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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1916)
i IS NOT BELLIGERENT inttmtional SOHMfSOlOOL Lesson (By K, O. Sm-UOUH, ActlnK Director ot tlio Sunday School t'niirao In tlio Moody Ullilo liiutltuto of Chk'UKo.) (Copyrlfitit, toil, Western Newapapor Union.) UeW VM'5 vw BE PROTECTED AGAINST GOLDS by keeping the system strong and healthy and the blood rich and pur 'what is being done there at japan NOTE FROM PRESIDENT NOT INTENDED AS A THREAT NEW PROBLEM FACES RUSSIA RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF AT RATIONAL CAPITOL S or JLi,,,,JL n - ," tmmsm-" JFnif3 f) w ft pltome of the Doings of tho National Lawmaker! at Washington. WMtern Newspaper Union News Servtce. Emergency Appropriations Washington. Tho oruorgency ap propriation providing ? 1,250,000 for do oondont families of guardsmen and regulars, Iiub passed tho house and waB taken up Immediately In tho son- to. It carrier $210,000 for tho Philadel phia mint, $37,000 tor Donver, $25,500 for San Francisco and $45,000 for the Now York assay olllco to care for ox tra work on account of tho unusual demand for coins. Senator Wadsworth's resolution to authorizo an increase In tho amount of water diverted from Niagara Falls to Increase tho oloctrlc power output of plants on tho American side of the rlvor was passed by tho senate. Tho meaBuro alniB to increase tho Ameri can power output to make up for the curtailment of power from tho Can adian side, which is being kept at homo for munitions plants and other military activities. Government Employes Get Raise Washington. Salary or wago In creases of from 5 to 10 per cent for about 1C.000 government employes re ceiving less than $1,800 a year and of 5Q0 a year for each representative aocrotary were provided for In tho leg islative, oxccutlvo and judiciary appro priation bill passed by tho houso with out n record vote. Tho secretaries now get $1,500 a yoar. An attempt to provide each rep resentative with an extra stenographer at $75 a month during the session failed. Discussion of tho measure, which carries appropriations aggregating about $39,000,00 was productive of much debate over tho financial condl lton of tho country. Appeal to Discuss Peace Washington. President Wilson has appealed to all tho belligerents to dls- cusb terms of pcuco. Without actually proposing peace or offering mediation the president has sent formal notes to the governments of all the warring na tions suggesting that "an early occa ion bo sought to, call out from tho na tions now at war such an avowal of their respective vlows as to tho terms upon which the war might be conclud ed and tho arrangements which would be deemed satisfactory as a guaranty against Its renewal or tho kindling ot any similar conflict in tho future, as would mako it possible frankly to com pare them." Sheppard Bill Set Aside. Washington. A parliamentary mis uy by ono of its frlonds upset plane fi an immediate voto on Sonator ppard's District of Columbia pro- Mltion bill, and advocates of the fdasuro were obliged to agree tnat go over until after, tho Christmas raolldays for final action. Tho senate agreed to a final vote on tho measure on January 9 alter its opponents bad been sustained by the chair In contradicting that tho measure lost Its place In the senate calendar by the action of Senator Ashhur&t Friends of tho prohibition bill have admitted a fear that postponement f the voto until after Christmas re cess would imporil Its chances of passago. To Discard Volunteer System Washington. Major Genoral Scott, chief of staff of tho army, told the 3onato military committco that the volunteer system - be discarded be cause "tho timo has como when this country unless it intends to avoid war 'at n cost1 vcrsal liability and Borvico." must resort to unl to military training Washington. No out-oMown enr Ragemcnts will bo accepted by Pres ident Wilson during tho present ses sion of congress. This reply is be ing matlo to tho many Invitations re ceived by tho president rocontly to speak in different sections ot tho couutry. Food Restrictions In Effect London. Tho first food restriction has gono into forco in England. Ho tolB and restaurants nro now forbid don to servo moro than two courses for breakfast or luncheon and three courses for dinner. Littlo inconveuionco was experi enced in connection with tho first two meals. The Englishman's U3ual breakfast consists of a cereal and bacon, eggs or fish and oxcept in tho more expensive placos a luncheon of two courses is tho rule. Boston Defeats Prohibition. Boston. Boston lias voted to con tinuo tho llcouso saloon of liquor after the liveliest campaign on tho liquor quostlon that tho city has had in years. Tho voto in favor of licenso was, 53,459, with 29,997 against. Last yjear tho voto for llcensq was 40,115 and 31,877 against. Tho Rev. William Sunday, who is conducting an ovan- colistic campaign here, took a prom inent part in tho fight. Ho delivered several addrosses on tho liquor issuo and urged tho voters who attonded his mectlnge to voto "No." CM3 NYv Yoiir'i iluy lisi" iiiiiii' to limit its ono ot the inoxt impuliu nl' tlu Flowi'ry IClnpliiiu'o hnlliln. As In America It Is ii diiy of feasting iiittl KMI 'Iii'im ili(Hif;li oddly tempered by religious oh emuices. The above- picture shows three .liipaiiese belles on their vii to the temple for prayers before sinning on u round ot New a tmradc i"e you MH-TSSvisiaSaaS W tf of Tokyo . w. -i firemen on New Year's day on ilun wuj n il' drill grounds Tor the annual inspecUon, one of the big fen t tires In the way of celebrating the first day of the year In every .lapanese city of any size. Fire engines and equipment pass In review before the city olllclals. after which 111 drills are perforin ed and tho fir tako part In testa of various kinds. Tho fire en gine lmi only re cently been Intro duced Into tho Isl and Kingdom and tho modern auto truck .is not yet known there. In the lower picture are bhown the fire men with their bamboo scaling lad ders which are used not only for life-saving and as an elevation from which to direct the water from the hosu nozzle, but as a rani with which to knock down buildings too far gone to sa'vo and so prevent the sprond of the conflagration. The Japa nese firemen are wonderful acrobats and perforin tru ly remarkable feato on the tnll ladders, scaling them with tho 'agility of mon keys. Men, women and children turn out to watch tho exhibitions. Note tho odd costumes of this brigade from Tokyo. NEW YEAR SUPERSTITIONS When tlio master enters the house for tho first tlmo in tho now year lio must take something in which ho did not tako out. A pleco of money placed on tho door step on Now Yenr'H ovo and brought in tho moment the clock strikes will In Buro plenty throughout tho year. Never go out ou New Year's day un til someone lias como in. Throw out nil peacock's fenthers be fore New Year's day or you will havo bud luck. When the clock strikes 12 on Now Vw"'i ovo open uotlt tho front and union 1 con- I .-.-frafesti 1 1 If i9 I ill f X vT. " fBHK BPMfcjBHlff sBBBSaaK?5BSt3HHnBi9BBM AIbL'' rf tMJf !LtfhtfitiBlB cur s culls. c M A t - w ' ' vi -""a 1 i '.., ii i-JlgE-sH back door of tlio house, so that all evil spirits may pass out and the good one: pass In. Hut bo sure to close tho dooi as soon us tho clock lins finished strik ing, so that tho good spirits mny nol cM-npe. On Now Year's eve tako a little money, bread, salt, wood and coal, tic them In a bundle and lay them on the doorstep. If the first person who comcf to tho door possesses n nomo whose Initials arc made up of straight lines allow him to pick up tlio bundle and tiring It In. -Olvo him a gift, and iel him piifis out through tlio back door Then you will have good luck for n other year. "N"ft - "if )& Care of Rumanian Refugees a Task that Must Be Met Exciting Day in New York Market. vVfHteitt Nrwnpiper Union News Service. Washington. President WHmhi'b nolo to tlio belligerents urging discus Blun of peace has been oillctully In terpiotod as not bearing any throat that tho United States might bo forced to enter tho war because of tho continued invasion of its rights by tho warring poweis on both Bldus. This Interptotatlou wau mado by Soi-rututy Lansing in a lotmal state ment issued to overtake whut was characterized as widespread miscon struction placed on ono given out earlier, saylug that hecauso of tho in creasingly ciltlcal position of tho United States as a neutral It was en titled to know exactly what each bel ligerent seeks lit order that it might regulate Its conduct for tho future. Mr. Lansing's tltst statement, made orally and of which no olllclal copy was distributed, led- to exaggerations of Its language and purpoho through out olllclal Washington. Its most strik ing phrases, on which tho widest spec ulation was based, woro that the United States was "drawing nearer the verge of war," and that tho sending of the note "will Indicate tho possl blllty of our being forced Into the war," and that neither ho no Pi cat dent Wilson regarded the nolo "as a uoaco note." REFUGEES IN RUSSIAN EMPIRE Care of Rumanian Refugees, Driven from Their Homes, a Task that Must Be Met Potrograd. Tho passago across the Russian f ion tier of thousands of Ru manians, who havb abandoned their hoiisos and property in tho faco of in vading Germans and Bulgarians, lias cast tho shadow of a new' rofugeo problem on tho Russian empire. Those refugees have been pouring into Odos sa, Kiev and other southern Russia cities in a destituto and helpless con dition and present a problem which threatons to bo more difficult than any which has confronted a belligerent power since the invasion of Belgium. Russia has only partially succeeded in colonizing and asslmllaing tho mill ions of homelebs Poles, Jews and mem bers of other races who iled to the interior during tho first year and u half of the war. Wild Day on Exchange. New York. Tho stock morkot Thursday went through tho most excit ing day in its history, with ono excep tion. Prosldent Wilson's noto to tho bolligcrent powers, followed by Secre tary Lansing's first explanatory state mont of its intent, woro tho occasion of frenzied soiling, which In scopo and volume fairly dwarfed all tho opera tions which followed on tlio peace pro posals from Germany. Prices wero slaughtered to the extent ot five, ton and fifteen points, and in one caso thirty-throe, and the day'o sales amounted to 3,170,000 shares, a total without precedent since tlio famous Northern Pacific corner of 1901. Tho decline wasirtually unchecked, only a fow nominal ralllos marking tho trading of tho flnnl hour. 1914 Manufacturing Record Washington. Tho country's manu facturing Industries in 1914 turned out products valued at more than $24,000,000,000 and employed 8,000, 000 porsons, In giving out these fig ures tho census bureau announced that Investigations planned for tho coming yoar will cover transporta tion by water, roligious bodies and marriage and divorce Berlin. The German steamship Prinz Friedrich Wilholm, which had been anchored at Oddo, Near Bergen, Norway, since tho beginning of tho war, has arrived at Stavenger, ac cording to a dispatch from Christ! aula, "after having broken tho Brit ish blockado outside Bergen." Sunk by Submarine London. Soventeon American mule teers and olovcn of tho crow of the British iiorso transport ship Russian, which was sunk by a submarine in tho Mediterranean on December 14, havo been killod, tho British admiral ty announced. London. Tlio prize court has con fiscated, under tho reprisals order, Gorman securities valued at 30,000 marks (about $7,14G) which wore seized on route to the Stato Com merclal Savings bank of Chicago. Lost With All on Board. Halifax. N. S. Tho American schooner William Mason, bound frorc Portli Amboy for Yarmouth, N. S., hai been lost with all hands, accordlng-tc a roport rocolvcd here. Wreckage ol the vessel's cabin, containing th bodies of two seamen, was washed ashore at Metcghan rlvor, on tho oaai sldo of St. Mary's bay. A bulldor'i plato In tho cabin boro tho name o tho vossol. Tho Bchoonor la bellovo' to havo foundored in tho storm thn swept tho Nova Scotia coast last Fr. day. 4h4ii'U,,)i,M a...,,-, i..... LESSON FOR DECEMBER 31 CHRIST'S COMING AND COMINQ TO CHRIST (REVIEW). RnADINO LKSSON ttov 22:f,-H, 16:21. OOLDKN THXT-Tho spirit unit the brldu suy, conic. And be tluit lioareth, lot 1 1 1 tn miy, como. And ho tlmt Is ntlilrst, lot hint come, llo that wllln, let hint tako of tlio water of life freely. Uov. 2:17 It is possible In lessons one to nine to review the past quarter's work, In a logical, chronological manner, but lessons seven and nine uro not In their proper chronological setting. These les sons extend over five years of Paul's life fiom about 58 A. I), to 03 A. D. They are five wonderful years, nnd the last of the authentic years wo have of tho life of this wonderful man. The review should of course center In Paul, his conduct, character mid teachings. The first twelve chapters of the Book of Acts, In which we have chlelly been studying, cover n period of about six teen years, A. D. :t(MQ, with Jerusalem as the center. The rest of the Book of Acts cover another period ot approxi mately 10 years from -10 to 02, and la the record of tho foreign missionary work of Paul mid Ills companions, Paul being of course the central character. Tito series for this quarter close with the vision of tho final triumph of Chris tianity as seen by John In the Revela tion. Maps should bo employed If pos sible to show tho journeys of Paul. Tho risen Christ and tho enducment of the Holy Spirit wero the vision nnd the power which wrote this first Church History, and which have been writing Church History ever since. Tho home church (Chs. 2-7) began with about 1120 praying men and .women. Peter's first sermon brought into "tin wny" 11,000 more. From time to time others wero added. Persecution and deliverances, the first mnrtyr, Stephen, mid tlio dissatisfaction which led tc the choice of the deacons, are the out standing events of this period. The home mission period, with Jerusalem ns the center nnd Palestine us the field (Chapters 8-12) covers n period ol about ten years. Persecution scuttered the disciples throughout tlio country, Paul was converted on tho road to Damascus, Philip goes to Samaria, and Peter curries on the work throughout Lydda, Joppu and Cacsarca. In thli section .wo havo tho story of Phlllj nnd the Ethiopian, of Peter curing the palsied man nt Lydda, the raising ol Dorcas and Paul and Barnabas return ing to Jerusalem with help to thosi nt that city who were suffering from famine. Then begins the period of for clgn missions, covering about sixteen years, from about A. D. 47 to 02. The principal characters begin of coitrs with Paul nnd Barnabas, though Paul soon takes his place of leadership, Paul's first missionary Journey lasted for about two years, from say A. D. 47 to 40, Uurnabas being his principal companion. Returning to Antloch from Jerusalem, Paul soon began his Bccond Journey, this time tuklng with hlu Silas. Again tlicro Is a period of about two years, from A..D. CO to C2. Paul had his Macedonian vision during thli time, nnd the gospel first entered Eur ope, beginning with the conversion ol the Phllllplun jailor. Paul's preaching nt Athens and Ids service at' Corinth are perhaps tlio most outstanding fea tures of this Journey. Paul's third Jour ney lasted nearly three years, A. D. 52 to 50 or 57. He rc-vlslts the Asia MInoi churches to strengthen them, spendi nearly three years at Ephesus, and hat some outstanding adventures ns, foi instance, the riot at Ephesus about the shrines of Diana. Returning tc Jerusalem to take part In the fenst, he Is told of the ultimate persecutions which he must endure. For a long' time he has desired to preach the gos pel In Rome. Everyone of tho trials, hindrances, oppositions and attack! proved to bo tho means by which In gained thut desired end. In this particular quarter, In lessor one, wc see Paul's calmness In persecu tion, his prudenco under danger. Ic lesson two, his delicate courtesy nnd shrewdness In seizing every opportu nlty that ho might witness for his Lord In lesson thrco Is manifested his un shaken belief In everything found lc tlio Scriptures; und his wise uso there of in leading men to Christ. In lesson five, his fearlessness amidst danger nnd his absolute confidence in God. In lesson six, his humility. In lesson sev en, his well balanced common sense and his lovo of pence among his breth ren. In lesson eight, we see him long ing for human companionship nnd sympathy, and havo an evidence of Ida lovo for his own countrymen, nnd yet his faithfulness declaring tho word of God to them ns well as to the Gentiles. Lust Sunday we stood with Isaluh, looking down through tho centuries to the man of Galileo 700 years hence. Today, ns we review this quarter nnd tho lessons of tlio past year, wo are looking back nearly two thousand years to tho ono who wrought out our salva tion on Calvary, but wo may also turn our faces tho other way, and look for him whoso returning will brlnp ncaco to tho earth, nnd nt whoso com Ing the brightness of his glory shall cover tho earth even as the water cover tho sea. Wo havo seen the breaking down oJ nrnicd, peace." M iri. . - WN To that end TRY HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters It helps Nature bring back the appetite, aids digestion and promotes strength and vigor To Look at Only. "I think this chick Is perfectly love ly," said the fair customer, "but will It keep time?" "Madame," replied the salesman coldly, "It would be ns much as my reputation Is worth to sell you n clock that would keep time. This Is an an tique shop, and nothing modern Is tol erated hero." St. Louis Post-Dispatch. HEAL YOUR SKIN TROUBLES With Cutlcura, the Quick, Sure and Easy Way. Trial Free Uatho with Cutlcura Soap, dry and apply tho Ointment. Tlioy stop Itch ing Instantly, clear away plmplea, blackheads, redness nnd roughness, re move dandruff and scalp irritation, heal rod, rough and soro hands as woll as most baby bIcIii troubles. Frco sample each by mall with Book. Address poBtcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Boston. Sold ovorywlioro. Adr. Horrors of War. Klrst Tramp Dls war In n curse, 1)1111 Second Tramp It's orful, Jnkel Every freight car loaded full o' ammu nition I Not h good, comfortnbU "empty" anywhere to bo found I The dangerous cold is the neglect ed cold. Get a box of CASCAIgjlJININE The old family remcdy-ln tablet form-safe. ure, cosy ta take. No oplntea-no unpleasant after effects. Cures colds in 24 hours-Grip in 3 days. Money back it it fails. Get tho genulno box with Red Top and ttr. HUl's picture on It-25 cents. At Any Drun Stora Thirt wu littla Uyr mia, wk futlr maiti u l tons lt dir dtl knibmd'i will la Mti Ami tktak. I8 ol kit ttraioc I'. t uid I kr quit Iradirljr "Ta kM ilct lit lf ujr " Nut Karotut ubtUjuW witk plitun on hU krtkra ktd, k waadtrtd wkit l ilttet h '4 utd The Ml? Imcy kit to MM pwfta l iloaadi with leniency to ncrvout iodiicsdoa, or dytpepl ind Hut cIom (onpuloa ol the dlMrfer ttUed am tllsttloa. For wore Him hill untury i rtcdy nmttj hi CMinllcu tbou4i ol hoaMholw la titty Ox Green's August Flower has been successfully used for the relief of stomach and liver troubles all over the civilized world. All drujnrlsts or dealers everywhere have it In 25c and 75c. sizes. Try It and aee for yourself. 3Vi COMPLETE NEW FIREPROOF HOSPITAL 1, Mittllrali 3. Hurfflcall fl, Obatntrlcalt , l.ulorittory S, X-lty Dopitrtnicnta. Training school for nnn in connocUon. Open to all reputable physician, fc'or futtlior Information addreii A. A. SMITH, M. D.,Sarrfoc Mary Lamilnc: Memorial Iloapltal JIABTINC1H, MKH. BLACK LOSSES SURELY MEYENTEI by CUTTER'S BUCKLES PILLS I.owpncea, beth. itlUUai Pfoleuodty wcttcro (tack Dun, twcmuio nroftet whr LEG rVBCsinm nil. Write lot booklet udkitfraoutitf. IMtsipkcBlscMig PUIS, S1.00 vteelnw foil. GILdMia ok. BliekliC Fills. 14.00 Uh tnr Uiector, but Cutttr"! tlroplctt tad itnofctt. The suocrloritr ol Cutter product! U ftuo to over IS yMrioUpfcUlliInf la VACCINES AND SKtms ONLY. INSIST Oil CUTTSa'S. II tilwUtlMBlO. . it- viun utih , . m j. . . . , IH ClltW UHtKMT, awwwT. w. m nno. . HAIR BALtAM A toilet proporfctlon ot merit. Help to erodlcfcta tlwdruK. ForRoitorina Color anel Boout y to Gray or Faded Hair. too, and tl 00 at Dnirtlita, OIIDTIIDC CURED in a few daya II Ur I UnC without pais wuitf- dcal operation. No pay until cared. Writ bit. WUAK, 30ft ilea illdg., Oautha.MaU PATENTS Watson K.Oplntaan, Patent LiiwTir.WuhiiiirUin ILU. IdllMinit tififikafrAM dates teaionable Highest rororenoea. Uealtotficea W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 53-1 91 S. ?KViV. FiIliM i ttaillfTB ttowvYlalBl afcTy.l-l.i.,,!,,,.!,,. ifc.f,.!, - affray