n4 nwf 9-4-12 Albert M. Slmerson to Walter Karl Patterson, qcd, sj nwj 9-1-12 Thomas Madura to Itussoll W. Shields, wd, sM sej 3-4-0, lots 33 to .'id, blk. MBluo Hill Lucian A. Haskins to Sophia G. Huskins, wd, lots 9 to 10, blk. 5, Garner's. Add Ked Cloud.... Junnii Uoso to Kmil Wilhelms, wd, lot 5, blk 8, Kosemoiit. . . . Mortgage Hied W8J05 00 MortguKes released 802,77.1 00 1310 8800 20C0 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Garber aro the proud parents of a ten pound baby irl whleli was born Wednesday. Tho thermometer registered 20 de grees below zero this morning and tho I have tho cheapest rates and best 'nnttmi tlm ututn tvltlt Lonaiml ilno , to choose from. Sole ugeut for Tre-1 00ftl men aml P'wrs are holding vott, Mattis & Baker. J. U.Bailev. ' their own. Send Our Jewelry lor Valenlines A-S ViVf55h-VKiUf ' A. RECOUNT YOUR OWN LITTLE TREASURES WHICH YOUR HEVRT HOLDS DEAR-A WATCH, A PIN, A RING-AND vYOU WILL SEND "LASTING" VALENTINES TO THOSE OF WHOM YOU ARE FOND. "JEWELRY" IS THE THING JO SEND. OUR STORE IS THE PLACE TO BUY IT, BECAUSE YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY DEPEND UPON THE QUALITY, STYLE AND PRICE OF ANY PIECE OF JEWELRY YOU BUY FROM US. ASK OUR CUSTOMERS. ' WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT: THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H, N Jeweler and Optometrist C3TC. B. & Q. Watch Inspector k ., BIG FEBRUARY Clean-up Sale OUR CLEAR AWAY OF WINTER GOODS BEGINS Saturday Morning FEB. 3 AND ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT, FEBRUARY 10 Watch for Large Hand Bills You will be Interested R. P. Weesner & Co. WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT & FREES J QUALITY PRINTINGTHE CHIEF