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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1916)
i .1 RED OLOUD'- w i( -r-i r" it-ynrif M '( V r -a 1 0 J S ..llT " i I tw 1 "as told to us fr Sal-Vet is sold atCottlng's. I C!ome to Red Cloud and do your trad log. Cbas. Hilton spent Saturday in Blue Hill. Horace Brown spent Saturday in Hastings. Raleigh Lawrence spent Saturday in Bluo Hill. Father Fitzgerald spent Saturday in Superior. Roy Sattley, undertaker-auto hearse in connection. Roy Yonng spent Sunday with rela tives at Guide, Rock, "llr. and Mrs. Ira Tjrueblood spent Saturday in Hastings. Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Hutchison spent ( .Saturday in Hastings. Miss Edna Weekly went , to Omaha, Saturday, to spend, the .holidays. . . Miss. Nina SimmonB went, to Lin coln, Saturday,. to spend the' holidays. , Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Oatraan spent Christmas with relatives in Baron ville. Ohas. Funk went to Fairmont, Sat urday, to spent Chrlsttrias with friends. Prof. Baird went to Formosa, Kan sas, to spend the holidays with his parents. Paul Johnston of Lincoln spent Xmas in the city with his mother, Mrs. Clara Johnston. Claude Frost of Arapahoo spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. II. MoKimmey. Mi63 Marie Hollister is home from Kenesaw to spend the holidays with , her parents. Miss Helen Davison went to Lincoln, Saturday, to spend the holidays with her parents. Miss Hazel McKclghan went to Lin coin, Saturday, to spend the holidays with her mother. Mrs. Ella Garretsori was called to Valparlso, Indiana; ''Saturday by the -illness of S relate: ' kCol. J. H. Elllnger returned home from Yuma, Colorado, Sunday, where he cried 8 public sale. Misses Anna and Mary Zlab went to'Hubbel, Sunday, to spend Christ-' mas with their mother. Grant Bailey of Omaha spent Christ' attending' cortege 'at Chicago, lis home to spend the holidays, i Miss Josie Igou -went to Hutchison, Kaatas, Saturday ,to' spend' the holi days wlthher.brothbr.v J', T Harvey Rickerson, the popular bar ber at Mercer's shop, spent Christmas in Orleans with friends. Miss Fannie Mikscb, who is teaching Hchool near McCook, is spending her vacation with her mother. Miss Hazel Overleese came down from Riverton, Sunday; to spend tbo holidays with her parents. Miss Lena Ludlow, who is teaching school at St. Ann, is spending the holidays with her parents. Miss Maurine Caldwell returned homo from Imperial, Saturday to spend the holidays with her parents. Mark Cliristcnson of licrthoud, Colo rado, and Miss Emnm Wadcman of Illue Hill were granted a tnuniage license on December .23rd by Judge Kanney. masin the cUy' with '-hid parents, Mr. . i , .andtMrst JH.Hailey.'VJ1 lt,,' uxWbi . ..j...r, ...!. 'J-jtv" . .O .:.? I ft -in- - ii ' ' ,:Mlss Zella Taylor, wtoo Baa, been gin 5in iii' OH0UO Wc extend the Season 'b Greetings, wishing you and those whose ha-ppiness is yours, the fullest measure of joy, and the best of all good things ' throujhout the New Year, F. G. TURNURE & SON Kd McCune is on the sick list. Earl Hall spent Wcduesday In Hast ings. Wo wish one and all a very happy New Year. Tad Saunders was down from Inn Vale, Tuesday. Robt. Harris is now driving a new Ford roadster. Roy Sattley, undertaker-auto hearse in connection. J. F. Winters of Linooln was in the city Wednesday. Walter Means of Harvard was in tbo city, Tuesday. Are you goiug to make any New Year's resolutions? James Gilbert spent Sunday with friends at Superior. Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J. C. Mitchell, the Jeweler. Jim Ethorton spent Sunday with friends at Outdo Rook. Frank Starr shlppedja car of horses to Grand Island, Monday. Miss' Edna Ranney went to Lincoln, Tuesday, to "visit friends. Clark Crow and Raleigh Lawrence spent Sunday at Guide Rock. Ed Taylor of Pueblo, Colorado, is visiting bis sisters in the city. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Camp spent Christmas at Republican City. Miss Venla Henderson went to Lin coln, Tuesday, to visit friends. Merlin Butler of Sencoa, Kansas, is iu the city visiting bis parents. J Roy Moffet of Riverton was in tbo city Wednesday visiting friends. For Sale Base burner heater. In quire at the LeRoy Music Store. Will Frey purchased a new piano of Roy Sattley the last of the week. Mrs. McClure and son are spending the week in Linooln with relatives. Raleigh Lawrence went to Corning, Iowa, Wednesday, to visit relatives. Supt. P. M. Whitehead went to Lin coin, Wednesday, to spend a few daysa Tom and Jerry will make their last debute in Nebraska on New Year's day. Mr. and Mrs, Guy Zelglei spent the last of the week with his parents at Riverton. Chas: Norrls is now driving a new Ford car which he purchased of Jas. Peterson. , Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Petersen spent Christmas with . relatlves.(and friends at Hastings. .. ,'" S. .... ... JphqPelcrson.,of,Cpgate,Oklabdmaf' wtas,ine gueqi oi1(juuas. acauuz, Fri day evening''-',. PA.rtCv . ',r We will close at twelve o'clock. noon, oh New 'Year's Day". Cowden- KaleyClaCo.' --" ' J'1 ' ' ' ' "Miss Blanche Boner is .homo from the Peru Normal to spend the holidays with her parents. Mrs. George Corner came down from Bluo Hill, Tuesday evening, to visit relatives and friends. Ralph Woods of Wymore is spend ing the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ferguson of Oberlin, Kansas, are in tho city visit ing relatives and friends. L. A. Graves returned to Grand Is land, Tuesday, after spending Christ mas in the city with friends. Will Eldredgo of Huntley spent Christmas in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eldredgo. John Rutlcdgc of Innvalc mado his daughters a Chrismas presont of a flue piano shich ho purchased of Ed Amack. '' D INGS H(f mm nuriuua &AKlH3 Absolutely Pure . Midi f rim Crtim if Tartar HO ALUM-MO PHOSPHATE Ed Amack was in Blue Hill, Friday. Miss Fern Averill spent Friday in Hastings'. Mrs. Rube Schultz spent Sunday in Guide Rook. Have you made any new resolutions for next year? The legislature will convene at Lin coln next week. John Crans and Charley Powell spent Friday in Hastings. Oliver Wright was down from River ton over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Garber spent Christmas in Guide Rock. Mr. and .Mrs. Paul Pope spent' Sun day with relatives at Superior. , Clifford Bradshaw of Napouee spent Sunday In the" city with relatives Mias Belle Spanogle is spending the holidays with relatives at Denvor. Jack'Stcfflns returned home; from Grand Island the last of the week. WJ11 , Gllham arrived home from I Lngdon, Iowa,, thelast of .thv-freok.l v Mr. ana Mrs. j. k. unaney ( jpent Christmas with thelrYon at ' Superior Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hamilton dibfent Sunday in Guide Rock with reliflTea Miss Elsie Deltrlch went to L&tpjoV Sunday, to spend Christmas wltkt;aer oarentB.. - ' j& y If you want rto sell or' trade real estate call on C. A. Schultz. pendent phone 208. Li "'Chicken Meredith, who 'is ftMfrg in Minnesota, ia in the city vbttlug relatives and friends. '".iV . 1 1'- Mr. and, Mrs. Fritz Moede . came 'down from Imperial, Sunday, to spend !. l.l!.lJ. .'..til. l-.t..n O' lUO UUIIUSjfB )Vllll 1CIUV1VUO. ' Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Gllham of Lang- don, Iowa, are spending the holidays in the city with their parents. . Mr. and Mrs. Art Robinson of Guide Rock, spent Christmas in the city with her mother, Mrs. Ered Wittwer. j Miss Flossie MoKimmey came .home from Edison the lasti of the week, to spend her vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Starr of Leb anon spent Christmas in tho city With herparents,'Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Corbett. Roy Jones came down from Cluy Center, Thuisday, to spend the holi days with Mr. mid Mrs. John Griffcth MUs Mnrybello Ilassinger, who is teaching bchool near Huntings, is spending her vacation with her moth er. Mi's. A. M Harris camo down fioni Arapahoe, Saturday, to visit her hus band who is nilit operator at the do pot. Mlsh Kdlth Bee.ley, who is teach in g school at Valentine, uriived home to spond her vacation with her par cuts. Mrs.. Su'.an Ludlow and daughter o.irne down from Franklin, Sunday, to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mis Curt Gcor. Miss Grace liee.loy, who is teach ing school at Mullet), arrived homo Sntuidtiy to spent! tho holidays wllh her patents. j Mr and Mrs. Uruco Uobluson of Clay Canter, spent Christmas in tho city with his parents, Mr. and Mi Urucu Robliibon. Miss Hilytliu Ilcriiuk, who Is attend ing college at I fastings, Is spending the holiday b with her patents, Mr anil Mrs. Chas. iierrick. Mr. and Mis. Earl McConkey of Al berton, Montatm, aro in tho city. They woro called hero by tho death of his brother, Ralph McConkey. Vincent Johnston of Billings, Mon tana, arrived homo tho last of tho weok to spend tho holidays with his mother, Mrs. Clara Johustou. Wo are iu tno market for 100 to 125 pounds Shoals at market price deliver ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for do livery to plant. C. II, Miner Serum Co. 1 Corn For Sale Will sell for 80o per bushel, cash' or 10 months time with approved security. C, J. Popo. POWDER Miss,, Este'lla, bute is home J irom Velinoet toend the . holiday gfttty ner parents. 0jt -t r.'-y 16?ar 'MKlO-i 'a: str vit .. ' Mil ho l).i . at . ' now ii w t I P .-..' , f . it i ijrvw iii . to tl 10 If i Ii i i' i i .. v -fei mi . Jr. . , i PP it " '' ", w - n 111 .iij. Has. ',,,. A. So ti i. V r r n M.-Wt,-' i a ii" i hi lirihtm.i entv Mis- 0 i r. , ii ipular t,lit to it VIUV- dome tic m: Lincoln, Nut tlou. Cecil Hnin on C llOI'illlo, MlmiM . tO nin vllle, ''lin-tmii- with ht-i ptrt" Mr in M a. Lyman EssIk'. MIbs Miitth'i Alifl ctm. down from MeCnok, Siiturd'tv mo m if. to hund the holiilrtvs with Ii in liur. Mrs Mary Abel. Chas. Nnrris kiivo Ills ilaiiglitirH a Packard piano for u Christmas prcxntit which he pmehahcil of the LeRoy Music Shop Mlfis Krina RatitiHV, who is attend ing Cottier unlvurMtr at Lincoln, in sjientlltig her vncniinti in tin city with her parents. Mrs. George VanCnrnp came down from McConk the last of the week to spend the holidays with Dr. and Mrs. Damcrell. ' Miss Mable BucklcH, who Is teach ing school at Potter, arrived home Sunday evening to spend the holidays with her parents 11 f Miss Kathnryne Burke left Saturday for Omaha where she will visit her Jster," Mrs Will Batlpy, and ' from there will go to Wat nut, Iowh, to visit her parents. 4 .Eugene Ryan, sVerlln Taylor, 'Ray- monn vxurBurptuiai: Ypst and from Line spend,, the holiday!). . ...- J . A .. - 1' '."Wanted Men who, desire to earp over 1125 per mon 111 wrltj- uh today for iiitiV V-vWy opportun - ent -Central Pelto' - position as salesma itv for advatieetne leum Co , Ciovl'taud, Ohio V MlsRJnnt Miner, who 1 a leu ing the lVrjii' jSn, mal'arrlved home thelast of 1B W-ct'to Sptnd t'iH lio'l - days with h5rp.lreVil-H.TfMr. and Mrs C. n Miner TL CAllfC AT HOME EXPECT YOU Tilt FOLKS TO TELL 'EM ALL ABOUT 0MAHVSFII7,,CT7 VISIT CEITK." THE 5w3f5'jr r 3T lUdwUrt ....talNn t Exhilwratinf I BurliMut; vi MHt Urn fl " rritt? Writ. ritifClavM, r..l.... a. CthIc f ii rainiil LMIES' IIME MATIHEE EWEIT Wttmai Everybody Qoeat Amk Anybody UWATS THE tICCElT AID IEST SHOW WEST OF CKICMQ fcBIt .... - '------. - t - r l)i- ItocU I MH'Ilt 5j s our S Uy,JM, UUffUrU koYt RWf ctae home o(n tlielainV of.,t.htf week, to ii i ' , "fflaffEoPtBCVoMnaLa fyt V. Vi i- V- " 'f4i LB 4"1 Lijncoln signing the call for 50,000 volunteers aB shown in the BIRTH OF A NATION, at the Orpheurn Theater, Red C oud, Neb., two days, Thursday and Friday, JanuaVy 25 and 26. Twice daily, 2:16 and 8:1S. wuvvvvvvjvy,uMX" We Thank You All for your hearty co-operation and patronage during 'the pa year WE APPRECIATE the confidence and good will shown, to us by the people of Red-Cloud and the surrounding country and We Wish You All a Happy and Prosperous New Year HCowden-Kaley 'ALWAYS wfxffMffffffJWNwNNNNfaf Miss Grace Shcror, who is teaching fii'liool near Kosemnnt, is spending hoi vacation with her mother. Mist Alit-on Cowden, who is attend ing college at St. Joe, arrived homo the last of the week to spend tho lioll days with her parents, Mr. apd Mrs. F. W. Cowden. Judge Dungitn has set tho following dates for holding district court in this county next year: Jury, March Cth and October 22nd; Eciulty, May 7th and December 3rd. , Attorney L. II. Hlacklcdge is rear ranging his office to be in keeping with the new year. E G. Caldwell, who has been employed by him for sever il vear. has roHiuticd his nosi- 1 tton. .M Wanted' Ambition mftn i, 'cut n'lttta or moro nor week. Kverv- r' i I .. Ilk"7' . l , j " . j limited opporti 1 diately.-Power ! iro W1,cu- tunitici. Write imme Lubricating Co., De ,w'j j j. ... : .. .. " ' m.' ..... .... tome to mo urpneum xoemsr mui- day night-, and see the 'great 'picture "Unc'o Tom's Cabin" in six reels. We l will als have with us Madam Viola's j Tropical Animal Circus consisting of M0HHi.i:r,.i wuitraiueu uitii , ca. dogs, ab i's.parrrf, nrrii9, cockatoo-, pigeon, and the little n onkey, Charley. Mulam Viola wlllbc heie Viuulav and xiU'in,v niKiik, nun. mi mm -uu, Th. iv will tie h comp'etu nliaiuo of P.ogram each night. Dnu'L fall to soe this iiot a it U thf ln't-t of its kind on Tuesday flight, Jan. 1st and 2nd. ihi'i'-ml S'iovs starts nt 7:4r, I and '20c. Ail in rmv fa0e(inl,jnglvw.j8peqlil training. Uni0'publlc scloills.bijdurlug the past Clothing Co. RELIABLE The County Commlsoioncrs are in ses sion today. New Year Cards 10c per dozen. Rust's Variety Store. Mr. and Mrs.Clinn. Foster of Orleans are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Beers. Mrs.' MoBurncy and daughter of Kensington, Kansas, spent Christmas with her sister, Mrs. At Beers and fam- Harry Eldredgo of Keosington, Kan sas, itpent Christmas in the oily with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chan. El dredge.. ' At St. Francis, Kansas, Dec. 24tb, occured the marriage of Mls Grace I Wilson, daughter of John Wilson of ' tbls.olty, and Mr. Edmond. of that 'VWlrjgJcJlyj.' gPJjOrfdaWtnfcll-.BnjK favorably known here and Ifi'iryra'dnnifp tf nnr t - 4 , rtrhntliTftrr year. she. Jias beeu.teaching s-hool near that place, while the broom is a pros- perous faimc.l Th)PXvivMJi(Mulce their "l , noini) on a.inrni mear mar. piaec wua ,1-JUlliidMu,,.i, . iri.nj. Deputy Sheriff lrc.l lldge ..nd Miss Minnie Uarrhigtm) on Inst Saturday c,ftpCroHed Mis. B ondell Fentress 0 a t to Q ujeie ie )ater '. , wfi P'''CI,(1 '" "," l"rl "ahool at that place. Her londuct has been sut'li that tln county attorney and glll'll Ulill III" flilllli.Y iibiurni' uuu (.ouutv j,,,?,,,. ,iP,u..d that nil tie time ,hl(lliou wq, , r. ' hups do ninth Uu r uriUing heru lii'lt"f eomiiii. -mWJ!M-k J K TAmi'mm k K