.i a vr v. A n 4 IV K i fe m .''' I Days To'Christmas Morning Hours archest if you would shop in comfort. Wm SILKS SILKS What is more pleasing to a woman than to J receive a new silk waht or dress for Christmas ! when she was not expecting it? Have a good I line of Belding Silks in the plain and stripes I a a v 11. and the prices are right. Iconic in and let me show shem to you before buying. Silks 36 inches wide at - - $1.50 Belding guarant'd silk, 36 in wide $2-52.25 HOSE In silk at In lisle thread nt Have good lines of the following useful gifts,; Bath Towles, Heir Ribbons, Gloves in kid chamisette in the silk lining, Table Linen, Napkin3 and Wool Dress Goods JL JLF&e EP MMKkM-ttiavUM WW 'HI r i .T 1 3' 4 fjfl&pmmmtytyito. mni i i$l 1X1 .i s :ru.KjV' , M. - ,4vyisp,tv . nvinovLys . t-n-'K WySb'v,'WKJIV I :,&l1ffWn& Auto Hearse f" Fi A 1 V&telx&VttixZLVHml i rxtrf -"ftj.r -v- . rniv7i - n'i.rJ 1 - 2,LA A.iVi-llV. UNDERTAKING lLADY ASSfSTANTi ALL THE PHONES RED CLOUD. NEB. lAVuV.V.V,VV.V.V.VV.VV.VV.VVAVVV."A,WVI ST jLaCi DRAWING - NEA :t We Suggest the Advantage and Advisibility of Doing Your Christmas Shopping Now While Our Stock is at its Best. You Have Time to Look and Choose. You, Will Actually SAVE, by Getting Suitable Gifts For Less Expenditure. This Store Never Has Been Better Prepared to Serve You. Of the Smaller Articles We Have the Following in .. Neat Christmas Boxes Garters Ties Suspenders Of 5.4 U ;.r x.: :: j: :: :.t :.; .; a f :t S li :.: Muffler 1.X IX IX l.X l IX l.X l.X I! 3.X i JX IX i? IX Initialed Handkerchiefs We Expect You This Week The Hamilton-Cato Clothing Co. ' Sale Bills? Sure, ,..mU Holiday Offerhi SILK PETTBOOATS Silk petticoats made from Beading's and Skinner's, none belter made than the above goods. Prices from - $4.2& to 36.pO Holiday Handkerchisfs Ladies .all linen emb. handkercifs $l-75c-50c Ladies emb. handkerchiefs - - 25c Ladies emb. hdkfs, in colors 25c-15c-122C Ladies hemmed handkerchief s with emb. corners in,colorsat - - 5c-8V6c-10c-12y2C-25c $1 and 75c 30c-50c Ready A full line of sizes arbara Phares .yjfclii v .J'3T4ft,-"LB'tfi?it 1 '. siiecl.il ''" for Miiry PickfonlV J2v?tPfefe2, Vt't-4 -V ' Sflilctiitu-I.essTlieii thu Dusf at the " TfWWWtjfeW' ' - ! ' OrphiMiui, l-Yidi.y, lc. intli. ' ' IfSn " ' ?r ll-"! - r- ! George Hun Is returned liome Sat M . 531 - I . I"-" ." , , .., xv., Ml '- ialj I i 'v " !- t 7 :t,t? I Horse Hearse IT A S Y ?' M : MA l.X l.X l.X l.X IX l.X .: l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X IX l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X IX l.X l.X l.X l.X IX l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X l.X IX l.X l.X Sleeve Holders l.X l.X H j.t i u We Print Them SBSv,l?, !(- 'sovfOM n.'.?'. ixis fflftL-Mia. 4Ww&i?S R RED CLOUD, NIBUil, CltlZf 'J 'i n i Cft: EAJRLYTO SHOP EARLY TO BUY Savea You Money Just Try PJfade Waists from thirty-siz to forty-four Oliver Huzaid spent today in HI lie Hill. imtuy ov!iiiiitf from Dickons, Xebras kn, whoro ho hail bucii looking ovoi the country. Mr. mill Mn, K. Alter and Mrs. M E. Di-nlinur ami il-uivlitor, Miss IMnii of Alum, uro the kiiiI.s nf Row and Mis. Driiliner. Why ii'it buy a hath tohe for one ol your CliiisUnns pie-onts the prieo, raujfH from Sir.O to fii. llmnUtoii Cutiiui Oiiitliiii Cii. Miss Hello lliinilltou returned u Guide l.'oek, Weilnedday, after vlsitinp n tw days with her brother, W. CJ II . uIUom and fani'ly. Curl MoArthur returned home I-'ri-d.iy morulri,' from Roptiblican City, where he had lioeuTloiii,' s,ume eli'otri. citl eoustrueilon work. Little (ienovievo Slovens, tlHiihtur of Mr and Mrs. Wert Stevens, enter tained a number of her ft lends ,it. n p.irty Si urday aftniooiia Ten peremt otl' on Christmas iuo)t and deeoriitions, Special price o eaudy for el.uicho and .schools No p emfums- or rallL'. Hunt's Variety S ore. F'iip your ulll soon be (,'one and vc notice that, tlnjr.i aie still several of Ciyoinif,' ladies and yonn men in our inU'.bt who have not taken the oath of matrimonial. alle0'anoo. AIffcra. Wave (Jilce, H. A. Lctson, C V. Kaley, V. K. Mam or and W. G Hamilton a'touded a meotliiK of tin Shriuer'sat Lincoln, Tliursdnv. The two later named genUon."!, were (ilven the mysteries of the .Shi liter's desi'ee WANTED: DUtriot Manager fot Red Cloud. A,'ent-i for Itlalen, Blue Hill, Cnlde KocU and Iuaviile. Good propoiltlou Previous experience uu necessary Fieu school of Instructions Aildros Massaehusetts Bomliuu; and lnsurnneo Company, Accident, ii it d Health Departmout, Suinaw, Mlchi U m. Capital Sl,00.C0o. It is reported In political clrclos that County Clerk (eleot) It. V. Perry has appointed A. V. Duclcer us his deputy. With this team of able- business men in ulmrKc of this otlke, it is a foregone conclusion that mutters pertaining to this branch of the county's business will receive the most uuroful nttent ion. Both these u;ontleu.en are known to the taxpayers (of the oouuty and they arc assured of the best of service during the ensuing term. Order To Show Cause. Webster Oountv. I ,na" U)u"l "f1 At a County i ourt liolil nt tlio County Court room In niul for sutil county Decern tier Mh, 1 'J 10. In tho matter ot tlio cntnto ot Luther Mnrtln, DeccaBiHl. On reading and 111 I nn tlio petition ot I.I7I0 Mnrtln, ruyliiKitlint mlmlnUtrntlon ot until estnto may bo crnutcd to lierxelf uh AiliuliilHtrntrtx. Oui)Hiu:i), Tlint Krlitny tli8 2)tli dny ol December A. I)., 101(1, nt 10 o'clock n. nt., In nstflgncri tor lienrlni; suld petition, when nil piThoiiK Interested In Bald uinttermny appear nt a County Court to bo held la and for wild county nnd bIiowciiusu why prnyor o( potl t loner Hhmilil not bo Krnnted; nnd tlint uotleo of tho pendency of haul petition nnd tlio hear tiiK thereof bo given to nil personu Interested In ntd innttur, liy iiilill8hliiK a copy of thla order in tho lied Cloud Clilof, a weokly nows paper printed In wild county, for tlirco con kci'titlvo veekn prior to wild dny of lienrlnv. SK.VI.l A. 1). ItAN.NKV, County Juduc. (Uo. .1, Mnrshnll, Attorney. Rs KANSAS PICKUPS '(Krbm Smith Cftinity) F. II. 'Brown nnd family wereSumlny v sltors nt Harry Brown's. Mrs. Dell Brown hr.s been quite sio.U Iho past week with l.aj,'ilpp, but is better at this wilting. E, E. Spun let mid family were veiy pleasantly ontertatuerl at thu home of J. U I'otersonV, Sunday. B. F. I'ayno and family anA Ray Simmoii.s iiml family wore Sunday visitors nt the Win. 01-cn home. Mrs Flora Blair, who has been under tho doctor's care, is better at tills writing but not able to attend church yet. Revival nteelliitf is bein-,' held at the Ptiwiiee ohurch buj, owing to the cold weather and lots of sickness I here'ls not u very large attendance. Mi..s Lucile huso, of Smith Center, accompanied Melba Spurrier to her home Friday evening and spent Sat urday and Sunday with Melba's parents, E. E. Spurrier and wife. The Bellaiie school has been closed for the last week on account of the teacher, Miss Edith Orewell, being compelled to stay at her boarding place with the mumps. (IIowever, Miss Edith is gotting along vory nicely and will soon lesumo her duties. BLADEN Mrs. Wm. Johnson was In Hastings, Tuesday. Miss Ethel Peterson was In Blue Hill, Saturday. Miss Amelia Friclcell visited friends in Campbell over Sunday. O. I). Satnsell made a business trip to Donvor Saturday night Mrs. Oloy Iveison and Mrs. C. W. Cowley were In Hastings, Tuesday. Mrs. (Jims. Dogate of Blue Hill. spent sovur.U days visiting here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Heudiicks and daught er, .lanot, visited several days in Hust ings this week. ' Em ICouhler was hero over Sunday visi.t.ugat Iho home of her father, Dr. C. F Kochler. John Hull of Lawrence was here to .pi-lid Sunday with his parents, Mr. nid Mis. V. S Hall. .ohn Worley, of (Juiiovu, was hero Sunday visiting at the home of his nut her, Mis. Himunh Worley by.lia and Paulino Koertner loft ruchilriy for mt oNt'iideil visit with irieuds and relatives in Iowa ami Ill inois. dr. and M. W. E. Throne l..ft Tuesday to attend the Farmers5 Con- ' ,'rc-a and impteiu'nit Show at Omaha ' tins week. Ilowaid. Ralnh. and Durrol IIir!im .1 Blue Hill, visdied at the home of! their Rtaml parents, Mr and Mis. W. W. Ilogato, over Sunday. INAVALE Krud Eddy ol" Ked Cloud spent Sun day in lunvtilc. M Farnliain hluppod a car or hops 'o KaiJijus, City, Stindtty. C. Undi'rwood and family loft Mon day moriiiiiir for Missouri. Halph Stlclcuuy auUiuil to Wotner, Sunday, returuius; Monday. Mrs. Chrirloy Iluutur .spent seveial day in Hustings last ivook. Mr. Will Zuppy and wife are tho proud pat outs of a baby boy. It 12. lltintor is now driving' a Max woll purchased from II. llunkul. Uobooii lUroli, Will C'arponter and Mr. Hoarcey sawod wood, TuH&day Miss Inez Striokliu eutortainod the tho 0. W. IJ. M. at her home, Thursday Joe. Topliam and wife of Iteri Cloud, spout Sundiiy with Hurt Loouurd and futuily. Mrs. Will Wouderly and dauRhtor, vlay, were paasoiiKcrs to IlHstlii,'8, iuubday. Mr. Ooorgo Mntkiub was very &lck Satuiday and Sunday, but Is consider ably better. Mr. Darlynplu hns moved Into Mr. Hustings' bulldinp west of the hard ware store. Mr aud Mrs. Silas Burwell are hav- Iiir some dental work done in Rod Cloud this week. Charley Olmsted left Sunday morn ing for Uontrice to work at carpen ter work for Fred Gaveka. Roy Matklns of Wataugo, South Dakota, came In Friday to visit his parents and other rolatlvcs. , Mrs. L. W. Thomiis and son spent Sunday at IMverton with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson nnd daughter. Charley Mnrtin of Bontrlee was called hore Monday on account of the death ot his brothor, John Martin. Hlanch Darker enmo tip from Red Cloud, Saturday night and spent Sun day and Mouday.with her parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gerald Leonard havo gone to housekeeping In. their new honio roceutly vacated by Mr. C. Uu deVwood. Mr, Dally purchased the pr iporty and made the bride nnd gi! loin ji present of it. m fc )c Camp returned homo fromUrnnd am), Tuesday evening , v ipni SSfel fi -irni- iMti fjj Heal Christmas Gifts. THE SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE RANGE 1 '" " ' ' " "" " j THE ILINOY A BOUT January I, 1917, we will move into our new tpmlcrs. This building contains a greater nmoufit of floor tpace and storage room and will enable us to carry n more complete line of hardware, etc. We will then be in a position to supply your every need in the line of hardware, liec.tt.rj, ranges, etc. GEO. W. TRINE IlLn 4ncipairn fl 1 fM m ci tvL h ( S r mm 1. f J J 1S X . work D merely for you. We are at . your service at all times. The RED CLOUD CHIEF PRINTERS and PUBLISHERS "Xot tow cheap but hmo good," D D D UIS rU RO EfC AT HOME EXPECT YOU itll) 'IkHo to TELL 'CM Aa ADOUT "OMAHA'S q&yrvu??7. V,S,T . t , ;: CJ-MTRE " THE "7fM&' T I 1 enn unike you a fii-u lonn at low- Sxhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville cstintejpstauiiwMi ti.,.,s i i)0 iimi tt,,l,"lil;ll,,,', l'- l'leo wr.ro n,e, or call IflDlES' DIME roATIHEE EUERY WEEKOAV for uio at ate IJ.iuk Rw.l Clou I -C P - ' Cvorybod Goon; Ash Anybody "- 1 1,.... ,' ' ' IW5 THE IICUEST AMI BEST SH3W WEST OF CXICA6C ""'"" u As a slar away from any programme and shining all alone MARY PICKFORD is to be seen at the Orpheum Theater Friday, Dec. 15th in the new seven-act picture Less Than The Dust which will be viewed with additional interest because of the fact that it is the first production made by the famous loved "Our Mary" since she headed her own company. Show Starts at 8:15 Reserved Seats 25c On I til 1 HEATER Un c DH r fhi cinnockc rr J Llll ill.l V 1 I. .t ..1 II the Printer who will yith younot 0 D D 0 W Farm Loans 11 General Admission 10c-20c sale at Cook's Drug Store "S k ) (K i kfc '. gls.. 'W t -m , -",JntKMKJKytV,