H- (KM v ' i ' ttW ..sjygTfflagjCf3ara?a?!gS5g i -ggysggW-gjgyj . - - Wf- 'm ' Vi ' Kl f . I . imi-ii i i- r,.... . , i m V " r!HL" ViV ii j if i ." r.i tir f y J1FM- jiyr m giBgr" . " yy,,-, ' :::tbr "ry"""TT'"TTT.i-'" r. - 'rr "- '7 ',r"iT , 1IK' s- - vtjttJkt lyfi 3HffTinrTJHtTi. t. -i jwr . " i' " ika V Ml M h K 1 X , x VOLUME 43 This Building is Npw Occupied by R. P. Weesner & Company 1 f K- t j -- fiii PiWfli as-fr- -" r4 """ Vl B---P!FWltJPHI 4'-,z yT 1 THE PASSING OF THE MINER BROS. STORE THE Miner Bros, came to Red Cloud in April 1878, purchas ed a frame building owned by W. B. McNitt and engaged in the mercantile business. Their business' grew so rapidly that in a short time they outgrew their frame building and in 1881 they erected the first brick building in Red Cloud, which, with its additions, still stands, and is as it appears in the above illustration. Their first shipment of merchandise had to be hauled overland, from Hastings, there being no rail road here at the time. The first sale of goods made in Red Cloud was to Robert Harris, who still resides in this vicinity. Their business increased in the new building and they were soon known as'the largest merchandise establish ment in the Republican Valley. They were always very reliable and enjoyed to the fullest extent the confidence of the trade. A few years after the death of J. L. Miner the business firm was reorganized into what was known as the Miner Bros. Company, who continued the business in the same building until a short time ago. when the stock was traded for west ern land and the goods moved out of town. This was the passing of one or the oldest, the most reliable and the most successful business concerns in the history of Nebraska. The building is now occupied by R. P. Weesner & Co.. who have today finished moving in. The interior of the building has been remodeled and redecorated, this giving it a very new appearance. A new modern front will be installed as soon as the weather will permit and when completed will be one of the most up-to-date buildings in Red Cloud. This building, while not as centrally located as it might be, . 1 1 1 l...!U!..r T,. is really an lueai uunuiuy wi u Buuuiai mwLumiuiou "n-. Mr. Weesner is very optomistic concerning the new location and feels confident that, with the class of merchandise they carry and the service they give, their old customers will re main loyal to them and that they will also gain many new ones. The firm of R. P. Weesner & Company invite you to call on them in their new location. m:.h:"W" I ADVICE r It is based upon many years of experience and expert knowledge of financial allairs. We can and will aid you if you give us the opportunity. You are welcome at this bank. Call any time. I Webster County Bank ;: RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA ' CAPITAL. AMD HUIU'LUH 8U1.000 rt frtnnl -- -si n m A 1 c?n ci -r ::- r I I )UR ADVICE IN FINANCIAL MATTERS is worth having. We can tell you not only how to' SAVE YOUR MONEY but also how to profitably INVEST IT. ? , newspaper mat Hives 111c news Hity-two weeks Each Year For 51.50. ---- mH9miaMMiwiaBaHBT RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JANUARY I, 1!H7. University Week to be Observed Here The local iiluuiiii have made arrange iiifiits lor a University Week Lyceum Couise, which will liu given in this city during the first week In April Tlic purpose of University Week is to briny to the pt'oplo of our state a first-hand kmnvlcdgeof the University; t ) show tlio tax payeis what sort of young people leally make up this great school; to give a compact idea of I'lilvorslty life ami activities by repro ducing it 011 the stage; to take the I'nivorsity to the people The Course will consist of live nuin hers as follows: Cadet Hand, Glee Club, Dramatic club, Musical opcia and Faculty lecture. These numbers are all first-class cn tcitaiiunents and worth many times the price of a season ticket. If you are interested in your Univei'sitv you should.ti.nv lay your plans for attend ing these entertainments. The people of the clly aie asked to j entertain the students, who take part I in these entertainments, in their , homes during tlu-ir stay in the city, in I Older to 1 educe to a minimum, the ex pense of the entire com. so Complete particul.iis concerning the course and Urns in charge of the same will be published at a later date. A Note of Appreciation It was with the greatest pleasure 1 enjoyed the Concert given by the lied Cloud baud few evenings iigo. The programme was well selected and ex cellently rendered All the perform ers did their parts remarkably well and it was certainly f'elightful to see the enthusiasm with which the young people rendered their parts. There was however one little draw back, and that was tliKt the Orpheutn was not ciowded to the doors. The audience was not very large, but it was very highly appieciative, which was shown by long and loud applause, and encores. Profc&sor LeHoy has made great progress with the young people and their efllciency the other night bhowed that there is a first class band in Red Cloud. The young ladies who took part In the concort covered themselves with glory, and seldom does one hear such excellent singing and reading at an amateur concert. I wisli Professor LeHoy and his band every success. Oni: Who Was Tiu.itr.. Married Monday Evening On Monday ev.iiiiiiir at lii.'K), Miss ttiace Mclvelvey and Mr Adiian Ilur narri, of York, were united in mm lingo at the home of her sister, Mrs 11. M Kge, Itev. Druliuor Pastor of the M. K. chinch ofllciatiug. Only immediate relatives were present. The tit of town guests were: Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Hurnard and daughter, I?etta, of York; Dr. and Mrs. II . I). Vosberg, sister of the groom, and small son of Pipestone, Minnesota; Mr. und Mrs. . I. II. McKel voy of Rock Rapids, Iowa, and J. D. McKclvey of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Burnard will make thoir home in York. Arrest Booze Merchants Our etllcicnt Maishall, P. II. Iloucr, has for some little time past been 00 serving olosely the conduct of some of our citizens, ami having secured sulll cient evidence, tool: County Attornoy Monday and blierllV Hedge into his conlldeiice who at about the hour of midnight made a laid on the Holland House and took into custody .lack Morrlsey and Floyd Wood, ehaiglng them with the illegal sal.- f intox icants They wore plac d in the county j,il to await their preliminary hoiiring which will probably bo hold this aftcrnoqn, District Court Dates for 1917 T,erms of District court In Webster County', for the year 1017, have been st by Judge Hurry S. Dunguu "8 fol lows; March 5tli, jury; May 7th, equity; October '22nd, jury; Due. 3rd, equity. Petitions for naturalization will be 11 sard amy im win uvwuwvv oiu, Tom Aultl Gives Red Cloud $20,000 Library The library pioposttion li'is again been brought to llht and this time it U not a Carnegie iitl'aii. .Mr. W. T. Auld, president of the State LSimk of this city and an otllcer and dliector of one of Omaha's leading ban'icN oilers to finance the building and furnishing of the library. Mr. Auld was a former icsideiit of this city but now lesides in Omaha, however iic has not forgotten his old home town ami still exhibits considerable interest in the advancement of Red Cloud. On Tuesday evening, .7. W Auld sub mitted a proposition for him to the Mayor and Council whoioby he will donate 20,000 for the purpose of build ing and furnishing a library. 8HJ,r00 of this amount is to be used in the construction and furnishing of the buUdiiu, iri.OilO for the purchase of books and J'i.fiOO for the puicliasc of a kite. This donation ii to be made uitli the provision that h city i. to pio vide an ordinance obligating itself to levy a tax, whieh will total S1W0 per year for the purpose id' nmluuiniug said libiary after its completion. The proposition was looked upon very fav orably by the city fathers. An option has been secured upon the lots oppo Hite (west) of the Fireman's Hall. The citizen's should indeed feel grateful to Mr. Auld for the oiler he has made to them,. It would indeed be an honor to the city, and a great spii'-ce of education to her citizens, young and old alike. m Band Boys Give Fine Concert A small but appreciative audience were presont at the band concert given by the Ked Cloud Concert Hand, at the Orpheuin Theater on last Friday even ing. We say small because it was not up to the standard of what it should have been when one stops to consider the nature of the entertaimnoiit and purpose for which the proccedb wore to be used, that of purchasing new uniforms for the bund boys. Few towns of this fcize can boast of having such a fine aggregation of mus icians, and unless our citizens liberally patronize the entertainments and show their appreciation they canuot expect the boys to give open airconccrts next summer. By attending their enter tainments you not oi'ly help defray their e.vponses but you also clioer and encourage the boys, by your presence The selections by the brass quartette composed of Hubert LeHoy, Will Mc- lliide, I'aul Nowhouso and Clayton Holmes was in a class by itself. These boys displayed to a marked deguo their unusual talent. The cornet duet by Robert LRoy and Will Muiiridu was well rendered and received a strong oucoro from the audience. Clayton Holmes and Hobert Black ledge displayed their u usical ability in the manner In which they handled their baritone and trombone duet. The violin solo by the Professor, aceompauted by Miss Lucllo HUlers, a student of the former, was nothing short of marvelous. It exhibited the wonderful knowledge of muslo of the former, and the rapid progios-? the latter has made during the short timo in which she has received instructions from the Professor. Miss Hazel Saladen's sweet voice chai med the audience and wo may con fidently look furwaid to seeing this young lady classed amoung the coun try's loading vocal stars, Miss Ethel Wisocarver, as a reader exhibited un usual talent and greatly pleased the audience. , The HcloctioiiH by the entire band wore Indeed very flno. Iu nil it was one of the best musical entertainments ever given In our city. Farm Loans I have tho cheapest rates and best option in tho state, with several plana to choobo from. Sole agent for Tre- vettw Mattis & Baker J. II. Bailey . . ... . ,ti . .. ii'1 ' . p-- l lC'ir' M rvOFJ - WW s&Gm'J'Ctr I tit " am COME IN RIGHT NOW AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BIG RE DUCTIONS WE ARE MAKING IN THE PRICES ON OUR "LEFT-OVERS" COME IN AND SEE THE HANDSOME SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS AND JEWELRY WE ARE SELLING AND THE VERY LOW ERICES WE ARE ASKING, YOU WILL BUY ALL YOU NEED FOR YOljn HOME AND YOURSELF. IT WILL PAY YOU to BUY RIGHT NOW. e. H. NEMHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist 12TC B. & Q. Watch Inspector WA N TED Horses Mares Mules For Eastern, Southern and Foreign Markets Horses Want to buy some riding h irses fi to 10 yrs old, ll?f to 15f hitiidH hitfhi wt 100) to lir0, must be sound, in good flesh. Also some stout built horses, wt 1'JilO to 13.10, 15'; to 10 hands high. Also big horses wt lfiO'J to liiuO, f to 10 yrs old, must have extra good bono, wide and stout built, cannot use tall long legccd ones. Mules Any size but must bo In jjood flosh and sound, 3 to 10 yra old. If you have . n fat males, now Is tho time to sell them. Red Cloud, Saturday, January 13 IV. N. PEDDICORD Everything Pianos - Player Pianos Talking Machines - Records Headquarters for Aeolian Vocalion and Columbia Grafonola Talking Machines and COLUMBIA RECORDS Good second hand organ for sale, in good condition a THE MUSIC SHOP ilE ROY MUSIC CO. Red Cloud. Neb. - , ... j MM NUMBER I Vou can get Bargains in our store Now in Music - ran i 711 A 4 tM m 1 Wt 1 "A U s. l )V A m 3J-. . nfi ; i i H t ifttW,w&! f" - 8 J'fy N i fl$f'$ik?Mmmmm -ii--y- . i,WB6&f ,t.. Visv S 'ri ViKtSriPKfH!ri&iKt . . . . ....- ' '. ' ,v. j i .Hviuf vju. . , j.! iritvi , . ,- , .- . .,. .. . . . .- , tm-v-g--XiW2