The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 14, 1916, Image 5

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Come to Hod Cloud nnd do your trnd-
Hiil-Vet, io hoM iitCottliiR's.
Ohas. IV fry was in Cowles Tuesday.
Ddlmoro Iloty whs in Mm Hill, I'rl
day. Ohonr S.ittluy spent Monday in Hu,t h. V. Uarstow spent Saturday in
John Iloso was down from Dluu Hill.
Dr. Ashcr was down fiom Ilivurton,
Mi-s Mildred Hayes spent Saturday
in Hastings
Huy your Christmas seals of the 1'
' JK. 0. society.
John UutledRe was down from Inn
vale, Tuesday.
Hoy Sattley, underttilcer-auto hearse
in connection.
C. Vj, Horrick of lnavale was in the
city Saturday.
Harry Moedo went to Lincoln, Wed
nesday morning.!
Tad Saunders was down from Iua-
valo, Wednesday. '
Frank Peterson wont to Omaha,
Tuesday morniug.
Mr, and Mrs. Tony Clark spent Wed
nesday in Hastings.
Ed Gaibcr and Curt Geer were in
Guide Rock, Tuesday.
garago received a car-
J. H. Elllnger was in Vornon, Colo
rido, the last of tho week.
A. 11. Plerco wont to Lincoln, Wed
nosdaj', to spend a few days. "
Fresh supply of Lowncy chocolates
at N. A. Piatt's grocery store
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Popo went to Lin
coln, Tuesday, to visit relatives.
Father Fitzgorald was a passenger
to Falls City, Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Guy Uarnes went to Uostwick,
Tuesday, to visit relatives and friends.
C. F. Cathcr went to Omaha, Wed
nesdiijr, to look after some business
Hi 1. 2, 3 and 5 11). Xmns hoses of
Lownoy's chocolates at N A. Piatt's
If you want to buy a suitable Christ
mas present call nnd see my lino of
pocket books, la'dies' hand bags, Blips
suit cases and trunks. Joe FogeL
ijuuio uoek, Tuesd
Jj'he Peterson ga
j 'load of Fords, Tut
Attorney Bernard McNeny wout to
Lincoln, Wednesday, to look nfter
some legal nflnirs.
If you want to sell or trade your
real estate call on C. A. Schultz. Indo
pendont phono 2oH
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarenco Dakor spent
the first of tin' week with his sister,
i Mrs. Tanquary, at Franklin,
I C.irl McArthur went to Omaha this
I morning to drive back a new Ford ear
' for (ieoi'L'e Corner at. Rliie Itlll .
Mrs. Job Hewitt, returned homo
Tuesday from Kepubliean City uhero
she had been visiting her parents.
.Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross untied down
from Stoekhnm, Sunday, to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eiiglohatril.
He sure to see the beautiful and
complete line of Christmas neckties at
the Hamilton Cathor Clothing store.
Mr. and Mrs Oliver Powell returned
home Thmsduy evening from Omaha
and Nuligh where they hud been visit
ing. We nre in tne market for 100 to 125
pounds Shouts at market price deliver
ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for de
livery to plaut. C. II. Minor Serum
LOST An overcoat, containing a
pair of leather mittens and a silk muf
Her, on Dec. tlth, between this city and
the Wisecarvor farm. Howard. C. L.
Herrick, Innvnlu.
Just recolved the latest In leather
goods for Christmas presents. Call
and see my line of grips, pocket books,
suitcases, trunks and ladies' hand
bags Joe Fog'el.
Dr. Warrick, tho specialist, will moot
eye, 'ear, noso and throat patiouts and
thoso needing glasses properly fitted at
Dr. Damcrell's olllcc, W o d u c s d a y,
Dec. 20. Hours 1 to 5 only.
On Saturday night, some of the lo.
cal sports wero enjoying a quiet game
of 'shooting craps" nnd some of our
citizens broko up the gamo by throw
ing a fow bricks thru tho window.
Eugllsh Ev. Lutheran services Sun
day, tho 17th, nt 10:45 a. m. Sunday
school nt 10:15. Catechetical instruc
tions Saturday, tho iGth, beginning nt
3 p. m. at tho J.' Hcrburger residence.
Rev A. Schual. Pastor.
After an Illness of several years
duration, Mrs. Jennie Stella Hind
uged 11 years, 7 months, wife of Fred
Ilurd, passed away at her homo in
Cowles on Friday evening. She was
born in Mason City, Illinois, May Stli
1875, and besides her husband, leaves
three children to mourn her demise.
Tho funeral sorvices wero held nt tho
Methodist church In Cowles on Sunday
F c ir I- rt ii A i o iQi
AhlJri7r'4kX7rKf A C It Pays
"if "tj uhil jiir4v v t 'i, mmi ? i i siJ,w
' MiBniOv ..JIV" i JCTv ''! &$?
mmmM-yjm .
woa. m
Shop Early
Our Lines
Complete Now
1 Cfaaj'
r-?! nsj''jsy'
Many things can be made of Ribbon,
such as coat hangers, fancy bags,
collars, etc. Our line is complete as
to widths and colors.
For men, women and children. All
sizes and prices. See the number at
$i.oo for men.
Silk Hosiery
for Gifts
We have these at
$1.25 per pair in
black, white, maise
green, blue, pink,
fancy stripes, etc.
Extra quality at
$1.50' per pair in
black and white
GLOVES Kid and Mocha
These make excellent Christmas
gifts. We have all sizes at $1.25,
white, tan, brown, gray, navy, etc.
At $2.00 we have black and white
and all staple colors.
For men in plain linen and initial.
Ladies hdkfs in all patterns at
5c each to $1.00.
Many imported dolls. One German
made doll at $1.50, others at 35-.15-50-65-75C
and $1.00. Also American
made character dolls.
A Few Suggestions:
Ladies' collars, fancy table
linens, fancy embroidered
pieces, silks, skating sets,
hand bags, all in our lines.
We have muffs in mink, marmot,
opossum, muskrat, Hudson seal,
Coney wolf, etc., all lined with best
quality of satin, at attractive prices.
Christmas Blousd's '
for Christmas Giving
So made that they will give lasting
pleasure and satisfaction. The Wel
worth always priced at $2.00.
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Express the pradical as well as the ideal in buying gifts.
There is nothing a man can use to more advantage, will be more
pleased with, more grateful to you for this CHRISTMAS than a
of sparkling style, made by House of Kuppenheimer or Cloth Craft Co.
Prices $10.00 to $25.00
Our stock is marvelous in its completeness SEE US AT ONCE We'll make your selections easy for you ra
Other Suggestions for Christmas Gifts
to be had at this good service store
Fine Neckwear 25-35-S0-75c Bath Robes $3.25 to $5.50
Night Robes SOc to $1.00 Mufflers 25-S0c to $3.00 lJ
Dress Shirts, Percale, Madras, Silk, $1,00 to $5.0 ;i
AH Styles of Linen Collars 15c Mens Hosiery lS-2S-50c l
All Kinds of Fine Handksrchiefs j
io jiioiviiitnS jFcago .w lu ipcF.vz mwves ana niiiens m
The Most Complete Line of Mens and Boys
Christmas Cioods ever shown in Red Cloud
We are not a Store of high prices, but of High Quality Prices held
down by our better buying power See for Yourself
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.