0 'is RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF (I "& r.. ttt M T -& & A RIGID Adherence TO SIMPLE HEALTH RULES is really necessary in order to promote and maintain health The digestion must be kept normal, the liver active and the bowels regular When Help is Needed TRY HOSTETTER'S I Stomach Bitters Poisoned by (By L. II. SMITH, M. D.) The victims of nuto-lntoxlcntlon arc many thousand every day. By reason of the toxins, or poisons, bred in the Intestines, these poisonous bacteria are Bent all thru the blood channels and the victim feels tired, sleepy and headachy, or the brain doesn't work as usual. The best treatment for this is to drink hot water before breakfast plenty of wa ter all day and procure n supply of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, made of May flPPje leaves of aloes, etc., with no calomel, entirely vegetable, which can oe obtained at drug stores for 25 cents. Equally important is it to cleanse kidneys nnd bladder, and drinking plen tifully of pure water will cleanse them to a certain extent. Then obtnln nt the drug store n little Anurlc. This Is to be had in GO-ccnt packages. Anurlc should be taken before meals. It is PINK European soldiers carry small Husks of oxygen to revive gas-stricken com rades. You can cure that cold in a day. Take CASCARAgQUININE The old family remedy in tablet form safe, sure, easy to take. No opiates no unpleasant after e Electa. Cures colds in 24 hours Grip in 3 days. Money back if It falls. Get tne genuine, dox who Kea iop ndl I Mr. I Hill's picture on it-25 cents. At Anr Drue Star TYPHOID ts no more necessary than Smallpox. Army experience bat demonstrate the almoat miraculous eff U . m4hnnlMnMa.of AntltTDhold VaCClOlUOO. uneelniiedNOW tar your physician, you and yoot family. It U mora vita! than boose Insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or send for Hit yon bad Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccina, emits from use, sad danger from Typhoid Carriers. Prtasslil Vaealnat sad Srtia dr U. 8, Uesnat The Cutter Lakeratsry, Btrkilry, Cal., Chleaio, III. 1 H7t Like A Boy at SO Bubbling Over With Vitality Taking Iron Did It Doctor says Naxated Iron is greatest of all strength builder-' Often increase the strength and endurance of delicate, nervous folks 200 per cent, in' two weeks time. NEW YORK, N. Y. Not long ngo a man came to me who was nearly half a century old and asked me to glvo him a preliminary examination for life insurance. I was astonished to find him with the blood pressure of a boy of 20 nnd as full of vigor, vim and vitality as a young man; In fact a young man he really was notwithstand ing his age. The secret ho said was taking iron nuxnted Iron had filled him with renewed life. At 80 ho was In bad .health; at 40 careworn and nearly all in. Now nt B0 n miracle of vitality and his face beaming with tho buoyancy of youth, As I have said a hundred times over, Iron is the great est of nil strength builders. If people would only throw away patent medi cines and nauseous concoctions and take simple nuxnted iron, I am con vinced that tho lives of thousands of persons might bo saved, who now die every year from pneumonia, grippe, consumption, kidney, liver nnd heurt trouble, etc. Tho real and true cause which started their diseases was noth ing more nor less than a weakened condition brought on by lack of Iron in tho blood. Iron Is absolutely ncccs pary to cnablo your blood to change food Into living tissue. Without it, no matter how much or what you cat, your food merely posses through you without doing you any good. You don't get tho strength out of It and ns a con sequence ynu become weak, pale and Blckly looking Just llko a plnnt trying t6 grow in a soil deficient In iron. If yon are not strong or well you owo it to yourself to mnko tho following test : See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of or dinary nuxated Iron three times per The Surprise. "Tho trouble with scientific lijaimgo nient, as tho employers understand it," Bald Suinuel Gompors at a labor bun quet in New York, "Is that It's nil to the employer's advantage and all to the disadvantage of the employee. "The employee Is like the lady whose husband sulil: '"Learif to cook, thirling, and I'll Rive you a surprise. "She took u six-month cooking course and then brought home hor di ploma proudly. She could now cook like an angel. "'Ilrlng on my surprise,' she wild. "ThlR is It,' said her husband, smiling, and he rang for tho cook and discharged her then and there." The Oulnlne That Does Not Af fret The Head Heenuie of IU tonle and lazatlTe effect. Laxatlre llrorno Quinine can be taken br anyone without canting nerronanMs or ringing In tho head. Thore It only one "llromo Qalnlne." B. W. OHO Vila If nature la on each box. Sic. 'flic women of Capri have acted as porters for ages, while many, of the men sell coral specimens. A magazine has been patented for carrying an extra load of tobacco along the stem of a pipe. Thousands many times more potent than llthln, dissolving uric ucld us water docs sugar. Dr. Weir Mitchell once said : "What we call diseases are only symptoms of conditions. Allow the man's vitality to be reduced to a certain point, and he is ripe for uny of these weaknesses, or certain conditions which we call dis ease." Through failure of kidneys to act, through congestion, Inflammation, any person's condition is ripe for disease to fasten Its hold upon the system. Anurlc has been tested for the past few years for kidney, blnddcr, uric acid troubles, rheumatism, gout, and such ailments as follow, nnd so mnny enscs both acute and stubborn have yielded to this wonderful remedy that I do not hesitate to recommend it. Adv. EYE DISTEMPER CATARRHAL rEVER AND, ALL NOSE UNO THROAT DISEASES Cures tho sick and nets ns a preventative for others. Liquid given on tho tongue. Safe for brood mares and all others. Best kidney remedy. 50 cents a bottle, $5 a dozen. Sold by all drugglstfl.nnd turf goods houses, or sent, express paid, by the manufacturers. Booklet, "Distem per, Cause and Cure," free. SPOIIN MEDICAL, CO., Chemlats, Goakea, lad V. S. A. Of Course Not. "This health expert says nnd cook Inj: causes more divorces than uny thing else." "Oh, you can't believe nil the ex perts sny. Now, I have it on Rood au thority thut cabarets cause more di vorces tlinn anything else, yet hard ly anybody goes to a cabaret to eat." TORTURING SKIN TROUBLES That Itch, Burn and Disfigure Healed by Cutlcura. Trial Free. Datho with plenty of Cutlcura Soap and hot water to cleanse and purify. Dry lightly and apply Cutlcura Oint ment to soothe and heal. This stops itching instantly, clears away pimples, removes dandruff and scalp irritations, and heals red, rough, soro hands. Froo Bamplo each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Noah Webster was seventy years old before he completed his first diction ary. There are 2,:i00,000 blind persons In tho world. day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself bow much you have gained. I have seen dozens of nervous run-down people who wero ailing all the while, double their strength and endurance and entirely get' rid bf all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles in from ten to fourteen days' time simply by taking iron in the proper form. And this after they had In some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. But don't take the old forms of reduced iron, iron acetate or tincture of Iron simply to save a few cents. You must take iron in a form thut can be easily absorbed and as similated like nuxated iron if you want it to do you any good, otherwise it may prove worso than useless. , Many an athlete or prize-lighter bus won tho day simply because ho knew the secret of great strcngtli and endurance and filled his blood with Iron before ho went in to the nffray, while many another has gone down to inglorious defeat simply for luck of iron. E. Sauer M. D. NOTE. Nuxated Iron, recommended above by Dr. Bauer is not a patont medi cine nor secret remedy, but one which li well known to driiBRlats nnd whose iron constituents uro widely prescribed by emi nent nllVRlnlnnu nvprvwhirn. TTnlllcn ili i oidor lnorcranlc Iron products, it is easily (laoiiiuiiiicti, uoca not injure ino teem, make them black, nor upset tho stomach; on tno contrary it la a most potent rem edy in nearly all forms of Indigestion, u well as for nervous, rundown conditions. Tho manufacturer:! liava hucIi great con. fidence In Nuxated Iron that they offer tc forfeit $100.00 to any charltablo Institution if they cannot talco uny man or woman tinder CO who lacks Iron and Increast their strength 200 per cent, or over in foui weeks' time, provided thoy havo no seri ous organic trouble. Thoy also offer tc refund your money If it does not at least double your strength and endurance Ir ten days' time. It If. dispensed by most druggists. If your druggist or genera) store Is w'Miout a supply, ask them U set it for yeu. Adv. F S 0 NECESSITIES OF LIFE SLIGHTLY CHEAPER. WAITING ON LABOR UNIONS Qlvcs Lobor Unions Time to Draft Substitute for Compulsory Ar bitration Nebrnakans for Cadets. tVtrMi XcUhiMpcr I'n on S'i'WN Service. Lincoln, Neb. The high cost of liv ing bus received a slight Jolt in the 'nst ten dayr by a fall In cost of soiuo af the necessities of life. Flour has Jroppctl 20 rents a suck; sugar 2C ients, and country and creamery but ler 3 centB n pound. ThtBO compnri ioiib are taken from the books of n Lincoln grocer. Many consumers nro islng hominy and rice as substitutes ,'or potatoes. Cereal foods have be :omo popular an substitutes for bonns ind potatoes. Tho little white navy scan still retails at the rate of 15 ients a pound. A year ago they could 30 bought nt the rate of six pounds 'or 25 cents. Retailers think that tho price of po .ntoes, sugar, flour, butter nnd eggs ire due for a further drop In a short :lmc. Country butter Is now coming n In Inrger quantities from the farms. There Is practically no change yet In :ho cost of fresh eggs. Commlpslon nen arc still asking $12 a case. Nebraska Boys for Cadets. Washington. Two appointments ot Nebraska young men to West Point military academy wore made by Rep resentative ReavlB, together with tho appointment of two alternates. Dallas D. Swan of Tccumseh was named as ne principal and Harold F. Holtz, of Lincoln, us his alternate, nlso Arthur Flnley Fuller of Pawneo City as prln jipal and O. II. Klcr, Lincoln as first tlternate. Entrance examinations aro to bo held next March. The cadets svill enter the academy in June. A cut of $1,120 recommended for im provements nt the Indian school was made by the Indian committee today In Its work on the Indian appropria tion bill. Tho appropriation npproved was for $81,200. WAITS ON LABOR LEADERS President Will Give Them Time to Draft a Substitute for Com pulsory Arbitration Washington. Congressional action on President Wilson's railway legis lation program probably will await the result ot efforts of labor leaders to draft a substitute for nil forms of compulsory arbitration, a plan for ieallng with strikes, actual nnd threat sned, which will bo ngrceable to all. concerned. Tho determination of tho president to undertako making Impos sible such a situation as he faced' last September In tho railroad dispute aroused all branches of labor to tho greatest activity. Tho unofficial nl llanco between tho American federa tion of labor and tho four railway Brotherhoods arranged for tho pur pose, among other things, of opposing "dangerous legislation," is bearing its first fruit in conference between rep resentatives of both organizations for tho purpose of drafting a plan that will shelve all compulsory arbitration bills. Will Feed Both Nations London. An Amsterdam dispatch to tho Times says that tho Berlin Vos slcho Zcltung announces that an agreement haB been reached betwoen Holland and Germany regarding tho exportation o. foodstuffs Identical to that between Holland and England. The correspondent says thnt it 1b really, if not technically nn agVeomont between Germany and England where by both may obtain food from Hol land. The Times correspondent in terprets this as meaning that Dutch ships carrying food to Englnnd will not bo molested by German subma--ines or seized by destroyers. Is a Social Necessity Berlin. The German government has issued a statement in explana tion and Justification of tho transfer of Belgian laborers to Germany. It says tho measure is by no means a hardship for the laborers, but is n bo clal necessity. Protest Against Deportation. Washington Tho Amorican govern mont's formal prptest to Germany gainst tho deportation of Belgians for forced labor ns a violation of the principles of humanity has been made public by the state department. It was In the form of a note, cnblod to Charge Orow at Berlin with instruc tions that ho sook an interview with the German chancellor and read It to him, and wbb given out by tho depart ment u-jth tho torso coramont: "Tho Interview hns taken place." Two Factions at Work. London. Events omphaslzo tho fact that David Lloyd-Gcorgo, tho now pre mier, has split tho, liberal party into two factions. Tho now cabinet will command moro support from the con servatives In parliament than from tho liberals. Tho liberal conference plcdgod Itself to support tho now gov ernment, but tho old party loaders will occupy lu the house of commons a nlaco of friendly opposition and crlt. j Idem. Nearly nil tho antagonism the new administration Is meeting comes from mombors of tho liberal, party. teDNATIONAL SDNMTSOIOOL Lesson (By )1, O. 8KI.LKIIS, Acting Director ot the Sunday School Con mo In tho Moody IJItilc Institute of CIiIcuko.) (Copyright, 1916, Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR DECEMBER 17 THE HOLY CITY. LESSON TKXT-ltov. 21:1-7, 22-27. MULDIJN TKXT-Uehold, tho tnbor. iincln of Clod Is with men, and ho shall dwell with them, nnd they shall bo his people. Rev. 21:3. As we approach the end of tho year, our minds turn from the Imperial city, where last we have any authentic rec ord of Paul, to the eternal city In which ho has so long resided. In les son ten wo studied Jesus Christ In his resurrection glory, the source of nil power, King of Kings und Lord of Lords for t)io redemption of the hu man race. In Lesson 11 wo Btudled tho glorllled Christ who Is actually working through his churches cs tho representatives of his kingdom upon earth. The succeeding chapters de scribe in symbols nnd pictures tho dis cipline nnd training of God's peoplo during tho long generations that fol lowed. In tho lesson for today, wo havo a vision of tho flnnl triumph of Chrlstlunlty when it shall hnvo ac complished Its work of redemption in this world. I. The New Heaven and the New Earth (vv. 1-7). John in vision snw the con summation of tho work of Christian ity, tho vislblo answer to tho prayer which Jesus Christ taught his disciples to pray, "thy kingdom come, thy will bo dono on earth as In heaven." Heaven, ns well as earth, has been in-, vndcu nnd polluted by sin, but both alike nro to bo made now. (I Peter 3 :10, 11, 13). Tho true Jerusalem, of which Solomon's was but a type, is of heav enly und divine origin. It comes down out of heaven from God. Wo know nothing of the Inhabitants of the uni verse of which wo are a part, but hero wo havo uomo scriptural indication of that place whero God's children aro to bo with him eternally. Tho kingdom of God Is among you, but It Is even tually to bo with God and Jesus In a peculiar nnd beautiful way. John's announcement came from out of heav en and out of the throne. (1) It was a tabernacle of God with men; rather he shall tabernnclo with men. Ho is to pitch his tent among us (John 1:14 It. V. marg.) It Is to bo done eventually and permanently. This dwelling of God among us lies at tho foundation of the blessedness and glo ries which are to follow. (2) They shall be his people. Israel had been his people; all nations aro to bo his people In the fullest sense. 46) God himself shall bo with them, not only his tabcrnaclo but ho, himself visibly, personally. (4) He shall be their God, acknowledged in all his infinite claims, und ho to them all that God is of love, power, wisdom, holiness nnd glory. (0) Ho shall wipo away every tear from their eyes. Thcro will not bo a singlo grief or heartache, unsntlstled longing or tear, for God shall wlpa them away, and they will stay wiped nway. (0) Death shall bo no more. Of nil tho enemies, death is the last ono which shall be taken from tho earth. It is sweet to know that this last enemy Is to be conquered. (7) There shall bo no mourning, crying or pnln any more. Every sorrow, agony, remorse, gloom, disappointment gono forever; death, tears, mourning all passed away. It Is hard for us to com prehend tho majesty-and sweep of this great and glorious promise. (See I Cor. 15). II. The Coming Light and Glory (vv. 22-127). Tho Intervening verses nro a wonderful description of the founda tion walls and gates of the city. There will be no temple In thut city for it will not be needed. Instead of the temple which stands for tho temple of eartb thero Is to be the presence of God, himself, hut tho lamb is also In the midst of It. Nothing can more force fully Impress upon us the deity nnd pre eminence of Jesus Christ, tho atoning lamb, slain beforo tho foundation of, tho world. This city is to bo a city of' light and glory. It will not bo an Il lumination by gns nor electricity, for tho glory of the Lord shall lighten it' 8ummary. What aro tho lessons for our day from this vision of tho new heaven nnd tho new earth? First: That tho golden age of tho Bible bus not yet taken place. There aro better times to come than anything tho world bus yet seen. Second: Wo have here tho posltlvo assurance of the success of our leader and the victory of Chris tianity in Its conflict with evil. Third : Tho golden ideal of heaven is the means by which wo can test our dally lives and the whole course" of our cou duct Tho question wo should con stantly ask Is, "Aro wo going to this heavenly ideal?" Fourth: Tho gates of that city aro open; an angel is at each gate, and shall keep out all evil. God desires that alrtnen everywhere should repent, and Is not willing that toy should perish. When tho final asslzo shall have passed, no ono will say that God did not give him a chanco nor seek to In spire him to a plttco of eternal Joy at his right hand. f Again thcro Is to be federation of tho forces of good. Today wo too often And Christian peoplo divided. Invitation. "And tho Spirit and tho bride say come, let hi in that heareth say come, and let him thut is a thirst come, and whosoever will let him take of tho water of life freely." KG Baking Powder Passed by the 1st The manufacturer with tho rigid tests of tfyp laboratory and factory. 2nd The wholesale grocer with his high standing and desire to handle only reliable goods. 3rd The retail groccrwho desires to handle only those brands he knows will please his customers 4th The food officials with their rigid laws for the purity and wholesomcncss of food products 5th And most important, you, the housewife with your desire for purity, efficiency and per fect satisfaction. ASK YOUR GROCER - HE SELLS IT 25 Ounces for (More than a pound and a naif for a quarter) A tloor 14 feet square might bo cov Med with n single ounce of goldlenf. Anuric cures Backache, Lumbago, RhcMimatinm. Send 10c. Dr. . M. l'icrcc, HuiTalo, N. Y., for large trial package. Adv. Stop watches which register ilftleths und hundredths of n second have been perfected for ncciirnte timing. Important to Mothers Ezamlno carofully every bottle of CASTOItIA, that famous old remedy for infants und children, and sec that It Rmh (fi Signature of UAinJJ&tt In Use for Over 30 Tears. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorin Tho Chinese have taken quickly to tho electric toasters sent from this country. Skinners THE HIGHEST QUALITY MACARONI J6 Agf fifdpe Book free SKINNER MFG.C0.. OMAHA. U. 5 A 1MGUT MACMtOKI FACT0Y IN AMUICA. PATENTS Watann E. f)pltnn, tn,iit ljmf.wutilnf1jin. D.O. AdTloa and bookilree. BtirMtonble. Xllsbeit references. Jletteenrlcee. VKCB&ffi u Lmadmr" and Repeater" , Shot Shells For the hih flyers, or tho low flyers, "Leader" and "Repeater' shells have the reach, spread and penetra tion. Their great sale 3 due to these qualities, which insure a full bag. Made in many gauges and loads. BB SURE TO ASK FOR THM W BRAND Canadian Farmers Profit From Wheat m Yon can get a Homestead of 160 acres FREE and other landa at remarkably low prices. During many yeara Canadian wheat fields havo averaged 20 buihela to rTsS5ai ff He MaEllBJliff STal the aero many yields he acre many yields wnnuenui crops also 01 uau , uariey ana r tax. Mixed farming as profitable an Industry aa grain rain ing The excellent grasses full ot nutrition are the only food required (or beef or dairy purposes. Good achoola. churches, markets convenient, climate excellent. miiiarr lemco is aniuaaa lor iarni lauu bare volunteered (o 2 farmnn Ln liMt fixtn Sor 11 term am and particulars as tu reducoa railway ntM to apk o( Imnalgrotiou, Ottawa, Canada, or Board of Censors 25 Nebraska Directory D II DTI I DC CURED in a faw dap nUr I Unt without pain or w rical operation. If o pay until cured. Writ Ulb ttUAV, aofl Uc Uldg-., OnulU, Wb. DEFIANCE STARCH is constantly growing in favor because It Does Not Stick to the Iron and it will not Injure the finest fabric For laundry purposes it hu no equal. 16 ot package 10c. more starch for umemoaey. DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha, Nebraska 1HEDKGC0LEC0..OUM FitH,0TtTHt,caEn,rwim WHOLESALE ONLY Bend Chrtttmaa order enlr to Inioro reoervlag nppljr wnen Deeded. 2 SHIP roar POCLTBTU ui. We par Win for live poelur. cook book rani Mention tbli paper. WANTED 1,000 CARLOADS SCRAP IRON Also Scrap Rubber, Metals, Etc Write for prices Nebraska Iron & Metal Go. SVa ftAkUrMlaV HAIR BALSAM Atollel preparation of merit, Help to eradicate dandruff. For KMtorinf Color aa4 "BS iitrtoGrar or Faded Half J Oaandll.ooatlminrUta. 1 W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 51-1916. The war's devastation of European crops has caused an unusual demand forgrain from the American Conti nent. The people of the world must be fed and wheat near $2 a bushel offers Rreat profits to the farmer. Canada's invitation is therefore especially attractive. She wants settlers to make money and happy, prosperous homesfor themselves by helping her raise immense wheat crops. ,. as nigh ns 45 busne aa hish as 45 bushels to the acre. k '?. ft "fvt wn noi compulsory in canaim, oat mere la &R .kN- flF VV. V, BENNETT Room 4, Dee D Idg., Otaaha Nek, Canadian Government Agent hW ;jjgw2wjg 1l1 t.. M)IJ- & t-i -