RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF fL f) V 1 IN THE M aintenance OF HEALTH It is highly important that you pay special attention to the stomach, liver and bowels AT THE FIRST TENDENCY to sluggishness or weak ness you should try HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Lively Aid to Cupid. lOlghteon residents of the Pueblo (Colo.) Young Men's Christian associ ation dormitory linvc been nuirrled since that Institution opened Its doors about a year ago. Twenty-Five Years' Experience With This Kidney Remedy. Some twenty-five or thirty years ago I began to sell Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Koot and I am xatisiiud that there is ntfc a superior kidney, liver mid bladder medi cine on the market. I enjoy a steady and satisfactory Kale on the remedy nnd my customers have nothing but praises in behalf of the merits of Swamp-Hoot. I am bo favorably impreM-cd with the preparation that I recommend it to thoso in need of such a medicine because I firmly believe it w a valuable and re liable proprietary. Very truly yours, C. M. COnn, Druggist, 2003 South 10th Street. Bcpt. 21, 1010. Lincoln, Neb. Prove Whit Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer &, Co., Binghamton. N. Y., for a fuimplc size bot tle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable infor mation, telling about the kidneys and blad der. When writing, be sure nnd mention Urn paper. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar sire bottles for (talc at all drug ttorei. Adv. WORD THAT IS OVERWORKED (Weakened Almost to Disability, and Frayed at the Edges, Is That Too- Much-Used "Very." There is n word that oneo possessed s. vigor nnd n power Unit Is altogether lost: "Verily, verily" "in truth. In truth." Now It is "very," nnd though It Mill means "in truth," It has become so weakened by usage that it conveys no force whatever. You meet mo on the street and say, "It Is a very line day." What do you mean? Probably you mean, "How do you do?" What you have said Is simply a salutation. But If you should say to me, "It Is a fine, day," you probably mean It Is a line day. That little word "very" has been so weakened, so frayed at the edges that it harms rather than helps Its companions. So, gentle leader, I would say to you, If I bad arbitrary power over your speech, "This week I i. Ill ullow you only two 'vcrles;' " nnd though for a time such. restraint may make you sclf-conseiouH, yet It will force you to grope about for musty treasures In the storehouse of your memory, nnd furbish up old adjectives ind adverbs, even drive you now and again to a careful appraisal of your best slang, and when this temporary jelf-consclousness shall pass, not only vour vigor of speech, but your exacti tude nnd clarity of thought will be tho better for It. That is a gain that will bo worth all tho sncrlllee. Burges fohnson, In Century. Helping the Game Along. The midnight stillness of the dark ened parlor was punctuated" by n crash lust overhead. "Whnt-what-wbat was that, dud-dud-flarllng?" exclaimed the timid young man. "Merely father dropping n hint," she replied, as she snuggled a little closer. Judge. Instead of Worrying about the high cost of living, just buy a pack age of Grape-Nuts still sold at the same fair price. Enjoy a morning dish of this delicious food, and smile over the fact that you've had a good breakfast and Saved Money Isn't that a fair start for any day? OF Animal Is Often Stung by Swarm of Insects. SINGLESTINGN0TDAN8ERQUS Nostrils May Be Closed as Result of Swelling and Possibly Cause Asphyxiation Treatment 'or Burns and Scalds. (rrtpiirt'd tiy Hie United Stuini Depart ment of Agrluultuiu.i Poisoned wound, are the result ot bites of snakes, rabid dugs, si lug', of bees, wasps, etc. A single stlug Is not dangerous, hut an uuliinil Is often siting by a swarm of Insect, when the chief danger occurs I rum the swelling pro duced. If stung about the head. I be nostrils may be closed as a ivmiM of tho swelling, causing labored breath lug and possibly asphyxiation. Intoxi cation may be puiduced l the ab sorption of this poKnii and Is uu.uifo-.t-ed by Miiggoilng gait, spreading of the legs, paralysis ol the muscles, dlllicult respiration, and a rise of tempi laturc. Death may follow In the to ten lean's. Treatment. Douse the animal with cold water tiuil apply an alkaline lliiiiil. such as soapsuds, blcarhoiiiite of soda, or weal; solution oi ammoiilii. luternull.v give alcohol, ether, or campboi to strengthen ,'he heart. In case of bites by rattlesnakes, muccasiu, or otln i poi sonous snakes a painful swelling oc curs about tli.' bitten purl, whMi Is followed by lal ored breathing, weak ness, retching, lVcr, ami death fiom collapse. The tu.imal usually i trov ers If It can be kept alie oer the tlit 1 0 day. In Heating the animal, a tight ligature should tie passed about the part above the wound to keep the poison from entering the general circu lation. Wash out the wound thorough ly with antiseptics and then appl. a caustic, such as silver nitrate, or burn with a hot instrument. A subcutane ous Injection of one-fourth iliam of one per cent solution of chromic acid above thu wouud is also beui'llclal. Cold water may be applied to the wouud to combat the Inllammatloti. Kites of rabid dogs produce an In fected wound, and tho virus of rabies introduced In this manner should be removed or destroyed In the wound. Therefore produce considerable bleed ing by Incising the wound, wash out thoroughly with ten per cent solution of zinc chloride, anil then apply caus tics or tho actual cautery. Horses thus bitten should bo maintained under strict observation for the possible de velopment of rabies during a period of at least three months, ami if the dis ease appears, the horse should be killed immediately. Burns and Scalds. These wounds of domestic animals nre. fortunately, of rare occurrence; however, when they do occur, If at all extensive, they prove to be ipilto trou blesome and In many cases are fatal. They are classified in three degrees according to the severity of the burn: First degree, where there Is a simple reddening of the skin; sec ond degree, where there Is a formation of vesicles, or blisters; third degree, where there Is a complete destruction of vitality of the tissues, such as would occur In charring from direct contact with tlames or from escaping steam, llesldes the burns caused by tlames and steam, there are other causative agents, such as chemicals (caustic, al kalis and acids), lightning stroke, ami occasionally the broken trolley wires of electric railways. When a large surface of the skin Is burned or scald ed, the animal (If It does not die at once from shock) will soon show signs of fever shivering, coldness of the extremities, weakness, restlessness, quick and feeble pulse, and labored breathing No matter which agent Is a factor In the production of burns, the lesions nre practically of the same na ture. The extent and site of the burn should lead one In the determination nnd course of treatment. Hums of the shoulder and those about the re gion of the elbow or other parts where there Is much movement of the tissues are grave, and. If at all extensive, treatment should not be attempted, but the Immediate destruction of the ani mal Is advised. A burn of the third degree, where there Is a destruction of the vitality of large areas of tissue, even on parts not subject to much mo tion, Is extremely tedious to treat; In fact, It Is questionable whether the treatment and keep of the animal will ever be compensated for, even though recovery does tako plnce; this, In any event, will require at least six or eight weeks. Hums caused by lightning stroke nnd trolley wires nre liable to occur In Irregular lines, and, unless death occurs at once, they generally arc not serious. Treatment. Treatment should be prompt and ef fective. If the burns are extensive, the constitutional symptoms should he combated with whisky nnd milk and eggs or ammonia carbonate, strychnin, cnlTcIn, nnd other stimulants to pre vent shoclc. In tho local treatment, to alleviate the pain, the application of cold water In some form and the hypo dermic Injection of morphine are rec ommended. In burns of the llrst degree, where there Is only a superllclal In flammation, lead carbonate (white lend) ointment Is very good. Cnrron oil (llmowater nnd Unseed oil, equal parts) Is a standard remedy, but a lini ment composed of linseed oil and lime water each 200 parts, bicarbonate of soda 100 parts, and thymol l part, Is perhaps better. The scorched sur- WOUNDS face should be covered with this lini ment and then with n layer of horated gauze or absorbent cotton, to protect It from the air. Tho application should be frequently renewed. Carho lated vaseline may he used in place of the above. In case the burn Is more extensive, the following solution inn.v be used: licrlc add 'J parts, alcohol 10 parts, water 100 parts. The le sion should be thoroughly cleansed with this solution used on absoibent cotton The vesicles, If any appear, should be opened with a clean needle, allowing the skin to remain. Strips ot gaue or absorbent cotton saturated with th. solution should now be ap plied and renewed only oeenslnuiill.v. In bums of the swuml am) third de crees mure satisfactory icsiilts itiuj be obtained with uoupolsouous, dry dress lug powder stiiii as is is(.l In ordinary open wounds, as tannic acid .s pints and Iodoform t part, or a sahe made ol this powder and a siiillcleut quantity of vaseline. When slough ing of tin tissues takes place the w omuls should M. cleansed with n wnrm !t per cent solution of carbolic add, all loose fragments of tissue re moved, and either a dr.v, antiseptic dressing powder or carbolated vaseline ointment applied to exHudo the nil-. Proud llesh should be controlled by the application ot silver nitrate In the form of a caustic pencil. I'unis due to mineral adds may he t roil til by Hushing the parts with a copious quantity of cold water or by the application of whiting or chalk. Hither use a large quantity of water at the start or use (be chalk tlrst. then wash with water. If the lirltant litis been a caustic alkali, such as potash., aiuiuoula or soda, then vinegar should be the llrst application. Car--on oil Is a good general application for all burns for the llrst week; then this should be followed by the ordinary antiseptic wound dressings. ECONOMIC PASTURE ON FARM Practical Data Should Be Secured as to Number of Acres Needed to Support One Head. In many cases land Is given over to uo as pastuie which will not sup port fUllldent stock to make any rea sonable i eturn on the Investment. Such laud propeii.v belongs In the cat egory, of nonproductive laud, In that It makes no return commensurate with the Interest on the money Invested. It should be borne In mind that the quality of the pasturage in relation to tho land value Is an Important con sideration in choosing a farm. For Instance, what Is economic pasture on land that Is worth $10 per acre might, on land valued at $100 an acre, be de cidedly uneconomic. This relation should be caretully studied in buying a tarm with much pustuic land. To determine whether pasture land Is eco nomic or not, practical data should be secured as to the number of acres necessary to support one head of stock and the Interest on the value of the laud in question compared with the current charge per bead of the same lylnd of stock for a season's pasturage. Or tho estimated value of the return In Increased value of tho stock or Its products may be used for comparison. Ity this means the relative economy of pastures may be determined. TREATING COLT FOR VERMIN Most of Lice Powders Will Prove Effi cient If Used Frequently Coal Tar Dip Is Good. Care must be taken that the colt does not become lousy, for no colt will thrive and make good growth while troubled with lice. If the owner of a good colt which Is not thriving as well as his feed and management warrant will make a close examination he will discover that the young animal Is be ing enten up by lice. Most of the lice powders on tho mar ket will prove very efficient If used frequently, or one of the coal-tar dip preparations may be npplled as a spray with a hand sprayer. As long as the lice persist this treatment should be administered once a week. Spray well under the mane, under the Jaws, along j the Imckbone. back of the forelegs j and around the flanks. A thorough treatment may be given In a few tain- I utes with a good sprayer. BEES ARE GREAT TRAVELERS To Collect a Pound of Clover Honey Insects Must Get Material From 62,000 Blossoms. The bee Is famed for Industry, hut to show how much work the bee really does a nnturallst says that to coiled a pound of clover honey the bees must deprive 02,000 clover blossoms. The (lowers must ho visited by H.7JHJ.. 000 bees, or. In other words, to collect his pound of honey one bee must make 3.750.000 trips to and from the hive. As bees are known to (ly for tulles In their quest of suitable Holds of op eration, It Is dear (bat a single ounce of honey represents millions of miles of travel. COMPOSTED MANURE IS GOOD Better Than Well. Rotted Article and Very Much Cheaper Is Well. Balanced Plant Food. Composted mnnure Is as good or better than tho ordinary wo). rotted article and very much cheaper because more can be saved and much less Is wasted by being washed away or leach Ing Into the soil whllo rotting. It Is n better balanced plant food and docs not produco so much leaf and vine Instead of the fruit or roots for which most garden crops are grown. teEN&riONAL StWSOIOOL Lesson 'Tty i:. O SEI.l.KllS, Acting Director ol the Sunday School Cotiroe lit the Atood Wide Institute or ridingo ) " "I'jriKliI, 1917 Umiini , unjiujii-i futon ) LESSON FOR JANUARY 14 JOHN THE BAPTIST AND JESUS. U'.SSON Ti:XT-John 1:10-34. (Un.DK.N THXT Heboid, tlio lamb ot I r.i.ti that taktitli iiwuv tlm bin ot Ilia wi rid. .letm I :-j I John begun his public ministry In the i summer of A. 1. 'JO and tin- baptism of i Jesus probably took place In .latum ry, I A. D. 117. The delegation from .Terusa- j Icm to Interview John must have ap peared tilling toward the latter part of I rebruary. I. John the Witness (vv. 1Mfi). John's ministry cicated great excite ment. The people were In expectancy. All classes were reasoning as to who this strange but inarvelously forceful man might be. Some thought perhaps he was the Christ (l.uke :i:lfi). To settle this question u committee was sent to Jerusalem to Investigate. Malachl, the prophet, has suggested the coming of Klljah (Mai. -I :f) before the Messiah should come, ami another prophecy indicated that the prophet .should be like unto Moses (Pent. IVHMS). John freely confesses to this delegation that he Is not the Christ nor Hlljah nor the prophet pre dicted by Moses. How foolish and silly are those modern ones who pro fess to he the messenger of thu cov enant or some other fanciful title, In illuitlng thu return of the witness which Is to precede tho coming of Christ. John exercises humility In the way he states his real position though he does apply to himself the prophecy of Isaiah (Isa. -JO ::i-5) which sets forth what his mission was to he. A voice can be heard but not seen. With our bodily eyes we never see a spirit. No man ever btivv the soul of his nearest friend. We do seu Cod, however, In his works, In his marvelous deliver nuces and his guidance of the world and his answers to prayer. II. John the Baptlzer (vv. 10-20). As John had denied that he was thu Christ or Hlljah, the priests and Lev lies made bold to question his author ity at a later time (Matt. U1-2U), and still later the authority of the apos tles and the priests (Acts f:28). John answers them with another display of his humility. His baptism In water was nothing to the baptism of tho coming one (See Matt. .'1:11 ; Acts 1 :fi). Though Christ was In their midst, they were blind and did not recognize him. (Sco vv. 30, 11; eh. 8:10; lO:.'!). John's baptism of repentance denotes n baptism which a penitent submitted to that lie might receive the pledge and assurance that his sins were for given. Baptism meant the cleansing of tho people from past sins that they might he fitted for entrance Into tho kingdom. ISnptlsm Is not conversion. It is a witnessing and a symbol of a spiritual truth that we are dead unto sin, and have risen to newness of Hfo (Itom. Ot.'l-fi). Like John, our volco must he not only that of humility hut It must he really a voice with a mes sage from God, one that sounds nn un mistakable note, one that can he heard wherever we go, one that will mako men happier, stronger, braver, more like God, to prepare the way for Christ In tho hearts of men. III. The Witness of the Spirit (vv. 28-JM). The writer is very explicit, stating the exact time that those things occurred, for he was an eye witness. John first testifies that Jesus was the Lamb of God, referring of course to the sacrificial lamb, the atoning sacri fice of the Old Testament (Gen. 22:7-8; Ex. 12:3; Isa. 53:7). As the Lnmb ot God, Jesus would tako away the sins of the world; thus the thought Is pri marily that of atonement, a substitu tion of another and tho dellveranco from the guilt of sin. Tho next day after John's witness to the delegation from Jerusalem, ho saw Jesus coming unto him, and said to the assembled people, "Heboid the Lapib of God." This refers not so much to his charac ter, thnt of Innocence, meekness and patience, ns to his oillce, his completed work of atonement by tho sacrificial death wherein ho takes away the bins of tho world. On tho ground of tho propitiation for sin which Jesua wrought (I John 2:2; Mutt. 20:28; II Cor. C:21; Gal. 3:13) sin Is removed from the sinner as far as the East Is from tho West. God dealt In mercy with men before Christ's time becnuso of the Iamb which was slain from tho foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8), Hero John says that at first ho did not recognize Jesus as the Messiah, but ho does hear record that ho saw the spirit descending at his baptism, and It abode upon him. Tho work of Christ Is for the whole world till all Its sin is removed. He Is nctmj'ly removing sin from tho world, nnd when ho comes again, sin will he banished. Luke's record adds that this same Messiah Is to baptize, with the Holy Ghost and fire. Christians are to be on flro for God. The gift of tho holy spirit at Pente cost was tho llrst and most manifest expression of this power of Christ who is the real baptlzer. Begotten of God (Luko 1 :3fi), possessed of nil tho at tributes of tho Father (Phil. 2:0), tho one In whom tho fullness of tho God bend dwelt bodily (Col. 2:0) lio la to be honored and worshiped as God (Heb. 1:0). Frnternlty Adopts Orphan. Claience l.ckhorg. live .venrs old. was nn orphan, hut he Is an orphan no longer lie has been adopted by the Sigma Nu fraternity of the I'nlveisity of Washington, and the - .vouug men who belong to that fraternity have pledged ibeniselves to give tit in a pitiper education.- Duluth Herald Pitnl KV to Dr. IVrrr, lnvnliaV llntrl, IIiilTiilo. for l.iigp trial pnrk.ini- of Arintic for Kid iiryn-cures Imckiiiiic. Adv. A census of the volcanoes In the world shows there aie (572 In all, of which 27.i are active. Whatever Is best admlnlsteicil is in-st. gS IS VSMSSSm A m mm iffli Al.GOHOL-tf run "" f J AVoiiclnblcPrvparalionrorAs-; similnliii'MlicIbod ti'Koula-, lintliiicSlomacnsnrul H'i"- jtfiflsaa&a Thereby ftomoilnij Dis-Uon illl-vi luiiuaa "-"---, ' 1 t ncllher Opium,MorpMncnorj mi I Mt "VAIICOTIC,! rvriT- ml I'JIIIVI m. i'w - n Jtx Srnna h'annSrnl IJiSiyrtw'"pr 5 5 ftKMi $- k i ..i..r,.ll)r,mn(1v for M r!?S" Const JpnlionaiuJ Diarrhoea nnarwn....V-" ES:r ft ils'Sa 'resulting hetvfronrinIn ranrv. ?,?. 4? 1" M !i SW Fnc Simile Sinatore"1 itf2-.. mm VttSGU imsm r?$ TnECrrAunt5t,PAWf N12W TUii I VI C' m Exact Copy of Wrapper. Serious. "She's onl.v IlirlltiK with him." "It's moie serious than that. I ssivv her looking up hN ratlnj:." ACTRESS TELLS SECRET. A well known nctnsn B'ves tho follow ing rcilpo for Kray hair: To half pint of water add 1 nz. Buy Hum, it mn.ill box of 1 turbo Compound, nnd U nz. or Klyccrlnc Any driiKKlHt (an put UiIh up or you rim mix It ut homo nt very little cost. Kull directions for mnltliiK and iipc coino In cuch box of Hurlio Compound It will Knidually ilnrUcn streaked, faded Kniy bnlr, and ninkn It noft and Klonsy. it will not color tho Hcalp, Ih not sticky or greasy, nnd dooH not rub oIT. Adv. Heard in the Ananias Club. "IIIIkkIiik Mjliietlines tells the truth." "Yes. Hut ho alvva.vs mixes snme thltiK up with It so us to spoil It." An Empty Echo. "Money talks," observed the .Sa?;e. "Yes," replied the Tool. "Hut nil Mime of us hear Is the echo." 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath Candy Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head nchca, how miserable you nre from constlnntlon, Indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels you nlwny's get relief with Cascarets. They Imme diately clennso and regulate the stom nch, remove the sour, fermenting food nnd foul gn&cs; take the excess bile from tho liver nnd carry off the con stipated waste mntter and poison from tho Intestines and bowels. A 10-cent box from your druggist will keep your liver nnd bowels clean; stomnch sweet and head clenr for months. They work while you sleep. Adv. The Kind It Was. "Did you have a Hue kind of auto mobile trip?" "It was nothing hut fines." New York city has eight pension ! funds. A Great Discovery (jiV J. II. WATSON, M. I).) Swollen hands, ankles, foot aro duo to a dropsical condition, often caused by disordered kldnnys. Naturally when tho kidnoys aro deranged tho blood Is filled with poisonous waste matter, which Bot tles In tho feet, ankles and wrists; or under tho eyes In hag-llko formations. As a remedy for thoso easily recog nized symptoms of Inflammation caused by urlo acid as scalding urlno, back acho and frequent urination, as well as sodlmont In tho urlno, or If urlo acid in tho blood has caused Wieumatlsm, lum bago, sciatica, gout, It Is simply wonder ful how quickly Anurlo acts; tho pains and stiffness rapidly disappear. Tako a glass of hot wutor lwforo meals and Anurlc to flush tho kidnoys. Stop Into auy druR Etoro and ask for Anurlc, many times mora potent than Ilthla and eliminates urlo acid as hot water molts sugar. The first sneeze is the danger signal. Time to take CASCARAJgQUININE fcXSttP Tho old fnmlly rcmcily-ln tnlitrt lorto ernfe, sure, rusy to tnkp. No oplntc, no unpleasant after cifrct. Cures colds in 2-1 hours Grip In J dns. Money back if it falls. Get the lienulno box with Red Top and Mr. llill'R picture on it -25 cents. At Any Drue Stora GASTORIA For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA 3 (worry. .Mali- and female slaves were sold publicly In the fairs of KiiKland dur ing the fourteenth century. Itusslniis are to colonize In South I America. M.rjtm- VM.t ilo ,nu ihiok Jihn Mid, ll.riiljr, h,n I Inlil Mtt II il -I rnwr rr. ntrril 1 ntnmt inly rr.itl.ntr, . rou ilr flar. .It auto, n,l lt of frv.tillf llaitity "Writ, l ,1 ili.l lb. ..r,rn u)l" Marjori.- II, a.1,1 Ili.l if I vouM l.i mor. .0 mj nrhl Mtt I wontilu I h.vr .tirli ' Kad drtimt arc a JooO lr.n ol poor iNititkxi, uticn th hard vorltd tlomath hrjint la complain lh vholc tlan tullrr. and t have comllfutlun. oltcntlvc breath, dvrpcptlJ and alt tort! ol ilrollar diwnkre tttr) one ot hkh,ll ou did but Vnm It. crlti aloud lor Green's August Flower Which for 51 years hns contributed to the health nnd well bclnp of countless thousands everywhere. 25c. and 75c TYPHOID In no mora neceisiry than Smallpox. Army experience hii demonatrate the almost mlraculoui efft. Cacy, indbarmlcjsnets.or Antityphoid VoccloaUoj. Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and ycui family. It It more vital than bouse Insurance. Ask your physician, druccltt, ot lend for 1Ut . you bad Typhoid?" telllnc of Typhoid Vaccine. ' results from use, and dancer from Typhoid Curlers. , Producing Vaeclntt and Serums under U. 3. Llttnu , The Cutter Laboratory, Dirkiley, Cat., Chleago, IIL . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. IMp to oriullcaU dandruff. ForReatorinit Color and Beauty toCray or Faded Hair. nc. nnd ll.oo at Dron-uti. 0110X11017 CURBD In a tow dari without pain or a eur- fical operation. No pay until cured. Write lU. WliAV, t)OQ Mho lllilir,, OmaU OmaUs, Melt, To Kill Rats and Mice ALWAYS USB STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE U. S. Government Buys It SOLD EVERYWHERE JJc and $1.00 A WOMAN'S BURDENS aro lightened when sho turns to tho right mcdlclno. If her existence is mado gloomy by tho chronic weaknesses, doll eato dorannoments, nnd painful disorders that afflict her rear, sho will find rollof and emancipation from her troubles In Dr. l'lerco's Favorlto Prescription. If sho's overworked, nervous, or "run-down," sho linds now Hfo and strength. It's a power ful, Invigorating tonic and nervine which was dlscovored and used by an eminent physician for many years, In all cases of "femnln complaints" und wouUnessos. For young girls just entering womanhood ; for women at tho critical "change of Hfo; In bearing-down sensations, jwrlodlcai pains, ulceration, Inllammatloii.andovery kindred ullment, tho "Fu.'orlto Proscrip tion la guaranteed to beuelltorcura Dr. Picrco's Pellets euro biliousness. .r ' T M SM3 I - I II- " l iMVl.M. S3 fC2 Mrt A