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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1916)
1 A 1 r M Sinto Ulalorlcol Socli-ty A Newspaper That Gives file News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For 51,50. 'mi-TTyryTtT-rvt yitTy'jJJUPijniioriZTa'-auK'jntTa iiiMirTCcrTngwrayiiirj'ittjvmCTmj7r;i'i3CT VftXLYUlE M I5B OL'HJD, XISHRASKA. DKCKALliKK JS, 3 5 1 J- ''JuiJijiiiiiic.iErrnAiirjxrojATriirziiin3o3Tjq :::.:.:.. N UMBER o "i'WW'M ,..... ii . v .....,...,..-..-..,.......,. ! . 1 ADVK m 'J i T-aT.airA'Pnur-jirtjrfiwiwrTOgwgirMi 1 Band Concert Tomorrow ( Christmas Programs of UR ADVICE MATTERS IN FINANCIAL is worth having. ' We can tell you not only how to SAVE YOUR MONEY but also' how to profitably INVEST IT. It is based upon many years of experience and expert knowledge of financial affairs. We can and will aid you if you give us the onnortunitv. You are welcome at this bank. Call any time. ? I I Webster County Bankf k2 . . 1RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA fejgM :!i CAPITAL anii SURPLUS 8U1.000 .. (EkR r I .:f:..:..K::..H..:. Evening at rthe Orpheum " i On tomouow evening a baud con . curt will be given at tlio Orplicutii by t!n Hud Cloud Conceit Hand under tlio diioutlnn (if Prof, lj'-il y. Uy at tending thU conceit, you will not on ly iiv.iil yomsolf of an opportunity of healing tin very latest ami boat of music as the piofcssor infoiins us that , liu has selected for this occasion musi ! cal numbers which aie light up to the minute ami many of thi'iu me today (being ottered to the musical lovers In theaters and winter guidons of the linger cities. Tim profosor and, his ublo band of musicians need no introduction to the people of this vicinity as in the past the Red Cloud Churches Last. Sunday night the Intel mediate folks of .lutiiors mill tin rnited The Hamilton - Cmthor Clothing Co. SfttWFSl&nr Cvtrytkfh w Man or moy Wmmri l Rmd Cloud '- -i -'? ohnmh, under the diieetion of Mrs. N. 15. HuhIi and oilier Wipers, gave a most excellent Chitstmas piogiam. The church was i'iow tied and the people- wt'io delighted wltli tho mm-vIcc. MlQs Riinuoy and MissTilne me to be congratulated on thu Christmas lieu decorations. The chlldien and each did well. Mildred Kito bang a suoel little solo that has mealed gi oat inteiest. Tlio children leeelved u line Heat and vmII long remember thu happy occasion TliO boulli Mac .Mihsion, u wotk con nected with the United uhutch, held i and,, tin wore well ti allied TiiiiiT mi rn mi riii'i.i nriii 111111 niimwiiii i ri - ... n.vj ..i.. v...v...w ..i. r.w.-. """.its (JlHlstm:is sorvwi SiiLiin Iiiv civon- . Farm Loans I can make you a farm loan at low est Interest and best terms to be had in the state. Please vrlie me, or cull for me at Statu Bank Red Cloud.-C. P Cather. , 1 ,v ' Mr. John R. Gutherie and Miss Vera Stlclcley, both of Guide Rock, were united in marriage jy Judge Rauney on Sunday. Ou January 1st, passenger train No. 11 will be discontinued' between this dry1 and Oxford and No. 4 will depart from here for HustirigB(at 10 a in1, ar riving here in the evening at the usual hour. Mr and Mrs Rov Stevens -will leave this w'eekJorttfcMjRijerVfiV, Tenfcl i'TOWW "WW' ?P'1001 OI pnotograpny ior a lew monirjs. inr. Alfrel Clark will have uIihivo of the gallery here during hi1 abM-tico. A, H. C Gellfttly spent Christmas 'in Lincoln with his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C W M alone, and also attended the.weddlnif of his slster-iu law, Miss Floteuee Malouc to Mr. Glen Mason which was Rohtmnlred Wednesday. people dm lug eveiy appearance they have made in public. Tho piofcssor is indeed worthy of much oommendii tlnn, as by his untiling eiTort he has 'igaulud ami instructed tho mem bers of this organization until at this date they are second to nono in this locality. The boys me alfco worthy of much praise for the lime and effort tlioy havo devoted towards making their band a musical success. If you have not already secured tickets for this entertainment, do so at once 'Your presence will cheer and encour age the boys. Tho following is the program: March1, "Under the Double Eagle," Wagner BAND Brass Quartette. ."Southern Melodies" Robert LeRov. Will McIlrlde.Taul , ,fewhouse, Clayton Holmes !nrnadA. "Anita" Allnn fa The Gitt Supreme t -f Bpanish serenade, "Anita" . t.. fj hand '" A:...,- Cornet Duet "Panora Polka" k-i Robert -teRoy, Wilt MeUrlde ' Valse Lente", "Voluptese". . Ellis' Uhooko BAND Baritone and Trombone Duet . . ' LaUcllo France Clayton Holmes and ..Hobert Blacklodge Intehmission ' Violin Solo,-(Der Sohn Der Halde).. Hungarian Dance Kela Belli Prof. LeRoy accompanied by ....' .' Lucille HUIers Vocal Solo Miss Hazel Saladon Reading Miss Ethel Wiscarvor Overture, "Sunshine and Showers" Pluth Dance of the Skeletons, Descriptive Callcn Band March, Finale Gen. Mixup U S. A... Allen lug, December 'JHid Mr. Etiil Slaw son is Superintendent of the Mission, Sunday School, and under his diicc Hon several committees veic appoint ed and they arranged one of tho best programs ever given at tho Mission. The program consisted of special music, iccltatiou, dialogs, and (rents for the children. An attractive Christ mas tree and beautiful decorations added to the joy of the occtibiou. On Sunday evening, at tho Methodist church the choir rendered the cantata "Lord of All" after which the scholars were given their'usual Christmas treat. A large audience was present. The church was decorated for the occasion. On Sunday morning at the JJaptist, ohurcL, the Sunday school scholars gave a short program, after which they were given a present and treats. Opens New Law Office Attornoy E. G. Caldwell who has been seven years in Red Cloud has opened a new law ofllce over the Ham-iltou-Cather clothing store. Mr. Cald well has been attorney in many of the best cases tried in Webster county and has been couuected with tlioYi II. Itlacklcilge law oillcc for somo past time. He is u graduate of the Kansas City Law School in 1003 and is admit ted to practice in thu Federal as well i as state courts. He lias also had the actual practice and ue bespeak con tinued sucaess for him in his now of lice. IS there any Gift that would be more appreciated by the entire family than this beautiful Piano? Think of the joy it would bring to your home. Think of how it would shorten the long dreary winter evenings. The very sight of this piano in your home would bring a sense of pleasure and home completncss. Our Pianos am nioderatsly priced, ye' they aie reuognl-std as tho world's f ueinost Phtnu. EcpiMt oo stiuction, high grade cabinet work and harmony of tone stamp our Pianos us Hie higuest value for tho money. Vou arc invited to come in and examine tliK'.e imtrumoiits. k CASH OR EASY PA YMENT The Music Shop HrlE UE ROY MUSIfl COMPANY PFyTPRsnw Ri.rtn nrn rinun npd I v , , R. D. Morltfc, assistant to State Su perintendent A. O Thamas, has landed a good position and need not worry over retiring from state otlico in tho middle of the winter. Mr. Moritz has hoen elected superintendent -of 'tho Seward city schools, Ho succeeds John Woodward, who in turn will take his place in the oillcc of tho statu superin tendent as an assistant under W. H. Cleramons tho first week in January. Mr, Moritz was superintendent of tho city schools at Red Cloud two years Home Talent Musicale Pleases Those who ventured out 'the' cold wintry blasts in order to witness the production of "Tho Rose Maiden", A home talent musicale given at the Or pheum on Thursday of last week were well rewarded for their sacrifice as this entertainment was one of tho beatlf hot the best, ever given in our cityjiMuch credit is due those taking part in this musicale, as they exhibited their musical talent to a marked de gree on this occasion. Owing to the severe winter weather, the audience was not as large as such a fine production warrants, neverthe less, the smallnesa of the audience did not in any way discourage the players and the entire program was carried out with as much vim and zest as though they were playing to a pack ed house. Rod Cloud should be, and Is, proud of the fact that she possesses such talented musical artists and it is to be hoped that when weather condi tions are favorablo enough to insure a much larger audiouce that "The Roso Maldoii",tnay make another appearance in our city." Laid at Rest Today On Monday afternoon, at tlio family home in Beatrice occurred the death of Mr, Ralph MoCoukey, youngest sou of Mr and Mrs. C. C. McConkoy of this city. On December -1th he was severely burned in a coal oil explosion at his home Everything was done to relieve his sufforiugs, he having re ceived the best of medical care, but death finally was tho result. He was hot n at Oneida, Kansas, October S3, 1885 and was 31 years and 2 months old at the tltno of his death Several years ago he was united in marrlago to Miss Blanche Osborne, of this city, and to this union wore born four children, who with his wife, par ents and two brothers mid two sisters are left to mourn his demise. Tho remains were brought to this city Tuesday evening for burial and funeral sorvlcos were hold at tho rrfcjfcjKjM wij rjumuri ithki wyawiwt n w SfSlsmt touinnii jrATivmnvMfrJivTKAViiaM 7.32Eag33CT;Kfffil53 n Reliable Jowelry agowhon ho was appointed to his' christian church this afternoon, Rev. jiuouui, jjuaiwuu. iiowiu uegm worn , ucooo assisted by uev. Hummel con- at soward the tlrst of tho year on a sal ary of 81,000 a year. Stato Journal. Wo have a few Toys and Box Games ducted the Eorvices. jtrnm mm ttwi- .y "il hVAl, ClA t ujrtu. . rs 's.tss - JUtS 'sT 2- SWRSZZrj&' -; y.'CTvJii -V ir"jl . - fci iJ LlflUIl II ."- .'k -i hwwii l i v ' ,,v&ii SZZXIi' 1 i I I ll MA - -I imWWJM L 1 . V 11 SEND "NEW YEAR'S GIFTS" TO THOSE WHO SENT YOU CHRIST MAS PRESENTS THAT THEY MAY WRITE YOU DOWN IN THEIR BOOK OF PLEASANT MEMORIES. ,. k COME TO OUR STORE TO BUY THEM. ' . WHY?. . -BECAUSE. W.E HAVE JHE GOODS .TO PICK FROM; ECAU5E,WHENtrj,UR,NAMe'IS.ONtATACKAGEafMPANSr,THATi;(IT. CONTAINSXGIFLWHlCH THEME.WHbEeEIVES W WfLt KN0W'v . IS SUPBERANDWlLL-'APPrtECIArE. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. ' E. M,. NEWHOUSE JmwmtT arid Optohietrltt . QrC. B. fc Q., Watch lruip.ctor ' .l ' s"" ; r Extra Fancy Box APPLES $2.25 PER BUSHEL They are Large Size and Extra Fine Quality R. P. Weesner & Co. WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT & FREES FarnUaiis I have tho cheapest rates and best we will sell at Half Price. If Santa option in tho state, with several plans duto the law is to be rigidly enforced, missed you can got them now at Rust's to choose from. Sole agcut for Tre- 0. D. ROBINSQN, Variety Store. . ui Ivett, MatUsd? Baker, J. n. Bailey v County Tieasurer Notice to Automobile Owners All licenses duo January 1, 1017. The law does not permit operating ou Dealers' card numbers. If doing so, to save costs of prosecution call at Oifbnty Treasurer's otlico at once and secure receipt for number. After this R.E.CAMP,D.C. Chiropractor Phases ( Independent 212 ( Bell Red 101 M I.'l.'.r w 1 t. ' 11 whq4n. 'nntiwmfrTifamipniMiT i wOwifcnwPiwiiiii'i'liit''l-V' -(.- 6J .Amit1.mrm. mim m4m p , U-4- lwirt