The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 07, 1916, Image 7

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Children love Sklnnere Macaroni
and Spaghetti because of Its delicious
taste. It Is good for them and you
can glvo them all they want It Is a
great builder of bone nnd muscle, and
does not maka them nervous nnd Irri
table like meat. The most economical
and nutritious food known. Made from
the finest Durum wheat. Write Skin
ner Mfg. Co., Omaha, Nebr., for beau
tiful cook book. It Is sent freo to
mothers.- Adv.
Twilight of the Gods.
At the base of the vast .structure so
patiently reared by Herbert Spencer
the mists are already dense, though
not as obscuring as the clouds at the
mausoleum of Cotnte. Thent great
charmless woman, George Kllot, smiles
the smile of somber ennui before the
Spencer tomb, and the Invisible voice
of Ernest Iincckel Is heard whisper
ing: "Where Is your ro.sltlvlsin?
Where Is your Rationalism? What
has become of your gaseous Inverte
brato god?" Surely there Is Midly re
quired In the cynical universities of
the world a chair of Irony with subtle
Edgar Saltus as Its first incumbent.
James Ilunckcr In New York Sun.
Dr. Picrce'a Pellets are best for Hvor,
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for
a laxative three for a cathartic Adv.
Suggestion Made That Vessels of the
United States Navy Be Called
After Famous Red Men.
A correspondent of the New York
Times advocates Indlnn nnmes for
United States warships. "How to
nnino the ships of our vnstly extended
navy is an Interesting question. A
- lnnco down the list of the names of
our naval ships does undoubtedly give
the Impression that 'they had been ac
cepted by a weary man as a choice of
"It seems to me that from the men
of the race longest Identified with our
history the noble red men nnd from
their tribes, most befitting titles could
be found for applying to our warships.
From early childhood the lives of the
foremost Indlnn chieftains have in
spired intense admiration in Ameri
cans. They are the Ideal embodiment
of the greatest naval battle prowess
of their time.
"What names could imply the Idea
I of, indomitable fighting force in the
I American mind equally with Powha
tan, the powerful sachem of Virginia;
or Pontine, "the Red Napoleon," chief
of the Ottawas; or Tecumsch, chief
of the Shnwnecs, or (Shnwnnoes) nnd
celebrated fighter, diplomat, nnd ora
tor; or Black Hawk, noted warrior
chieftain of the Sacs nnd Foxes?"
Legislator Had Figured Out Method
by Which He Voted Right In Ma-
Jorlty of Cases.
During the Inst session of n western
legislature one member, n tnll, angu
lar man with a white mustache of the
walrus pattern and the faculty of be
ing able to throw both his thumbs out
of Joint at wlU, made himself conspic
uous by voting "No" on every bill, res
olution, or other form of business that
came up. However Innocent a meas
ure might be, this man voted ngnlnst it
Finally n legislator weakened under
the strain nnd approached the gentle
man with tho walrus whiskers.
"Why is It?" asked the man, "that
'you vote 'No on everything?"
"I'll tell you," said he of the walrus
mustache, with a confidential nir. "Seventy-five
of those bills nnd resolutions
are bad and ought never to be passed.
And I flgger that any man who votes
right 75 per cent of the time is n pretty
durncd good legislator."
Envying a Loser.
"Dnt mnn done mnde an election bet
dnt leaves him 'bilged to eat a gallon of
lasses wlf a toothpick," remarked Mr.
Ernstus Plnkly.
V "Well," remarked Pickaninny Jim.
sy' "Do toothpick mnkc4 It slow work, but
f do 'lasses Is wuth It"
A man never appreciates, good luck
so much as when he Is having n run
of bad.
Better to back out than be thrown
The cheerful feeling you
' possess ..after a drink of
something hot and flavory
should be only the beginning
of your satisfaction.
For this very reason more
and more people are turning
from coffee to
Instant Postum
A lessened tendency to such
annoyances as nervousness
and sleeplessness repays
A ten-day trial of this de
lightful, flavory hot drink has
listed so many to health
comfort that your friend,
Postum drinker, will tell
you its well worth while.
fThero't a Reason"
In Woman's Realm
Practical Sports Clothes Have Been Designed by the Leading Paris
ian Modistes, of Which This Skating Suit Is a Sample
Bridesmaids' Hats That Have the Sanction of
Recognized Leaders of Fashion.
There are plenty of practical sports
Clothes for those who really take part
in winter pastimes, and there are Just
as many sports -lothes de luxe for
those who dress with an eye to placing
themselves In harmony with their en
vironment These are made to be
looked at and are marvels of adapta
tion of exquisite materials to sports
A skating suit, shown In the picture,
Is made for real service. It Is a middy
blouse of a special knitted mnterin?
In Scotch colorings, trimmed with u
plain knitted material. The plain
trimming matches the predominating
color In the middy, and the skirt Is
made of the same plain cloth.
For real utility sports clothes, soft,
lightweight but warm materials, like
Jersey and camel's -hair cloth, are
most satisfactory. The sweater goes
without saying ns the most important
feature In the sports outfit, nnd some of
tlie smartest ones have wide belts,
while practically all of them have
pockets. Matched sets Include
sweater, cap, and scarf to match, or
Bets of hat, scarf and bng, or cap, scarf
and mult. The convertible scarf Is
something new, In n long scarf which
tuny be mnde Into senrf and cap in one.
All sorts of sets nrc trimmed with
heavy yarns nnd worsteds lu contrast
ing colors..
Eiderdown is a familiar material
that serves the purpose for making in
expensive sets. In white trimmed with
white yarn It makes a cap, scarf and
bag for the skates, of much distinction.
The henvy yarn Is used for overcnstlng
Reams and edges nnd for tassels which
Qnlsh tho scarf ends and decorate the
rap and bag.
Theso yarns nro used In tho same
way on hats nnd bugs of silk for
ports wear. One of tho handsomest
novelties is a set of lint and bag of
bluo silk lined with gold. Blue and
gold yarn overcasts all tho seams in
the bng and in tho crown of tho'hat.
The tassels, of the some yarns, nro
fastened to tho top of tho hat and tho
bottom of tho bng with snap fasteners,
and may bo removed so that the set
may be worn either side out, Mustard
colored fabrics look particularly well
sP& ' -; ' pWsllw
At iSJBJBJHlPBJMfe . Vl'JSJ. V.JisisisisisisisisisBisisisBiBt ' KT
with tassels of vnrl-colored worsteds
Any month In the year Is the best
of-months for a wedding If the bride
chooses It. Ait Indian summer setting,
or a snowclad little world as a back
ground, may seem a happier choice
than June when all the details of the
great event show a reckoning with
the season.
In the three hats shown In the Illus
tration prevailing styles In picturesque
millinery give the bride a choice for
herself or for hei maids, that cannot
go wrong. Each one of them repre
sents a tjpo recognized as appropriate
In any season. The largest hat, with
wide, graceful brim, Is of light gray
velvet faced with pale rose satin. The
ever-present metallic touch appears In
the lacing of sliver cord across tho
crown nnd In a heavier cord of sliver
on the brim. Large, full-blown metal
lic roses, lu pale rose color, hnrmo
nlze beautifully with the gray velvet
and silver cord, for they have a sheen
of silver over their color. If the best
man, or some other good fellow, ,ls
not made captive by those rose-adorned
ropes of silver he Is a hardened and
hopeless bachelor.
Next appears an enticing poke bon
net, covered with olive green velvet.
It has a soft puffed crown nnd n brim
cut away at the back. There Is a col
lar of gold ribbon finished with a bow.
at the back. On the front n little
bnskct is outlined In gold thread, filled
with tiny gay-colored silk flowers, set
Hat against the collar. A similar mod
el trimmed with -narrower ribbon tied
In a simple bow it the front Is t
shnde more demure. It was wort at
a morning wedding by n maid in a
redlngoto dress of oflve velvet carrying
n big bouquet of yollow chrysanthe
mums. No man beholding it could call
his soul his own.
The third hat is o shape of tho hour
made of light-colored pnnjio velvet
with an extension border of chiffon
nbout tho brim. Plcot-edged ribbon
nnd a brilliant fancy feather herald
it as strictly up to date.
Experts of Bureau of Standards
Coming Into Close Touch
With People.
Governmental Agency, Little Known
In Past, Proving Bio Help to Man
ufacturer, Business Man and
The bureau of standards Is one ot
I'liele Sam's numerous governmental
agencies with which the great mass
of people of the country have come
little Into touch lu the past, but as
manufacturers and business men
throughout the country are coming to
understund the value of applied sci
ence, the work of this bureau Is be
coming of more and more importance
to the people.
The scope of the bureau Is varied,
and not only Is It proving a great help
to'the manufacturing and business ele
ments of this country, but to thu
housewife as well.
The bureau has not so long ngo
completed an investigation of elec
tricity and the danger of fatal acci
dents from electric currents and from
lighting. It has worked out the safe
guards and precautions to be taken
to avoid such accidents. It has re
cently constructed a building contain
ing fill panels of practical size, com
posed of nil kinds of cements nnd plas
ters, and subjected them to weather
exposure1 tests to determine the best
materials obtainable for use In build
ing construction. Tests are now being
made also with full-sized walls to learn
which construction Is the most resist
ing to lire.
Testing Structural Steel.
Tho bureau has undertaken the' test
ing of full-sized structural steel gird
ers and columns for buildings and
bridges. With these tests completed
will come positive knowledge of the
laws governing these members.
On the recommendation of the bu
reau, congress has provided for the
important practical work of color
standardization, which affects the In
dustries which produce dye-stuffs, Inks,
porcolnlns, paper and paints. There
has been no scientific means hereto
fore of specifying color In terms of di
rect measurement.
When It was found that nearly two
billion dollars In freight rates were
being collected on railroad track scales
beyond the capacity of the Instruments
of state and county Inspectors to
make tests, the bureau obtained from
congress a special fund to co-operuto
with the manufacturers of such scnjrs,
with the railroads and with the. In
spectors. This was primarily In the
Interest of the shipper, who wns en
titled to know from nn olllclal source
that such scales were accurate. Dur
ing one year 08 per cent of the scales
were found to be defective.
Standards for Public Utilities.
Work Is proceeding by olllclal h of
the bureau on the development of mod
el standards for such things us elec
tricity and gas and for other formsf
public utilities, to assist the public
utility commissions, who net for the
people, in making such service most
elllclent nnd uniform.
A Iendless glaze has been found by
experts of tho fturenu to prevent the
truly terrible effects of lend poisoning
In pottery works, heretofore exacting
a vast toll In sick und injured.
A very Important work which the
bureau has begun to develop within
a -short time Is tho manufacture of op
tical glass from American materials.
Heretofore optical glass was exclusive
ly Imported from abroad. These are
only u few of the mnny Interesting
things that are going forward by one
of Uncle Sam's most Interesting bu
Uncle Sam's Scientists Gain No Per
sonal Profits From the Results
of Their Investigations.
Uncle Sam's experts nro always"
busy trying to Jnvent some new way
of doing an old thing nnd doing it
better than It was done before. Theso
experts gain no personal profits how
ever valuable their discoveries may
be, for the results of their work nro
given to the public.
Twenty-nine vnldablo Inventions nnd
discoveries were mnde by tho scien
tists of the department of agriculture
alone during thu last, fiscal year and
nil .were dedicated to the public.
In accordance with the policy of tho
department, its workers, when they
discover valuable processes or devices,
obtain what Is popularly known as a
public-service patcut, tho chief pur
poso of which, is to prevent nnybno
else from patenting the Invention. This
Insures to tho public the free uso of
theso processes nnd tho investigational
work of tho department.
Va6t Alaskan Forests.
Tho stand of timber on tho two
great national forests in Alaska is es
timated by Undo Sam's forest servlco
as over 70,000,000,000 bonrd feet, while,
the annual growth will, It Is said, pro
duco of pulpwood alone enough for
tho manufacture of 8,000 tons of wood
pulp a duy.
You Must Have Plenty of Iron in Yoay
Blood to Be Strong, Says Doctor
. 'uxnted Iron .Will Incrcnsc Strength of
Delicate, Nervous, Run-Down Peo
ple 200 Per Cent In Ten Days
In Many Instances.
New York, N Y. Most people fool
ishly seem to think they ate going to
get renewed health and strength from
some stimulating medicine, secret nos
trum or narcotic drug, said Ir. Saner,
a specialist of Ibis city, when, as a mat
ter of fact, real and true strength can
only come from the food you eat Hut
people often fall to get the strength out
of their food because they haven't
enough Iron In their blood to enable It
to change food Into living matter. From
their weakened, nervous condition they
know something Is wrong, but they
can't tell what, so they generally com
mence doctoring for stomach, liver or
kidney trouble or symptoms of some
other tillment caused by the lack of
Iron lu the blood. This thing may go
on for years, while tho patient suffers
untold agony. If you are not strong or
well, you owe It to yourself to make
tho following test: See how long you
can work or how far you can walk
without becoming tired. Next take
two live-grain tablets of ordinary
nuxatcd Iron three times per day nfter
meals for two weeks. Then test your
strength again and see for yourself
how much you have gained. I have
seen dozens of nervous, run-down peo
ple who were ailing all tho while,
double nnd even triple their strength
Before Adam.
"Who is the llrst man mentioned In
the nibleV"
"Chap I."
Men who speak before they think
have occasion to make many apologies.
Expensive car costlnc orlelnalljr from $ t .000 00 to 5,000 00. pqulep'il with all the ''trim
mines", can be had (rem our slock lor a very low (Igura around $300.00 or $400.00.
All cars sold are delivered with our euarantee to be In cood running order. Every one Is
thorouchly Inscected before It Is effered for sale. Write us today, mention size of car you are Inter
ested In. whether two, live or reven passengerj and you wilt receive full particulars with specifica
tions and pholoeraphi of cars In that class. Don't dtlty the best values h solj first.
MURPHY-O'BRIEN AUTO CO.-Dist. Dodge Brothers and Paige Cars
Used CarDept, 1814-16-18 Famam St., Omaha, Neb.
Surface Judgments.
President T. V. O'Connor of the In
ternational Longshoremen wns talking
to n reporter about a labor dispute.
"You are Judging too much by sur
face conditions," he said. "Judging a
labor dispute by surface Indications is
us bad as Judging n mnn by his clothes
nnd, ns to that, an aviator Just back
from France said to me thu other day:
'"The handsomest uniforms nnd rich
est medals nro always to be found
fnrthest back from the firing line.' "
By Keeping Your Complexion Young
With Cutlcura. Trial Free.
Tho Soap to cleanse and purify, tho
Ointment to sootho nnd heal. Theso
supor-creamy emollients do much to
keop tho skin clear, fresh and youthful.
as woll as to keop tho hair in nsllvo,
healthy condition and tho hands soft
and whito.
Freo samplo each by mail with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dcpt L,
Boston. Sold ovorywhore. Adv.
Attar of Roses.
While Bulgarians nrc lighting so
hard It Is Interesting for women to
remember thnt In tjint country nro
'raised 20,000 acres of roses from which
iho celebrated attar of roses Is dis
tilled. Only half as much wns distilled
this year as last, on account of tho
war, which means of course, that the
precious stuff will bo much moro ex
pensive. Germany mnkes an attar out
of coal tar.
Studying Patience.
Tho rjch old uncle from whom much
was hoped was visiting his niece, who
had been telling him how dearly his
little great-nephew nnd namcpnko
loved his school and how well bo was
getting on with his sthudles.
"Well, Teddy," said the uncle, Jovial
ly, upon the return of the little boy,
"what do you do In school all day?"
Teddy pondered. "Well," he said
gravely, "mostly I wait until It's time
to go home."
An easy-going man Is sometimes dif
ficult to get rid of..
(By N. D. COOK, M. D.)
The machinery of tho body needs to vcgetnhlo pellets In vlala for 25c. Ask
bo oiled, kept In good condition, just as for Dr. Plerce'a Pleasant Pellets,
the automobllo or bicycle. Why should " backache, sea ding urlno or frc- ,
the human neglect his own machinery qucnt urination b other or i lliraHJini,
mnrn limn flint nf Ills horse or his on- or " ur,c acId ,n tho b,00(1 1,aS cflUScd
SnXYDtm rheumatism, gout or sciatica, if you
gino? Yet most peoplo do ncg ect tuun t, t , kd or hJ d.
so ves. Their tongue has a dark brown dcr t ,,, wrlto Dr vlQ nt ,.
color, skin sallow, breath bad, yet they valds, IIote,( numil0f N, Y send a
fall to see that their machinery needs finn)plo ot rIne( nmi descrlbo Hymn
nttentlon. Everybody should tnke a tonis A physician and chemist wilder
mild laxative at least onco a week. A nmno lt without chnrgo and you will
pleasant way to clear tho tonguo and ,)0 umlcr no obllgntlon whatever. Dr.
the highly colored water noticed In tho porco.g Anurlc tablets cannot fall to
morning Is to take a laxatlvo which ,,0,p yoU( uecnU80 their action flushes
will euro tho inactlvo liver and bilious- tho k,meys of Impurities and puts
ness. ' strength Into them.
A plensant vegetablo pill Is made up Obtain a 50-ccnt box of Anurlc tab
of May-apple, leaves of aloe, and Jalap, lots today from your druggist here Id
made Into a tiny pellet and coated with town. From personal observation in
sugar. First put up by Dr. Pfcrce near- large hospltol practice, theso tablets
ly 60 years ago. Druggists sell these will give you speedy relief. Adv.
nnd endurance and entirely get rid of
nil symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and
other troubles In from ten to fourteen
days' time simply by taking Iron In tho
proper form, and this after they had
In some cases been doctoring for
mouths without obtaining any benefit
Hut don't take the old forms of reduced
Iron, Iron acetate or tincture of Iron
simply to save a few cents. You must
take Iron In a form that enn be easily
absorbed and assiallatd like nttxnted
Iron If you want It to do you any good,
otherwise It may prove worse than use
less. Many an athlete or prize-lighter
has won the day simply because ho
knew the secret of great strength and
endurance and tilled his blood with Iron
before he went Into the affray, whllo
many another hns gone down to Inglorl
ous defeat Mmply for the lack of Iron.
NOTR NuxntPtl Tron, rreommcniloil
nliovo ly Or. Bauer, Ih not n. imtetit tricdl
duo nor M'crot remeily, but one which
Is well known to ilruRKlnin nn! wlinso Iron
coiiHtltuonts uru widely proscribed by erl
iipnt pliynlclnim ovrrywbcro. Unllko tlio
older InorKiinlc Iron products, It In easily
nsMmllntcd, iloeii not Injure tho teeth,
mnUo thoia black, nor upict tho stomach;
nn tho contrnry It Ib a most nntont rem
edy In nearly all tortns of IndlRi'itlon, as
woll us for norvoun, run-down conditions.
Tho Manufacturers liavo mich con
flilcncn In Nuxatcd tron that thoy otTnr to
forfeit $100.00 to any charltablo Insitltti
tloa tf they cannot tako any man or wom
an undor nlxty who lacks Iron and In
crcaco their ntronKth 100 per oont or over
In four weeks' tlnto, provided they havo
no KPrlotm omanlc trouhlo. They aluo of
fer to refund your money If It Iopb not
nt IcaRt doublo your BtronRth and endur
ance In ten dayn' time. It Ir dlRponsed
by most druBplsts. If your drutrtfRt or
Kcneral store In without a supply, sale
thorn to Rot it for you. Adv.
Cause for Preference.
"Why, this portrait Is not a .speak
ing likeness of your wife."
"I'd rather have It that way."
When marriage Is a failure woman
gets the worst of It When It Is u suc
cess he gels the best of It
Many peoplo In tho larger cities buy
a new automobllo every year. This
placet us In a position to save you
many dollars on the purchase of a high
cradc car in perfect running condition,
but with the paint slightly weathered.
Food Product They Overlooked.
This year the South Is producing the
largest .rice crop In Its history, and al
though nil other chief food products
now enjoy much higher range of values
than normal, rlcu Is thu exception, It
selling this season, due to large crop
and limited demand, only about on n
level with the average of the past ten
years. Vlcksburg Herald.
Important to Mothers
Examlno carefully every bottle of
CASTOKIA, that famous old remedy
fur Infants nnd children, und see thnt it
rtnara IflA
Signature ot CLM&J&i.
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Canton
"Mamma, I wish I had n crutch,"
complained Johnnie.
"What In tho world docs a boy with
two good straight legs want with a
"Well, mamma, It's n good thing to
practice on In enso you get hurt nnd
have to ttse It Dome time."
Safety First.
At the first sign
of a cold take
The old family rcmedy-ln tablet
form safe, sure, easy to take. No
opiates no unpleasant after effects.
Cures colds in 21 hours-Grip in 3
days. Money back if it falls. Get
the genuine box with Red Ton and
Mr. HUTs picture on it-25 cents. '
At Any Drug Store
Crescent Gty Calif. Walton Docks Now! Wij7
riant your (teed dollars bern. Watch 'em growl
Gorulnu tiler I'acIHa Coast Cltyl Mid-war between
1'urtlaud and Krttco on the Coast. Harbor reeentli
approTPd by Unlu-d Utatna (lor't Knitlnocra. MUl.OU
now. I'lan totaling 1U)J0 Only outlet tor terri
tory F1VU Umrs the tlie tit Mauaebutetts. Hnor
niout copper uilnen, Gold, Coal nnd Iron. Kew Hotel,
New Mills. New Mines, Mew Itallrnad, New For
tunes. Cream of choice bailneu and Industrial
lota In n city wbleb Is inor! table now going at MM
each. Terms It dedred. Ono or two o( tbMio lots
bouuht NOW sboald make ono financially Indopend
pntVor Information. O. It. Swccteer, 1ocul Agent.
206 Kenton, Hide 1'ortland, Oregon. W1UTU NOWl
.-y i.,f i't'W
mw nnnummttmiimMm!timini''1'
tat' !.fWNKM