RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I ! r fl . h-i u 3s COL. J. H. ELLINGER J c AUCTIONEER In now ready I" plneo viiirt,nle ct'ttn Ask tiny one ns to my iiiiauae-rni ns or wliom I have iTli I ii Inil'i" i iltnt iiliuat 8 cuiJK. W rlu uln m ill Ki Ciotn, Nt i i. ! ---. Tho Hamilton - Gather Clothing Co. Enectiicrs lo Ptul Storey Everything a Man or Boy Wears Red Cloud Nebraska Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds BWill Wire Your House And Furnish You tho Fixtures E. S. Gocrber Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory CONHULI'VTION' AND K VVIINA HON I'lll.i: Osteopathy tho Suloneo of Mealing by Adjustment.1' CJIvmi tn the World by A. T. Still, A. I). 1S. OFFICE OVER SMITH SHOE STOUE lloni, I'iionijs RHI) CLOl'n.N'RHU And Chloroform Cosla Money. It Isn't tlie most Insplilng thing In tho wot Id to MH! a limn dig down into hi p'K'l.i-t. pull nut a purse, unwrap the blame thing. IMi mound lor nickel. lonU nt tin' coin 1 1 ff times mid niiicesM' It to inn lie eel lull) It Isn't a dime when In1 ninkis a pun hum Hut . on inn lii't that when MiN Mud ot i "lilfl dies tin . don t have to take up a collection lo limy lilm. C'liicln nail i:tniulr r I'liie Hut think how lie sulTois mnl.liig out Ids tumult1 tax loturn. ,Sovv mU Tclcvtam. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST 0VF.I! STATE KAMI Red Cloud ' ' Ncbrasl(c Chiropractor ( Iudeiiendent 212 Phones Uti KvA m Ln THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud. Nobrosktv ,'t UMKItldD KVRKV THURSDAY Entered lit llio PoHtoltUe. nt licit loud, Nth. ns he court L1:im Mutter A 1!. Me ARTHUR rinit.isiii'.u fllli ONLY HKMCK KA'IJC l'Al'KIt IN Yt.HHlI III OLNTY Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED V3fO.vuK 0iit At.iintoiit'h Sioiik C. It. Miner Dr. S. S. He iinlorf, M. I). ('. MnmiKLr ViiUrlnarj InUinrKo C. H. Miner Serum Co. Pilot n c I Its Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud, Nebraska Wire or Phone nt Our Expense. I). S. VctcrliiarYcJ.lct.nsc No. 45 KODAKS Belter Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies KOLLS DUVICLOPLIi-lOc NAIL YOU! OMiiLil 10 US Stevens Bros. When the Firemen. Appear the insured man's first thought is one oi thankfulness tint he is 10. I low nbou jour thojghts it a fiireman should ap penr at our hcnic The Dsxy Before the Fire ii the day lo insure. As that day may lc to-morrow Inr all voit inn know or do, it fellows thai prudence would im poll ou In step in our offnc to day and hne ut I'sue mi n puhcy, O. C. TEEJL R.eliacble Insurance ; fftr AA ift I wsivty5oat'j l 5 Auto Hearse ED. M 9 C I morse nearse ACK I UNDERTAKING d.ADY ASSISTANT! ALL THE PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB. New Advertising Service The Chief tithes plo.wure in uiiJioitne ln; Unit it Inis just cliivi'd n contract with tlio Hoimct Itio'vn hales Seivlce ol Chieiit,'!). for the iscliisivu use. of their complete) tuheitisitiif service in the local field forupeiiod covet hit: a little more than a ,unr. 'l'his is one of the most importtuil unnotuieeinents ever initdo by a lied Cloud ncwspupei for the llmiuot lttown Co., oi'i'tipy front lank in the advorlis hit: service field of tho entile country mid their hih class illustiatioiiB and ellVctive adveilihint: copy, have letup appeal od in leading niapnineb and metiopolitiiu duilies. hueli papeis as tho World-IIotnld in Omaha, cairy the Soi vice for their ad vet tisets anel scarcely an issue of tho World Hot aid appear which does not carry a number of Uonnct-Urowu illus trations. Iti Lincoln such stores as Ktirlgu mul Guouel regularly use the son ice as an aid in preparing their newspaper announcements but it is only rccontly that a plan has boon do vised by which tho service could bo ex tended to the use of newpapois in the smaller towns and cities. The Fientont Tribune, Kearney Hub, anel huporlor Hxpro&s are among tho prominent Nebraska dailies which havu arranged to give tlioir advertisers this service under the now arrange ment, together with such weeklies as tho Aurora Register, .Schuyler Sun, Wayne Herald, anel Sewatd Tribune, all leatleisin their Hold, and our ar rangement is such that it practically adds u completo stall" of eifective copy writots anel e.pcrt advettising illtis ttatoisto the Chief stall, in oilier wouls, nd vet Users in the Chief now have access to exactly tho same advei-tl-dug service that is useel by tho big gest iielvortlsi'is in tho big city dailies, a service which would repiesontan outlay of liundieds ofdolluia if con tracted for by the metcliunts them selves but which wepiopose to furnish lo Red Cloud Advertisers at moiely cost. t uilei stand, this is not a money iunL ing proposition from our standpoint, on the conttary it teptesents quite a heavy outlay on the putt of the papei and our piolits if any will come indi ret'lly, thru the imptoved appearance of our nderUsing columns, and thru tho more libeial uso of our space by local metcliunts, whicli the use of the Sjrvice will cettainly Justify Not only hero in Keel Cloud but thruout the country the question of better community aenei Using is up for soi ictus consideration. Mail order and city stoio competition is constantly getting Ivcener and it is squarely up to tho merchants in tho smaller cities of tho count ly to get their announce monts up in Mich an attractive way that they are sine to secure lesults, and incidentally incieaso their ptollts by securing a linger volume of business from tlioir immediate ttaeh) tonltoiy The day is past when the inei chant uietely dosiies to "keep his name be fore tho public." He must do mure, he must go alter business anil get il Anel this new Advertising Service will holp Itt'd Cloud Advei Users to do tha very tiling, it will help them to pifpaio llieir nehoi tisenients in such an at tractive wh that they ate bin nd to bo lead and aetoii upon. With the service, llbetal space n mi birlj used, which is the seciot of i -ai hitvi'iti-ing, cannot help but pi ve ntohtalile, estiecliilly In a paper liice the Chief which tlioiiiiiithlv covins its Held ami lias an otruiely low aihoi Using i ate. citt'iilntio:: considered. A number of ineichantH have already at ranged to usi the service in this ity but it will im woitli while for all to see it Cull mid asj; tisabout it.and let lis explain how it can be used most i P.i tively in vmii'uHii biibltics m ,i i t pi one and we wi'l Cill and tcmeiii! er tin Chit f is the only local paper wh eli can nnder jmi t-uch Co-operation in the preparation of real business ;ni ting announcetnen's. i The Time to Build is MOW MWl The open winter affords a chance lo gel thai repair work done while ihe weather is nije COME IN AND PLAN NOW Malone-Gellatly Co. 'TALK WITH US ABOUT YOUR PLANS" More towns die for want of di'iiec on the pirt of business tnon mid i.iel. ol public splilt than any otlmr cause hi n n nun in sqhicIi of a heime or a business lueitiou goes into a town and hods evei.Mhiug brim lull of hope and enthusiasm of the pi - peets of tho place, and all earnest l,v at woih to luil hi it up, lie room becomes imbued with the same spit it, and as a result lie drives down stakos and k es lo vvoilc with the same inteiest Win n, however ho goes to a town where evi i v one expresses doubiaud apprehension lor tho futuie prospeiity of the )hu o, moping about and indulging in mourn ful complaints ho naturali.v teels that it is no place for him, and lie at onec. shines tho dust oil' his foot while lie pulls out with all posslblo speed lor sonio other place Consequently try and make a live, cntoipriblng town out of tho town in whicli you live When you arc woiking tor or siylng a good thing for your town you ato accom plishing till the more for yourself, F. E. Payne Expresses Views lmivnle. Neb . Jan. , 1017. 'lo Tho lied Cloud Chief: I have objections to tho iculutions of the 1-in ineis Congress at Omaha en the roa l question. They claim they are in tavor of good lnticlslo haul faun pioducts to mat K el, but dun t s( oin to caio a dm n for the Rural Mail ititier that has lo cairy mail and paicoK everyday, lor the farmer, anil I knew from going over some of the itiiiil ionics that tho govei i incut would do tho light thing, by stopping the enny iug of the mail until the toutes tveic p it in decent shape lo cany the mail over. They claim they ate opposed to a policy ol stoi.e.or surface toads, which is all light, but intimates that it is tho government's policy to build toads at clO.of'O toS'20.000 per mile. I hnvo never seen or heard of the government pioposing to build stone roads ut a cost of $'20,000 per mile, noi do I believe that the ones tint got up the i (.'solutions ever heaid of it either, only in their own imaginations. The hceretaiy of Agricultiuo h s tho disposing of the road fund that tlie government appropriates and sine ly ho would bo more intoicsted in the fartneis than any other government olllcial. Tlie Farmers Congiess passed ieso lutions objecting to the legislature miking a lavvto moettho lequirements of tho Federal Road Law. I claim the legislature should meet t)io requite, inentu of tho Federal Roud Law. Theie will be eight or ten times as much 101 d money used in tlie state as wo would get from the government. The state should mako tho appropri ation to meet tlie government appio priation and let it be expended on the i unit mail routes for tho next two years, and peiliaps the rest of us might get a lesson from tlie imptovemont of the mail route on how to make roads. I boliovoat tho end of two years that the farniets would bo falling over each other petitioning the legislatuie to have tho Fedeial Roael Law to apply to all roads. Tlie legislature should see to It 'that each county gets their piorato share, according to what they pay into tl c load fund, evciy county should got their piouito shine and theie would be no room for quibling. 1 will eiuote a few vvoiels of a speech by the hecretaiy of Agiicultuie, to state highway olllcials at Washington, lust slimmer. He says '! need not em phusiie be font you tlie importance ot good loads. Most intelligent people who think about good roads know that they aio essential to pioper communit'v development especially to tho devilop uient of rural life; to oflleient pioduci iott and ordinal ly maiUeling of faun pioducts; to good schools and to the development of a .satistncioiy iiirul life Many people however do not ap preciate this and I have occasionally met road otllceis who, when the in. poi tanco of good loiuls was emphasis ed, have said: "Yes, but they cost too much." Apparently they hnvo not thoiutlil how much mote bad rou s cost, not only in dollars and cents, but aso in all those imluicut ways foi which one can make no definite calcu lation. "If as tlie re-ull of this act, tlie people ato induced fully to rcalio tlie necessity ot placing skilllul and ex potieneed men in cliaige of roael tutilet ing and road mainleuauce, a gieat ad vnuce will have been made and the elloits of those who labored to secure the legislutioit will hnvo been rewind ou Tho duty will lost upon jmj gen tleinen who lepreseiit the states, of ui foi niing the people as to the meaning of this legislation and as to the put cm dine under it. because the initiiittu under the law lies with ou eai eliietted to co-operato with vou with the state highway dep u Intent. It is jour duty, if your state nivept the l.tvv, to iign'e with us on loads t be coiisti licit d uuei to submit pioiects, plans and specitlcatioMs; tlietefolr. liiilivutuais, nssociauons nun counties will ot nocc'Mtj tid.e up such matte is dlieetly with you and we shall hear tiont tlioui thiougli jott for the .most part. Attitude of Department of Agticul tin o. "I have come heio today maliilv to meet yuu and to expiess my appre ciation ot the very toady iospons you have iiuiele totlie uqiiestot tliedopait meiit lo give it intormatioii and the Iteuetlt ot vour e xpetience ill tunning the inles a'l i d regulations lot the ad ministration of tho Fedeial Aid Ro el act. I am a viiv meat believer in co opeiatlon and 1 th nk one saves much tiouble by beginning to co-operate at the outset. "1 appreciate tho keen inteiest yon luivo shown in the shaping and devil oping ot this legislation I shall do eveiy thing in my power to facilitate yoiif tasks, to aid jou in Uio disehinge of them so far as the poweis ot tlie do piutuii'iit permit, whether through this law or thmuuli tho diieit nppu piiatiuns to tho othee of public ii ads 1 ask your full. e neioiis and c illi'icii' co-ope'ration. if we view nmttfis biondly and geneiously, we shall have nixlitliculty. 1 pledge that the Ik pertinent of Agiiciiltuio wiirappruaeli the iidinlnistration of tills law in that spit it nnd co opeiato hoailily with you to give the pc- plo ot tint nation full vnluo for the money which they have plodgad under this act" I don't see any h nt of a SlO.f'CO or S20,0l'0 per mile in tlie hlcietaiy's speecli to tho state load eughieers. Ho uiges eneli state to fouuiilato tlieir own policy ol road making. We can accept tlie govc n noiit's proposi tion and tlie legislatuie make tho law as how It should be used, that Is. as it should be left to oaoli state to lormu- fp tc(wccjrws'WiifSM t ifwm. miih hhwim mMmmimtwmm0mimmn:mmwmmmawmmmiiMmmmmmmtiwmmm 15 Perccn n- .--J-r-'" 'r- .JZT r' '" r gfe'ign 1 Ex ra Sue S5s if2 jtf?. t IPflfc. fSSw lil M fffs?t? rH J-n-eTTTS: VW X. c.i.t y y I J TYyTl I tri Vjlfll "i I " 111 ,' V sk r ill liTTf rrvt FA till I Wfli -E- ftij -J . 'V1., '" "lij, rallY? n hi iwibbi nou uoor mmmai 11 v s Foment Roll Doc JzHoosier Beauty," Full white enamel finish intcrur of upper sce'ion Roll doo-s that can he easily lifted out for cleaning - Larger table top of acid proof iiluminum -Removable extra drawer in base -Glass rant metal (lour bin -Gear driven shaker flour siller Ingenious big-capncity sugar bin, improvement over old style All-metal msal bin Extra storage pncc Im proved detign Mrs. Frederick's FooJ Guide other convenunt cards and rackt on doors ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer -:- Furniture Dealer I irCMCCn IM fAMCAC AMI MCIlDACt'A r Free Mustard Plasters Sunday Night 7:30 P. M. Congregational Church Subject: MUSTARD PLASTERS I Don't worry about your ailments. Your case is by no means hopeless. Mustard plasters have the pull and push-satisfaction if used as directed 1 J K3EF?SS2 IF YOU WANT A i I POTEST OR A PHPR Jflade Hight, Lettered flight And Erected Right SEE 0VERH1G BROS. & GO. Makers of Artistic Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska sssmmsb EBisrss wssssmsss mmEssm aaTATcrwx:w2ii,v.:ac THE SOUTH EXPECTS, YOU.' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA invites you Eveiy Winter litiikos tliis locality moio popular, every veai bilngs a more holiday aspect to this linul of beautiful hotels, pel feet auto louis. and ont-door 111 o. Rurlington tickets roulo you viu Denver in l'ersonal y Conducted through tour st sleeper parties via Scenic Coloiado or via DonYor and the stuta IV, (irnnd Canyon Route. TEXAS, CULF COAST, AND FLORIDA: iieie is the other of America's Wnitei plnygiounds tlie liistoiie SjotiUilnnd. Tho cold weather is seiidlng tin ie llioii-nnds ot noi tlioiu po iph' in tlie various palatial through tiains via Clue tgo, St Louis or K nisas City. Dutliiigtoii circuit. tiefoHs in clude nil theo loutes through tlm Smith.' Ask fir Winter Toms loallet and Southern Lines liteiature. Lot me help iu one of tl e lluost "bee Ameiica" Touts N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent Infll P. m S2, ...... , r... .i... x, , . I i'-i i iiiii'iu jn'i'i, uuuui iODI iOU p' VmWm (HflKSMWCiWtMIWtWMMMMtCt Bittl ato n pilloy sib" to how the money shall .o utO'J. Yr urs truly, P. 13. I'ATNi: WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT & FREES QUALITY PRINTINGTHE CHIEF C" $ i i 7 -,- "irySVf-'KylAfsllV f4i.'fl "-( "VT-JOt. jp.t-k. te v w"-"T"