M RED CLOUD P GREETS K f The World's tiest Spectacle i 1 ON RED CLOUD, MKBRA8X1M0HIEF I lklirrii J A . ?' V w 1 ! lej , i i i i i' i hi. - -st-Jsr CMr)tM - ji THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Daily - - 2:15 and 8:15 M HT THE ORPHEUM THEATER tmwmanmmiijmimx) D. W. GRIFFITH'S f IB llllllB! Wll IIP illll" Willi" 'W 11'!!"!. I1' ' '111'""!!!!!!!!!!' '' ' 'i' ' iliillillllimrillliliilillli'iilii ii'liil! IJIiiimlill1 'Ul ,"'! , ill iJfllHI , , , The GREAT American Sensation comes to RED CLOUD and is produced exactly as in all the large cities Cost $500,0O0X)0 Took 8 months to produce Used 18,000 people Used 13,000 horses V Music is Wonderful Arrange NOW to see THE WONDER mMv'Tir V k MfJJmmmMm IT will make you Love IT will make you Hate IT has caused millions to rave over its glories IT has electrified the world IT should be seen by all IT will make a better American of you IT comes, comes to RED CLOUD iC? v. ented by EL" soft & '" 'l,,I. I"' "!"! '", it lint ii it ii i iiiij til i i i i A Grand Symphony Orchestra mm mm Decisive Battles of the Civil War, Wonderful Might Pfc flUMM The Surrender of General Lee to General Grant K ( Um Battle Scenes, Thrilling Rides of the Ku KIux Klan, Mm mm What War Costs the Mothers, Sisters and Wives 17 mm mm and the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 1 ISh mm The COMING of the PRINCE of PEACE. Prices: 50c-$l-$1.50 Seat Sale at Cooks Drug Store Starts January 15th. Out-of-town reservations should be made by remitting by check or draft Now, This Wonder Is In Your Vicinity Don't Miss It cure Your Seat At Once lt- T 4 tft . WjV A V ft V "MV MS M t h